March 31, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E489 IN HONOR OF MATTIE RHODES Ms. Mattie Rhodes would have been proud BACK OUR VETERANS HEALTH CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF of these accomplishments. Eleven decades SERVICE IN 2004 after her wish, the Mattie Rhodes Center con- HON. BOB FILNER tinues to care for those less fortunate by pro- OF CALIFORNIA HON. KAREN McCARTHY viding programs that help children and families IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSOURI become more self reliant, confident, creative Wednesday, March 31, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and productive members of their communities. From the humble beginnings of a committed Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, since the creation Wednesday, March 31, 2004 young girl’s dying wish to her name sake of the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I agency that now serves thousands of Kansas health system, the Nation’s doctors of chiro- rise today to honor an agency that has sup- Citians, the Mattie Rhodes Center is keeping practic (DCs) have been kept outside the sys- ported Kansas City area children, families and her promise alive and making a dramatic dif- tem and all but prevented from providing prov- communities for 110 years. The Mattie ference in the lives of the less fortunate. en, cost-effective and much-needed care to Rhodes Center provides social services, men- veterans, including those among the most vul- tal health counseling and provides emerging f nerable and in need of the range of health artists a venue for their work. care services DCs are licensed to provide. In The center is named for Mattie Rhodes, a REIMBURSING MEMBERS OF 2002, 4.5 million patients received care in young woman who worked for the less fortu- UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES DVA health facilities, including 75 percent of nate with a group of Sunday school friends FOR CERTAIN TRANSPORTATION all disabled and low-income veterans. Al- call the Little Gleaners. In 1890, at the age of EXPENSES though the DVA health care budget is roughly 19 she died of typhoid fever. Mattie left $500 $26 billion, in 2002, less than $370,000 went to be used for the benefit of children. The Lit- SPEECH OF toward chiropractic services for veterans. tle Gleaners honored her wish and founded I am proud to introduce legislation—H.R. the Mattie Rhodes Memorial Society in 1894 HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS 4051, the Better Access to Chiropractors to with this pledge: ‘‘I promise to do all I can to OF FLORIDA Keep Our Veterans Healthy Act (BACK Our help the needy and suffering by working for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Veterans Health Act)—that is designed to pro- them, learning about them, giving for them, vide veterans with direct access to a doctor of and trying to interest others in them.’’ Tuesday, March 30, 2004 chiropractic, if that is their choice, through the That pledge made 110 years ago remains a Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I veterans health care system. In developing reality today. The mission of the Mattie rise today in support of Senate bill 2057, a bill this bill, I have worked closely with chiropractic Rhodes Center is to ‘‘strengthen children, fam- to reimburse members of the Armed Forces patients, particularly our veterans, who know ilies and community by providing social serv- for certain travel expenses incurred while on the benefits of chiropractic care and bear wit- ices, mental health counseling and art experi- leave before the Central Command Rest and ness to the positive outcomes and preventa- ences in a bilingual, culturally sensitive envi- Recuperation Leave Program was expanded tive health benefits of chiropractic care. I was ronment.’’ Mattie Rhodes offers services such to include domestic travel. also pleased to work with the American Chiro- as individual and family counseling, Hispanic This bill, which recently passed the Senate, practic Association (ACA), the Nation’s largest mental health programs, job readiness and directs the Secretary of Defense to reimburse chiropractic organization and the national placement and educational experiences for members of the Armed Forces for transpor- voice of doctors of chiropractic and their pa- children. More than 650 individuals and fami- tation expenses for up to one domestic round tients. I am told by the ACA that there are lies access family services each year through trip that was taken between September 25 more than 60,000 doctors of chiropractic and the Mattie Rhodes Center. The majority are of and December 18, 2003. in excess of 25 million chiropractic patients Mexican descent and are recent immigrants Mr. Speaker, the past few years have been across America. Specifically, my bill seeks to amend title 38 who speak little or no English. Each year more a difficult and strenuous time for the brave and of the United States Code to permit eligible than 1,700 children benefit from mentoring dedicated men and women of our Armed veterans to have direct access to chiropractic programs, youth support groups and arts edu- Forces. Our soldiers are tasked in missions care at Department of Veterans Affairs hos- cation geared to youth from the suburbs and across the globe, from Iraq and Afghanistan to pitals and clinics. Section 3 of the measure Kansas City’s urban core. The Mattie Rhodes South Korea and the Philippines. Many of states that ‘‘The Secretary [of Veterans Affairs] Art Center continues to be a place where chil- these missions involve combat or other ex- shall permit eligible veterans to receive need- dren can have fun, learn about, appreciate treme hardships. and create art. In 1999, the Mattie Rhodes ed [health care] services, rehabilitative serv- In addition to being kept apart for months at Center reached out to Hispanic artists and art ices, and preventative health services from a a time, military families have to cope with ris- patrons by establishing the Mattie Rhodes Art licensed doctor of chiropractic on a direct ac- ing health care costs and uncertainties about Gallery. It provides a unique experience for cess basis at the election of the eligible vet- the future. Deployment orders for reservists Latino artists to display their work, and for the eran, if such services are within the State and the National Guard are increasing, and community to view and appreciate. The exhib- scope of practice of such doctor of chiro- stop-loss measures have been put in place for its educate children and the public about the practic.’’ The measure goes on to directly pro- enlisted personnel who thought they were on importance of Latino arts in the West Side hibit discrimination among licensed health care the verge of going home. Tens of thousands community and the greater metropolitan area. providers by the DVA when determining which Area daycare centers, elementary and high of military families lack adequate housing and services a patient needs. schools, community organizations and individ- affordable medical care, and Democratic ef- Over the years, Mr. Speaker, representa- uals constitute the broad based sector forts to increase family separation and danger tives of the Department of Veterans Affairs reached by Mattie Rhodes Center programs. pay have been defeated by Republicans in have come before the House Veterans Affairs These groups include Garcia School, McCoy this body. Committee, a panel on which I serve, and School, Northeast High School, Rose Brooks Each deployment period, soldiers only re- have insisted that chiropractic benefits are Domestic Violence Shelter, Hand-In-Hand and ceive a brief period of leave to reunite with available to veterans and that no bias exists the Missouri Division of Family Services, His- their families and enjoy respite from the haz- within the DVA against the chiropractic profes- panic artists and patrons. ards of serving abroad. That soldiers, in some sion. But the facts I cited above speak other- Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring the instances, should have had to pay for their wise. For all practical purposes, access to Mattie Rhodes Center in Kansas City, Missouri own transportation costs while on leave is chiropractic care has been nonexistent within for its 110 years of outstanding service. I con- most unfortunate. the DVA system. Chiropractic care has so sel- gratulate this excellent organization in con- Mr. Speaker, it is reasonable for Congress dom been offered to veterans that it can be junction with The Mattie Rhodes Art of the to demonstrate its gratitude to the men and fairly said to be a phantom benefit—and for Mask Auction on April 3, 2004. The auction women of the Armed Forces by ensuring that years, Mr. Speaker, the DVA has done noth- has grown from a children’s art center project they do not have to pay out of pocket for trav- ing to correct this deficiency. There is simply into a community celebration. This year’s auc- el expenses incurred while transitioning from no evidence that the DVA has ever acted tion will be the twelfth in Mattie Rhodes Cen- the difficulties of deployment to the welcoming proactively in any meaningful and substantive ter’s history. I am proud to have contributed by arms of their families at home. way to ensure that chiropractic care is made creating a clay mask for the event. I urge my colleagues to support this bill. available to veterans—and because of that VerDate mar 24 2004 03:37 Apr 01, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31MR8.005 E31PT1 E490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 31, 2004 track record of neglect that the U.S. Congress leading advocate for the North Loop Theatre porter that her patriotism to this country felt compelled to take action.
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