HOW TO BUILD A TRUSSED ROOF-FRAME FOR IV2-STORY HOUSESo r 9/12 SLOPE, 2' ON CENTER, 22 -8'' TO 28 -8'' SPANS 2" x 6" GUSSET RIDGE CUT 2" x 4" DIAGONAL SLOW-SPEED DRILL COLLAR BEAM RAFTER 2 " x 6 " RAFTER Drill one end of two diagonals¥1 for 2 Complete one subassembly by inserting rings and bolt­ Brace here split rings. ing diagonals to joist. when necessary (See No. 17 ) CUTTING BARS CENTER LINE SPLIT RING HOLE OPEN END OF BUILDING Three plates necessary only NOTCH RING GROOVE where 2 " x 10" joist is used DOUBLE PLATE V ERT ICA L- i/2 OUT-TO-OUT SPAN D IAGO NAL Jig for truss may be laid out on floor as shown. In erecting walls, leave one end of building open From Table in No. 17 , locate proper slope, member sizes. Drill for split-ring connectors. and brace. As each truss is assembled, remove OUTRIGGER 1 Cut two 2" x 6" rafters as shown. from jig and stack outside of open end. OUT-TO-OUT SPAN V2 OUT-TO-OUT SPAN V2 OUT-TO-OUT SPAN STUD LENGTH STUD LENGTH 10'-0"* ---- SECOND-FLOOR CEILING SECTION WITH 2" x 8" JOIST SECTION WITH 2" x 10" JOIST WALL LINES PLATE LINE * Check this dimension for your combina­ BLOCK BLOCK tion of wall, floor and ceiling finishes. FIRST-FLOOR CEILING TRUSSED ROOF-FRAME IN PLACE ON WALLS OF l ’/j-STORY HOUSE Begin jig by laying out three parallel lines on floor as shown, Lay out center line of jig. Lay out parallel lines at 6'-0" and at one-half out-to-out span on either From upper inside corner of blocks, lay out lines at proper slope for the span. Check out-to-out dimension of 4 side of center line. Place 2" x 4" blocks as shown. blocks against span. WALL LINES — , " x 6" GUSSET TACK TACK 5-1 Od NAILS TO EACH RAFTER SECOND-FLOOR CEILING 2" x 4" COLLAR BEAM 2 " x 6 " RAFTER 2" x 4" BLOCK SPLIT RING CENTER LINE OF TRUSS AND JOIST TACK TACK FIRST-FLOOR CEILING TACK TACK 6-1 Od NAILS Increase to 8-1 Od nails at each end for stair-well truss and trusses supporting Lay rafters against chalk lines and fit notches snugly against blocks. Place collar beam so that its bottomPlace joist subassembly against first-floor ceiling line centeras shown joist on and center line of truss.Swing Place verticals on wall lines as shown. Tack verticals to rafters and joist; mark cut on verticals. Place 2" x 6 plumbing. Do not place water heaters or other excessive loads on trusses. edge is on second-floor ceiling line as shown. Tack collar beam to rafters. Note: Tack off-center so joint maydiagonals up until they clear Va".jig Tackblock diagonals by to rafters off-center so joint may be drilled later. gusset and mark necessary length. Be sure there is sufficient nailing area for 5 nails at each side of joint. 7 be drilled later. CENTER LINE ONE 2 Vj " SPLIT RING 2 " x 6 " RAFTER CENTER LINE INTERSECTION 2 " x 6 " RAFTER MARK MARK PLUMB MARK CLEARANCE 2" x 4" DIAGONAL CENTER LINE OF TRUSS AN D JOIST 2 " x 6 " RAFTER 6-1 Od NAILS RST-FLOOR CEILING LINE 2" x 4" COLLAR BEAM 2 " x 4” BLOCK CENTER LINE INTERSECTION HORIZONTAL MARK 3-1 Od NAILS 2-1 Od NAILS 3-1 Od NAILS, OUTRIGGER TO JOIST ONE 2 V2 " SPLIT RING Rafters should be in tight bearing at ridge, snug against blocks at notches; all members should chalk lines. Room formed by members must be in square. Mark intersection of center lines of collar beam and Mark intersection of diagonal and rafter center lines. Mark a horizonal cut on rafters at first-floorrafters. Drill 9/16" hole at intersection to mark rafters. ASSEMBLY DETAILS — TRUSSES 2 -0'' ON CENTER Drill 9/16" hole to mark point on Checkrafters. constantly that drill is vertical. ceiling line. Mark a plumb cut on rafters asCheck constantly that drill is vertical.Mark side of mem­ Place as many blocks as are necessary for quick assembly of trusses to be made from pattern. Remove and Connections shown are for all spans, 22'- 8" through 28'- 8" out-to-out. 10 Mark side of members that receive ring. Mark cut on diagonal. shown. bers that receive ring. Mark cut on collar beam. disassemble truss; use members as patterns. c= DIAGO NAL RAFTER CRITICAL ROOF LOADING DESIGN MOMENTS AND STRESSES c = Snow load one side Moments and stresses (with exception of mo — 20 p.s.f. ment in floor joists) have been reduced to 87% 2 RAFTERS (left and right) REQUIRED CLEARANCES Spacetrusses 2'-0" o.c. so that rafter notch Snow load duration — 2 months FOR ROTATING TRUSS DOUBLE PLATE bears over stud. Fasten to plates with one COLLAR BEAM metal framing anchor (left or right) at each I— DIAGO N AL CROW N (up) plate. c = 2 VERTICALS METAL FRAMING ANCHOR ro ~ OPEN END OF BUILDING STUD fo ~ 2 DIAGO NALS (left and right) NOTE: Long point of diagonal toward crown. C = OUTRIGGER I— 2 OUTRIGGERS JOIST-DIAGONAL SUBASSEMBLY After all trusses are erected, run string line TRUSSES AND STUDS 2 '-0 " O.C. NAILER FOR for fascia. Place one outrigger to clear bolt nr SH E A T H IN G - at joist assembly, and mark as pattern. Pre- cut all outriggers and erect to string line as SHEATHING shown. Outriggersstructural are members □ GUSSET JOIST and must be placed before truss is subjected to load. 24'-8" OUT-TO-OUT SPAN — TRUSSES 2-0" O.C. Pre-cut and drill members for each truss. Caution: Rafters and diagonals should be cut and drilledUse 4-manin crew to erect truss. Carry truss as shown. Place truss upside down on wall plates, using entire 13 pairs (left and right). Assemble trusses in same sequence as pattern. Joist-diagonal subassembly is shown.crew. Men on plates can rotate truss to vertical position as men on ground bring next truss. Stresses are in pounds; moments (circled) are in pound-feet. -DIAGONAL BRACING JOIST -VERTICAL r-D IA G O N A L v-OUTRIGGER r-RAFTER SLOPES A ND MEMBER SIZES (Use 1100 p.s.i. Stress Grade t) DESIGN LOADS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SMALL HOMES COUNCIL URBANA, ILLINOIS \ \ • Start at closed end of building. Erect trusses with verticals andSPAN LIVE LOAD / y diagonals facingclosed enduntil stair well is reached. SLOPE RAFTER f t COLLAR BEAM VERTICAL DIAGONAL OUTRIGGER JOIST* OUT-TO-OUT 20 p.s.f. horizontal projection CN Snow Load s y S • Substitute rafter assembly for next truss (center of stair well). TRUSSED ROOF-FRAME FOR l ’/z-STORY HOUSES ^ RAFTER ASSEMBLY N \ Floor Load Cut, assemble and erect as a truss. ^ s N . * Erect remaining trusses with diagonals and verticalsopen facing CH ^s> endof building. (Trusses are reversed from those on other side DEAD LOAD 8 or 9/12 Slope, 2' on Center, 22'-8" to 28 -8 " Spans of stair well.) Place outriggers on all trusses. Plate joists on stair-well trusses with continuous members as deep as joists. Spike Ceiling Load .... 3 p.s.f. Willard J. Worth James T. Lendrum, A.I.A Sydney B. Berry CS together throughout length. The data and plans included hereon were developed as a result of research and studies performed by the Small Homes Council, Install headers of joist depth at head of stairs. Place doubled 2" x 4"’s at opposite end. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, under contract with the Office of the Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Government. They are dedicated to the public for its use. Place doubled outriggers at rafter assembly and brace diagonally with 2"x4"’s in the plane of outriggers. Nail at Floor Load IN each intersection with 3-10d nails. Endorsement by the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SMALL HOMES COUNCIL of any manufactured product shall not be claimed on the basis of these plans or related information thereon. Responsibility for trusses built from these plans shall rest with the user of the t Grading provisions to be applied to entire length of piece. Knots or other strength defects should not occur at sections that are notched or drilled for rings. 2.5 p .S.f. horizontal projection plans and in nowise on the University of Illinois. When variations from the original plans are incorporated by the user, the truss The 4' o.c. spacing of stair-well trusses assumes the use of modularLesser sheet spacing materials. may be used. Truss Load so built shall not be represented as having been built from a design developed at the University of Illinois. Blocking outriggers at two places in a 36' building length will enable ceiling board to be placed withft All minimum gussets — 2" x 6". * 2" x 8" if 1450 p.s.i. grade; 2" x 10" if 1100 p.s.i. grade. Use 2" x 10" for plastered construction horizontal projection Price: 25 cents CENTER LINE OF PLATES CENTER LINE OF PLATES waste. 16 STAIR-WELL FRAMING PLAN * Brace laterally at center with 1" board or solid 2" blocking between members. 10M— 4-20— 53.
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