February, 1965 CD Space Ship Design Drawn by Computer 4 REASONS WHY MEMOREX LEADS IN COMPUTER TAPE (And what it means to you!) Premium Quality Ask the most demanding com­ Extra Technical Support Authoritative technical puter centers whose tape is used for their ultra­ backing is the hallmark of Memorex marketing. Man­ critical applications. You'll find a multi·million dol­ ufacturing engineers and tape specialists with ex­ lar vote of confidence placed in the integrity of perience born of years solving digital recording prob­ Memorex products - the result of uncompromised lems offer help for the asking. Other aids to users and unvarying product superiority. With Memorex include the Memorex Monograph series of informa­ precision magnetic tape you always benefit from tive literature; the Memorex tape slide rule; and measurably longer tape life, freedom from rejects, technical liaison, of course. Next time you face re­ greater reliability. cording problems, call Memorex! Added Service Close attention to a customer's Continued Research Memorex Computer Tape is needs is the rule at Memorex. But not all are techni­ scientifically designed (not the result of cut-and·try cal. It is important to have the right product at the methods) to meet highest standards of consistency right time and in the right condition. To assure time­ and reliability. Intensive research in oxides, binders, ly delivery and extra care in transportation, Mem­ and process innovations assures continued quality orex routinely ships via air carrier at no extra cost. advances. Some results are subtle (an increase in What is more, specially designed containers and coating durability); some are obvious (the super­ material handling methods keep tape error-free and smooth surface). But all improvements pay divi­ pre·test perfect throughout shipment. dends in better performance to Memorex tape users. Memorex tape is premium tape. No need to pre-check it. You Are you on our mailing list to receive the Memorex Monograph Series of informative can place Memorex computer tape directly in service­ technical literature? Write 1176 Shulman Road, reel after reel. Santa Clara, California Memorex certification means what it says: Memorex com­ puter tape l§. error-free. Extra care, extra steps and scrupu­ lous attention to every detail make it that way. We know the MEMOREX importance to you of having a tape you can depend on. PRECISION MAGNETIC TAPE Circle No. 5 on Readers Service Card ". Few things are as useless to a businessman as information that reaches him too late When vital business information is tardy, something or someone usually suffers. Pro­ duction is slowed up. A customer has to wait. A decision is delayed. Remedy: Bell System DATA-PHONE* service. Connected with the business machine­ virtually any type-it converts data (from punched cards or tapes) into a special "tone" language and transmits it over the same nationwide telephone network you use for voice communications. The result is an integrated information-han­ dling system. You have facts when you need them. You reduce paperwork and clerical man-hours, serve customers better and co­ ordinate all your operations more effectively. DATA-PHONE service is solving problems for many business firms today. To find out more about this service, talk with our Communica­ tions Consultant. He's a trained specialist. Just call your Bell Telephone Business Office and ask for his services. * Service mark of the Bell System @t Bell System Circle No. 6 on Readers Service Card A:-&' American Telephone and Telegraph Co. and Associated Companies AN OFF-BIT HISTORY OF MAGNETIC TAPE ... #4 of a series by Computape fl' The Trojans were ahead, by virtue of the points Paris had "The one we've been practicing all week," Odysseus scored with Helen on a completed pass early in the snapped. "X-971" game. But now the Athenians, sparked by their all-star "That old Wooden Horse chestnut 7 They'll never fall backfield of Ajax, Achilles, Diomedes and Odysseus, had for it ... " come storming back. The Trojans had their backs to the But you know the rest. The Trojans fell for old X-97 wall, and to make it worse Hector, Troilus and the rest of anyway. Which explains why, ever since, they've never the defensive platoon were hobbled with injuries. trusted a gift bearing Greeks. On third and goal, Odysseus sent Ajax and Achilles Ah. But even the most skeptical Trojan would trust into the right side of the line behind the mobile com­ Computape. And why not 7 Here is a heavy-duty mag­ puter* and it looked to be all over. But Zeus (who netic tape so carefully made that it delivers 556, or 800, doubled as referee and chief mischief-maker) blew the or (if you want) 1,000 bits per inch - with no dropout. whistle on the play. "The horses were off-side," he said, Now - if Computape can write that kind of computer and the score was called back. tape history - shouldn't you be using it 7 The clock showed time for one more play. Achilles limped back into the huddle, nursing a * The Greeks not only had computer tape - they had a word for bruised heel. "What now 7" he grumbled. it: kom-putron - meaning, "works like a Trojan". CDMPUTRDN INC. MEMBER OF THE rnL\\.~W GROUP 122 CALVARY STREET, WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS COMPUTAPE - product of the first company to manufacture magnetic tape for computers and instrumentation, exclusively, Circle No. 8 on Readers Service Card 4 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1965 - Computer produced drawings 0/ proposed space craft allow visual engineering judgment - see more information on page 27. ©CQJ[FLFUCQ)(1~\1~~[r~~ m [f-Ll (~J m U::fl\f;(Q)[r-Lru m\.0 0© [f-Ll FEBRUARY, 1965 Vol. 14, No.2 computers and data processors: editor and publisher the design, applications, EDMUND C. BERKELEY and implications 0/ assistant editors in/ormation processing systems. MOSES M. BERLIN LINDA LADD LOVETT NEIL D. MACDONALD 111 This Issue 12 WHAT CHOICE OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES? contributing editors by Ned Chapin ANDREW D. BOOTH DICK H. BRANDON 15 COMPARING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES by Jules I. Schwartz JOHN W. CARR, III NED CHAPIN DECOMPOSITION - SEVEN LEAGUE BOOTS FOR LINEAR ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER 18 PROGRAMMING PETER KUGEL by Dr. Jack Moshman 22 AN OPERATING SYSTEM WHICH INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY 40% advisory committee by F. H. Hill T. E. CHEATHAM, JR. GEORGE E. FORSYTHE RICHARD W. HAMMING 111 Every Issue ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER HERBERT F. MITCHELL, JR. across the editor's desk VICTOR PASCHKIS 27 COMPUTING AND DATA PROCESSING NEWSLETTER associate publisher editorial PATRICK J. MCGOVERN 6 Computers, and the Public Sector of the Economy production manager market report ANN B. BAKER 7 RCA's Spectra 70 Announcement Spotlights Five Market Strategies of art director Growing Importance in Computer. field RAY W. HASS throughput fulfilment manager 17 The New Breed of Software WILLIAM J. MCMILLAN, 815 Washington St. Newtonville, Mass. 02160, 617-DEcatur 2-5453 readers' and editor's forum 9 "Poor Man's" Time-Shared Computer Input: The Button Telephone, by advertising representatives Leon Davidson New York 18, BERNARD LANE 26 Programming Languages for Command and Control, by Theodore Singer 37 West 39 st., 212-BRyant 9-7281 26 Certificate in Data Processing, by R. Calvin Elliott Chicago 11, COLE, MASON AND DEMING 26 Comments on "People Who Do Not Work Well," by Harry R. Hein 737 N. Michigan Ave., 312-SU 7-6558 44 Calendar of Coming Events Los Angeles 5, WENTWORTH F. GREEN reference information 300 S. Kenmore Ave., 213-DUnkirk 7-8135 42 Monthly Computer Census San Francisco 5, A. S. BABCOCK 47 New Patents, by Raymond R. Skolnick 605 Market St., 415-YUkon 2-395l 48 Books and Other Publications, by Moses M. Berlin 49 Who's Who in the Computer Field Elsewlfere, THE PUBLISHER 815 Washington St., 617-DEcatur 2-5453 index of notices Newtonville, Mass. 02160 50 Advertising Index COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 02160, BY BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC. ADDITIONAL OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 1657 WASHINGTON ST., HOLLISTON, MASS. PRINTED IN U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: UNITED STATES, $15.00 FOR 1 YEAR, $29.00 FOR 2 YEARS, INCLUDING THE JUNE DIRECTORY ISSUE; CANADA, ADD 50c A YEAR FOR POSTAGE; FOREIGN, ADD $1.50 A YEAR FOR POSTAGE. ADDRESS ALL EDITORIAL AND SUBSCRIPTION MAIL TO BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC., 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS., 02160. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT HOLLISTON, MASS. POSTMASTER: PLEASE SEND ALL FORMS 3579 TO BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC., 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 02160. © COPYRIGHT, 1965, BY BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: IF YOUR ADDRESS CHANGES, PLEASE SEND US BOTH YOUR NEW ADDRESS AND YOUR OLD ADDRESS (AS IT APPEARS ON THE MAGAZINE ADDRESS IMPRINT), AND ALLOW THREE WEEKS FOR THE CHANGE TO BE MADE. COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION, FOR FEBRUARY, 1965 c&a EDITORIAL Computers, and the Public Sector of the Economy Do we have to put up with very poor solutions to really bottom level, which is pretty terrible, which applies to the important problems in the public sector of our economy, apples in the buffet here, spoiled by worms and accidents, our democratic, capitalistic economy, operated under our green, small (but not sour), and which also applies to the government of the people, for the people, by the people? absence of any plug for the washbowl in my hotel' room­ so that I have to use as a substitute to keep the water in, In the private sector of our economy, in walking around a dirty rolled-up cloth. New York, for example, I find amazing, modern new sky­ "But I want to talk most about the Moscow subway.
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