August CALENDAR 2012 @7 EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TICKET DISCOUNTS: YOUTH-HALF PRICE (AGES 25 & UNDER) Brittany Haas the Paul Tito y su Alex De Grassi SENIOR-$2.00 OFF Walter Strauss (AGES 65 & OVER) & Lauren Thorn Band Son de Cuba _VhTV_efcj YZXYV_VcXj MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF Franco Morone Rioux D`feYVc_2^VcZTR_ 4fSR_son guitars T`_eV^a`cRcjWZUU]Vcd ec`fSRU`fc ALL SHOWS ARE GENERAL ADMISSION hZeY`fe Z_ecZTReVYRc^`_ZVd David Jacobs-Strain S`cUVcd DOORS AT 7 PM, MUSIC AT 8 PM `aV_d (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) #!&!RUg ##&!RUg #!&!RUg ##&!RUg ##&!U``c August 1 #%&!U``c August 2 ##&!U``c 2fXfde$ #%&!U``c August 4 the Freight Leonard Akira Tana Peter Apfelbaum/ Misner Open Mic Josh Jones Duo, Gillette Chiyanike & the Secret Natalie Cressman & Smith bring your music `cZXZ_R]RT`fdeZT Brothers to the Freight & Erica Azim Agent Men & Secret Garden R^VcZTR_R T]RddZTT`hS`jd ^fdZT`WeYVR_TVde`c [RkkUcf^^VccZWWd`_ ;RkkU`fS]VSZ]] Lucas Ohio opens dZ_XT`hS`j daZcZed`WKZ^SRShV daj^`gZVeYV^Vd 45cV]VRdVdY`h T]RddZTd #!&! ##&! Df_URj2fXfde& %&! '&! 2fXfde( #!&! ##&! 2fXfde) #!&! ##&! 2fXfde* #!&! ##&! August 10 #!&! ##&! August 11 Freight De Temps Tom Darol Anger Deadly Open Mic Antan McDermott & the Furies Gentlemen, pay your dues, ecRUZeZ`_R]BfÆSÆT`Zd aZR_`dej]Z_Xd R]]deRc play and shmooze ecZ`d|S`f_U]Vdd Wc`^?Vh@c]VR_d string Joy Kills FALL I SERIES CLASSES BEGIN joie de vivre SVj`_U ^RjYV^ THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10TH Sorrow GUITAR tBANJO tUKULELE VaZTW`]\R_UXcRddT`cV SEE WEBSITE FOR SCHEDULE %&! '&! August 14 #!&! ##&! August 15 #!&! ##&! 2fXfde"' ##&! #%&! 2fXfde"( #!&! ##&! 2fXfde") 5TH ANNUAL DOWNTOWN BERKELEY MUSICFEST AUGUST 23-26 West Coast FreightFreight A Christmas Fiddle Summit Rory Phil Marsh Open Mic w/ Alasdair Fraser, Songwriters Open Mic Carol Claudio Rabeca, Block & friends pay your dues, RWf_UcRZdVcW`c ^RdeVcWf] W`]\Wf_ welcomingplay and shmooze eager & Brittany Haas Competition performers D7>Z^VEc``aV|d T`f_ecj R_URWVh_Vhef_Vd @TTfajZ_daZcVUeR\V a rousing evening S]fVd Wc`^eYV7cVZXYe|d & curious `_5ZT\V_|deR]Vh `WWZUU]V^RXZT WZcdeaVcW`c^Vc Finals connoisseurs eYVSVde`WeYVSVde W`]\]RS`cef_Vd #!&! ##&! 2fXfde"* %&! '&! August 21 #&&! #(&! August 22 #'&! #)&! 2fXfde#$ ##&! #%&! August 24 #!&! ##&! August 25 5TH ANNUAL DBMF AUGUST 23-26 S Freight Roots Revue E Shawn Max Newton Eric Bibb P Ramana Mullins Kress Cole String Band T Vieira & 8cR^^j_`^Z_ReVU E dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc Clyde Leland hZeYDirk Powell M Ensemble d`_XhcZeZ_X^RXZT and Cedric Watson A`cefXfVdV B W`]\^fdZTW`ceYV E #"deTV_efcj ##&! #%&! Df_URj2fXfde#' "%&! "'&! 2fXfde$! #%&! #'&! 2fXfde$" R #!&! ##&! DVaeV^SVc" The Freight Box Office HoHLax O’Brien World Music John Santos is closed for Trio Party of 7 Journey with Wayne Labor Day eYV^fdZTR]ecVRdfcVd RcRcVT`_gVcXV_TV`W h 5ZR_RDe`c\5ZR_R `W8cVVTV XV_VeZTR]]jW]Rg`cVU C`hR_A`ceZR5ZhR Wallace and Monday, R^VcZTR_R 5R_ZV]3Vc\^R_EVVU C`T\hV]]@^\Rc3YRgV Orestes Vilató Cahalen & Eli `aV_ September 3 RSV_VWZeW`c [RkkWc`^eYV EZSVeR_2ZUAc`[VTe 4RcZSSVR_aVcdaVTeZgV #!&! ##&! DVaeV^SVc& #'&! #)&! DVaeV^SVc' ##&! #%&! DVaeV^SVc( ##&! #%&! DVaeV^SVc) Workshops/Jams aRXV)September 9 & beyond aRXV( Ticketing Info aRXV( West Coast Live Radio August 4 Freight Open House August 25 A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: August 2012 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ 4PDJFUZGPSUIF1SFTFSWBUJPOPG5SBEJUJPOBM Brittany Haas & Lauren Rioux Wednesday August 1 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHB Two consummate young fiddlers, Brittany Haas and Lauren nization dedicated to promoting the under Rioux, join forces to make music steeped in intricate harmonies and standing and appreciation of traditional filled with deep emotion. Their knowledge of Appalachian music and music—music rooted in and expressive of their experience at the forefront of the contemporary string band the great variety of regional, ethnic, and scene combine to weave a tapestry of heartfelt vocals and progres social cultures of peoples throughout the sive grooves. world. We are supported by your atten Bay Area native Brittany began touring at the age of 14 and joined dance, grants from the Alameda County UIFTFNJOBMDIBNCFSHSBTTCBOE$SPPLFE4UJMMXIJMFTUJMMB1SJODFUPO "354'6/% #FSLFMFZ$JWJD"SUT1SPHSBN student in the Department of Evolutionary Biology. She played The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, PO4UFWF.BSUJOT(SBNNZXJOOJOH$% The Crow, and performed the Kanbar Charitable Trust, the Walter & in his band on Saturday Night Live. Lauren, besides performing Elise Haas Fund, the Edmund and Jeannik with Darol Anger’s Republic of Strings and Crow Molly, maintains a very active private studio in her Littlefield Foundation, National Endowment home state of Maine. 5IF1PSUMBOE1IPFOJY praised the “quiet strength” of her debut album, All the for the Arts, Bernard Osher Foundation, Wells Brighter,BOEMJLFOFEJUUPiBQBSUZXJUIDMPTFGSJFOETw"DDPSEJOHUPGJEEMFNBTUFS%BSPM i5IF)BBT Fargo Foundation, musician’s benefit perfor 3JPVYUXPXPNBOPSDIFTUSBJTBUPODFUIFNPTUDIBSNJOHBOEGMBUPVUESJWJOHGJEEMFEVFUBOZXIFSF mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous around. They’ll entrance, and then you’ll have to dance.” tax deductible donations. The Paul Thorn Band Thursday August 2 Hailed as the “Mark Twain of americana w1BVM5IPSOCSJOHTIJT Contact Info HSJUUZ HPTQFMJOGVTFE4PVUIFSOSPDLTUSBJHIUGSPNIJTIPNFUPXOPG 5VQFMP .JTTJTTJQQJ XIFSFIFHSFXVQBTUIFTPOPGB1FOUFDPTUBM 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 preacher and went on to box in more than 50 professional bouts, TELEPHONE: JODMVEJOHPOFXJUI3PCFSUP%VSBOCVUUIBUTBOPUIFSTUPSZ1BVMT E-MAIL: [email protected] NVTJDNJYFTUIFIBSEESJWJOHCPPHJFPGUIF"MMNBO#SPUIFSTXJUIUIF WEBSITE: soulful wit of John Hiatt. His spirited songs, featured on World Café and All Things Considered, investigate the mysteries of human nature and explore the exalted territory of love and salvation. “Give your soul UP+FTVT w1BVMTJOHT iCFDBVTFZPVSMJQTBSFNJOFw His 2010 album, 1JNQTBOE1SFBDIFST, which All Music Guide lauded as “a great rock & roll album,” topped the americana charts Board of Directors for three weeks and broke into the Billboard Top 100. His latest album, What the Hell Is Goin’ On? SFDPSEFEPOIJTPXOMBCFM 1FSQFUVBM0CTDVSJUZ JTBDPMMFDUJPOPGTPNFPG1BVMTGBWPSJUFTPOHTCZ John Bidwell Peter Glazer PUIFSBSUJTUT1BVMTMPOHUJNFUPVSJOHCBOEJODMVEFTHVJUBSJTU#JMM)JOET LFZCPBSEQMBZFS.JDIBFM Chair Barbara Higbie (SBIBN CBTTJTU3BMQI'SJFESJDITFO BOEESVNNFS+FGGSFZ1FSLJOTi5IFHVZTJOUIJTPVUGJUBSFB Steve Meckfessel Clyde Leland UJHIUVOJUBOEBXFMMPJMFENBDIJOF w1BVMTBZT$PNFIFBSUIFJSNVTDVMBSCSBOEPGSPPUTNVTJD 7JDF$IBJS Ray Murray bluesy, rocking, and full of heart. Nancy Castille Kerry Parker Secretary Russ Pollock Bill Haggerty Sarah Robertson Friday August 3 Treasurer Tito y su Son de Cuba Marci Rubin Heriberto “Tito” Gonzales and his talented band return to the Freight to play Polly Armstrong David Sawi rumba, guaracha, and sonUSBEJUJPOBM IJHIFOFSHZ$VCBOEBODFNVTJDQJPOFFSFE Dion Aroner Steve Sidney by greats like Arsenio Rodriguez and later revived by the film The Buena Vista Larry Chung Linda Tillery Social Club. A celebrated musician and charismatic showman, Tito sings and plays John Croizat Austin Willacy the small Cuban guitar with three sets of doubled strings known as the tres, driv Robin Flower John Williamson Suzanne Fox ing the music and the complex rhythms with delicacy and swagger. His current band includes Miguel Martinez on flute, Julio de la Cruz on piano, David Frazier PODPOHBT $PMJO%PVHMBTPOUJNCBM 4BOEZ1PJOEFYUFSPOWJPMJOBOEDMBWFT BOE New Home Committee Abo Gumroyan on bass. Tito first learned the tres from his father in Havana, but worked for years as $P$IBJST a fisherman, an auto mechanic, and a cab driver before forming a band with his Danny Carnahan fellow cabbies and becoming an overnight Cuban sensation at the age of forty. He Warren Hellman (1934-2011) arrived in the Bay Area a dozen years ago, and when he’s not playing onstage in his trademark fedora, he’s passing along his skills to young musicians in venues like Berkeley’s Jazzschool. Musicians Committee Alex De Grassi, Walter Strauss, Franco Morone Darol Anger Tony Marcus Saturday August 4 Duck Baker Mike Marshall David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon Appearing together for the first time as a triple Greg Brown Libby McLaren bill, these three fingerstyle guitar masters serve up a Bill Evans Steve Seskin smorgasbord of solos, duets, and trios flavored with Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell musical influences from around the world. Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith 0WFSIJTZFBSDBSFFS BDPVTUJDHVJUBSWJSUVPTP Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson and Grammy nominee Alex de Grassi has inspired Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson new generations of solo players and listeners alike Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH with his fusion of a wide variety of guitar traditions into a highly orchestrated sound. The Wall Street Journal has called his playing “flawless.” Billboard Staff IBTIBJMFEIJTiJOUSJDBUFGJOHFSQJDLJOHUFDIOJRVFw and “uncanny gift for melodic invention.” Steve Baker Heather Herrington Executive Director Associate Director Franco Morone, the Italian poet of acoustic guitar, mesmerizes audiences with his technical prow ess, his original compositions, and unique arrangements of reinvigorated traditional Celtic and Italian Susan Lefkowich Lisa Manning melodies. (VJUBS1MBZFS.BHB[JOF says, “Morone reminds you how truly boundless the fret board is, Development Director Marketing Director and although
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