Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 1-11-1955 The Ledger and Times, January 11, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, January 11, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2253. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2253 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - a 1111110111--. - -pa* 41.401=10%. [955 $84,52 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community. Newspaper ;Anted cosh,' Largest value Circulation In The fistic [Circulationaonti In The reat11111, [ City; Largest City; imong Circulation In Largest m an Circulation In ,bacco The County 875(15 The County farms ,hours United Press IN OUR 75th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 obacco Afternoon, January II, 1955 Vol. LXXVI No. 9 grass; hour c!„ 13P eting. hired labor and opera- POSTAL RATE, PAY HIKE nay." IS REQUESTED • EATON FAMILY TAKES TO SKIS IN QUEBEC ieds Weather Cause Orval Adams 1 Letter To Editor_i CYRUS Cost To Government Would Be Vf Accidents Dear Editor: f Passes Away Tbe Empty Stocking Drive that 394 Million Dollars A Year - is sponsored annually by Murray High PTA. was a great success Orval Adams, age 60, paased Over State due to the generosity of the peoa away Sunday in a Meittahis hos- By MILTON MAGRUITER • '1 tually represented 'a payroll in-. ple of Murray. ._ pital.' He had been ill .for tithe United Press Staff Correspondent Crease of 6.5 per rent. However. WASHINGTON, Jan, 1.5 per cent of this represented the By UNITED PRESS past two yeaz's We were able to furnish thirteen 11 President Eisenhower toelay asked cost ot adjusting current pay scale Kentucky State Police warned Survivors include his wife Mrs. families composed of fifty-two Congress to hike postal rates ineauities. drivers today that nearly all of Attie Adams of Memphis: one Persons with Clothing, toys and and _ ... increase the pay and benefits of Lists General Cetnment the state's roads are snow covered daughter, Mese ThYra Homer al' food. Wichita, federal workers at a cost to the—.Altheugh he did not specify the end dangerous, particularly in Kansas; one son. Alton want government of more than 394 postal rate increases. he wants, western Kentucky. Adams of Memphis; one sister. I' to take thts opportunity Mrs. Carte Jones of Mtirray-,- of -expressing my thankg - to all 'million- dollars a year: Mr.' Eisenhower made *tele gen. Police report the •- gawk,- three- _ brothers, Luther, of Hickman. who gave of their time and -the-ans. eral comments about the varinue have caused _ many minor acci- „lPfifC:tiOitireaser said lit twin mes- Leslie of Bay Pines, Florida, and To the Ledger and Times for, classes of mail: , dents avid at least one death fl sages to Congress that the mail Noeile of Memphis. its-- is also their articles in the paper; to first Class Mail: tillepre nt 3 Kentucky. rate increase "will be in the pub- survived by four grandchildren: radio station WNBS for the an- bent rate "has not beck_ increased lic interest- to assure effkient. The funeral will be held in the nouncements; ro the Fire Dept. in almost a quarter of a acentury." James R. Richardson, ?0, Depart- service of the -Post'- Office a.period during Which e costs of uiUe-truck driver. was burned to South Pleasant Grove Methodist fig, collecting ,,ancl repairing toys. ment.'- and the pay raise botiat IS "have death Church at .1;30 today with pee. to Ryan Milk Co. who gave a other goods and services late yester v when his assehtial "to the furjher improve- ',pert Miller and Rev. John PUP quirt of milk for each,...family;- almost doubted." - - - a , - - tF - $ect " fedeial career to Colonial Bread for thirty ment of the service," Second Class' Mill: The 'rates' ear Bowlan GreLan, 'struck In an effort to make the Post Burial wilrAtbe in the. church loaves of bread; to Ryan Shoe which apply to newspaPep and apaile .and overturned. • ma Office Department self-supporting, le , , --s. ara-Storte tor new house shoes and magazines "are clearly inadatitiatas" Mr. Eisenhower propoeecta that the increased, until the - Palibeaecri-ivjffl boots _for. each family; to the fif- and "a hOtIld .1)P er016-s-- 1 ,V1 postal rates on the first iihree fair and i'25-toot,„‘e- L. Hum- teen grocery stores in the city such matter makes a GP" ‘, claws of • Mail be increapea. He hurss tatu7sys. Mae 'Gaylon who put a basket in their store reasonable contribution to postal thallifeartie truck.''toz actual pro- aria did not spell out the revenu'es." The increases to be ed auto artS, wes oWrekl Myers, for the cuttomers to fill and to • posed_ increases, He Said the post- be in t IA't I slaps to Leo The Ma re Funeral Swanns who filled three baskets proposed will . isseneas and Soars, laulateine. mater general,- soon will sabrnit lame of arrangements and contributed four dollars and CLEVELAND INDUSTRIALIST Cyrus Eaton (left) lines up with his daughter and grandchildren for a ease - Ili* -impact on publishers. The U. .15. raise the rates to "mare W.5e1.1ter,,litagion seventy-five cents in cash slalom down a slope at St, Castin, Quebec winter resort. Others are Bob Lefevre, 14; Mrs. Lyman details to _Third Class Mail: Rates on this LauisViikelt^4 Standar:eV reasonabae levels!" ad- Fief/ is- Then I want to thank the fol- H. Butterfield, Eaton's daughter; Fox Butterfield, 15; Hestor Butterfield, 10; David Lefevre, 10. The th-ail, which consists largely of eurtlieil &roe .inches $pOw before observed his 71st birthday at tha resort //aterisattoiso4/ vertising matter, are now "sub- lowing who collected and re- family spoot the holidays and " May Ask One Cent sloes cleared. but eeperts from stantially below the cost of erovid- paired toys. Den 2 of the Boy t h e administration Br°, edearis However, "should be titer sections this service" ;ind v Jetfersns'Couniy Scouts with Mrs. C. C. Lowery 3 Stant'postage ing stand has been that and eentrhl faeraticky ( increased - pieced the- leader altd Brownie Troop 23 Man Of Many on out-of-tOWn mail should ben- depth at more 'thae 'Congresslast year rejected Mr. lour inches. with Mrs. Conrad Jones as trailer. MSC Still In Boards For creased to four cents and air mail 'for in- It was still enuoing female today In Winter • The FHA Girls of Murray High Transfusions Dies Eiaenhower's proposal upped from 6 cents to 7 cents. 5S creased mail rates but Voted a 7 i!r Htle-r_71. aiSittaltasit,a ;but th. with Mrs 13o Included- -ia -Me- " • alTALLASPre.x. rtr - An autopsy per cent pay raise fer pLstal an 5 weather . burnau predilled clear;ng the disbanded troop of Girl Scouts postal rate plan was a recommen. Hospital-Name..rtapma showed serigice employes. The prest- today that wit.notiefr-- • - Lecture Series- who are node Freshenan girls'Or Hubert dation that the second class rate W Harris was &awned dent vetoed this bal. saying it W:IS State potkelliiisi'ltiads in ei4t. Murray High who gave thirty- an early on newspapers and magazines "unrealistic" because it did not ern Kentucky, 'tataitOilek but pae- five dollars in cash. Still leading the Ohl^ Valley death even if. he had suavaved the until such, - increased should be compensating increases sible fai east as Wialtant Medearis, minister of My tharks also to the teachers Conference with a 4-la conference New constant internal Weechne that ne- and reason- provide for Undon High- Officers matter makes a fair tha Girurch of Christ, Murray. in postal rates. • ways in Perrylii(a603;.• of Murrey High for their kind mails. the Murray State Thorough- cesaltattd 180 transfusions within• contribution . to postal reve- wet* Weak aide Eisenhower said, nothing 'kw from .8aistured va- Bur Whiter cooperation isoct 4o POW Meri .ball -seek, So immerge-- 1.11.111111..s._ . • *a, Lectirre Series at '41104117rgetr` .rrit -Cerf s ineaVie4". Sak- 11111y David Lipscomb Marine who is Murray High PTA seas n eecord of seven wins and Doctors Eisenhower recommended Ws= have dried. Board of Diectors performed the autopsy Mr. members of Conga ais. College. ,Nashville. January 16-21, publicity 'chairman. Then to the five losses with and the Boaed ai les for Louisville and 4offarerm Coenty road games a• elynatly after Harrie died Monday. that the postal rate increases be whie, of Constituency of Murray H said in his State of the ' has for its theme, "Spread- group composed of Mrs. Cecil Memphis State Thursday and a' pending con- But he school officials said litchools would They found he suffered from a regarded as tentative salaries ing the Kingdom" Mrs. pia was held at the hospital last Union message that higher open on Farris, Mrs. Buford Hurt. Oklahoma City University Satur- ballooning of gressional estabbehnient of an in- schedule _faith only St htedearis, who has been preach- night one of the man for lawmakers are long overdue. Grayson McClure, Mrs. Gail Coi-- day. blood dependent commission whicn would Francis in the Fitlib ciosing be- mg 1919 vessels of his heart that has had several drey. Mrs. Lloyd dones, Mrs. In the election of officers of the fu- I( cause of the weather In the • Memphis game the Rac- catised the continual bleeding.
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