TIN CANS MUST SERVE AS CHALICES Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register N a t i o n a l N a t i o n a l Future Priests Truined S e c t io n THE S e c t io n REGISTER Secretly in Red Countries (Name Registered In tbe U. S. Patent OfUre) MCMBia OP AUDIT iUIIAU OP CiaCULATIONI Dallas. Tex.—Captive priests without benefit riiM Ptptr If Cunnwifd *ltb NCftC WuhlnsiuD Nfwa Dffdquarttn hr ttf Om U smO Win, Hu Itf Own of textbooks, cassocks, churches, or seminaries, LESSON IN CHARITY Strvicf. RfHihiut NfWf Sfrvlet. HltiloB SfrvtcM, RtlUlouf Nfwv Phot of toO NCWC Ptetun Sanrln and who use tin cans to offer the Holy Sacrifice of THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1960 Mass, are, nevertheless, qmetly educating young men for the priesthood behind the Iron Ciu> DELEQJITE POINTS TO OTHER REPUBLICS tain. Su(^ a 'promotion of vocations dulls the weapons of the Communist atheists vdio t|7 to pierce the armMlike faith of baptized Catholics. Tbit v « tlw aw nfe dtUv- tn d by Bltbop Ntoholit T. SDn NO AUrriATION Catholic Leaders Face of the BynaiDt luKhite of w na ANH-CHB18 T **Iboy bare learned with her- Plttiborfh to the deUsetet at- rUylns aorrow that there oan be ♦•■wIIth taa 18th anaiul Seen IntenutloDal cooTtotloa. no aPutntloD with aDytbing ■lihep Elfco, whe It the that ii antl-Chrlst in the true ffM tu l laadtr «f w n thaa Ctarlst-llke eouL" NoChurch Interference ZiMee CalhoUet tf Itenten. Though the eapttre prieata Deeiti U«, Slonk, aid Croa< are deprived of tbetr iltan and Dallas, Tex.—There is “no instance of interference from the Churdi” am iHaaailHw hi ftit cai» their congregatioai, they taave in those republics that today have a Catholic as President. Archbishop try, o ld that f«r erwy iBCtr- refoaed to live wiUnnt ttie true // Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., made this statement about cenlad fcM . God aroma a faith. They do not count on oow fOfoHoo to the prtett* tbemoelvaa bat on future geo- religion and politics in an interview. He noted that Catholic voters have eratiam, aa they patiently edo. their individual preferences among candidates, but the Church itself does cate yoong bmb for the ^eat- ‘‘How vri! tbft h toared is not take sides in su rii matters Throughoat tbe worid, tbe fbo haarti of the oppmaed Id bood, the BUbop said. and is not concerned about tbe At flie eloslnf baaqaet \ ! V Archbishop Vagnonl told the Apoetollc Delegate codfenoed, Iron Cnrtalo coaobiBa eao Tha Saatern Bite prelate was socalled religious Issve in the tbe need for more prleiti is only Uiitaa th a Muo while a one of three Bltbopa who ad- presidential race. Semni Uut the Chorch Id America wUl he what the great. In Latin America, be de­ throahiDi tnodiioe la onarating dimed convention aeadona. To illustrate the fact that the clared, there Is a severe short- in tlw iHMtt field, or fay thoee Some 1,800 prieata and mambera Church does not interfere with priests of America make it. "And these priests,” he ^e, and 10 times more priests who -only raeeiTo CeaBnanion of B e r n lotemtlonal, an «tu>- the exercise of tbe duties of could be used there. by lUtinf a chalice made of a ization dedicated to foaterlng Catholics who are Presidents, pointed ont, “will be your chil­ tin cop to thalr Upt,'* Biibep vocatiODi, attended the conven­ Archbishop Vagnozd dted Presi­ dren yon helped make priests. MUST PREACH GOSPEL What greater werk can yon do TO ALL PEOPLE m k o takL tion. dent Charles de Gaulle of ii F/ance, whom he described u than in helping foster voca- "If we are to carry oat "a very good CatboU^” UoDs to (be p rl^ e o d r Christ's command,” ArcbMshop Tbe Apoetollc Delegate came PARENTAL INFLUENCE Vagnozd concluded, “the (kwpel Wounded Vet Is Priest to Dallu to addreaa tbe 18th Archbishop VagDozd itreseed must be preadied to all, not Just annual convention of Serra In­ tbe importance of perental in­ to Catholics. The Church op- After 16-Year Struggle ternational, an organization of fluence and a proper home en­ poaes tbe grave danger of Cozn- business and profeasionsl men vironment in encouraging voca­ runlsm. When we realize this Waihinstoi). —Sixteen yean River when a mortar shell hit seeking to promote vocations to tions. God has to call a young and understand the great need •go Francli G. Petenon waa ly­ directly in front of him. He waa the priesthood and religious life man to the priesthood, be said, for- priests, wd must also realize ing nncontdouf near the Ho- wounded on hli 14th day of e - O and aiding needy seminarians. but it is tbe responsibility of the how great la our responsiblljty tella Elver in Eastern France. combat Some 18,01X1 persons attended family to see that the csdl does in fostering voestloni.” (NCWC One aide of hii face wai tom 'I didn’t know about it for the meeting. not go unanswered. Wire] away, hli left eye deatroyed. A 10 days thoogb,’’ tbe toldier few weeks ago, the sanejnan, later raported. Upon regaining DOW the Bav. Fraocia G. Pelar coaadowDen, tbe firat persMi Bon, offered Ui first Ifaat at he saw waa an old ledy praying ROME SYNOD LAWS DIRECT Holy Croes Chorcb la PhOadat- at tala bediide. She was a French pUa. hoapftal Tojonteer iHw each day Fnaeli Petersoo catered the hi die ward. PASTORAL ACTION REVIVAL amy In IMS. A year later he 1 Father Petarson'a life frnn OFFER WOUNDED FEELINGS TO CHRIST waa in the frat Uoe. A rifle­ tbea on was one of yean d hos- Vatican CI17.—Personal dis­ sL lodiera” refers to circoses Tbe rules are bdheved to re­ man, Fetenoo was holding down pitaliaatloa. Be made ooontleu IN THE GOSPEL for the Fifth Sunday Jesus warns His disciples that not only the cipline of Catholics and tbe re­ and not sporta events. quire priests to wear proper a fartdgebsad on tlw Moaiila visits and received repea'.ed After Pentecost Watt, v, 20-24), Jesus tells external act of murder is condemned, as In the vival of putorsl action are in The text is divided Into three ecclesiastical robes in public plaatte aargety oparatlona at the Els dUdpies. "Yon have heard Uut it wai said Old Law, but likewise the interior acts of anger the forefront of the rules drawn parts; Concerning persons, con­ and to bar them from attending Vetaraa Administration H o^ to the aodents, *Tbou shalt not kill;’ and that which may lead to murder. It would seem that up at the Rome Diocesan Synod cerning pastoral actloo, and eon- political meetingi and Joining tel in St Louis Mo. Although whoever ihall murder shall be liable to fudg- the epithets are mentioned in descending order. for governing tbe faithful in the eemlng eccleaiaatical goods. In political parties n financial and VA doeton roatoted the M ment; and whoever says to his brother, 'Baca,' Thus one who commits murder is obviously Eternal City. tbe section dealing with persons, artistic aodetlee. sida of hli face, they were nn- A«ii be liable to the Sanhedrin; and whoever liable to trial. To call one’s brother “Raca," Made last January by tbe toreaquartors of the text spe- Laymen an admonished to aMa to save tha aye—ha now aaya, Tboa fool!’ ahnii be liable to the fire of or empty-headed, is worse than being merely synod, the rules were given o<- {jfieaUy treat of the clergy ^ cooperate in tbe defense of m a bla^ pdch. Gehrana. Therefore, if tboa art offering thy angry, and even the rather common expression, fidal sanctioo \fj John aaih only one-fourth treats of tbe their rellgioo and die Church, ”thou fool,” ia not guilUesa k tbe sight of God. Calla'd to' fiw prfadhood, gift at tbe altar and there remembereat that tby and will go into effect Nov. 1. lal^ and religious. Of tbe three to honor Papal pronooDcements rfhar .Pataraoo atadled for brother baa anything against thee, leave thy gift How can one who hartin anger, envy, Ut- VATICAN INCLUDED . sections, moreover, tbe largest coacettdng Communism, social- three yean at a preparatory before the altar and go first to be reconciled to temess, hatibd or aversiof ''of any kind against is that concerned with pastimal lam, liberalism, and •ecolariim; his neighbor have part tf the Sacrifice of Him Several details have so far action. The section on ecclesi- and to give their children reli­ aoiaary aid for fin yean at thy brother, and then come and i^er thy gift!” been made known. The publica­ who offers Himself for Jut enemies? Tbe sacri­ utical goods is tbe smalleet; it gious instruetloo. (NCWC Radio BL M a ^ Seminary in BalU- TUs, it has been said, e o ^ be called tion will specify that tbe rules more, Md. Hla next fwlT Father “Brothtfheod Sunday.” But only when the Fa- fice of tbe selfish or bounded feelings at tbe contains fewer than 90 articlea. and Wire] altar of tha Eucharist for Christ’s take it a most will have effect in Vatkan City, Peterton hopes to be a pariah tberiUMd of God is recognized will there be true since that area, althopgh legally prlast in Honotulu. brotherhood among all men. acceptable gift. extra-territorial to Italy, ia con­ --------------- V------------------------------------------------------------------- sidered in a qualified sense to POPE SHOWS RELATIONSHIP OF 3 FORMS OF WORSHIP be part of the Rome Diocese. Byzantine Rite Door Tlie text will be published in Tj Hti and Italian.
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