' ' BH *«A mi* *.I W ocHTh i i t M d (J M r a lr« • s $ ! tnU nurttoogj Nrwa Fterrtow SANFORD, >AY.yKlTEMUEK 22, H27. M^btrAodH Bur.aTnV Mrs.. Fraser Wins lit AT Prom French Girt PASTOR READYLegionConvfe; i , .•* VALLEY CLUB, CITY, N. Y., Sept. (IN S)—Mr*. Afcx* Stir- 55K F tmbit, of Cinidif today Mile. Simone Thione Do La Chaunw of Frame*, 3 to PITTSBURGH, Sept. t2^-<INS) iTTLEHEARS 2 tojday, in the quarter final ruin* so great, it ws* necessary to RETURNS HOME —Mr. and Mrt. A. J. Haber, and rmmd of the Woman’* National *«k for police protection, the effi- their family were convinced today rer* finally coming to close the ER CHARGE New Golf tournament The former house to all visitors. planes Brought In­ Atlanta girl; who by virtu* of Engine Trouble Develops As that-a miracle has hhppemed in The outline first appeared after V rricta/J V>d*y enter* the Stephen Lacey Gets Started their little home In tide «lty.,The Warrant* Charging Bigamy outline of the Virgin .Mary nai ap­ Rita Haber, cleaning house, ac­ to Play By Many In v mi-final round, was three up On Non Slop Flight To Spo* : Not Sworn Out AlthoughE- New York Mali Ui •t th«j tum and although ahe peared on the wall of their Intone, cidentally dropped a statue of the STOCKS CAN NOT Last Minute Effort kane In National Air Race they say. j blessed Virgin, Inthepose of the Im­ vangelint la Said To Have imously Elected Cropped the thirteenth, ihe maculate conoepfon. The statue At Least 4 Uvhtg Wives T o Attend Big Fight made certain of the match by The outline appeared on the tional Commi wall a week ago last Tuesday, shuttered as it fell to the floor MAKE PROGRESS getting a birdie 4 on the six­ Notes Are Dropped Three weeks later the outline «p- teenth. * and has remained. For a -few [H*anfd on the wall. • Admits Amours But In. Closing By “Royal Windsor” days the outline appeared to be rincipals Weigh i ______ fading, but since he becaata cioor- Priesta, nuns, laymen, doctors, Not Bigamy Charge AGAINST SELLING lln This Afternoon Two Sections Of Triple Class er again, today being almostaboost asa s! .Tw*p* p*rmen’ children, visiting Five Assistants. Have Already Arrived As .. when I, I .”|frVSh"’ST S ”st 'rSf. Says .He Lef (Georgia Because Despite Selling Waves Pro­ GIRL IS ARRESTED The Non-Stoppers Take Off .h . H .be„ reported.reported 7 , M ,; church Masked MenToIdHim ToDe- fessionals Find It Diffi­ Are Duly Nt jtflOnTunitoy-Demp- Thousands have visited i the the outline, stated that no one part Or He Would Be Killed cult Job To Pul Market ' t - Haber home since the outline dint sey EvenUpAs Hour! . _ r o o s e w l t f i e l d , n .. y .. be i£jU 1 deny the (mag* had appear- Down And Get LowerPrlces F O R KIDNAPPING Sept. 22.—(INS)—Stephen Lacey appeared. The crowds finally GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. Col. MitdieQ pilot, and A. L. Yancey, navigator, 22—(INS)—The Rev. Willi. J. pHatesAm hopped off in an Airking biplane Jordon, itinerant evangelist who NEW YORK, Sept. 22.—Indus­ ■—■ ~ i HER TWO SISTERS at 2:22 P. M., today for Spokane, disappeared eight days ago from trial, speculative stocks were un­ Over Air CHICAGO. Sept. 22.; (INS) Washington, as contestants in the Columbus, Ca., was to leave St. * ______ _Chicago bulged, Btrained WILLIAMS WARNS REMOTE MISSION able to make very much progress Eighteen Year Old Girl Says non-stop division of the national Mary’s hospital here today, for today against the heavy volume TROCADERO PJ And expanded to the breaking She Stole Younger Sisters air derby. • partsputknosm. The Evangelist has >int today aa ft became the already*_ admitted several amours of liquidation and professional sell­ PARIS, Sept- 22. —Thg! t Aad Fled Because Father In the lane with Lacey was L. A. PEDDLERS AWAY the universe. Aerial Yancey, hla navigator. The take­ BURNS RESULTING but denied bigamous marirages. ing which flooded the markets nimig of the end of thAj lib of Was MeanAftcrMotherDled A ___F."S_ ____Invaaion_____ o f: I in highways, lake routes off today was made easily, but the Rev. Jordon, pleading that a veil from the start. railroads teemed . with plane had been out of aight only N DEATHS OF 20 drawn across hu mind by amnesia Occasional.selling waves depres­ was reached today whan ht fans whp swarmed into n e w Or l e a n s , l*.; s*Pt. 22 a few minutes when it was again preventing him from recollecting sed prices a Joint .or more in most ninth annual — (IN S)—Oddle May McMinn, a t r y f many things, admitted he wm liv­ Be dty’ swamped every ho- seen heading back. •Her ctltaTo Winnepeg1 Ir fTaken f price ranges, and the professionals the American La|I< pretty blue-eyed girl of 18, was to­ “The engine was missing and 1 aken Air ing In Georgia with a woman not here, adjourned *t& :40 <r< and rooming house x and t Health Of P uptls; Planp.TgJP^i _ working for lower pricei found in day held In the municipal jail here was afraid to Tisk the trip with It’ Into Wilder bis wife, but eras vague on the sub­ no easy task to “put the market this afternoon- ijed encrerly fhr their en­ formally charged with kidnapping . And Unclean new Trying 1> Save i Life ject of other reports. dues to Soldier*' field/tonight. so I brought it back,” Lacey said down." A a .In former sessions, The motion for hey two aisters. after landing. “IB leave again as AreCauseOr Dan Of Priest Severely Burned His .real wife, he said, lived to Chicago’s landing field* were roust of the professional selling ment terminate Charges against the yoong girl soon us the motor la fixed." me­ Roanoke, Va., He lived in Georgia was concentrated on General closing session itd to capacity «a d*dh new atr- were filed by. her father, a farm* chanics immediately set to work on with a second woman, came to As_ means of---- rprotectingthe-------j lf ’’ -*vavea SiU.WINNIPEG. W AiV., MAN., Sept.22.— Motors, U. 8.. Steel and tha high- about the only bualr tne nettled with It* load of fan*, er living ne'hr Cleveland, Mississi­ the engine. Grand Rapids to meet a third. And without jjpecial trains disgorged thousand*. health of Sanford school children, | HNS)—Plunging northwanl thru priced specialties, but the pools ppi. Her twq slaters, Nola, 10 and Is reported to have been linked In the latter stocks came to the re­ •lection ofu n au<ma i ozxk Betels were crammed and outlying an or.t'r was issued today by City the bitter cold of early winter, a with at least Jour other -worpen In Ktoyle, 1, sat beside her aa she NEW YORK, Sept. 22.—(INS) lont. doctor with amergency ma- lief of their favorites and the EdwardIE. C. ISDstford of! omlng houses took the -room to told detectives how she had taken —That pilot “Duke" Schiller and Manage,- W. B. Williams instruct- four other cities. Rev. Jordon as­ city urutnimouAlj d ■igns from Hhelr window*, terials waa flying over the wilder­ losses sustained in the first period the youngsters from her father his mechanic .Eddie Bohn, in their lag local police to prevent paddlars serted he left Georgia because two were promptly recovered. tional commandernaaander iqf the the suburb* felt the crowd ness wastes today carrying relief masked men told him to get Out or without his knowledge to bring "Royal Windsor” had safely pro­ and hucksters of ice cream and | relief to the survivors of the tragic In some quarters It was be­ Legion for th* er **h. be killed. c ' MC.tasaion them to New Orleans, where she gressed as far is .Michigan and other sweet* from selling their Beauval .Catholic mission coruS- lieved that the appointment of Roy William B. Leeds (Jr., tin plate intended placing them in school. Strantsford, Ontario, In their non­ Police Superintendent A. A. Car- 9 on bar*' onalre, was due t" arrive from goods in the vinclnity of the sc , K rat ion that took a toll of 20 lives, toll, today, declared he had drop, A.. Young to thu post of federal AU opposition to ”1 think father w n mean to stop air race to Spokane, was as­ , 10 of them Indian children. reserve governor might, bring a York with ala fight fans in a sured today when messages drop­ A warning was recently isau ped the case Inasmuch aa no one election fsejed out In th*J file charge* against me," said the First news of the disaster reach­ stiffening of rediscount rates, and tial airplane. Phil Bajl, owner girl. - I ’ve been .a mother to these ped by the filers were received by the operators of pushcarts and-the had asked him to detain the person. of th* session. No oth 1 the St. Louis Brown*, chose the ing Prince Albert, Bask. Sent Dr. Georgia authorities, be said, Srlred a possible end to the easy money atlorn wn* made, and a two since I was 13 years old. I the Rogers airline here. City Manager’s instructions this period, though the probabilities of lieriel route a* did Oscar Orlando The latest message dropped dur­ A. Amyot of Regina, winning his him there waa no grour for a national commanded er got proper schooling so ' I m< mlng to th* police were’for the way northward with the hope of Util M Muskegon, Mich., and P.
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