May 1, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E573 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF DORIS both surface water through the Central Valley the nation, since 1981. He leaves behind a WARD Project’s Friant Unit as well as from ground- legacy of better quality care, improved health water. The water irrigates tens of thousands of policy, and collaboration with hospitals around HON. NANCY PELOSI acres of almonds, carrots, citrus, grapes, pota- the country to make care safer, particularly for OF CALIFORNIA toes, and other annual crops with a value ex- those of limited means or with complex med- ceeding $1 billion in 2016. And in true Cali- ical needs. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fornia fashion of never letting a drop of water Dr. Langberg is a highly respected national Tuesday, May 1, 2018 go to waste, the water the District provides to leader on patient safety and health care qual- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- irrigate these and other crops results from a ity. When the Centers for Medicare and Med- ute to a trailblazer, change-maker and beloved true conjunctive use process—District also re- icaid Services crafted the Hospital Readmis- leader: San Francisco Board of Supervisors charges the underground aquifer to help sta- sions Reduction Program, he led the work at President Doris Ward. bilize groundwater levels in a region that relies the American Hospital Association to under- Doris was a woman of extraordinary spirit on well water as a primary source of irrigation. stand the proposed policy, identify potential and positivity who never let a closed door To accommodate Kern County’s ever-ex- unintended consequences—especially those deter her. Throughout her 40 years of leader- panding agricultural industry and variable sur- potentially affecting poorer communities—and ship—at lunch counters and on the NAACP’s face water supplies, the District has had to convey those issues to CMS so that the agen- Metropolitan Council, as a school adminis- take innovative approaches to water manage- cy could refine its approach and improve the trator and a community leader—she fought ment and storage. For instance, when times program. His work laid the foundation for the fearlessly to knock down barriers to equality are good and water is flowing from rain and provision in the bipartisan 21st Century Cures and justice. melting snow, the District developed a network Act that directed CMS to include an adjust- A former teacher herself, Doris was a pas- of groundwater banking programs connected ment to the Hospital Readmissions Reduction sionate advocate for our schools and believed by miles of canals and pipes to capture this Program to recognize the impact of deeply in the power of education to help all water for use in dry years. This approach sociodemographic factors on readmission Americans climb the ladders of opportunity in helped our communities and farmers weather rates. our nation. the recent multi-year catastrophic drought in Dr. Langberg has testified before this body Doris was a pioneer, making history as the California, ensuring that they were able to ac- on patient safety and quality issues and before first African American to serve as President of cess life-giving water. the California Senate on physician quality per- the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. As a In 1997, the District entered into a 25-year formance—all in an effort to help legislators leader of our city, she both embodied and agreement with the Metropolitan Water District craft better public policy that supports im- championed the San Francisco values of of Southern California that has empowered the provement in health and health care. He is a equality, fairness and respect for diversity. Her District to complete capital improvement permanent member of the California Depart- strong leadership to expand affordable hous- projects without increasing water costs to Kern ment of Public Health’s health care-associated ing, support minority-led businesses and im- County farmers, including expansion of the infection advisory committee, seeking to pre- prove oversight of the police force continues aforementioned water banks. vent the emergence and spread of infections to ensure that San Francisco remain a wel- I am proud of the work accomplished by the in my state, and he serves on the Board of Di- coming home to all. Arvin-Edison Water Storage District, currently rectors of the Hospital Quality Institute in Cali- Doris was a great friend to our most under- led by President Edwin Camp, Engineer-Man- fornia. served neighborhoods, and a great inspiration ager Jeevan Muhar, Deputy General Manager Dr. Langberg has been an advocate for for women, communities of color and young David Nixon, Director of Water Resources Ste- sharing both successes and failures in an ef- people across our city and country. ven Collup, General Superintendent Chris- fort to disseminate best practices and advance San Franciscans have been blessed by the topher Krauter, and Directors Ronald Lehr, improvements in quality and safety. He has leadership of Doris Ward. We will deeply miss Jeffrey Guimarra, Derek Yurosek, Dennis been an invited speaker at the Health Man- her warmth, positivity and joyous spirit. Johnston, John Moore, Charles Fanucchi, agement Academy, the National Patient Safety May it bring some measure of comfort to Catalino Martinez, and Kevin Pascoe. They Congress, and the Institute for Healthcare Im- Doris’ many friends and loved ones that so and their predecessors’ efforts have made a provement. By freely speaking of both the suc- many remember and celebrate Doris’ life and lasting impact on our community which will cesses and challenges encountered by this legacy. continue to play a critical role in the lives of nationally esteemed hospital, Dr. Langberg has helped many other hospitals across this f Kern County farmers and those who enjoy the products they grow. nation learn how to keep patients safe, im- HONORING THE ARVIN-EDISON The Arvin-Edison Water Storage District’s prove the quality of the care they deliver, and WATER STORAGE DISTRICT FOR role in shaping the face of American agri- be attentive to health risks patients may expe- 75 YEARS OF SERVICE culture cannot be understated, and I wish the rience after they have left the hospital, particu- District another 75 years of success. larly poorer patients and those who live in communities with relatively few health care HON. KEVIN McCARTHY f OF CALIFORNIA providers. HONORING DR. MICHAEL For these reasons, I am delighted to recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LANGBERG nize Dr. Michael Langberg and offer thanks for Tuesday, May 1, 2018 his dedication and service. Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HON. TED LIEU f to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the OF CALIFORNIA DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AND Arvin-Edison Water Storage District. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RODEO Established in 1942 to serve the booming agricultural industry in the southeastern por- Tuesday, May 1, 2018 tion of California’s San Joaquin Valley, the Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Speaker, I HON. KEN BUCK OF COLORADO Arvin-Edison Water Storage District has rise today to honor Dr. Michael Langberg, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES played an essential role in making Kern Coun- Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Offi- ty the number one agricultural producer in the cer of Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. Tuesday, May 1, 2018 United States. Dr. Langberg will retire from his post at Ce- Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cele- The District provides water to over 131,000 dars in May, after having served the patients brate the 100th Anniversary of Douglas Coun- acres of agricultural land in Kern County, from of Los Angeles and, in fact, patients around ty Fair and Rodeo. Since the First Annual Fair ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 May 02, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01MY8.001 E01MYPT1.
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