mjmmMW&^*^^m Barsons blooms with success, A3 IkjmtfftAvn ' "JWW',rf.;4iTlfl"TW't'.>ft''' Putting you iii touch Sunday with your world Februarys, 2000 Serving the Westland Community for 35years VOLUME :*5 NUMBCR 71 WESTUND. MICHIGAN * 54 PAGES • http://observerecccntric.cont SEVENTY-FIVE: CENTS «iHtH<iwr«nCflaMMlM«Mf Nmtwoffc, U* T HE WEEK Teen drinking takes tragic toll AHEAD A double traffic fatality Jan. 15 involved the Examiner's Office. another place, possibly for rehabilita­ use of alcohol. Autopsy results indicate dri­ The teen's urine showed an even tion," she said. ver Brian O'Donnell, 18, had a blood alcohol higher alcohol level of .15, Mcintosh Twardokua had been placed on life level of .11. O'Donnell and Scott Velasquez said. support following the accident, and Close to home: The city of The one-car crash occurred.at 3:07 died in the one-car accident. police have sajd he may never fully Westland Winterfest is a.m. Jan. 15 in front of Kirk of Our recover from closed-head injuries The Sunday, starting at 10 BY DARMIJ. CLEM blood alcohol level of .11 when he Savior Presbyterian Church, killing other two victims of the accident were STAFF WWTEH crashed a 1997 Ford Escort early Jan, O'Donnell and 20-year-old backseat released to their home*. a.m. with a firefighters' dctaitt9oe.horaecomqi.net 15 on Cherry Hill near Carlson, police passenger Scott Velasquez of Canton. The double fatality shows the risk'of pancake breakfast, fol­ A Westland teenager driving 91 mph 0 f Ti c e r J a c k Mcintosh c o n f i r m e d fn another development Wednesday, driving drunk* particularly at high lowed by entertainment on Cherry Hill Road was drunk when Thursday. 20-year-old Timothy Edwin Twardokus speeds, police said. he lost control of the car and slammed Michigan, 'drivers are considered of Canton became the last of three Police also found marijuana on 11 a,m, to 6p.m. The into a tree, killing himself and.a Gan­ legally drunk at ,10 or higher. injured passengers to be released from O'Donnell, Mcintosh said, but the action for all ages will ger, police said. O'Donnell's blood alcohol level hospitals. However, a University of autopsy didn't indicate whether he had take place in and arc LJtthi) became known, teuit welkin aju aulujjsv Michigan Hospital spokeswoman indi- marijuana in his system. the Bailey Center, Foi ~~ Please see DMNKMO, AS near Carlson. City Hail: The Westlat City Council will p.m. in the council c) bers of City Hall,-Fat near Carlson. There be a 6:30p.m. study sion on millage renei DARRELL CLEM language. T WKITEH [email protected] School board: The Wc recall petition Westland Board ofEt ;ing to oust West- d. City Council cation will meet at 7\ nbcr Sharon at the school board of ;t for her role in rg Clerk Patricia on Marquette east of* hn n <. n •:* ^ fj! ed burgh in Westland, ay at the Wayne • nty' Flections ::e Read, read, read: A SI .-o11. an eight- Patricia Gibbons ytime Storytime will • council member, place at 7p.m. at the •v denied any wrong - 111C ig and said she believes she can William P. Faust Pi a recall at to nipt. Library of Westland, arian Greenfield.. 7.0, filed the peti- Central City Farkwd$\ against Scott after a four-member ciences iril majority bofjtt?d Gibbons from will last a haifhouK £69.739-a-year job on Jan. ]8, There is no fee and n he three-member Wayne County . /turns Commission is scheduled to tration isn't required: t Feb lb to decide if the proposed n ;uage is suitable for a special recall H t'ion against Scot.!. £• .-ntt is in the middle «"f a four-yesr Li. •Art* — ;:;._:_;_,.. hroe other council members who rjseci Gibbons •- Charles "Trav" Gnf- • Classified Index . David Cos'and David James - Autos led new terms -Jan. 1 and can't be Home ft Service Guide 'eted for recall tor six months. .'ott said she hasn't decided whether Jobs II defend herself before the county Rental* tions commission on Feb. 16 • Crossword .~1 have got to think this through and 4 • Health exactly how to handle it, having er been through this before," sh^ • Obituaries !. • Real Eatate he council majority that fired Gib- • Sports s has declined to cite specific rea- mtuu''^'' '• s other than general concerns about job performance. • Travel ouncil members Glenn Anderson. dni Cicirelli and Richard L-t'Biain,- e voiced strong support for Gibh<m>:. HOW TO REACH ih i was placed on leave and ordered ti her office by Griffin' four days Newsroom: 734453-; ire she was officially fired NewsroomFax 734-5H* rtt statement £-ma//:jtoro*n*oe. hontcconMt n Friday, Scott made her lengthiest MghUine/Sports. 734-953-2 ement yet on the'controversy sur- Reader. Comment Line.734-953- 2 tdmg Gibbons' firing. 734-591-0 'm a lifelong resident and have Classified Advertising n involved in the com muni tv for Display Advertising:734-591-23V V on local decision-making, pledged Fri- statewide iiailot in .Sovemoer. Home Delivery.734-591-050 0 The Michigan Municipal League 1,¾a,^ JMeaw owe RESPONSE, Aft I*lcast» see RECALL, A; V officers a BY DAHRKI.L CI.KM Fortunately for him. it didn't STAIT WRITER Kanlz, ,'U, actually considered keep ddemOoe.hornecomm.nft ing a* a pet the firwl python he caught They've confronted pythons, skunks. His wjle hfld another idea pigs, coyotes, alligators; ratu, raccoons, 'She wouldn't let mp,'' he^ srtid wild cats and vicious dogs • just to Dewey recalled one night when police earn a living officers - called to break up a loud Meet Dewey Fraiiy Jr. and Dong party - left with two particularly bi^- ivautz -• ah mini control ntfirrrs for the monthe<i attendees. Looking for a new job? Westland Pohce Department "We found two alligators. One was •'< "Thev deal with sOme daitcrious /mi- tt'et ion^ anfl'lh*1 uthcr «'^*i '> 'eet," a great one that's just rnalw." Deputy Pe'ice ''href l.c.-ini- Di'v. ev said. "Thcv had sviivn- pi*'tt> right for you in the Haye** said itilunidating teeth " They've hern til! ten, !II>,M J at i wu Officers u«ed sp<>i ial tongs to pi tick Employment Section of shunned bv other police officer* fur the iMLof* from a targe aipiarium and smelling like skunk.- th<'\ euc'nuui.ered put trteni in cages, without *o much as '9 It seemed only fitting ihiit Frady a.nd losing a fingei'. Claasifiod* Kautz had their sav on Wednesday . Dewvy fared worM- when he went to Groundhog Day, pick up a stray cat a Westland man 'Ffady. «?!l, rennanhi'n'd unc snakr in had taken in. not reahzwiu if wasn't f particular th>ii h,iJ in In- t;iki'n (nil! iu. i'xat. th a swivi kit \ owner "Th;* cat I'lad'sci aU'lied u|'i this man's "It, \\,i .••: ,i ! 'J-fiii,.! Ovf h.H'i. aUi'ii! ! ^ are IVWTV w,'t.d '\\ h»';'. I vtaited 1o inches arniniii, " hi -laid ".II ^a-< -Ijik He! th*'1 Ci-i? d hit m\ nd ami held on ing at the. suit ul tin. t;ate l.a al»<Mil :'i> ,.-, ci.tl I end it* tfrth Fi'ad) S;IK1 i to"- •• i'jake • thi •..••• iii.vi.rii.-1. ?Mink in prcity goud.' • 'iiirnr \\ inii.if.g u 'e.it.il' nl hi'! rmVTt^ai ut^ kimi miw nwl M" tru'iu^h "' n.n.,1^ 1ST-**"* f^HT"* M 1>iM ||AVn 6 53174 10011 6 Doug Kauti hr»'ak tru-onyl atotWCM ^*«v F^v i» vjmmjtiJ*- >J?yI':, -***~^**mm Barson's blooms with success, A3 kxntfRAvn iwmMt.sn..N»»n>.ow- Putting you In touch Sunday with your world February 6, 2000 Serving the Westland Community for 35 years VOLUMK 3 5 NUMBfR 71 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 54 PAGES • http://observefeccentnc.com SfVENTY-FlVE CENiS O M» H<NMT«** CoauikwikteMltoia Nctwwrk. ftic. THE WEEK Teen drinking takes tragic toll A double traffic fatality Jan. 15 involved the Examiner's Office. another place, possibly for rehabilita­ AHEAD The teen's urine showed an even tion," she said. use of alcohol. Autopsy results indicate dri­ ver Brian O'Donnelf, 18, had a blood alcohol higher alcohol level of ..15, Mcintosh Twardoku.s had been placed on life said. support following the accident, and Close to home: The city of level of .11. CDonnell and Scott Velasquez The one-car crash occurred at 3:07 police have said he may never fully Westland Winterfest is died in the one-car accident. am. Jan. 15 in front of Kirk of Our recover from cln»ed-head injuries. The Sunday, starting at 10 BY DARRELL CLEM blood alcohol level of .11 when he Savior Presbyterian Church, killing other two victims of the accident were STAFF WRITER crashed a 1997 Ford Escortearly Jan. O'Donnell and 20-year-old backseat released' to their homes. a.m. with a firefighters' dcleni#oe.bomecomn»rn-t 15 on Cherry Hill near Carlson, police passenger Scott Velasquez of Canton. The double fatality shows the, risk of In another development Wednesday, driving drunk, particularly at< high­ pancake breakfast, fol­ A Westland teenager driving 91 mph Officer Jack Mcintosh .confirmed 20-year-old Timothy Edwin Twardokus speed s, police said. oh Cherry Hill Road was drunk when Thursday. lowed by entertainment of Canton became the last of three Police also found marijuana on he lost control of the car and slammed Michigan drivers are considered injured passengers to be released from O'Donnell, Mcintosh said, but the 11 a.m.
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