THE HERAI^D'S COL­ Established as a Weekly 1881. price tw o cents V ‘ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY^ JULY 12, 1919. UMNS. Cost one cent per Word for VOL m VBl NO. 240 Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. first Insertion, halt cent thereafter. S’*' Established as a Daily 1914. F' Si'/ iUniY m NAVY READS PLAHNUNYYORTDRIINO Nd N eed to AGREE TO STAND H D A l STOLEN EROK A DRAWER In Respect to Peace Treaty, IN CDENEY LABORATORY « Vm Tirpitz and Ludendorff R-34 Will Land at Paulham, WN1HV WIDE S M E to Giro Themselreis Valuable Metal Was. U sei in A ssert 1 . ^ Norfolk, Instead of Going Up to Alkes. Making Cbeinical OESTEEIWORKERSNEAR Tittoni Tells Italy’s Deputies “ President Has Ceased to to Scotland— One of Her Tests. U-BOAT COMMANDERS FLEE Fiume Problem Will Be Solved Fnnetion as Part of Treaty Motors Disabled— Big Air­ Umon Wants Industry to Rec­ T A I ^ WHEN MILLS WERE -Making Power of the U. S. ship Has Been in the Air ognize the "Closed Taking Refuge in Russia—^Brisk London, July 12.— Tomasso , Tit­ He urged calmness by all. Business in Germany in Fake SHUT DOWN FOR FOURTH The Asia Minor, question is toni, Italian foreign minister ad­ Government,” They De­ Passports. awaiting a decision by President Wil­ dressing the Chamber of Deputies, 50 Hours. Shop.” son, Signor Tittoni believes. Berlin, July 11.— (Via London, Indications Are That Theft Was told the members that “ the. peace clare—Other Senators Sity Made by Someone Familiar With London, July 12.— A wireless July 12.)—There is a report in cir­ delegates in Paris are talking loudly The Asia Minor question arose Laboratory— State Police Hunt­ message from the R-34 received by culation here that Admiral von Tir­ and are clearly upholding Italy’s from the concentration of Italian Chief Executive Will he In­ “ COLLEaWE BARGAINING” ing Clue. the Air Ministry shortly after noon pitz, originator of Germany’s sub­ rights,” according to an Exchange troops in Western Turkey without a today stated the big dirigible will marine frightfulness, and General Telegraph dispatch from Rome to­ mandate from the peace conference. State policemen are working in vited. ' land at Paulham, Norfolk, not far Steel Corporations Will Not Confer Ludendorff, formerly known as the day. Signor Tittoni expressed the The Italians were alleged to be sid­ conjunction with the local police from London, instead of going to With Men Concerping Improve­ “ brains of the Germany army” , may belief, however, that the road to a ing with the Turks against the force on a theft which occurred in East Fortune, Scotland, as intended. ment of Working Conditions. soon come forward and voluntarily solution will be.found next week. Greeks in the Vilayet of Smyrna. Washlngton, July 12.—It was re­ the Cheney mills during the Fourth Changes In Plans. offer to give themselves up to the garded as highly probable by both Washington, July 12.—A nation allies to stand trial on charge of of July vacation. Sometime after The change in Major Scott’s plans Republican and Democratic mem­ was evidently made suddenly as at wide strike of steel workers loomed war crimes. Thursday night, the 3rd of July, the bers of the Senate Foreign Rela­ 6.30 o’clock this morning he had nearer today. Many former submarine comman­ laboratory of the Cheney Mills, lo­ wirelessed that he was heading Labor leaders here predicted that ders are said to be fleeing the coun cated in the Old Mill above the dye- dSTnUlNAUTY or PROHIBITION tions Committee today that Presi­ north for East Fortune, from whence the recommendation that a strike try, taking refuge in Russia or neu­ house, was entered. About a dozen dent Wilson would^e invited to ap­ pieces of platinum, consisting of he had made the start to America. vote be taken, made at a meeting of tral nations. pear before the committee after it crucibles, dishes and covers were re 700 MEilcs From London. representatives of 24 affiliated in Fraudulent Passports. 1$ ON TRIAL TODAY IN WASHINGTON began consideration of the treaty of moved. The estimated value of this ' The R-34 at noon was approxim­ ternational unions hero yesterday, A brisk business Is being carried Versailles on Monday next. platinum is between $800 and $1,- ately 700 miles from London, and would be formally adopted on July on in fradulent passports and Identi­ Lodge’s Opinion. 000. unless some mishap occurs it is be­ 20, when a conference of the Union fication papers in Weimerstrasse. The ri^pinlon of Senator Lodge, of Platinum brings about $3.75 DECISION IN “ DRY” TEST Some of the Best Lawyers in lieved that she will land tonight or President’s will be held in Pitts The papers sell all the way from 100 Massachusetts, chairman of the gram. A small dish toade of platin­ early tomorrow morning. burgh for the purpose of taking final to 500 marks. Occasionally a cus committee and of Senator Knox, of um which could easily be placed In IS NOT GIVEN BY COURT Air ministry officials advised Ma­ action. tomer wears a monocle and attaches Country to -Attack “ Dry” Pennsylvania, that the President, a pocket Is worth about $300. The jor Scott early this morning that Representatives of the Union’s a “ von’ ’to his name but all of the having “ ceased to function as part largest dishes stolen fro mthe labora­ weather conditions in Scotland were said the object of the ^ strike, if names that are given are false. Ruling Will Not Bo Made Public Laws Before Senate Com­ of the treaty-making power of tho tory weighed 63 grams. The other Mi bad. A southwest gale is sweeping voted, would be to enforce recogni­ When the allies make formal de­ * Until the Fourth Thursday in United States Government” , there articles varied In weight down to 25 the coast, making landing condi­ tion of the Union’s by the steel in­ mand the German government prob­ September. was no necessity for the committee grams. The theft was not discover­ mittee. tions difficult and dangerous. dustry, which always has operated ably will Issue a summons, but it is consulting him with respect to the ed until Monday morning after the * / . Difficult to Land. on an “ open shop’’ basis. doing nothing now to find the for­ New Haven, July 12.— After hear­ treaty, was not shared by Senators Fourth when the chemist opened the Landing conditions in Scotland The resolution recommending the mer U-boat commanders because it ing arguments on a demurrer as to Washington, July 12.— Constitu­ Borah, of Idaho; Moses of New drawer in which the platinum was will be difficult unless the Weather strike vote stated that: does not know the ^ames on the En the merits of the government’s pros­ tionality of prohibition was on trial Hampshire, and others of the Re- stored. This made access easy for moderates considerably, according to “ Working conditions In the steel tente’s list. ecution of a local bartender for the today, with some of the most em­ pulicans on it. those intending to steal the metal the air ministry’s r^eports. A south­ Industry are so intolerable and the sale of beer. Judge T. L! Chatfleld, inent lawyer? of the country pre­ To Invite Fresldent. ' Workipen were in plant Satur west gale is sweeping over the Scot­ unrest arising therefro.m so intense of Brooklyn, In the United ©latfliB pared to attack it; It was predicted that a motion fn^* day doing overtime wwk. The theft tish coast. Moderate winds prevail that they can be remedied only by STEAMER BRINGS YANKS District Court lierfe toif^y de^etted Samuel Untermeyer, attorney, was vltlng the President to attend some seems to have been made by one over England today. the application of the principles of decision, on the question of the legal­ to appear before the prohibition sub­ of the committee sessions, as he vol­ familiar with the laboratory for none The air ministry’s last direct word collective bargaining,” and that WHO FOUGHT IN RUSSIA ity of the sale o< beer, as raised in committee of the Senate Judiciary unteered to do in opening his ad­ of the other drawers or valuable ar­ from Major Scott, the dirigible com­ all efforts have 'failed to bring the demurrer, to the fourth Thurs­ Committee and argue against the dress to the Senate on Thursday last mander, was at 6.30 o’clock this about a conference between the ticles were molested In any way. constitutionality of prohibition en­ 214 Officers, 5,200 Enlisted Men and day in September in order to permit —a motion which Senator Moses morning, (Greenwich Mean Time). heads of the great steel corpora­ The laboratory Is located on the forcement law's now proposed in the 54 CIvilijms On Board the Presi­ Attorney C, S. Hamilton, who ap­ stated he would probably offer at At that hour Major Scott wirelessed tions and the trade unjons repre­ second floor of the Old Mill and in Senate. It was probable that Elihu dent Grant. peared for the defendant, Martin Monday’s meeting of the committee that his position was 52.15 north, senting many thpusands of organiz­ order to gain entrance to it one must Schmander, a bartender of this cl^y Root, former Senator from New —would be carried despite any op­ 23.00 west and that his course was ed steel workers for the purpose of walk through a large part of the York and William D. Guthrie also Boston, July 12.— Bringing 214 to file additional papers in the case.
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