T— School of Business and Civic Administration—City College of New York VQC XXVH—No. 12 TUESDAY/OeCEMSER 4. 195! _ - ----- • • - . By Subscription-Only TV Screen Stur Selected Do^lltOwn ROTC Unit Joan Zalinsky By Gerry Reiee ^Jacqueline Susann, talented Hollywood, Broadway and -President Harry N. Wright, acting upon the recommendations of Dean Thomas L." television actress and authoress, will be crowned "Queen.of Norton and Colonel Malcolm W. Karntnererv ROTC Corps Commander, will request the the TB Carnival" Thursday at 1. The carnival will run for establishment of a ^Quartermaster R0TC"irnff at the 23 Street Center. two daysT^Hiursday and Friday, from 10-4 in Lounge C. A formar application wift be dispatched from the president's office to the Adjutant With $&0 set as the goal of the annual affair, the Cteneral Jn Washington, tPO as soon as a proper compilation of all data pertinent to the money;will taJoonated ta^hei Tu- .; .' ',.-,» v . " :., ' establishment of a new unit has made. Drop 1 hree Varstty Hoopstefs •*£ --4 Included in the . request will be a statement of the drill and er Finding Records? Altered recitation facilities available for By Steve Sdb*tt Quartermaster students. The crushing blow to the remnants of a once mighty Recitation classes will-be held team was dealt Friday ^afternoon when it was disclosed by in the Business Center. As prop­ President Harry N. Wright and a; er drill facilities cannot be ac­ special committee of the Board of quired presently at the two ar­ Higher Education-that the ad­ Grads mories nearest to the College, mission records of three members drill sessions will take place at this year's City College basket­ the Uptown Center. Drill pro­ ball squad, in addition to those of Official Florist cedure is similar in 411 army one former Lavender hoop star, The senior class has engaged ROTC units. the Shamrock florist as their of­ had been altered to permit the Dean Norton, long a proponent players to enter the Day Session ficial supplier of corsages. Dis­ counts and free delivery service of an ROTC unit here, contacted the College as fully matricu­ President 'Wright, focussing at­ lated students. are being offered to students with class cards in a wide selec­ tention to the matter. "I am The three undergraduates in- tion of orchids, gardenias, roses convinced that the College could "voIvedT are': Arnie Smith, 6-1 and other flowers. make a further contribution to senior and captain of the varsity; A deposit of one dollar win be our national welfare by _ Chapter to "help make this Ed ^foenetz, 6-5 starting center, accepted in 804 Thursday, from application for a Quartermaster Christmas a happier one for those Ducats Ready also a senior; and Mae Rragin. 12-4. Anyone who is unable to unit here," he wrote hr^a letter to the School head*" suffer lug from TB." 6-1 junior at the. School of Busi­ place an order Thursday should Attraction ness. see Jerry Kaufman as soon as Colonel K^rnmerer, who has al­ For jr. Prom possible in the TICKER office. ways advocated a Downtown Miss Susann, the- feature All'students who hold pledges Pending completion of the in­ "Queen," may be known by many vestigation, these players will be Seniors interested in renting ROTC unit, voiced further ap­ for the Junior Prom should pick tuxedos at a discount should see proval of the president's decision. students as one of the regular up their tickets Thursday, from permitted to continue attending members of Hal Tunis' TV show, classes, but have .been barred Nat Ritzer or Morty Heit at the "But we always ran into stumbl­ 12-3. at the ninth floor booth. senior prom booth on the ninth ing blocks," he stated. 'The big "Ring the BelL" She has recent­ The booth will be open until from participating in intercol­ ly written a play, "Cock of the floor. - All tuxedos, ordered one was the shifting of personnel Thursday to, receive the $9 bal­ legiate athletics. and trainingaids Downtown. With Walk," in which she will co-star Upon being notified of their through the School-will be deliv­ ances which are due from pledge ered to the Central Treasurer's, a new unit, additional training on Broadway with Jimmy Dunn holders. banishment, all three denied hav- - next season. office, Friday, at 1. TAey must aids could be obtained and special­ ; When the pledge holder, picks ing any knowledge that their ist instructors would be stationed records bad beeir tampered with. be returned to the same.office Among the different organiza­ 4ip-his tickets, a list should be no later than December 10. at the Downtown School." tions which are sponsoring' handed-tn of the people he would - All believed they had entered the booths are the Classes of '55 and like to sit with. There are.five College legitimately and ex­ *52, the. Statistics Association. couples to a table. Inquiries may pressed bewilderment jatfthe dis­ and Theatron, A faculty-student be made at the same time for closures. ^ Three Hundred Pint Goal Set '*bluX thlwing" contest will be further informatiort on corsages. The committee also found al­ held. Students and teachers will "We would like to__haye/."afjrthe terations^ in the administration By SC Blood Bank Committee be able. to„.match their wits ~ balances that are due paid records of Irwin Dambrot, the A Red Cross BloodmobileNunit will be in Lounges A against each other with the "best promptly/' said Andy Gwrdaxuv graduated co-captain of the cham­ roan" as winner. president of the class. pionship team of 1949-50. and B from 10-4, Friday, December 14. Registration slips and parent release slips, for students under 21, may be v obtained at the ninth floor booth. —m — -; ~- ~ —-— This year's goal is 300 pints, g^ •^v%/, 1%/f^m **. * Winter Spares Club Programs Frolic; ^but Roz -Berkowlts and—Abe l^UujT lrMft>&4£Zltt€ ^Rosenberg, Co-chairmen of the _ _ _ . Blood Bank committee have an­ Soon On Sale IceShating, SkHng, Major Attraetiqns nounced that-4he two -hundred '"Mercury, the City College" Deposits of $10 for the Winter that wpl be. enjoyed by all who The club has also seen to it humor magazine, will go on sale Sports Club's five day weekend participate," announced Abe that there will be entertainment -pledges rieededrto reach this goal before the Bloodmobile arrives, Thursday at the ninth floor booth. outing to Vermont, December 28 Rosenberg, president of the club. in the evening. It has arranged The price is 25c per copy/ through January 1, _must be Steals will consist of a "skier's for hay-sleigh riding, .movies in are slow in coming. They urge The magazine Ahis term__is- placedT1tiri3ox 921 before "Decem­ breakfast," -lunch on the slopes, townx -dancing "and fireside fun— the students to remember that ber 19. if desired, and supper at the-For New Year!s Eve there wiH- dedicated to Hollywood's -por­ hajf of the blood collected, goes trayal of the old fashioned cow­ Cost of-the trip is $61.1>0, which hotel. The vacation will be cli­ be dancing JUr a name band, en­ maxed with a steak banquet and tertainment, contests with prizes to oiuf fighting men, while the boy and will feature a story en­ is due by December 25. The de-~ titled, "The Hollywood Cowboyr" ~posit can either be .given to Bill a New Year's Eve party. and refreshroents^- other" half remains in a reserve Schachter, secretary "of the chiton Students not-interested-in ski- Bill ' Schachter was very, en­ which CCNY students and faculty Another Mercury feature, in --• or mailed to Box 921, CCNY, 17 Tng can bowl, play ping pong or thusiastic about the trip. He ad­ members may draw upon with­ an attempt to uphold their liter-." ary style, will be a satire on sev­ Lexington Avenue. Through a participate in any other of"*the vised L.one and all. .-"to come and out payment. * invite their friends to a vacation eral contemporary authors popu­ •working agreement with the indoor sports available to the, George Paul Redgate,. 19 year Cambridge Hotel near Manehest--- Quests." Those-interested in out­ winter wonderland/* lar with Gity- Coiicge -stttdtintsr - er, Vermont, the club has been. door sports can ski, ice skate, ge^ -—The right has been reserved -old-^Korean war veteran, spoke including Mickey- Spillane and able to obtain a reducti6n from down the toboggan run or go by the club to collect an addi­ 'Friday--*©- the freshman assem- Ernest Hemingway. 7 -^the standard price. sleighing. Instructors will be tional $5 for transportation from ' blies on behalf of the bJoodbaJik. Of interest to every girl should The. group will leave Friday available for" all those persons each of the trip-takers in the"Wounde d in Korea, Mr. Redgate be "Famous Last Words," a com­ interested in learning a new pilation of 50 ways to say no. night, December 28, at 5 from event that there isn't any- snow received 23 pints of blood and 23 Street and Lexington Avenue sport and for those who would at "Vermont. In that event, "the -Another'Story included in this ahd/fc-ill return January 1. like*to unprove_uj>on^_their__pres^ —j^oup^^wifl proceed to Lake -had 5~bperations to save his leg issue is "A Trip ^nto-Space"° or "We have arranged a program ent capabilities. Placid _for its holiday. and his life, _ "Reiily Rosenberg From Saturn,'* Page t THE TIC1C£* TOW? of peace ] e_ core] preparing tern- j At the point of a gun xve are 1'expected .to.
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