v A MORNING STAR/UNITY! SPECIAL CABLE STREET FOREVER! The famous victory in 1936 is still felt today far beyond the East End, says LIZ PAYNE THE ROUTING OF Oswald Mosley’s For Peace and Freedom in East London!” black-shirted thugs and their police The Battle of Cable Street was inte- escort by 250,000 residents of Lon- gral to the international struggle to don’s East End in Autumn 1936 had sig- defeat the open terroristic dictatorship nificance way beyond the local streets of fascism, a system intent on stamp- or the year. ing out the struggle for socialism, and The Communist Party and YCL’s rally- the hopes and aspirations of working ing call (Daily Worker, 3 October 1936) people everywhere for a better life. read: “Against Fascism! For Freedom By 1936, fascism had already shown and Democracy! For the victory of the its true colours. Japan had invaded Man- Spanish People! For the raising of the churia in 1931. From 1933, a stream of blockade which deprives them of arms! 8Turn to page 2 ONLINE RALLY INSIDE: Jeremy Corbyn MP, 2.30pm Sunday 4 October Frances O’Grady (TUC), Patrick See p8 for details and how to register Roach (NASUWT) and more morningstaronline.co.uk Co-edited by Phil Katz and morningstaronline 2 Cable Street Forever James Rodie October 2020 @m_star_online Cable Street must inspire Cable Street action today S WE reflect on the his- by Frances O’Grady lisation against the National Front and toric victory at Cable BNP here in Britain. inspires Street 84 years ago, Today the threat from far-right we must be ready to working-class women and men — all ideologies has shifted into the main- mobilise against anti- joined forces with the local Jewish stream, and unions continue our fight us today semitism, racism and community to stop Mosley’s Black- in Britain and internationally. Adiscrimination again. shirts in their tracks. Since 2016, there’s been a shocking On 4 October 1936, more than Eight decades on, I am still inspired rise in attacks by far-right thugs and FROM P1: refugees bore witness to 100,000 East Enders took to the by Cable Street. And it’s still the trade online hate against Muslim and Jewish the nazi concentration camps, torture streets to prevent Oswald Mosley’s union movement’s historic mission to people, the LGBT community, disabled chambers and virulent racist horrors. British Union of Fascists marching fight racism and anti-semitism, what- people and migrant workers. News of Mussolini’s undeclared war on through the area. ever form they take. We’ve seen organised far-right Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia) from The Battle of Cable Street was a Anti-fascism is part of our groups recruiting on football terraces, late 1935, told of a people bombed and pivotal moment in the history of the DNA. Thousands of trade unionists rampaging through our streets, and gassed without mercy in their own land. fight against fascism in Britain, and joined the International Brigades to targeting trade unionists. But we see Then came Spain. In mid-July 1936, also in the history of the trade union fight Franco’s armies in Spain, including the influence of the far right in other Francisco Franco’s forces, backed by movement. the former leader of the T&G union, ways; in the demonising of migrants the military might of fascist Italy and Many trade unionists were among Jack Jones. and the dog-whistle Islamophobia of Germany, began their long-planned the countless thousands who stood up Many more died during the second politicians. Hatred which finds its way attack on the legitimate republican to hatred and drove out the fascists world war, resisting fascism across into communities and workplaces. Popular Front government. that day. Europe. Like Mosley’s Blackshirts in the 1930s, The terror began immediately, sym- Irish dockers, railway workers, More recently, unions led the mobi- they claim to represent working people. bolised by the horrific massacre of But we know the truth. thousands at Badajoz on 14 August. The These people don’t give a damn about town’s inhabitants were rounded up and our values. They’re against everything that slaughtered in the bullring and surround- our movement stands for: dignity for all, ing streets, bodies left where they fell. regardless of race, faith or sexuality. The That autumn, young people from far right only looks for a chance to exploit many countries set off for Spain to fight division, turning working people against for democracy and freedom. They, who each other and stirring up hate. would form the International Brigades, They say history doesn’t repeat, it knew how dangerous a fascist victory rhymes. This isn’t the 1930s, or the in Spain would be, as the clouds of war 1970s. Today’s far right isn’t just organ- gathered across the world. The first of ising on the streets but on Facebook hundreds of British volunteers to die, and WhatsApp too, with its threads Felicia Browne, was killed just six weeks of hate worryingly woven into main- before Cable Street. Reproduced courtesy of the WCML stream media and political discourse. By now, the Party had set to work Far right activists are harnessing organising medical and food aid, as well social media to spread hate and under- as recruiting volunteers, calling mass mine our democracy. HE Battle of Cable Street rallies and exposing the shameful policy So as we reflect on historic victories has a deep personal sig- of Britain in refusing to sell arms to like turning back the tide of fascism at nificance to me. I learned the elected Spanish government. This Cable Street, we must also look to the all about that historic was not neutrality; it was tantamount battles ahead. event from my mother, to direct support for fascism. That’s why the government must who was there herself. The British working class, with the crack down on social media giants let- TShe told me how she joined tens of Communist Party at its centre, knew it ting their platforms be used to spread thousands of people from an incredibly must challenge the ultra-right at home hate and speak out against discrimina- diverse range of community organisa- and in Spain. Workers totally rejected tion and hatred whatever the source. tions, faith groups, trade unions, the Labour’s view that resistance to fas- And we in the trade union move- Labour Party, left-wing groups and cism only provoked it further and the ment must step up too. We can stop others who had come together against best way to defeat it was by ignoring it. the far-right in its tracks by uniting the planned march by Oswald Mosley’s In Britain, it was imperative to con- working people across borders and British Union of Fascists — and the front not only fascists on the street but standing up for a new deal for everyone. police guarding it — through a heavily their powerful backers in high places We must mobilise the strength Jewish neighbourhood. — reactionary, nazi-leaning sections of our six million members around Communities joined together to of the ruling class, including the soon- our core values of solidarity, respect, support each other with one simple to-abdicate Edward VIII, the landed equality and internationalism. aim: to stop the fascists marching aristocracy and big business. And we must work with our sisters through the East End and determinedly At Cable Street united and concerted and brothers across the world to win say they wouldn’t let them pass. action, not only halted the Blackshirts on the fight against those — from Trump Barricades were erected to halt the day. The defeat prevented fascism from to Bolsonaro and Modi — who seek the march, and so it was eventually creating a mass base in Britain and another to pit worker against worker. abandoned in a great victory for the ally for the nazis and other axis powers. It Frances O’Grady is TUC general secretary. anti-fascists. was an act of true internationalism. My mother Naomi stood alongside Liz Payne is chair of the Communist CLEAR MESSAGE: A 1937 Labour so many others because she wanted Party. Research Department pamphlet to live in a world, as we all do, free Cable Street Forever 3 ON THE BARRICADES: East Enders recall Blackshirt brutality at the Olympia Rally of 1934 Reproduced courtesy of the MML Tackle racism head on from xenophobia and free from hate. by Jeremy Corbyn In recent months, we have again besides — is the fault of a decade of scapegoat some of the most vulner- As I said at the tremendous event to seen a rise in those who wish to ideologically driven austerity and this able people in our society and drive a mark the Battle of Cable’s Street 80th scapegoat and blame migrants for the Tory government’s wrong priorities; wedge between different communities. anniversary in 2016: “The principles society with many cultures and side by problems we are facing as a country not the fault of migrants or refugees. The only way to defeat division and that brought those people on to the side in a multi-faith society. and a society. To put it simply, these economic hate is to confront head-on those who streets runs through my DNA.” As Gary Lineker’s recent brilliant In particular in the last few weeks we and social problems are the result of fan the flames of racism and xenophobia. Those who stood there in Cable Fish and Chips video showed, many have seen a notable increase in hostility a rigged and broken system that needs It is not enough to just declare our Street, all those years ago, did so as an things we regard as essential to British towards refugees, including a wave of to change.
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