MI LTON "992 A great watchmaking ach ievement that brings- utomatic Safety Control tc a ail road Timepieces! , The great new Hamilton "992" To the railroad man-who must have accurate Elinvar has arrived, offering to time under widely varying conditions-the the railroad man outstanding Hamilton "992 " Elinvar offers three clean-cut improvements never before ob- advantages : I tainable. Just as automatic -The "992" Elinvar is practically unaffected by , train control is bringing in- temperature changes. creased safety to railroad oper- -Moisture will not produce rust spots on the ation, so the new Elinvar watch hairspring. gives the railroad man stronger -The effect of magnetism is tremendously assurance of accurate time reduced. ' under the most trying conditions. It places in your Think what this means to you! You can depcnd hands a new factor of safety in guiding the traffic on your "992" Elinvar for accurate time regard- , of the nation. less of temperature changes. Your watch repair Railroad watcheshavealwaysbeensubject tothree bills will be greatly reduced because of the great enemies of watch accuracy. These enemies elimination of rust on the hairspring. You can are: temperature change, rust and magnetism. carry your watch close to electrical equipment Hamilton has worked for more than five years to without fear of damage from magnetism. perfect a railroad watch that would give reliable Thenew Hamilton "992"Elinvar will becomeeven time service in spite of these hazards. more famous than its celebrated forerunner, the , By the use of a remarkable discovery of science, "992." We urge you to see it as soon as possible. the Hamilton "992" Elinvar has been perfected. Let us send you our illustrated booklet "Elinvar This watch has a new, rustless alloy steel- In Your Watch", telling the stirring story behind "E1invar"-in the hairspring and a new, rustless, this new timepiece. Simply address Hamilton mono-metallic balance wheel. Watch Company, Dept. R., Lancaster, Pa, t HAMILTON WATCH TheRailroad Tinekeeper of America MERRITT- CHAPMAN & WILLIAMS CORPORATION ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHES Fifth Floor Southern Building Pensacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala Houston, Ten 833 Howard Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA. Repreaentatlves in Prlnclpal Cities 01 a11 Southern Statea FRlSCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE and Other Important Works for Frbco Lmes BIJ11.T BY THIS COMPAST Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO Page 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Assoclole Editor C. E. STAPLES. Special Repre~cnlolioe WM. McMILLAN. Adoerlislng Manager Vol. VlII SEPTEMBER. 193 1 No. 12 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Homely Biddy Gives Ozark Romance ............... ..........................................................................4-5 A Career of Ring and Railroads ............................................................................................................6-8 Largest Tripoli Plant at Seneca, Mo......................................................................................................... 9 Prepare for Fall Business Increase ................................................................................................... 10 H. W. Hudgen Retires August 1............................................................................................................ 11 News of the Frisco Clubs ....................................................................................................................12-15 Rebuild Engine 1061 at Kansas City Shops............... ....... ............................................................16 Carriers Earn Only 2.15 Per Cent First Six Months.......................................................................... 21 Employe John Tillery Carries on Despite Illness ..................................................................................22 Meritorious Service .................................................................................................................................. 2.3 Agency Changes ..........................................................................................................................................24 Page of Praise From Frisco Friends..................................................................................................... 25 Locomotivc Fuel Performance Records ........................... .. ..........................................................26-27 The Pension Roll and In Memoriam ................................................................................................28-29 Hornemakcrs' Page ......................................................................................................................................30 Flashes of Merriment ....................................................................................................................................31 The Twilight- Hour ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Frisco Children ..............................................................................................................................................3.3 Frisco Mechanic ........................... ............. ..............................................................................................34-40 Frisco Family News ................................................................................................................................ 40-64 MEMBER THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE I The Frisco Employes' Jlagazlne is a monthly publlcatlon devoted prilnarily to the interests of the actloe and retlred employes oP the Frisco Lines. It contalns storles. item. of cur- rent news, personal notes about employes and their Pnrnilles, articles deallng with varlouq phases of railroad work. poems, cartoons and notlces regarding the servlce. Good clear photographs suitable for reproductlon are especially desired, nnd wlll be returned only when requested. A11 cartoons and drawlnm rnust be in black lndia Ink. Employes are lnvlted to wrlte srtlcles for the mapazlne. Contrlbutions should be type- written, on ono side of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Edltor, l'rlsco Bullding. St. Louls, xo. Distributed free among E'riuco Ernployes. To others, prlre 15 cents a co~y;subscrlptlon rate, $150 a year. Ad~ertlsingrate wlll be made known upon applieatlon. %KELLOGG GROUP -.. Pngc 4 HOMELY BIDDY GIVES OZARK ROMANCE Wise were sortie of the ?not of old Springfield,Mo., Forwards E. "Chart" Laue and othersthen With s~emitrglack of int~nt,they set about to sell stock in driblets Started arrd jitrished plans untold 1,553 Carloads Poultry to farmers in about 20 countie! To such as worrld say, "Nay". of south Missouri. When the: Products in 1930 had sold stock to the amount of $54,000.00, they were forcet ND wise were the men of the without milk sounded like hokum to to abandon their campaign to be Frisco, too, in promoting horti- many, but when true facts in the gin operation of the small plan! culture, dairying and poultry drouth area revealed themselves it they had purchased on Yain street growing in the Southwest Empire. became a pitiful chant of want and just north of the Frisco depot in As an adventurous experin~entit was suffering; On thousands of small Springfield, because the volume of looked upon with dismay and mis- farms the dairy cows vanished to business they began to do at once giving when its agents sallied forth market or death through lack of for- took all of their time. They new at flrst to preach a newer and better age. But, the hen stayed on and have had time since to sell the rest agriculture. The results of its far- somehow she survived the axe and of the stock. Forty-six thousand dol- sighted policy are a signal tribute to n~ultiplied. lars of their capital stock is still the Frisco's experiment. Any com- Corn and wheat and cotton may unissued. In all probability they pilation of carloadings or shipping be Kings in their own rights in some never will sell any more, since they figures proves beyond the peradven- places, but in the Ozarks the farmers have financial reserves now far in ture of a doubt the Frisco System worship at the Shrine of a Queen and excess of anticipated needs. Their hauls primary agricultural tonnage that queen is the hen. Yes, indeed. plant requires the use of $186,000.00 far beyond the total credited to any the history of the hen of the Ozarks worth of real estate, all of which is other road with equal area and simi- is full of romance. She used to paid for, with no outstanding obli- lar conditions. roost in trees. Now, mind you, she gations or mortgages. The directors But figures alone are not sufficient, lives in a house-a chicken house of pay 8 per cent annually on the $54,- for they show none of the romance course-but in lots of instances a 000.00 of capital stock issued and all that has distinguished the Frisco better
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