The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1981-1990 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 10-2-1987 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1987-10-02 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1987-10-02" (1987). The Voice: 1981-1990. 161. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990/161 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. be TOooeter UDotce October 2, 1987 Vandals Bend Goalposts, Problems at Bacchanalia By Graham Rayman Last weekend, the College (according to Security). The con- they blew by the gate and into the campus was turned on its end by a sensus is that it was a large group party. Later I approached two of series of incidents unprecedented of people who did it. Security them and confronted them about ' - - .. - - . in recent years in their concentra- Chief Carl Yund concurred, "When it. Neither had stamps, but they . - tion and intensity. Damages upon the posts were originally built still denied that they hadn't paid." damages were committed around they were spot-weld- ed in three There was also the problem and off-campu- s, ranging from the places. It had to be a group of of the theft of food. Some of the vandalism of the goal posts at heavy guys." The fact that one of Denison students approached the Severance Stadium to the activa- the lights at the stadium was food stand demanding free food. tion of five fire alarms, and the knocked out, presumably to con- The worker told them that they setting off of quite a few fire ex- ceal the act, suggests that it was a had to pay, at which point they tinguishers. The bulk of the inci- planned occurrence. The vandalism verbally abused, harrassed and in- Saturday night dents happened on will be expensive to the College . timidated her, said witnesses. between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m., Sun- as the installation and purchase of When she went to get help they day. each post cost $5-600- 0. There is stole food. Behind the food stand, In total, ten different inci- a good chance that the posts will a group of Wooster alumni and dents were committed between 8 not be repaired or replaced in time students were barbecuing chicken. a.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday. for Homecoming Weekend. "We Assuming it was for everyone, The handicapped parking sign in don't know who did it," said Yund, some Denison students began tak- front of Lowry was stolen. False "but rest assured that all leads will ing it. They became abusive when fire alarms were set off in Dou- be pursued, and charges filed if the they were told to stop. One glass, Armington, Taylor and Ke-narde- n. perpetrators are apprehended." Wooster senior complained of The alarms set off in the Meanwhile, in the 1st Sec- having to fend .them off with a first three dorms occurred within tion (Betas) lounge, at around skewer. ' " " six minutes of each other, sug- nine o'clock, while the dorm was Earlier in the week, several gesting that they were planned. In mostly away at Bacchanalia, a fire Crandalls went to other colleges Armington there was also a win- extinguisher and a fire alarm were to invite their students to Bac-channal- ia. dow broken at a little after 11 set off. No one knows for sure This turned out to be a p.m. who did it, but the consensus is mistake. As Ned Weintraub com- There was quite a bit happen- that it was members of the Deni- mented, "We thought it would be a ing around campus during the son rugby team. good idea to invite other schools weekend; much more than on most At Crandall House's Baccha- to Bach, but appparently they 1 weekends. The- - 17th annual Bac- nalia other incidents occurred, in- don't hold the same attitude of chanalia was held at Beck's Camp- cluding gate-crashin- g, the theft of graciousness as students of The ground. In addition were both a food and the breaking and burning College of Wooster." home football game and rugby of the overhead lights and their game against Ohio Wesleyan and wooden supports. Several sources One of the Bent Goalposts (Photo by Margaret Lydecker) 3 Denison respectively. Because of have implicated Denison students, Continued on page Bacchanalia, there were also a lot including members of their rugby : of alumni back. The campus was team, in the acts. Crandall mem- much more crowded than usual. So ber and senior Nan Curtis com- . ... .i the possioimy was mere mai mented, "While all the Wooster Students Start Underground Review more incidents than usual , would students paid, the Denison stu- occur. But few expected so much. dents thought that admission was The goal posts were bent on free. When the. gate attendant Saturday night at around 11:30 turned around to check something. by Rusty Hood There is a new and exciting views (new and old), life musings, want to stress that this magazine project in the works this year at political thoughts and so much will not be of superior manufactur- The College of Wooster and it more. We prefer to refer to the ing, as are many other literary gives a refreshing new meaning to magazine as a literary grab-bag- ,' magazines. "We will probably ; the notion of literary magazine. so to speak." have it done by a computer and Fljirig into the Fray we go with, . The Underground Review , con- As mainstays of the fiction bound; we just don't have the ne- Lots of Campos News Including essays on the .Women's. ceived by sophmores Dan Stracho-t- a board on The Wooster Review cessary funds right now to do oth- Studies and Economics Departments, The SGA-Telephon- e and Bruce Kim, will undoubted- staff, Strachota and Kim have the erwise. What's most important is AffahvThefi in Douglass, fa addition Stratton Reviews ly be mistaken as an attempt to needed experience and genuine to really get this thing cooking ! Flowing Fibers'?, and lots o humor including Tales of take over where Mike Allen's love for putting together a literary Once 'we get an idea of how much ' the Truly Ordinary, Our Beef on 'Lounging, Pizza and Wooster Review left off. On the magazine. "We don't think we .interest there is, then we can try contrary. The Underground Review need a staff because there won't be Politics, Shiltsy Going Nowhere Fast,, plus a whole-pag- e to expand. We're just trying to get is very different from any other as much evaluation about what a feel for it all." of stuff oa South Africa by Onaran, and Cross - kind of literary magazine. should go in and what should not. Drawing will also be fea- Country, Football," Field Hockey, . Women's Soccer, . Strachota says, "This Re- We want this project to be a real tured in The Underground Review . view is wide open to any form of fun piece of literature for all sorts "If they're good enough, they writing imaginable. Short stories, of people," adds Kim. limericks, record and movie re Both Kim and Strachota Continued on page 4 .Page 2: iThe Wooster Voice'' pcptillfiglhd Do Women's Studies Professors Equal Man-Hater- s? By William Van Cleave A program of continually nately all too common cases I fessors was an addition to the I am stating mine. But there is a men and women who generalize increasing interest and debate at have even heard from students that well-roundedne- ss of their class- certain point at which opinions against the feminists who make The College of Wooster is the certain professors who help to room meetings and to my educa- have the potential to scare some up a portion of the faculty and entire depart- student body are expressing very Women's Studies Program. This make up the program of Women's tion here at Wooster. In fact, I students away from Unfortunately, such seems narrow-minde- d views to a student interest stems not only from the Studies are man-hater- s. I must appreciated the experience enough ments. unique selection of interdiscipli- disagree with this extremely nega- to take another course from one of to be the case. body which I have always consid- nary courses offered by its faculty, tive approach to Women's Studies these same two professors this se- While I am on the topic ered to be very open-minde- d. but also unfortunately from an as- which is a very strong and posi- mester. of "those horrible feminist mon- Students who feel that the sociation between feminists and tive program on this campus. One student informed me sters" who make up the Women's feminists who make up the Wom- I would also en's Studies Program are pushy man-hater- s. Though I suppose Certainly the feminists who that "there is really nothing you Studies Program, attention to sev- may in reality be reacting to their man-hatin- g feminists do exist in help make up the Women's Studies can study in Women's Studies; it's like to draw your sup- new un- this world, woman-hater- s are not Program strive for equality for just a chance for a bunch of wom- eral male students who do not own fear of the and the an extinct "species" among the women, and at times they may ap- en to sit around and bitch about port the "man-hatin- g" hypothesis: known.
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