y EVENING Biatrirt G«reniaMnt Affair*. Affair* In West WaahlaftMb WANTED.HELP. FOR RENT.ROOMS. FORSALE.MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL. £HK STAR. Mr. W. o. chief in cf Fkostkd Fket..Wm. Banks, a colored youth, /1 OF BUACK OF ^ Rcome, charge special OFFICE DESK. a*>se8s- DO 7iTSAIE.CABISET GEORGETOWN. ri'tJtPA¥ 1W2. has compu ted the revision of assessments.>lv ing on Wilson street, n^ar Freedm.»n's hosoital, AN i ED. \ TRUSTY GIRL TO GENERAL fTORRENT-HANDSOWELYFURNI8HBDwith at moderate price*; it lwo wa'nat and nearly new. also, Swivel Chair. at Boom IJNIVEH8ITY January S, ments in In *85 w;is brought to the station house Edward h lupc work. Inquire at 937 E street nortnwest, menta, open fires, APARTJt/Mo.P- 408 ftth street norths JM-8C LAW COLLEGE. alleys squares 2i», 121, 466, 375, S39, by between 9th snd 10ta streets. It* I street northwest. j»-at 1, and 103. cg this morning, who stated that he foundMasrsonhlin LI linn certificates hare been Issued Mr. Room at on the unable to bent-two desirable furnish: d >B SALE.TARGE LOTOF SECOND-HAND by Betlvsda, Rockville roid, walk, white woman, between age avenue, corner -d BcwK Joist and Sills. at A critical and expository com* of lectnr** nr«, LOCAL MENTION. on square 296, B street litli hi!s foot b frosted from in of 18 »nd 25. to do bou^e city F)rfront Rooms, 135 Pennsylvania Adams/ipiw.Mber,Comtit.iUnn at tlie United Mat**." l>\ i front; square 341, right being idly exposure Wanted-a general work; street northwest, miLsbie for trentemen on. v. 11 Company's Warehouse, jippomte B. ud O. dej ot.at Hon street front, for slJewalk assessments and on -1«**plng in a hay mow for several nights. He was rtquired. Cail at 1310 13th street northwest.reference® *1 per bundnd feet. Jaa-*t T. MHtKICK, IX.D.. will la^in f Mwi\jHai* Th« Weal her. squares 873 and se nt t » the Freedm:»n's J .3-2t* oh thre8 handhohi'. 6th. 1#H2. It6 Mxicx'UtiuuroTi.uo,,. ' 731,790, 732, (routing 1'ennsylvania hosp'til to-day. 8t>U?0) same other pmn of tub avenue. I ^tddkn at .Edward r with at 1)<00 f «tre"*t. SALE^HEAPTA MNK YOUNO. day*, at the Wr. rti«tiii»n,ini.,..i chief signal. officer, 1 Death fort mf.yer MAN TO DRIVE A MILK WAGON. Fhtrent-twooidf, i<oard, hr®r,^s?' |?OR can trot cl.»e to t.»w wit-i Mr. the a 28 and relative end successor of irtish Bori t y. jj-eooi JT tpctt.uir Hnrr; ©olcr. ttork; occasionally ahteroatiug firr-.,* 7. Washington. D.C..January 3, IK82.9m ( Ttvday committer appointed by the pr.vate ;it Fort Meyer, aged years,Muriy,WANTED-AAj>p)y toSj»i Spring Dairy, CL»rk MOV Farm. minute*: cwnerleMlBftown. I'. HA si«ecial 1 h +* not mender* of 4. r*"** to some of the fo:r t'je I -st four of the dle«l ro.d. , For the middle states slightly wanner, fair Inspect public building-Commitsinners years signal service, Bladensbuiv j*3-3t* rent.two desirable rooms, Ijvory Ktible, on R ftrtet Borth^wi. 12117. js3 W attend tbewe <t-*cther with any other.f the e. 1, ?' .I1* with reference to their sal ty from tu ' re Inst of hc.-.rt disease. The with Fiano; secoud on 1 ment of |*» wither, northwest winds, shirting to south or tirp, composed night suddenly YVTANTED-\ woVAN, TOCOOKAND WASH; For as Parlor and Bedrxun. fufuiahed sale- brick yard for sale on the may el©ct). ay $3.25» »rmonth 1 J7? ?* northeast and or of the Are commissioners, Chief Cronin, Majo: lc eased leaves a widow, but no children. His " references 9 2d street soutlieiast, 3cor; balcony front. 714 12th street. it articuiars apply to furt*. southeast, stationary failing Bro k ami a ruti'-ral takes church required. Applyy> ' ForJames river, near Richmond the very t>est ol a\, wm. h. barometer. Inspector Entwlsle, made visit to the place rrom Trinity (Catholic) C'l iU Hill. it* furnished rooms wharf, railroad Ac. Address Bo* Ml. dennis. c apitii Theater, and tliis afternoon are u>-morrow alt--moon. 1 handsomely sheds, tools, Building. 14U6 New York a\uiut; Wa-i, Special Weather Rulletin. in engage*! D.AN CLEANLY GIHL. FOR 1:*>lMtFNTiuc'udlnr Parlors. cn suite, with open grates, lwta, Richmond. Va. M l^nmac going through the National Theater, Ford's The Canal..Water was not drawn off the cannl \\TANTt HONEST, an i rent moderate, at 519 13th street northwest. rain ob flnow to-morrow. House and us several generaraousework. Anplv before 5 p.m. at 1441 very SALE.A VERY FINK SECOVD-H AND. FI LL Opera the Theater Comlque. y« sterd »y, Intended, there being grain Massachusetts avenue It* j3-6t Y?OR SPECIAL COrKKR. The rhb>f signal officer of the army furnishes the Dr. Cornelius Noon-in, on duty at the Police itid conl boats en route. It will be drawn off In a nortbwet-t I 7-retevt HaIHIi Davis Piamm iu *>«od< nler. mith special bulletin to the press: Fair has made a fe w D-A 1 T kent-two handsome suites of stool and embroidered cover, for $100; a bargain. > . following Court, report to Major W. G. Brock, In du,vs. TIiOt'.OUGHL COMPETE* a dJl-3t Hon. M ATTHEW P. DFADY. Unite \ 4 weather continues in the and YVANTiniaast. Address 8. E. corner 14th and Rooms, fronting south, with the qaietnoaw of BECKER. 801 9th street northwest for district of New southern, mklrlle, which, he states that he h is collected from Ice funned on the creek and canal last night. LEWIS, PHAR»1tok home and with comfort, at 921 street the Judicial Oregon,1,1 haa oot,J"** England states. snows continue in th«* » » P street* northwest. private, every ilmw the Students a* follow; Like Light 1, lHRi, to IK'ceinber 3ist., fines In DistrictJanuary Ja3-eo3t* KtfiMi dl9-3w* SAiE-FINE LARGE COUPE HORSE; region and at northern Roekv mountain cases to the amount of o. sold-for want of use. evening. January"3d.at 7 o'cl.«*0,1 c . $11 950.56; $11,746.56 The Latest Innovation of Gov. St. John, of respectable colored ma>ts FOR reliable; noJau»PERfectlvc^.n 1 rial by «tTUESDAY Sab. and rala prevails on the Pacific coast,stations,In which lie hai to the District $173 to K the a waiter at 1310 ce rent.handsomely furnished par- bcH«« at JOHN H. GUELVS btables, 629 « street jrct: Jury." pdd treasurer, insas, is appointment of lady.Mr.-;. Cora Wanted-a Cmneciicut avenue: re;ere > Orison and and northern euiultie for number; also other Rooms en ortbwrrt. THURSDAY EVENING. January 5th ' m"" Washington Territories, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Am- M.. or on*1 of the of Ju3-2t* 1r»oklore, Colder Dawns, Wyandotte.as regents required.suite or 1408 avenue, opposite Subject: "Law and Uwjm." California. northwesterly winds prevail main, and 111 'o hackmen by order of the court. the st ite university. Tne university Is largely single. Pennsylvania 8 ICE fMO-OWE BAY HORSE. 16 H Graduates of former are cordially on the <ifw England and middle Atlantic coast. A TED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL" HOUSE Willard'a Hotel. Ja3-2t' *?OR ALE.Pit kind year* Invito) m. The claim ior {500 has b«'en tiled with the CoininIs- attend* d by female students, and there are several WANwork: must hive city reference. Apply at 314 I"* hands hiirb; »ro.>d athod ; lriooded appearance; temj»eratur»* continues below In the sloners four ut old In AND DAY NOIOOu Kui; » freezing against the District by W. V. Crandell, w<rum n processors in the faculty. lYnnsj'lvy.nia avenue northwest. ja3-2t* g street northwest. £,dgentle; ab 10* yesre g*od LADIES AND CHII.DRI CTl N0 northern portions of the gulf and south Atlantic based upon running his horse and buggy against . F>rrent.1239r^nu, |21; 732 4th street northwest, five rooms. under the saddle. Apply to Coachman at^rneastudtbt' V*1 BOARDING N. lath m-...J'M*t*1" weat. Thor urb ' state's, and has risen In the southwest and an on i ED-TW O FIKST-CLASS D BESSMAKERS; $12.30. Apply to a. 8. caywood. 1223 Observatory. ^ English. French. Musi, 1 .» ,'« slightly obstruction on K street, neir 13th street, the tthj-iret awia.a.wi^ and . northwest. The winds have shifted to and WANnone others need apply at 818 18th street northwest. P-intin*. kensingtm Art Needlework \i , , east nl.rht ___ south in of December 25t h, throwing out the CITY ITEMS! northwest.It* Ja3.<t*_ ANURE FOR Vacuole, fort* the Mississippi valley, and there an' the the furnished Railroad offer*S^^THEfor mm Uie era.A^£HoHAKK'S;(250 |«er achr-last year. ,tl3* that a smashing vehicle, injuring horse,occupants, rent.handsomely F>RSALE-M Company MKTBOnolitan .l> , storm will develop In the Rockyindicationsand breaking harness, &c. Somebody Wants to Know wanted-A competent-white woman to and Chambers on first, second and third floors;parlors from it« P street and 7th street Stable® mountain region r? do F)k or any Manure lf>sons new tkpm in during the night. The livery of the District bids for which w That genera, houee work. Apply*r' at 1235 t street farnsoe or open fires; house just put hi |-«;rfect order; year. Proj»oeals for the whole The are horses, hy Dr.
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