Official Publication of the Detroit Federation of Musicians – Local 5, AFM, AFL-CIO Volume 78 Number 3 Keynote Q3, 2015 Free dental •In Memoriam• clinic for musicians Home of the Pros Semi-annual Membership Meeting Special Features in This Issue Financial resolutions to be considered • President Troia’s memories of Marcus (specifics on page 8) Belgrave, Tony Russo in “Music • No. 1: Youth membership Stand,” beginning on page 1 • No. 2: Article II, Membership Section 3 • AFM Pension Fund basics, page 6 (related to dues) • Tribute to labor lawyer Harry Lester by Ed Zelenak, page 10 MOnday, OCTOBER 19, 7 pm LOCAL 5 Hospitality ROOM • 30/50-year Party of 2015 photo coverage appears on pages 14–17 Keynote 3rd Quarter 2015 LIVE Links to What’s in This Issue The Music Stand . 1 Classified Advertisement . 12 Election 2015 Results . 2 Tempo Contributions . 12 WindWords . 3 MusiCares Musician Dental Clinic . 13 DFM Referral Gigs . .4 30/50-Year Party Photos . 14-17 Labor Day Parade Details . 4. Welcome, New Members . 19-20 AFM Pension Fund 101 . 6 Member Newsline . 20 Local 5 Resolutions 1 and 2 . 8 Member Directory Info . 21-22 Comparison of AFM Locals . 9 About eBilling Notification . 22 Harry Lester Tribute . .10 Executive Board Minutes . 23-28 Local 5 Support Line . 12 Closing Chord . 27 Comedy Corner . 12 Detroit Musicians Fund Gifts . 28 Calendar of Local 5 Events Our Advertisers Local 5 Office Closings • Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 7 (parade details, page 4) These fine folks helped bring you this issue • Columbus Day: Monday, Oct. 12 of Keynote . Your support will assure their • Election Day: Tuesday, Nov. 3 continued advertising . September 10, Thursday Bugs Beddow . 5 Free MusiCares dental clinic for musicians Detroit Musicians Fund . 18 October 1, Thursday Johnny Rodriguez . 11 Due date for 4th quarter dues McKenzie Academy of Music . 22 October 15, Thursday WSU Music Department . 7 Closing deadline for 4th quarter Keynote materials October 19, Monday Semi-annual Membership Meeting (see info above) The Music Stand by George Troia, Jr. Local 5 We’re Back.... President ello Again, Hello, Hello My Friend, Hello,” just val come due, and in 2017 it will be the Detroit Symphony “Hvery happy to borrow these lyrics from Neil Orchestra, the seven signatories of the Community Orches- Diamond, Conway Twitty and Alan Lindgren as a way of tra Agreement, the Fisher Theatre, and the Detroit Opera reintroducing myself to you for the next three years! I am House. We will continue to work toward growing the mem- again honored, humbled and thrilled to continue working bership, which is nearly at the same level we were at three for you, and I sincerely want to thank those of you who years ago, 900 plus. We work daily at increasing our visibility voted in the most recent election. I will use this edition of to the public through social media as well as a hands-on ap- “The Music Stand”to inform you of changes, look ahead proach by going out to our schools, colleges and local ven- at what we expect to encounter over the next three years, ues. I will also work for some basic services that I promised and again ask for your help. I will also take a moment to re- in my initial campaign, like a printed, published directory flect back on two gentlemen that gave us so much through – something we have not had since 2006. There is much to their music as both performers and teachers. do and I look forward to doing it! I would like to extend a sincere thank you to our outgo- ing board members, Robert Conway (12 years) and Alonza October 19: A Very Important Mackenzie (8 years) for their service to Local 5. Welcome Semi-Annual Meeting back to incumbents, Vice-President Douglas Cornelsen, At our semi-annual meeting in the fall of 2013, you gra- Secretary-Treasurer Susan Barna Ayoub, Executive Board ciously approved an assessment in our annual dues that Members Paul Onachuk, Dave Denniston and Robert contributed to our finally being able to balance our bud- Lymperis, and a warm welcome to our new members, get. We again have two resolutions scheduled to be voted Lynne Marie Mangan and Patrick Zelenak. Congratula- on at our semi-annual meeting on Monday, October 19. tions to our Delegate, Mike McGowan, and new Alternate continued on page 2 Delegate, Dave Horger. Also, a sincere thank you to our Election Committee – Michael McGillivray, Ben Pruitt, Sr., and Pat Terry-Ross. There’s Much to Do As you will discover by reading this edition of the Keynote, we have been hard at work helping you make the most of music. Personally, it is my goal to get things done – some of which will be quite visible, such as repaving our parking lot and actually being able to pay for it! Others are not so vis- ible, unless you work under one of the many agreements we have renegotiated and will continue to do so. All agreements are expected to come up for renegotiation during the next KATZ n three years, starting this summer with the FOX (Olympia LE President George Troia welcomed guitarist Pat Metheny of Entertainment), which has already begun. In 2016, we will Kansas City Local 34-627 when he appeared at the Detroit see the Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Jazz Festi- Jazz Festival Announcement event . The Music Stand, continued from page 1 Keynote One is for a special youth member- Local 5. Later that very same week, Editor ship that we can offer students in we lost Marcus Belgrave, who died on George Troia, Jr . an effort to attract young people to May 23, at the age of 78. Both shared Managing Editor the Federation. The other would be a passion for music with their playing, Susan Barna Ayoub to leave the assessed dues increase in but also nurtured several generations Graphic Designer our dues structure. We believe both are of musicians through their teaching. Virginia L . Hunt necessary for us to move forward to a Both were also lifetime members of Printed by solvent future. We also feel that we are the union, which we deeply appreci- Messenger Printing Service still fairly and reasonably priced in the ated. I was privileged to have known Published by hierarchy of annual dues compared to and worked along side both. Detroit Federation of Musicians other cities around the country. Please When Tony came to the 30/50- Local 5, make every effort to attend our semi- Year Party a year ago in May, he con- American Federation of Musicians annual meeting. gratulated me on my presidency and Keynote Ad Rates told me how much he enjoyed my ar- Full page $225 .00 Anthony (Tony) Russo and ticles. I in turn not only thanked him 2/3 page $155 .00 Marcus Belgrave for the compliment but also thanked 1/2 page $120 .00 By this writing, most of you will al- him for his mentoring over the years 1/3 page $80 .00 ready know of the passings I referred to and being such a great role model. I 1/4 page $60 .00 1/6 page $40 .00 above. On May 18, 2015, we lost long- also told him that with guys like him 1/8 page $30 .00 time member Anthony (Tony) Russo. to emulate, how could I go wrong? I 25% discount to members He was 93 and a 75-year member of continued on page 5 All ads must be union compliant. Election Follow-up Call for rate card and full details . LocalLocal 5 2012 5 2015 Election A very special round of applause goes Materials deadlines: January 15, ElectionResults Results April 15, July 15, October 15 to our Election Committee for the Ballots Counted 364 unseen time and effort they put into LOCAL 5 COMMITTEES PRESIDENT assuring that fairness ruled. Thanks, George Troia, Jr .* 345 Fox Theatre negotiating Com- Michael McGillivray (chair), mittee: David Denniston, Christa VICE PRESIDENT Doug Cornelsen* 341 Benjamin Pruitt, Sr., and Grix, Paul Onachuk, George Troia, Patricia Terry-Ross. And thanks, Susan Barna Ayoub SECRETARY-TREASURER Susan Barna Ayoub* 357 also, to everyone who participated in Local 5 Development Commit- EXECUTIVE BOARD this exercise in democracy. tee: George Troia, Susan Barna Paul N. Onachuk* 317 Ayoub; David Denniston; Alonza Patrick J . Zelenak* 310 McKenzie; Paul Onachuk, Patrick Robert L . Lymperis* 309 Zelenak David Denniston* 305 Lynne Marie Mangan* 303 AFM CONVENTION DELEGATE Michael McGowan* 248 Detroit Federation of David Horger (Alternate) 83 * Elected to Office Musicians AFM Local 5. Keynote u 3rd Quarter 2015 u 2 ceive a death benefit (with the excep- tion of a legal spouse). This is not the AFM Local 5 same as the beneficiary card you have on by Susan “Home of the Pros” file with Local 5 for life insurance. Barna Ayoub, Local 5 President Resolution no. 2: Dues George Troia, Jr ., ext . 1 Secretary- pres@detroitmusicians .net Treasurer As you can see from Resolution No. Vice President 2, posted on page 8, your officers and Douglas Cornelsen dcl2dso@sbcglobal .net executive board are asking you to Secretary-Treasurer ure has been a long time since make permanent the temporary in- Susan Barna Ayoub, ext . 3 Swe brought you an edition of the crease in membership dues you ap- sec-tres@detroitmusicians .net Executive Board Keynote! In each Local 5 election proved in 2013. Local 5 had not raised David Denniston year, the 2nd Quarter issue comes out its dues in many years. The increase Robert Lymperis Lynn Marie Mangan about one month early.
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