The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ?:;tT..'Ka«^«;-«c<tfji.v^, THE NOTRE DAME I i ALUMNUS ^^^e haol **rt^ rli-ih ^p^ x;-^ 'v^^Mt:, ^^^ U. N. D. Night April 19 BROWNSON HALL April. 1937 No. 7 Pronounced Alma-naris SUPERCARBONATED CUaXoA. Notre Dame Alumni enjoy good living. In their own homes, se­ cluded from the roar and rush of business or profession, they appreciate the delights of fine food and true refreshment. Almanaris Supercarbonated Water adds an extra sparkle to an evening at home, as it does to the conviviality of the club or the gayety of the smart crowds in America's leading hotels. Have you tried it? When in South Bend, get togeth­ er with your memories (and Ahncmaris) at the Hoifmann Hotel. THE HOFFMANN HOTEL JACOB HOFFMANN. PRESIDENT The magazine is published from October to June inclusive by the Alumni Association of the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. The subscription price is 32.00 a yeai : the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUMNUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1. 1923, at the post oflice at Notre Dame. Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ^K. m /f£ WAS RUSM/NG TO HER,„W//£lif FA^G/ "m ...A sioW'Ourf REX BEACH well-known author Read REX BEACH'S thrilling True Story of the man who is living on ''Borrowed Time'' bigger and BIGGER H^Stillin g leaped into his car—'20 and the worst part —25—30—35—40'readthespeedometer. is that you don't It was nine-thirty at night. There was no know it's there until time to spare. 'Faster! Faster!" And then BANG! And then it —without warning—BANG! A blow-out! may be too late. *' The ear leaped out of control like a trildeal—juat mieeed a telephone pole. The car leaped out of control like a wild­ It's a fact that engineers are doing every­ of safe drivers who feel that tires which cat—swerved to the left—just missed thing in their power to make driving protect people from the dangers of high crashing headlong into a telephone pole! safe. But it seems to me that as far as tires speed blow-outs are a vital form of life Escaped By Inches are concerned, the greatest single con­ insurance. Remember, you can buy these tribution has been from Goodrich en­ life-saving Silvertowns at Goodrich Sil­ Yes, Constable Stilling, of Philadelphia, gineers. They have developed a real blow­ vertown Stores and Goodrich dealers came within an inch of never reaching out protection called the Golden Ply, everywhere. his home. But Lady Luck smiled that found only in Goodrich Silvertown Tires. night—and the extent of his injury was It is a layer of special rubber and full- £A^ d-iC^ a wrenched shoulder. Some miracle had saved him. As he, himself, says: "I feel floating cords, scientifically treated to now that I am living on 'borrowed time.' resist internal tire heat. You can easily see what this means. Blisters don't get a Altogether too often, screaming bead chance to form between the rubber and lines carry tales of disaster wrought by fabric inside your tires and that means blow-outs. From reliable sources I have blow-outs due to this heat don't get been told that thousands are killed or staned. injured when blow-outs throw cars out Thai's certainly one protection every­ of control. And small wonder. one should invest in—especially when Just stop to consider what happens to Silvertowns, I am told, are priced lower your tires when you're skimming over the than many other super-quality tires. pavements at SO, 60 miles an hour. Don't YOU Take Chances Naturally the heat generated is terrific, and you're totally unaware of it because You can be sure that Constable Stilling the trouble begins inside the tire. A tiny doesn't take any chances with his tires invisible blister may form between the these days. He's ready for any emergency rubber and the fabric. Just a little thing and so are his Goodrich Silvertown Tires. to begin with, this blister keeps getting Here is another enrollment in the ranks Goodrich Silvertown (Mease favar aur advertisers when checkini caupon facing Page VII, of Rear Advartisinf Saclian. Tlwwfc yay ^ TW EjWar.) IV. POST-GRADUATE QUIZ Score one point for every correct answer. A graduate ten years out of collese should set ten answers right. Answers appear on Page VII. of rear advertising section. Write in your score on coupon facing Page VII. QUESTIONS . Where do immigrants first land on arriving in New York Harbor? . What governor of what state attained national prominence as the result of a police strike in the state capital? Conditioning— What style of writing did the early Babylonians use? What is coral? In America, what corresponds to the "hire-purchase" system of England? What is the name of the drops which oculists use to enlarge the pupil of the eye? For what popular saying is Dr. Emil Coue responsible? The Modern Miracle that affects Who is referred to by the expression the health, the happiness, and "Tommy Atkins"? In what state is each of the following: the pocketbooks of us all (a) Amherst College, (b) Dartmouth Col­ lege, (c) Drake University, (d) Island HE orderly revolution which the Stanford, Jr. University, (e) Centre College? Tworld knows as air conditioning is What is a paynim? your affair. It is destined to affect your Who is responsible for the phrase: daily life, j'our health and—whether you "Open covenants openly arrived at"? What British essayist and novelist was will or not—your pocketbook. famous for his many paradoxes? Air Conditioning, as General Motors What is the purpose of a Binet-Simon test? sees it, is a year 'round matter. In the A ride on what winged steed is reputed winter it is founded on automatic heating to give inspiration to poets? ... in the summer on automatic cooling. What product is advertised by the slogan: "Chases dirt"? And throughout the year it includes the What Chicago lawyer was counsel for control of moismre, freshness and clean­ John Thomas Scopes in the Tennessee liness in even" bit of air you breathe. evolution case at Dayton? For what words do the initials "e.g." Overnight it is changing buying habits stand? —rental figures—propertj' values. CORONA What is the Latin derivation of the word You owe it to j'ourself as a respon­ Fascism? What is meant by "The Old Lady of sible business man to investigate the THE FIRST PORTABLE! Threadneedle Street"? entire subject. What is a bittern? Clear, concise Corona typing leads From what is linen made? See your local Delco-Frigidaire dealer or youngsters to cle;ir, concise tliinkiii-r. What slang name was given to cattle write to Delco-Frigidaire Conditioning Divi­ thieves in the early days of the American sion, General Motors Sales Corp., Dayton, O, It crejites liabits ofne.-it writing and neat west? tliinking wliicli carry through in alter What was Woodrow Wilson's vocation life. Helps in getting, holding and im- before he became Governor of New j)roving jobs. Jersey? DELCO-FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Heating, Cooling and Condi­ Think of a Corona as an investaient What is a "common carrier"? What product is advertised by the slogan: tioning Equipment for every purpose in a lifetime of good-habit building. An "It floats"? easy investment too — DELCO OIL BURNER. Equipped with As low as $1.00 a week Thin-Mix Fuel Control. DELCO AUTOMATIC FURNACE (oil or Nearly 2 million sold. And the new Answers to this Quiz are on gas).Forsteani,hotwaterorvaporsystems. speed" models are the best yet. Write DELCO CONDiriONAIR (oil Or gas). For for free booklet or ask j'our dealer. Page VII. of Rear Advertisins forced warm air systems. It air conditions as it heats. Section. Please write your FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC ROOM COOL­ score on coupon facing Page ERS. Low in cost, high in efficiency. Can be used to cool a single room or a VII. and mail today. group of rooms. FRIGIDAIRE CONTROLLED-COST AIR CONDITIONING. For businesses and household installations. NATIONAL ADVERTISING NcAOquARniis DELCO WATER HEATER (oil or gas) ... FOR THIS MAGAZINE pracdcal, economic, automatic THE ONLY PORTABLE WITH THE FLOATING SHIFT L C SMITH & CORONA TTPEVnHTERS INX IT PAYS TO TALK TO Desk i, 163 Almond St., SSTacuse, N. Y. TfiEGRADIMTEGRIiV I'd like the free folder about your different Corori:t 30 ROCKEFELLER PIAIA-NEW YORK- models and their prices. DELCO-FRIGIDAIRE iVuiiK! ; 250.000 GRADUMES OF 55 LEADING COUEEES The Air Conditioniiig Division of General Motors REACHED HfITH0NEAI)VBiTISINSrUIE«l500AM6E AUTOMATIC HEATING, COOLING AND CONDITIONING OF AIR (Please favor our advertisers when checking coupon facing Rase VII. of Rear Advertising Section. Thank you — The Editor.) Of course, I own a Cord, and naturally it's Super-Charged. As someone said; a man counts his years only when ;' he has notliing else to count. I like to go places and do things. My daughter says she likes to dance with me at the night clubs. There is a thrill to the feel of a good gun on a frosty morning, and I can still take a fence behind the hounds. T like to navigate my own boat! When traveling, give me the airlines every time. So you see it is not years but viewpohit that's important.
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