OFFICIAL CELEBRATE THE EXTRAORDINARY MISSION MONTH WITH JOY Dear Brothers and Sisters, open mind and heart to men and women”. “This divine life is not a product for sale -we do not practice proselytism -but a The missionary activity today must be treasure to be given, communicated and shared with the laity. According to the proclaimed: that is the meaning of mis- teaching of the Vatican II on Mission sion.” As Pope Francis released the “The Church is not truly established nor theme for the World Mission Sunday, does it become a sign of Christ, unless October 20, 2019, he gives us a dynamic there is a genuine laity existing and meaning of mission in these words. This working alongside the hierarchy” (AG year the theme is “Baptized and Sent: #21). Just as the whole Church is mis- The Church of Christ on Mission in the sionary, it is also ministerial. A ministry World” and Pope Francis wants us to is the humble service for which Christ is redefine our understanding of the mis- our model and inspiration. Through her sion and the missionary. World Mission ministry Church carries out her mission Sunday instituted by Pope Pius XI in of ‘building up the Body of Christ” (Eph 1926 wants a Catholic to think about the 4, 12). Time has come that in our local missionary character of his/her faith. Church, we should encourage the lay ministries. Lay ministries are services And this year being the centenary year rendered by lay persons in virtue of their of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud personal charisms. Ministries are those issued by Pope Benedict XV on 30 No- services to which the members of the vember 1919, the Mission Sunday ac- Church commit themselves in a stable quires greater significance. Pope manner. This is a kind of sharing for- Benedict XV tells the missionary to mally in the Church’s responsibility to present himself/herself as an “ambas- bring about Christ’s redemptive mission. sador of Christ not as a messenger of All ministries are to be recognized by his own nation”. That is also what Pope the community and authenticated by the Francis is also telling when he says that community leader. This takes the form proselytizing has no place but we must of ‘ordination’ in the case of priestly min- give that treasure Jesus who can make istry and ‘installation’ in the case of lay- a radical difference to peoples and na- ministry. The services that the lay per- tions. This Jesus will definitely bring dif- son can render are based upon personal ference in the thinking of people and charism. These ministries are to be nations in favour of a humane world as roped in according to the needs of each Vatican II says, the missionary brings “an local Church. IN VINCULO CHRISTI 1 OCTOBER 2019 OFFICIAL The following lay ministries are identified carry in their hearts the proclamation of back in 1976 during a Research Semi- the Gospel and the mission conversion nar at NBCLC. They are: Evangelist, of our communities, so that the passion Catechist, Preacher, Religious Teacher, for Christ and his people will grow. How Ministry for Liturgical Animation - Prayer do we live it out? Through Prayer, Proc- Leaders, Acolyte, Lector, Cantor, Minis- lamation of the Gospel, Bible and Theo- try for Family Apostolate, Ministry of Heal- logical Missionary Reflection, Works of ing, Health Services, Counselling, Min- Christian Charity and the Collaboration istry of Inter-Religious Dialogue, Minis- and Solidarity among Churches. try of Social Concern, Ministry of Justice and Peace, Ministry of Youth Apostolate, I request everyone to celebrate the Ex- Campus Ministry, Ministry for Domestic traordinary Mission Month with joy and Workers, Ministry for Education, Adult enthusiasm discovering the Mission Literacy Programme, Animators of Ba- mandate of Jesus to everyone who is sic Christian Communities, Prison Min- baptized. I met Holy Father Pope istry, Ministry of Communication, Mass Francis on Tuesday, September 17, and Media, Print Media, Ministry of Pastoral conveyed him good wishes from all of Service in the Parishes, Family Ministry you. He said, ‘You are a big force and etc. If one is innovative such ministries keep up the good spirit. Please do not can be given to the responsible and forget to pray for me.’ So let us pray for humble laity. him and for the success of the forthcom- ing Synod for the Amazon. I share with What is the purpose of the Extraordinary you the Apostolic blessing he has im- Missionary Month? Pope Benedict XV, parted upon all of us. the extraordinary Missionary Pope wrote Maximum Illud in 1919 and he chal- With good wishes and prayers, lenged us to proclaim the Gospel with a more evangelical approach to the mis- sion work in the world. The purpose of this Extraordinary Mission Month is to + Thelagathoti J. Raja Rao, S.M.M. keep alive the universal mission-con- science of the Church, so that all may Bishop of Vijayawada GRATITUDE As you already know, Msgr. Mesapam Gabriel, Vicar General and Parish Priest of Rajarajeswaripeta underwent by-pass heart surgery on 7th September, 2019. The surgery was successful and Msgr. Gabriel is slowly recovering and regain- ing his normal health. He wholeheartedly expresses his gratitude for the prayers offered by all the clergy, religious and laity of the diocese. Please do continue to pray for him to regain his normal health and resume his ministry at Rajarajeswaripeta parish and in the diocesan administration. IN VINCULO CHRISTI 2 OCTOBER 2019 OFFICIAL A BRIEF REPORT ON THE AD LIMINA VISIT OF OUR BISHOPS 10 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 The Ad Limina Visit of the bishops of and open discussion with him. Andhra and Telangana regions took place this year from 10th-19th Septem- A few bishops registered their apprecia- ber nearly after 8 years. 55 Latin bish- tion to his Petrine ministry and presented ops from the ecclesiastical regions of their pastoral concerns and challenges Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, to the Holy Father. The Holy Father with Karnataka and Kerala took part in this paternal concern and care responded visit. The bishops had the opportunity to to all the queries raised by the bishops meet and discuss with various present for the audience. At the end, the dycasteries in the Vatican on their re- Holy Father thanked the bishops who spective affairs and express the con- were present for the Ad Limina Visit and cerns of the particular local churches. assured of his love, prayers and apos- tolic blessing to all the clergy, religious On the 17th of September 2019, the 55 and the faithful in the respective dio- bishops met the Holy Father in an audi- ceses. The audience came to an end ence which lasted for nearly 2 hours. with the recitation of the Angelus, fol- Archbishop George Antonysamy pre- lowed by a short moment of farewell in- sented to the Holy Father the various dividually from the bishops present for pastoral concerns and challenges of our the visit. dioceses on behalf of all the member bishops present for the audience. In re- sponse to his presentation, the Holy + Thelagathoti J. Raja Rao, S.M.M. Father also invited the floor for a free Bishop of Vijayawada RETREAT FOR THE PASTORAL CLERGY IN TWO GROUPS: The annual retreat for the pastoral clergy of the diocese will be held in two batches like last year. The retreat for the Senior Clergy (above 10 years of Priesthood) will be held from the 14th to 18thOctober, 2019. It will start at 9.00 a.m. on 14th October and conclude at 1.00 p.m. on 18th October. Fr.Selva Rathinam SJ, president of JDV, Pune, is the preacher of the retreat. The retreat for Junior Clergy (10 years of Priesthood) will be held 6th-10thJanuary, 2020. Fr. Tony Menezes SVD will preach the retreat for the Junior Clergy. All the diocesan clergy and the religious priests working in the parishes are expected to attend this Retreat without fail. Express permission of the bishop is required for exemption from attending this Retreat. IN VINCULO CHRISTI 3 OCTOBER 2019 OFFICIAL BISHOP’S ENGAGEMENTS : OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Date Day Programme October 02 Wednesday : Priestly Ordination of Deacon Prathipati Kiran Kumar, Piarist Fathers, Mylavaram, 10.00 a.m. 03 Thursday : 175thJubilee FIHM Sisters, Kanchikacherla, Holy Mass 6.30 p.m. 04 Friday : Vestition for Regents, St. Ambrose Minor Seminary, Nuzvid, 10.00 a.m. : St. Francis of Assisi, CMSF Brothers, ITI-Gunadala, Holy Mass 6.45 p.m. 05 Saturday : ITI- Gunadala, Lay Missionaries of Charity, Mass at 10:30 a.m. 06 Sunday : First Communions & Confirmations at Telaprolu, 9.30 a.m. : Parish Silver Jubilee, Satyanarayanapuram, Mass at 6.30 p.m. 09 Wednesday : Adoration Sisters, Profession and Jubilees, St. Paul’s Cathedral, 10.00 a.m. 10 Thursday : Secunderabad, Marriage 10.30 a.m. 12 Saturday : Meeting with Provincial Team of ICM Sisters, 11:30 a.m. 13 Sunday : Edara Parish: First Communions & Confirmations, 10.00 a.m. 14 - 18 : Clergy Retreat 16-17 : UCPI, Hyderabad 19 Saturday : Mancherial, Adilabad, Mass. 10.00 a.m. 22 Tuesday : Silver Jubilee of Fr. Praveen, OFM Cap & Sr. Jayasree DW, Avutapalli, 10.30 a.m. 26 Saturday : Final Vows, Holy Cross Sisters, Gudivada, 10.30 a.m. 27 Sunday : Holy Mass, Kaikaluru Parish, 7.30 a.m. 28 Monday : Sahayamatha Parish Jubilee & Silver Jubilee of Fr. Jojaiah, MSFS, Ibrahimpatnam, 10.30 a.m. 30 Wednesday : Extraordinary Missionary Month Celebrations, Gunadala, 9.00 a.m.-3.30 p.m. 31 Thursday : O.L. Holy Rosary Feast, First Communions & Confirmations, Gampalagudem, 7.00 p.m.
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