802 TRORPE SATCHVILLE. LEICESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'S Leadbeater esq.with the payment of £2 yearly, to be given to is 1,306 acres; rateable value, £2,50 3; the population jn the poor of Twyford and 'l'horpe Satchville in bread: Thorpe 1881 was 169. Trussel's charity of 18 acres of common land for the benefit Letters through Melton Mowbray arrive at 8.30 a.m, of the poor, is now applied towards the support of the charity Melton Mowbray is the nearest money order & John school. Thorpe Satchville Hall is the seat of Edmund 0' Gannt station the telegraph office. WALL LETTER Box Arthur Pagd esq. J.P. George Henry Finch esq. J.P., 'M.P. cleared at 5.5 p.m . of Burley-on-Hill, l{utland, is lord of the manor. The prin­ cipallandowners are Edmund Arthur Paget esq. J.P. of The Endowed School, built in 1856, for 26 children; average attendance, 18; Miss Helen Whitehouse, mistress Hall, H. H. Parry esq. T. S. Leadbeater esq. and J. B. Lead­ beater esq. The soil is heavy; subsoil, partly gravel. The CARRIERs.-Baker & Topps, pass through to Melton Mow­ chief crops are wheat and grass. The area of the township bray, tues Greene Mrs. Sarsfield, Thorpe Satch- Beadle John, grazier Littlewood Charles, blacksmith ville house Everitt William, carpenter Pugh Simon, fishmonger Paget Edmund Arthur J.P. Thorpe Frisby Charles, grazier Richardson George, The Fox P.R Satchville hall Gilson Arthur Adderley,farmer&grazier Topley Thomas, jun. farmer & graziel" Paget John Otho, The Cottage Harby Job, grazier Topley Thomas, ISen. farmer & grazier J ulian Thomas, tailor Underwood William, grazier COMMERCIAL. Leadbeater John Beeston, farmer, Walker Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Barker John, saddler grazier & landowner Whitehouse Arthur G. grazier THRIN GSTONE is one of the three townships of the WilIiam Beaumont bart. is the chief landowner,and there are original parish of Whitwick, 5 miles east-by-north from several smaller proprietors. The number of acres is about Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch, in the Mid division of the county, hun- 800; rateable value, £2,898; the population of the township dred of West Goscote, petty sessional division, union and in 1881 was 1,238, and of St. Andrew's ecclesiastical parish, county court district of Ashby-de-Ia·Zoueh, rural deanery of 1,422. In 1885 a detached portion of this township was West Akeley, archdeaconryof Leicester and diocese of Peter- amalgamated with Coleorton. borough. St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 29 Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Gee. Qet. 1875, ouL of Whitwick, Thringstone and Swannington. POST OFFICE.-James Peters. receiver. Letters arrive from St. Andrew's church, locally in Thringstone, and erected in Leicester at 8.10 a.m.; dispatched at 5.40 p.m. on week 1862 by the Rev. F. Merewethcr, is a building uf stone in the days; on sunday arrive 8.10 a.m. & dispatched 12.25 p.m. Early English style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at WhitWlCk transepts, south porch, vestry and a belfry containing one SCHOOLS:- small bell: in 1882 the chancel was decorated and an organ National, Thringstone (mixed), erected for 130 children; added: there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the average attendance, 72 ; Miss Annie E. S. Lee, mistress year 1862. The living is a vicarage•. in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; gross yearly value 'Wesleyan (mixed), Peggs Green, for 108 children & 40 £170, with 2 acres of glebe and residence built in 1879, infants; average attendance, 96 children & 29 infants; and held since 1876 by the Rev. Edwin Samuel Crane M.A. William Ball, master of Jesus College, Cambridge. There are also Wesle~'an and CARRIER TO LOUGHBOROUGH.-George Bandcroft, mon. Primitive lVIethodist chapels. Capt. Sir George Howland thurs. & sat Crane Rev. Edwin Samuel M.A. The Hallam Samuel Wm. Queen's Head P.H Reeves Sarah (Mrs.), Red Lion P.ll. VICarage Hallam WilIiam, shoe maker Peggs green Hurst Mrs Henson Jabez, jun. blacksmith Richards James, shopkeeper & farmer, Merriman Mrs Holland Robert, bail' dresser Peggs green Pearson Rev. Fredc. Thorpe M.A. [vicar Hollingsworth Hannah Maria, Rose & Sketchley David, butcher & farmer, of Swannington], St. George's hill Crown P.H Peggs green Tugby lVII's Holt J osiah, bricklayer & grazier Sketchley J esse, farmer ,Froggatt's lane COMMERCIAL, Jackson Henry, New inn, Peggs green Towle Joseph (exors. of), grocers Bancroft George, carrier & farmer .Taquies Sarah (Mrs.), cowkeefler Upton James, grocer Bancroft James, grazier Kidger Price,butcher&frmr.Peggs farm Waldram William, shoe maker Bradley Jas. Anchor P.R. Peggs green Kirby John, grocer & baker Ward Job, The Star P.H Burton James, butcher, Peggs green Knight In. Wm. farmer, Storden grange Watts Thomas, hair dresser Chester Joseph Charles, miller Knight Robert, cowkeeper, Peggs green Watts William, grocer Emerson John, Fox inn Leeson Wm.New Engine P.R. Peggs g-rn Wayte Mary Alice (XIrs.), grocer &c Gostelow Thomas, butcher & grazier, Mann Charles, wheelwright Wabb Daniel, colliery cLerk & assistant Peggs green Mee J sph. blacksmith, St. George's hill overseer Gough Charles, Bull's Head P.R Moore Thomas, beer retailer White JeasoIl Herriott Reeves, farmer Gough Edward (exors. of), butchers Nichols James, market gardener Wilson James, George & Dragonp.H Gough George, farmer, Talbot farm Peters James, spar ornament manu- Wilsoll Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Gregory Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper faaturer, Post office THRUSSINGTON is a village and parish, near the Rev. William Henry Marriott lII.A. of Lincoln College, Fossway, half a mile north from Rearsby station on the Oxford, There are Baptist and Wesleyan and Primitire Syston and Peterborough branch of the Midland railway, Methodist chapels. By the will of Thomas Haynes £6 yearly I I I miles from London, 9 north-east from Leicester and 7~ was left to tbe schoolmaster for teaching poor children, but south-west from Melton Mowbray, in the Eastern division of these funds have been in abeyance for several years. He also the county, East. Goscote hundred, Melton Mowbray petty in 1628 gave £2 yearly on land at Hose, half for schooling sessional division, Barrow-on-Soar union, Leicester county poor children and half for five poor families. The poor's court district, rural deanery of Goscote second portion, money, value £59 2S. 9d. left by the Rev. William Webster, archdeaconry of Leicester and diocese of Peterborough: this a former vicar, in 1673, is invested in £2£ per Cent.Consols, place is on the navigable river Wreake, over which there is producing £1 12S.4d. yearly, 13s. 4d. of which is for the a bridge of two arches, connecting it with Rearsby. The education of poor children, the rest to the poor of the parish. church of the Holy Trinity is a building of stone in the The church land, situate in this and Ratcliffe parishes, is of Transitional style from Early English to Decorated, some about £9 yearly value and is fur defraying church expenses. portions being of rather later date; it consists of chancel, The trustees of Welles Charlton esq. Thomas Henton Simpkin nave, aisles and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, esq. of Hoby, and the Heycock family, who are lords of the containing 5 bells: a two-light window, priest's door and manor, and Henry Cleever Woodcock esq. J.P. of Rearsby Jeper window in the ch:mcel which were formerly built up House, are the principal landowners. Th~ soil is mostly have been re-opened and restored: the west window in the clay and gravel; at the foot of the W olds it is stiff clay. The tower is partially filled with coloured glass, given by the chief crops are wheat and roots. The area is 1,957 acres; Rev. John Harwood Hill RA. late rector of Cranoe: the rateable value, £3,527; the population m 1881 was 604. church was repaired and repewed in 1836 by the trustees of Sexton, Richard Andrews. the Rev. Charles Birch Woolley, rector from 1829, and in POST OFFICE.-Edgar Potter, receiver. Letters arrive 1877 the north aisle was rebuilt and the rest of the fabric from Leicester at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 7 IQ p.m. week restored at a cost of £1,800, under tbe superintendence of days only. The nearest money order & telegraph office is Messrs. Goddard and Paget, architects, Leicester: there are at Rearsby. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1660, and is Free School (mixed), enlarged in 1870, for 113 children; of parchment and in good condition; the earlier registers average attendance, 90, & is endowed with £13 yearly, have been lost. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly valne but the amount available is only £ I 13S. 4d.; Philip Hardy, £180, with residence and 155 acres of glebe, 25 of which are master in Wymondham, in the gift of and held since 1867 by the CARRIER.-William Lee, to Leicester~ wed. & sat .
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