DOCUMENT RESUME ED 226 227 CE 035 156 tITLE Apprentice Still Photographer Specialist, 14-2. Military Curriculum Materials for Vocational and Technical Education. INSTITUTION Air Force School of Applied Aerospace Sciences, Lowry AFB, CO.; Ohio State Uniy., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Educatiofl. SPONS AGENCY Office of gducation (DHEW), Wathington, D.C. PUB DATE 78 NOTE 453p. - PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC19 Plps Postage. DESCRIPTORS Coldr; Criterion Referenced Tests; *Equipment Utilization; Laboratory Equipment; Light; Military Personnel; Military Training; Optics; Photochemical Reactions; *Photographic Equipment; *Photography; Postsecondary Education; Quality Control; Safety; Secondary Education; *Technical Education IDENTIFIERS *Color Photography; Environmental Protection; Militaty Curriculum Project; *Still Photography ABSTRACT This military-dpveloped text contains four volumes of materials for use in training apprentice still photography specialists. Covered in the individual volumes are the following topics: general subjects (safety and environmental protection); still photographic funaamentals (sensitized black and white film materials, . photographic exposure, still motion picture cameras, photographic optics, available and supplemental light, and photographic filters); processing and printing black and white materials (conventional chemistry for black and white photographs; black a'nd white film processing; film finishing, black and white sensitized print material, emulsion printing, and print material processing; and print finishing techniques); and photographic application (principles-of photographic composition, reproductiontphotography, photographic assignments, operating photographic laboratory equipment, color photography, and photographic quality control). Each chapter contains objectives, readings, and criterion test items. Although the volume review exercises have no answers, the questions in them are keyed to the objective numbers for student self-study and review. (MN) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL 'INSTITUTE OF EDvC,ATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS RES../vRUS rNFJRFAA'.," MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED Si' CENTER IERIC1 s I Tr* ciocwnent P.as been reoro6.oced hcer. The p.m."C. ocginkram. oncr41.0,9 N.Aanoes Faye bee- tc enc.,we .eVoduc bon ovaserv FN....no, OM, JfArK+1,1 SWIM 41.th,3 &Ca. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ,ele534.11 epresern IJi INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC). pOlrbooorpohcv MITA& CURRICULUM YATERIALS materialc in this course Tlie military-developed curriculum for Research in package were selectedby the National Center Vocational Education MilitaryCurriculum Project for dissent- Centers and ination to the sixre4idna1 Curriculum Coordination The purpose of other instructionalmaterials agencies. disseminating these courses was tomake curriculummaterials developed by the military moreaccessible to vocational educators in the civiliansetting. The course materialswere acquired, evaluated by project for staff and practitionersin the field, and prepared the nilitary dissemination. Materials which were specific to either cmitted or appro- were deleted,copyrighted materials were oantain val for their use wasobtained. These course packages curriculum resource materialswhich can oe adapted to support vocational instruction andcurriculum development. 4 Military Curriculum Materials for Vocational and The National Center.. Mission Staternent Technical Education ""."'"1 r71". rrrr: . Ort lnformntion mid field The National Center for Research in Vocational Education's mission is to increase Sci vices Divir,ion the kility of diverse agencies, institutions, and organizations to solve educational prob., lents relating to individual career planning, The Pationfil Cpnler for Ilese.,arch, preparation, and progression. The National in Voc-,tional Education .Center fulfills its mission by: Generating knowledge through research Developing educational programs and products Evaluating individual program needs and outcomes 41. Installing educational programs and products Operating information systems and services Conducting leadership development and training programs FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT Military CtIrriculum Materials WRITE OR CALL ' Prourans Information Office The National Center tor Research in Vocational Education The Ohio State University 1960 Kenny !load, Columbus, Ohio 43210 _ Telephone: 6A1486-3655-or Toll- Free 800/ _ _ ., 848.4845 within the continental U.S. (except Ohio) Military Curriculum Materials What Materials Flow Can These Dissemination Is... Are Available? . Materials Be Obtained? , J .11:12j *1....,asJ an activity to increase the accessibility of One hundred twenty courses on microfiche Contact the Curriculum Coordination Center military developed curriculum materials to (thirteen in paper form) and descriptions of in your region for information on obtaining materials (e.g., availability and cost). They vocational and technical educators. each have been provided to the vocational Curriculum Coordination Centers and other will respond to your request directly or refer This project, funded by the U.S. Office of instructional materials agencies for dissemi- yOu to an instructional materials agency Education, includes the identification and nation. closer to you. acquisition of curriculum materials in print form from the Coast Guard, Air Force, Coursematerialsinclude programmed CUHfllCULUl. COUBLMJA lOrl cLhi I E11S Army, Marine Cows and Navy. instruction, curriculum outlines, instructor guides, student workbooks apd technicai Access to military curriculum materials is manuals. EAST CENTRAL NORTHWEST William Daniels provided through a "Joint Memorandum of Rebecca S. Douglass Dilector Understanding" between the U.S. Of fice of The 120 courses represent the following Director Building 17 Education and the Department,of Defense. sixteen vocational subject areas: 100 North First Street Springfield, II. 62777 Airdustrial Park Olympia. WA 98504. The atquired materials are reviewed by staf f Agriculture Food Service 217/782-0759 206/753.0879 and subject matter specialists, and courses AViation Health Building & Heating & Air deemed applicable to vocational and tech- SOUTHEAST Construction Conditioning MIDWEST nical education are*selected for dissemination. James F. Shill, Ph.D. Trades Machine Shop Robert Patton Director Clerical Management & Director The National' tenter forResearch in Mississippi State University VocatiOnal Education is the U.S. Office of Occupations Supervision 1.515 West Sixth Ave. Stillwate'r, OK 74704 Drawer DX*. Ethicanon's designaied representativeto Communications Meteorology & lii alting Navigation 405/377 2000 Mississippi State, MS 39762 acquire the materials and conduct the project 601/325-2510 activities. Electronics Pho tography Engine Mdchanics Public Service NORTHEAST WESTERN Projedt Staff: Lawrence F. H. Zane, Ph.D. The number of courses and the subject areas Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D. Wesley E. Budke, Ph.D., Director represented will expand as additioical mate- Director Director National Center Clearinghouse rials with application to vocational and 225West State Sheet 1776 University Ave. T renton, NJ 08625 Honolulu, III 96822 Shirley A. Chase, Ph.D. technical education are identified and.selected 609/292-6562 808/948-7834 Ptoject Director for dissemination. Correspondence Course,16-2 APPRENTICE 'STILL PHOTOGRAPHER SPECIALIST Table of Contents Course Description Page 1 Volume 1 General Subjects - Text Material page 3 Volume Review Exercise Page 21" Volune 2 Still Photographic Fundamentals - TextMaterial Page 28, Volume Review Exercise Page 158 Volume 3 Processing and Printing of Black-and-White Page 169 Materials -,Text Material Volume Review Exercise / Page 262 Volume 4 Photographic Application - Text Material Page 271 Volume Review Exercise Page 436 e- APPENT10E STILL PHOTOGRAPHERSPECIALIST, --,Correspondence Course 16-2 / Occupational Area: Developed by. Photography United States Air Force' Cost: Print Pages Development and Review Davos 44z) May, 1975 Availability: Military Curriculum 14oject, The Center for Vocational Educati n, 1960 Kenny Rd., Columbus, OH 432 Suggested Background; None , Target Audiences. Grades 10-edult ( a, Organization of Materials. and answers; volume reviewexaminations Text materials with criterionobjectives, readings, criterion test items Type of Instructidn. ( Individualized, self-paced a . fgo. of Pages: Average Type of Materials: Completion Time: -. Flexible a Volume 1 General Subjects Flexible Volume 2 Still Photographic Fundamentals Flexible Materials r Volume 3 Processing end Printing of Black-and-Whits Flexible Volume 4 Photographic Application if -Supplementary Materials Required: 1 None Expires July 1, 1978, TNI..fMIR ,...r.., KA 1,V901COAL mu ..x.5 MOON rAl . 9 Course Oescription This course was designed to provide the fundamentals of photography for apprentice {semi-skilled) still photographers. A list of duties performed by apprentice photographers follows: Preparetfor still photographic assignments Accomplishes still photography Operates still photographic cameras and laboratory equipment Processes film Accomplishes photographic reproduction Mixes and controls chemistry Produces prints This course consists of four volumes
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