Herron: closing in and peeling 2 SAGAMORE d,l97d. L E C C irB Nothin’ at all? p.m. each evening. University offices Dear Sagamore, APO to the defense dose at thta time and our books have I am aa intelligent person who is to be locked up at this time as well. To the Editor, greatly concerned with current However, do not blame the naive r- In rcapoue to tbe September 3 events and I was wondering if there ■ty! We found them most coopera­ letter from Piui D. RuiuD to tbe were any current events that I should tive in providing a place in the Hide- Sagamore, I'm writing thia letter of be concerned with. You see, I'm a-way and aiding us in any way pos­ a u g h t up on all other events and to reply to reassure everyone of the In- sible! Rest assured that we have not be quite frank, I'm rather bored with tefrity of the SAGAMORE and to joined forces in plotting a sinister them. Isn't there anything else hap­ acquaint you with A.P.O. hoax against evening students. We pening around here? If there is, just A P O u a national wnrice fra­ will, as always, try to be of service to let me know and I will concern ternity open to both men and as many students aa possible, and if myself with them. women on the IUPUI carapui. Our this means staying open later hours One other thing, if anyone is i main purpoK ii to be of icnricc on a we will surely try to^Jo so. Interested in bsck-issue current volunteer baaia. The A.P.O. book In conclusion, I would just like events, my mind is a stockpile of exchange is one of many non-profit to say that A.P.O. remains to be one facta For example: Watergate, aenpees we provide and thoae who GAME ROOM POOL TABLES of the few organizations which does Soyez, energy crisis, Civil War, wore, often all day, do ao between not expect to be rewarded for its ser­ Caeser's assassination, you name it their own work and d a a commit­ vice projects. Maybe you would be and 111 come up with something. PIN BALL MACHINES ment!. Currently, interested in A.P.O. yourself. Our Mr. Ruaaell stated that he had Rabbi Noae-ltall had past experiences with the A.P.O. rush party is Friday, September 10 51 JUKE BOX at 7 p.m. in the 38th St. Campus book exchange. Therefore, you mutt Auditorium. Why not check us out? realize that A.P.O. is trying its very Sincerely, Tho Sagamore welcomes (attar* Pizza - Sandwiches - Indy 800 beat and a certainly in no way daari- Susan Softener to tha aditor. All lattan should tying night students aa "second- A.P.O. Book Exchange Chairman ba short and to tha point. All SPECIAL BEER PRICES class" citizens. lattan should ba signed and in­ In defense of the notorious and dude tha phone number of tha 5380 N. COLLEGE reliable Sagamore, I must say that Dear S.S., writer. Only tha name will ba they did not misprint our article. The Yeah, we know you guys m t published with tha latter. Tha INDPLS.. INDIANA A.P.O. book exchange had originally editors reserve tha right to adit planned to be open from 10-6 Mon­ cool bat Battery Is ■ cheap way of ail tetters wtd to refect thoaa day through Friday, but due to cir­ getting an ad is this paper. Thanks lattan they feel are obfection- cumstances beyond our control, we also for Integrating oar integrity. d>to. All letten to tha aditor found it necessary to dismiss at S Ed should ba typed. 4 a.m. THAT WINNING SMILE... Not Cultural Calendar check-off: Savings You a n save money thst anyone ssked, but Ssn Francisco The IU theater production of “Pic­ on photo copies at IUPUI if you Chronicle columnist Herb Csen has nic" will open Friday, Sept. 10, not shop around a little. Copies are revealed that Democratic presidential Thursday, September 9, u it has only Sc it the Medical Science nominee Jimmy Carter uses Crest. been previously announced til over Bldg Library, but to the best of Earth News the world, except in the Sag. The our penny-pinching knowledge, the ■how will aho be presented on Sat., rest of the coin-operated copy the 11th and Monday to Saturday, machines on campus will run you September 13 to 18. 10 a n ts a shot. For lsrge numbers of copies, check out the Law There will be a presentation by School's Dupliating Center in Rm. Dr. Peter Sehhnger, Director of Over­ M 2, phone 264-4036. seas Studies, Indiana University, on the subject of Overseas Study Oppor­ A little bird told us about an tunities. This presentation will be In inconvenience In the Sdence-Tech Cavanaugh Hall, Room 131, on Sep­ Bldg It seems thst the building has tember 14, at 3:30. AU interested piper towel dlspenaers in all of the faculty and students are invited to restrooms but no paper towels have attend. ever been ordered for the place. But when we checked it out, we did find paper towels in the mens' For yoor info: The IUPUI Per­ room across from the Dean’s office. sona] Counseling Center in the From what we have heard, be buys CONTENTS Blake St. Library baaement Is now his own paper towels for the room open in the eveninp. The new which be uses most. Everyone else BiBboard..................................... Page 3 hours are from 9:00 am until 8:00 is ju st-o u t of luck. E n tertekuaenf......................Page 10 pm Monday through Friday. Call Did you notice: Two new signs L e tte n ........................................ Page 2 264-2348 to set jip an appoint­ have been erected on Michigan St. ment. Cover S to ry ........................ Page 8A9 d coigns ting Cavanaugh Hall and the C w aafk d s........................ Page SAM Note! To win “Name that lot" con Admisrions Office. Now if you ere Zodiacal Z ia g e n ........................Page 7 driving on the west bound street lest grab ■ pakteg lot i .up-aoJabh OO-EE-POO-EE News..........P*r 5 you will know where you ire but if from Student Activities Officer.. C om ics........................................Page 7 you are beading into town, you can red icuit it for you noofckrr stay tost forever-theie i n no rigns for east-bound motorists SAGAMORE 3 CAMPUS JOBS PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE, AND SEARCH ARE AVAILABLE GOES ON TO PROVIDE MORE AND MORE A weekly bet of jobs available to Plastic Surgery Meeting, 7:30 am, Union itudenti, spouses, and of coune to Renal Division Meeting, II 30 am. Union it may come as a surprise to The Campus Police said that anyone who qualifies, if made a- Fortune Fry Research Labs Meeting, Noon, Union many students that there are parking there always is a certain amount of vailabie by the IUPUI Personnel Pulmonary Medicine Journal Club Meeting, 12:15 pm Union space* available on our campuses hunting for new spaces by students Office. Botzuma TA Group, 5 pm, Union which go unused at even the most as the school year begins, and this The university is an equal op­ critical times creates both driving and ps king pro­ portunity employer and all pcraons According to Col. Spurgeon blems. As students and faculty are screened, reviewed, assigned, Davenport and Mai John GUbcrt, become accustomed to their own transferred, promoted and upgraded spaces remain empty at most hour* systems, there should be fewer pro­ Radiologic Technology Programs Meeting, 11 3 0 am, Union without regard to race, color, reli­ of the day in lots north of the Law blems in weeks to come. Mental Health A n ., Class of 77 Meeting. Noon, Union gion, sex or national origin. School, in the 10th Street lot, in The currently available spaces Endocrinology Meeting, Noon. Union Last week, there were 21 part- the gravel lot north of Michigan and should prove no more distant to New Life Temple Meeting, 7:30 pm. Union time jobs listed, including physical Cavanaugh Hall, and new parking is most campus buildings than in some therapist and respiratory therapy being prepared at Blake and New space* in the vast lot bounded by , technician, secretaries at Education York Streets, south of New York Vermont-Agnes-Bcauty and New and the Medical Center, clerks at Street n ev the tennii courts, and York Streets. Maj. Gilbert pointed 38th Street and the Medical Center. Dentistry Teaching Conference, 9 am, Brown County north of Michigan opposite the out that the Law School lots are | Weekend jobs as an admitting desk, Infectious Disease Group Meeting, Noon, Union Engineering and Technology Build­ probably closer to the E-T Building an information clerk and desk clerk SchooLof Business Meeting. Noon. Union ing. and Cavanaugh Hall than some other ' also were offered. Inner-city International Y men's Club Meeting, Noon, Union Maj. Gilbert says that if even much sought-after lots. Most postion openings are for Bookstore Special Meeting, 2 pm. Union 100 can can be accommodated in There still will be .parking full-time persons, however. There lots away from the central undergra­ crunches north of Michigan St. on were six and a half pages of these duate area, there will be tome relief. the Medical Center lots Students Us tings, ranging from secretarial (24 But he says that about 300 new stu­ should avoid these tress for parking.
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