1962 I All Forms 0 Of Dollar' Insurance Has not aHectJd o ~ .. ttt:T Pontiac "The Acadian" THE DAILYNE Water St. NOVA MOTORS (1962l LTD. Elizabeth Av • HER • ,d 50's oroccans elze erlan u.. S. Fires Dissident Algeria n Forces Mightiest Take Over City Of Oran STREET CP from AP·Reuters ALGIERS-The Algerian nationalist government, reeling under in­ ternal revolt and administrative chao!., announced Friday Royal Mor· ocean troops and dissident elemen t!'i of the Algerian National libera­ Bomb Blast tion Army have occupied strategic areas in Algeria. litoI , The Algerian government news agency reported Moroccan troops lay marshed into the western Sahara Thursday and occupied a military Packs Wallijlp Equal I outpost about 20 miles inside the bord-er. Morocco has long claimed ECK- large areas of Aigeria's western desert. :N 1:-'; "THE ----------,- I From Rabat. Morocco, came 1 .\ "ARONE!' ' · ,an announcemcnt o( a '5ceond i Tindouf, a lead mmmg cen- To 10,000 Tons troop move. Dissident Algerian I tre and Colomb Bechar, an 1m· sel'cn months ~ Prlncess " officers' said their supportcrs portant French militaryuase, ltion in Greec. had taken over the administra- have long been claimed b)' ~II), writer, ' tion of the western port city of rocco from the French. hut the finally Of n. ne ets Oran, scene of bitter European- Moroccans did not press thpir TNT I '~ • . Moslem street battles, The olfi· claims in the final stages of the ~I'!acular A G "The Guns ! CAiVIP MERCURY. Nev. (AP)-An H-bomb: ecrs said lO,OOO Algerian sol- Algerian war, d h diers stationed in Morocco were SETS SEAL ON MOVE lC Hguns' sup. : type device, in the mightiest blast yet fire in te, W moving, to the Oran arca to join In Rabat King Hassan was 'slroycd by an GOVERNMENT·IN·EXILE ARRIVES IN ALGERIA arm : United States. sent a shower of rocks and sand soar· ! other forccs there in a hid to reported to' have set his seal do learn headed ALGIERS-Premier-in-exile Ben Youssef Ben Khedda (L), smiles and 'k and including I ing spectacularly thousands of feet over the Nevada' take control o( the whole coun- on the Moroccan occupation of Anthony Quinn as he leaves plane upon' his arrival here July 3rd. The Nationalist · try, the area by receiving leaders 'Pl'nmen -m"eXlle retumed to Alger ia July 3rd, six hours after French : desert Friday. ecep Ion A spokesman for the officers or local tribes who swore alleg- ars Stanley Ba, i Fired in a cham bel' 650 feet under Yucca Flat, R t said Col. Houri Boumedienne. iance to the ~loroccan crown. quayle, Irene Charles De Gaulle declared the country independent. The arrival 'it awed veteran watchers of Nevada atomic fire- former chief of staff of the lib- ala and James exiled government marked the end of 132 years of French colonial , y h f'· I t Tindouf and Colomh Bechar IIlllorrow at the works by emitting a flash brilliantly visible 55 miles LA CHAPELLE - sun,ou· eratlOnbarmp IV,O wBas I~~a aSf lie in the (ormel' French Sahara (UPI Radiotelephoto) i41 I . DON Francc lReutcrsJ- Prin· week y remlCr en 1 ouss~ 'C, in Cinema, away at 10 a.m. cess' Anne, ll.vear.old daughtcr Ben Khedda, was conducting departments whiCh were admin- I man Color. But o( Britain's JQueen Elizabeth, Ih e opera t'lon. istered separately whilc Algeria I hang out of Then, under a wnllop equal to was given a warm reception BACK BE N BELl ' A was a French territory, but be· ght button him· 100,000 tons of TNT, ~art I1 encrg", The idea was to create Friday bv the 500 inhabitants Th e 0 ff 'Icers an d thel' r sup . came part of A I g e ria under J • 110 soared upward in the shape o( a cI'ater th,at would show scien- of this little Loire VaJley vii- por t ers hac k• V'IC· e Prem'ler j . the independence agreements S(lvaronc," 35 · at signed at Evian, France, last r a giant cone. II rose to perhaps lists how they may some day lage. hammc d Ben Be II a, wh 0 15 lIlarch 19. istair ~lacLeall'l uthor William Faulkner 7,000 feet, looking 10 observcrs use nuclear force for such proj· The princcss. who is visiting odds with Ben Khedda. 'e! and as dc· like a giant chrysanthemum ects as hal'bol's and canals. at the 16th-century White-stone The land: grabbing move by Algeria's second lar!:cst d!y. nell' Columbia bloom, From the middle of the FIRST II·TEST IIERE Chaleau de la Lorie as the guest ~Iorroco·~. King Hassan. II ca,ln!! lOran, was still gripped by fear c, the greatest bloom S~lOt a towering plume It was the first announced usc o( the :Vlarquis de Saint-Genys, In t.he midst of mou,ntIng dtflt- after Thursday's four _ hour e\'cr filmed, are of smoke that rose quickly to of a hydrogen·bomb type ex· walked from lhe chateau to the clIltles that heset Ihls new na·! street battle between Moslems • in a caVe on At Oxford, Miss. 30.000 feet, plosi\'e here, The previous shots village square, where Iimost tion. h d b d d and European settlers in which "land cliff; they The Atomic Energy Commis- in test series between 1951 and the entire population gathered ~loro~co a een re~ar e 96 persons were officially limd roycd by plane ~liss, (AP) -, ried when onl)' a few Missis.lp. Hshed In 1931, He admitted hc sion said radin acti\'ity wO'lld 1958, and in the latest series, of to meet her. ins. a fmlld and ally In the long as killed and 163 wounded_ cy prCl'ent the Faulknel·. a pians knew his name-was at had deli[}cl'alely written it with falI harmlessly on unpopulated 41 underground shots startlllr, She was wearing a simple struggle for ,mdependence from 0111 using a i story teller '.vhose his side when he died. tho aim of making moncy-ua areas, last Septembcl',' have been prc- while cotton dress with red France. achieved three days Moslem and Frcnch :r?~DS rait. A COrnnHIn. and short stories won the Funeral services are planned cheap idea." On the desert floor was a Slimed to involve conventional polka dots brown sandals and ago, Thc Moroccan flag was pab'oUed Oran streets Friday and Pulitzer prizes, died fOl' today. cn the 6a~lotage The author was born William ernler. expected 10 be one-third alomic explosives, while sock~. ~ro~inently displayed by :hc while panicky Europeans Hned at fi4, He returned here, some we~ks Falkner in New Albany. :'li5s,­ of a mile wide and 300 feet de(p The difference is that so- Mme. Victorinc Gigran, an ~ubllant crowds thaI cel~h!'n;ed up for space on sh~ps and death of the shy. rctiru:g ago from the University of Vir- a small town' 35 milc5 frllm when measured, called at 0 m i c bombs ha\e 86-year·old (ormcr servant al Independcnce [or days In he i planes out of the countr~. ')' isn'l claimed. came from a heart at- glnia in Charlotisville, where he Oxford-on Sept. 25, 1097. The The test was the sccond in uranium as the basic ingredient the chateau. said: "How charm. st:~:ls of AlgIers, , I I1gh for a down in his hometown of Oxford, had been a lecturer in American fumily movcd to Oxford when the AEC's Plowshare series to and cxplode in a process known iug the little princess is." . ',ou m~y not see ,~he~d \\3'· : 1 house. After President Kennedy - in Literature in recent years. he was a small boy. lest penceful uses Qf 1tomic as nuclear fission, H - :lOmb She visited the l'iIlage l1Rll In:! !t agam SO ,soon, ,salone we won't be to Faulkner-said is "in HONORED IN 1950 Itypes use heavy hydl'ogen as where her "G-year·old host, the emlllttered Algenan ?fflclal:, of the setting for thot He got the Nobel award \11 :1)' longer. You the basic ingredient. and em· Imarquis presides as mayor of Tl~e ,.~IOI oec~n ~n~anh) men Bid Fails :.eat the bookies world of light and 1950 a year late because the ploy a process known as fusion, the Village, !1l0' cd mto SCI e~al e.ert pO,sts which 11'8$ the towering Nobel Foundation jury dead· I SYDNEY (CP)-LarI'Y Hamp­ II chance!" E·n d They require an A·bomb t~'pe III the area of Tlnd?uf and. ~ 01· son's bid for a world record for of hi~ mind and art." locked in 1949 and made no Seaway ,Wo·rkers t '" h' I TOKYO(AP)-National police omb Bechar, Algenan offiCials you're ringer. o\\cvcr., 'd continuous organ playing ended made the mythical presentation that ycar. His Put­ Forcc 01 Friday's shot was said Thursday 26 persons died sal . county IV i t h 'the itzer' prize came in 1955 101' A in city hospital Friday. 1",n 'Y. I merely eq\131 to, 100 kilotons, or 100,000 and six others are missing in a There apparenlly were no AI. and Its ~'able, a religious a II ego r y st.'" tons of TNT, This compares downpour which has I ash e d gerian troops in the area and The 25-ycar - old Hamillon.
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