Outside Technician North Carolina State University‘s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Raleigh. North Carolina ' April 23, 1997 Volume 77, Number 83 Engineering Judge clears Brickyard Preacher of assault charges program seeks applications I “Brickyard Preacher’ with the person who tiled the com January He said the) spoke for a so said .\(Sl l’tililtc Safcty acted plaint he will never be convicted." little while and he thought she was in a mannci that stiggcstcd they Kevin Holmes had his day Holmes pleaded “no contest" to his friend. were out to gct hint The Department of Nuclear in court Thursday. the assault charge. l’liilbcck said. lloliiics did not scc the student "Tlic Public Salct} criminal invcs- Engineering is accepting Holmes said he is relieved that the again tiiitil April l. he said. At that ttgator’s attitudc was I got a Crilill‘ applications to its Young Bv PHILLIP Rat;sr: turmoil surrounding the assault time. he said he was happy to see nal here and l have to put him Scholars Program through May NewsEoiion charge is behind him. her and tried to get her attention. away l. The two—week residential “I feel like l just went through "l‘m preaching and I look out and Holmes said many students and program will be held July 13-25. An assault charge against Kevin World War III. It was very worry- this girl is thrcc feet away. So [just faculty at Nf‘Sl' hatc condctnncd The Young Scholars Program Holmes, known to many NC. State ing to me. I‘m not used to going to said hey and stuck my hand out him prematurely introduces rising high school students as one of the campus‘ court." and she ran into my hand." “People took what the newspaper seniors to nuclear science and “Brickyard preachers," was effec- The assault charge stemmed froin Holmes also said he raised his printed about something ht‘fort: it technology through laboratory tively dropped Thursday. an alleged incident on April l. at voice slightly because he knew that went to trial and inadc a judgiiicnt." tours and lectures during the At that tithe. a Wake County which time a female student told the girl. like him. was hearing im-- he Stiltl. "l was treated as guilty be- first week. During the second judge granted Holmes a “prayer for Public Safety officers that Holmes paired. fore protcn innocent " week. students work directly judgment continued" regarding the had grabbed her by the shoulders “I increased the level of my voice A fixture on NCSli‘s Brickyard with faculty researchers and assault charge against him. and shouted in her car. Public a little one time aiid I touched hcr for quite some time. lloliiics might graduate students on research "That means that the case against Safety officers arrested Holmes for on the shoulder just to get her atten- not preach at N (‘ State again. projects. ...- and...”..t Holmes is continued indefinitely." assault the next day. tion.“ “I feel like I might go to another Supported in part by grants TECHNICIAN FILE PHOio/StArr Hoyt Philbeck. Holmes‘ lawyer. Holmes said he first met the stu- Holmes said the entire incident collegc campus 1 want to go where from Duke Power Foundation. Holmes prays on the Brickyard. said. “So as long as he severs ties dent who liled the assault charge in was blown out of proportion. He al~ I am appreciated." Carolina Power & Light Co.. and Virginia Power Co.. the program is open to rising high school seniors who have Senate New demonstrated an aptitude for Fun with clay science and engineering. Tuition costs and partial room and board will be covered by the revives parking program. Students must pay the remaining $400. arena decks Summer courses offered via cable and resolution video on the way I The Student Senate will Registration is open for the give a controversial resolu- I N.(.‘. State’s Department summer session of NC. State‘s tion another try. of Transportation is singing Courses by Cable and Video a new song: “Deck the program. BY MARK \ltCiuw Campus." The program enables students SIAH Woiiro to enroll in college credit Students who remain loyal to Bi .losii .Il‘S'l'lS courses broadcast on Reynolds Coliseum may be poised 55m» \r‘t/‘llliiJ Cablevision of Raleigh‘s to strike another blow against the Education Channel or through new arena. A resolution paSsed in In the near future students will pre-recorded videocassette the last Student Senate meeting de- find “coming and going" a lot cast tapes. The Summer session nouncing the proposed Centennial er. classes begin May 20. Arena is being reintroduced in the New parking decks are on the Thirty courses in a wide range senate. road ahead for N C State. possibly of disciplines. including science The original resolution passed the within thc ncxt ‘- * years. and the humanities. will be senate two weeks ago. but was we ”We're trying to c'sldhltsh .i more available. Six of the courses will toed as the last act of former [)CdCSH’ldll't‘rlt‘lllt‘tl campus.” said be broadcast via cable and 24 Student Body President Robert Cathy Rc‘t’\t'. AIssHt‘iiilt‘ director for will be on videocassette. Zimmer. planning at Nt‘Sl ”s licpariiiicnt of (‘ablevision subscribers who “l‘m sorely disappointed." said Transportation. wish to earn college credit must Amy Cummins. one of the senators There are thrcc probable sites for register and pay tuition fees working to get the resolution new parking decks They include through the Office of passed. of Zimmer‘s veto. “Some the North Hall parking lot. Brooks Instructional have expressed outrage." lot. and Riddick lot Telecommunications. Zimmcr defended his decision at The most tntcrcsting construction Subscribers and nonsubscribers last Friday's Board of Trustees' could SUlf'dCt‘. or partially subsur— may enroll in courses on meeting by saying that "...thc stu- fthC. til the thltllc'k lttl videocassette. dents are not as informed as they According lo RL'L'H‘. [his lot should be they are a little caught stands the chance ot dictating inno— up in nostalgia." \ation. There is a possibility that a Cummins denounced Zimnier's portion of the new deck might be remarks by stating that “further re- undcrgiound search has collaborated with the "This deck might be an Still-space aid original findings. His New simply facility." Rectc said “We could go didn't reflect those of the students." down a couplc ol lcscls linds‘P Techn'iciafi It is for this reason that Cummins ground." feels it is important to reintroduce But this could posc othci prob- Sports: Tim Clark; the resolution. lems The cost of a parking deck is golfer based on thc number of spaces it "The issue remains important to has. with new dccks costing trom extraordinare. students. and the student govern- GLENN ABBEY/SM“ eight to ten thousand dollars per Page D AshleyWhitthgion almiorlnmimdscience doesolitttemoldngatNCSU‘sCimsCenierT spacc However. a partial under- Su ARENA. Page-7 P ground dcck would cost morc “Underground decks cost around Opinion: Marriage Slit“) a space. if you go under— ground. it's .i more complex facili- anyone? NCSU radio station expansion plansonthe rocks y .. RL‘C\L‘ said Page 10 P A parking deck at Riddick lot Besides the $4.5()0 WKNC spent crowded and the only option still would not only replace the “4 Tech Too: Better I WKNC might not expand cently submitted a proposal to the spaces that are currently available. anytime soon. US. Federal Communications applying for permission to expand. available to WKNC is an immediate but would also \(‘Ht’ to relocate than Ezra is doing Commission asking for permission it stands to lose a lot more, WKNC upgrade at its current frequency. He parking spaces on Yarbrough and a lot better. ByPutt1tr Reuse to change their frequency to 88f Chief Engineer Chris Phillips said. said WKNC has had the same small East Broughton l)ri\cs. Reeve said. NEWS EDllOfl the same as WKNC's broadcast fre- “If we don‘t expand right now. we amount of powcr available to thctn There are two ways to finance the Page 5 quency. are screwed ~ we will never. ever. since N74. new parking decks They can be ft» .lust blame it on the fighting lf Elon's station gets the go-ahead ever change our power." “l guarantee there were a lot tnore nanccd by the people building it, Christians. from the FCC. WKNC will not be Phillips said the question of who cows running around than people at for instance. it it were a part of Elon College, home of the permitted to drastically increase the the FCC will give preference to. that time." he said. some larger expansion of a various “Fighting Christians,“ has potential- power of their transmitter because Elon or NCSU. is anybody's guess. The upgrade to 25,000 watts college on campus ()r they could ly thwaned NC. State radio station such an increase would overlap the “We‘re all in the same boat. We Would increase WKNC‘s potential be financed through user fees. Reagmjso WKNC‘s plans to increase the pow- area in which Elon broadcasts all stand an equal chance of having listening audience by 74 percent. A relief to students is that tuition intemet Services: er of their transmitter from 3.000 to placing two radio stations with the our permit approved. But somebody adding Durham and Chapel Hill to will not be affected by the costs of 25.000 waits. same frequency in the same broad- is going to lose big." the list of cities that can tune into TOL: Technician OnLlne Elon's radio station.
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