The Voice of the Saints January 1989 I Simran Cuts the Simran PHOTOCREDITS Front cover, pp. 17, 25, Jonas Gerard; p. 2, back cover, Charlie Boynton. The quote on the back cover is from Sant Ji's question and answer session which begins on page 26. SANTBANI volume thirteen number seven The Voice of the Saints January 1989 FROM THE MASTERS The Pain of Separation 3 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji January 11, 1987 Sant Ji's Message for Christmas 16 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji and the New Year How to Develop the Attributes 18 Sant Kirpal Singh Ji of the Master from Morning Talks Simran Cuts the Simran 26 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji April 3, 198.5 OTHER FEATURES We Are Immensely Lucky Souls 12 Silvia Gelbard a personal experience SANT BANIIThe Voice of the Saints is published periodically by Sant Bani Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A., for the purpose of disseminating the teachings of the living Master, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor: Richard Shannon, with kind assistance from: Edythe Grant, Rita Fahrkopf, and Susan Shannon. Annual subscription rate in U.S. $24.00 Individual issues $2.50. Back issues $2.50. Foreign and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be on an International Money Order or a check drawn on a New York bank (with a micro-encoded number). All correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N.H. 03235, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal. The Pain of Separation Sant Ajaib Singh Ji N THE LAST TWO SATSANGSI have said ize God from anywhere outside, He is Ithat all this garden is being looked af- within us; He is hungry for our love. ter by Supreme Father, Baba Sawan Also He lovingly explained to them that Singh Ji Maharaj. He was born in a time God Almighty is for all, He is not the when people had given up the Path of personal property of any one religion or Naam. They had forgotten the teach- community. He is one for all and every- ings, the writings, the banis of the great one has equal right to meet Him. God Saints and Mahatmas. They had forgot- Almighty does not belong only to Amer- ten Him so much so that they started ica and not to India. It is not that God is searching for that conscious being Al- only for the Americans and not for the mighty Lord in stones, idols and water. Indians. No, He is for everyone. He is They forgot where God is and how we for all those who remember Him and do can meet Him. Sawan came into this His devotion. world like the rain comes in the month of Master Kirpal Singh Ji used to say that Sawan. Sawan is the month of the Indian it is the law of nature that there is food calendar which is near June and July. So for the hungry and water for the thirsty. He came in the month of Sawan which is And nature always provides us with the very important to the people who live in things we need. So, for those souls who areas where there is little rain, and also had the yearning and the pain of separa- where there are no good means of irriga- tion from Him, God Almighty assumed tion. Rain is their only source of water. the form of Baba Sawan Singh and came Similarly, for those souls who were into this world. He loved them and He yearning for God Almighty, those who showed them the Real Path. were thirsty for Him, Sawan came just as In those days there were many people, that rain comes in the month of Sawan many hot-tempered people, who used to to quench the thirst of the earth. God go to Baba Sawan Singh and talk about Almighty assumed the body of Baba their own rites and rituals. They would Sawan Singh for those thirsty souls who always debate with Him, and they al- were yearning to meet Him. After com- ways tried to prove that their rites and ing into this world, Baba Sawan Singh rituals were the best and were the only showed the Real Path to those who had successful practices. Baba Sawan Singh forgotten the path of devotion. He em- Ji would say, "Yes, I agree, what you say braced those who, after worshipping the is correct, what you say is true. But I stones and idols, had become like stone, would advise you to go within and see and He showed them the Real Path. He the Reality with your own eyes." When told them the truth that we cannot real- people would play musical instruments to do the devotion and say, "This is the This Satsang was given January 11, only way of doing the devotion of the 1987, in Bombay, and translated later. It Lord - " Baba Sawan Singh Ji would say, is the third part of a series. "Yes, now you have come to awaken God January 1989 3 Almighty." Master Sawan Singh Ji used of doing the devotion of the Lord. If by to say, "Guru Arjan Dev compiled the coloring our clothes or by adopting any Guru Granth Sahib and in that He also particular kind of dress one could realize included the bani of Kabir which says, '0 God then that would be the cheapest Mullah, why do you climb the minaret bargain. It doesn't take much to color of the mosque and shout so loud, the our clothes or to adopt any outer appear- Lord is not deaf.' Why are you shouting ances. But He cannot be pleased with so loud to call Him. He is not deaf. He is any outer appearances or by coloring our aware of your thoughts even before you clothes. All those things only attract the think them." people of the world. We cannot please You know that when we are going to God Almighty by changing our clothes do any good deed, give a donation, etc., or disguising ourselves in a different we do it in the place where there are form. If we could realize God just by many other people, so that they may see disguising ourselves in some other form, that we are doing a good deed. We even then those actors who always go on go to the pundits and astrologers to find changing their forms would have real- out which day is auspicious for doing ized Him easily. But those people are still that good deed. But when doing the bad in this world working hard for their live- deeds or sins, we do not even consult our lihood. parents. The husband does not consult Usually we people have the belief that the wife nor vice versa; whoever gets the if we go on a pilgrimage and bathe in opportunity, and whenever he wants to, certain places we will get liberation and he does that sin without letting anyone realize God. But Kabir Sahib says, "If know that he is committing a sin. Now just by bathing in the holy waters one you see that even though we sit inside could realize God, then the frogs, fishes and hide it from the other people when and other creatures in the water would we do the bad deeds, still the conse- have realized God Almighty long ago; quences of those bad deeds are mani- they would have been liberated from fested outside-and we are paying for those suffering bodies." But that is not those bad deeds now. How are we paying true; they are still there and they are for those bad deeds? You know that all suffering in those bodies. the worldly difficulties we have, the If God could be realized only by giv- problems of unemployment, difficulties ing away donations then only the rich at home, and other difficulties, they are people would have realized Him. If God all like the punishment for our past bad Almighty could be realized only by do- deeds. Whatever little bit of good deeds ing the reading and writing, then those we have done, we are getting rewards dear ones who go on reading and writing also for that. What are the rewards? The day and night would have realized Him. rewards are that we have good health, we Only the clever ones would have realized have good intellect, our children obey us, Him; the innocent or uneducated people we have a comfortable means of earning would never have gotten the opportunity a livelihood. to realize Him. So Mahatmas lovingly explain to us That is why Mahatmas lovingly ex- that God Almighty sitting within us sees plain to us that the Path by which we can every action of ours. People have left no meet Him, the practices which we can do stone unturned in searching for God. to realize Him, are created by God Him- They have tried so many different ways self. He has done it according to His own 4 SANT BANI wishes and He Himself has put it within Just as there is fire in the stone, oil in all of us. No one can increase that Path, the seeds, fragrance in the flowers, color no one can decrease that Path.
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