OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART CHURCH 120 Kings Highway/Tappan, New York 10983 Parish: 845-359-1230 • Fax: 845-359-1410 Religious Education: 845-365-2141 Web Site: www.olshtappan.com [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - 3PM December 24, 2017 SUNDAY, DecemberDECEMBER 25, 20179, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Advent Feast of the Nativity Second Sunday of Advent Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church December 9, 2018 From the Pastor: Mass Intentions for the Week This week and next, our Gospel readings invite us to consider John the Baptist and his relationship to Jesus. John the Baptist Saturday, December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception appears in the tradition of the great prophets, preaching repent- of the Blessed Virgin Mary ance and reform to the people of Israel. To affirm this, Luke 5:00 PM Church People of the Parish quotes at length from the prophet Isaiah. John baptizes for re- 5:00 PM Chapel People of the Parish pentance and for forgiveness of sins, preparing the way for God's salvation. Sunday, December 9: Second Sunday of Advent The three Synoptic Gospels—Mark, Matthew, and Luke—attest 8:00 AM Edward Burden, 7th Anniversary / Brian to the importance of the baptism of John in preparing for Jesus. McGuire Only the Gospel of Luke, however, extends the connection be- tween these two men to their birth. The first two chapters of 10:30 AM Church: Prayer Petitions of OLSH Parishioners / Luke's Gospel tell about the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. Stephen Fitzpatrick & Vincent Bucci These stories set the stage for the beginning of Jesus' public min- istry in chapter 3. 10:30 AM Chapel: Kris Nelson 12 Noon Vincent B. Grimaldi / Patrick Dizzine 10th Anni- . In today's Gospel reading, as elsewhere, John the Baptist is pre- sented as the figure who bridges the time before Christ and pre- versary pares the way for Christ's own ministry. Monday, December 10 In today's Gospel we also note Luke's attention to political and 8:00 AM Mildred Vero historical detail. Luke shows that salvation is for all people and situated in world events. Therefore, Luke lists the political and 12:30 PM Edward Matthews 1st Anniversary religious leaders at the time of John's appearance in the desert. 7:30 PM Fr. Joe Travers & Billy Travers Salvation is understood as God's breaking into this political and social history. Tuesday, December 11: St. Damascus, Pope John's preaching of the coming of the Lord is a key theme of the 8:00 AM Mildred Vero Advent season. As John's message prepared the way for Jesus, 12:30 PM Donald Moss we too are called to prepare ourselves for Jesus' coming. We respond to John's message by repentance and reform of our Wednesday, December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe lives. We are also called to be prophets of Christ, who announce 8:00 AM Gertrude Bisso by our lives the coming of the Lord, as John did. https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/liturgical-year/sunday- 12:30 PM Patrick Dizzine 10th Anniversary / Marian connection/second-sunday-of-advent-cycle-c-sunday-connection Kivlehan With love and prayers, Fr. Francis Thursday, December 13: St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr 8:00 AM Francis Donnelly / Mildred Vero Please join us in prayer this week for : 12:30 PM Jonatha Stewart / Mary Costello Friday, December 14: St. John of the Cross, Priest, Doctor Angela Aguirre, Geraldine Armetta * Br. Anthony Bechner, Sr. of the Church Maureen Bradshaw, Marie Brady, Hadley and Connor Burns * Ga- 8:00 AM Gerry Phelan / Ann Phelan briella Carney, Gwen Cinquemani, Anne Marie Dwyer Cirrilla, James Cody, Virginia Colby, Francis Conka Sr., Maria Conka , Kiera 12:30 PM Sean & Tim Joyce / Fr. Peter Malet Cunningham * Austin DeGiorgio, Dorianne DeLise, Lara DeNonno, Saturday, December 15: Baby Edward Dolan, , Denise Dornbush, Michael Doyle, Baby Dionis Francis Conce Durso * Dorothy Ehmsen, Joe English, Arielle Ernau * 9:00 AM George Brennan 19th Anniversary John Ferri, Sr., Rena Ferri, Dan Flannery, Sharon Foley, * Charles Geraldi, Jacqueline Grasso, Shaun Green, Lucille Grippo * Barbara J. 5:00 PM Billy Kayser Gruen, E. Ann Hayden, Eric Hayden, Donald Higgins * Jerry Hunt, Guen Incigeri, Robert Incognoli, Roger Isidro * Daniel Keywork, Peg Sunday, December 16: Third Sunday of Advent Koleduk, Matthew Kozak, Eileen Kunkel * John LaGreca, Brooke Lefevre, Aguilino Lemus, Grace Leon, Rachel Lerch, Jack Lynch, Tere- 8:00 AM Zelko & Stanko Grbic sa Lynch * Catherine Mackenzie, Kevin Maher, John Masterson, 10:30 AM Heidi Tocco / Barbara Spear Eliza Mazariego, Patty Mazza, Courtney Mazzella, Erica McCauley (child) , Gina McConville, Liam McGuire, William McGuire, Tommy 12 Noon Rich Martin & Dorothy McLoughlin McGuire, Patrick McKenna, Gerry McKeon, Mary Theresa Kiely McMullin, Kevin McSweeney, Dawn Mennillo, Eddie Merrigan, Em- ma Monahan, Maureen Moyse, Alaina Muckell, Daniella Murphy * ~~~ “like” OLSH on facebook ~~~ Anna Napoli * John & Eileen O’ Grady, James & Suzanne Oates, Al- ice Orisino, Emilia Orona * Iluminada Pagayunan, Toddler Chris- tian Perez, Marie Piazza, Deanna Prosciutto * Maeve Quinn * Lukia Rios * Presley Rios * Sylvia Rodriguez, Kathy Rywak * Gloria Santia- Readings in the Glory & Praise go, Joseph Scanlon, Theresa Schrettner, Ben Scott, Joseph Smith, Tom Smith, Ann Soto, Hunter Sterling (child) * Dawn Taggart,* Missal: Second Sunday of Advent 788 C William Urban * James Webster * Deana Wilkins* Dionisio P. Zac- arias (new names in blue) 2 Second Sunday of Advent Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church December 9, 2018 Parish: Monthly Teaching Masses: This weekend Dec. 8-9. Additional masses in the Chapel at 5PM 12/8 and 10:30 AM 12/9 New notices are in blue Second Collection for Retired Religious: This Sunday, December 9 Rosary Society Christmas Raffle: Rosarians will be selling raffle tickets after all Masses this weekend. Please support them by purchasing chances on beautiful gifts! Blue Books of Daily Meditations for Advent have been distributed. If you did not receive on, additional copies are available at the back of church, Chapel and in the parish office OLSH 2019 Lottery Calendar Fundraiser: Fran Dillon will be in the church lobby after all Masses 12/8 & 12/9, 12/15 & 12/16 if you would like to purchase an OLSH 2019 Lottery Calendar. Donation is $25 per calendar. Please make checks payable to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. For any questions about how this fundraiser works, please email her at [email protected] or speak to her in the lobby. It’s a great gift for the hard-to-buy-for people in your life! TAIZE THIS WEEKEND: Since this very beautiful meditative experience was so well received during Lent, the Liturgy, Learning and Outreach Committee has scheduled a Taize service Sunday, December 9 at 7 PM as part of the parish Advent preparation for Christmas. Please see pg. 4 for details. The Mass Book for January, February and March 2019 is now open. Please stop by the parish Office to request Masses, espe- cially if there are dates that are significant for you. Community: “Sing Joy”, by the Mark Howell Singers, a Gospel Choir from the Bronx. Come to an afternoon of beautiful and heartfelt Gos- pel Choir singing in the chapel at the Sisters of St. Dominic, 496 Western Highway, Blauvelt, NY, 10913. To order tickets ($20 adults and $10 children, 12 and under), please call 845-359-8893 / email: [email protected] . Dominican College 7th Annual Holiday Raffle tickets are on sale now. 1st Prize: $2000, 2nd Prize: $500, 3rd Prize: FitBit Blaze Smart Fitness Watch. Tickets are 3 for $100 or $50 each Drawing Date: Dec. 15,. On-line purchases: www.dc.edu/annual-holiday-raffle For tickets or FMI: Mary Lichtman at 845.848.7406. Albertus Magnus HS Car Raffle: Win a 2019 Mercedes Benz CLA 250 4 MATIC Coupe provided by Mercedes Benz of Nanuet $50 per ticket – only 2000 tickets will be sold! www.albertusmagnus.net or call 845-623-8842 Drawing to be held Dec 19th at 10am at AMHS. Winner need not be present Your donation for Christmas flowers ena- Parish Christmas bles us to bring the special beauty of the sea- son to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Please Pageant use the envelope provided in your packet. Ad- ditional envelopes can be found at the back Thurs. Dec. 14, 7 PM Parish Hall. of the church and chapel. Thank you! EVERYONE WELCOME! Date Gift In honor/memory of Requested by 12/8-12/15 Altar bouquet Sr. Ann Connolly The Kieter Family 12/8-12/9 Tabernacle candle (church) Valentino Casilli Robert Casilli 12/10-12/14 Tabernacle candle (chapel) Gerry Phelan & Ann Phelan OLSH Parish family 12/8-12/15 Bread and Wine Liturgical Ministers for December 15-16 TIME LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 5PM Jo Urban Ellen Cahill, Eleanor Klepper, Joe London, Jackson & Mason O’Mara, Isabella Kensicki Sunday 8:00 AM Jeff Golda Carol Bryceland, Philip Maneri, Sarah Michael Hanebuth Thallappilil 10:30 AM Anna Vero Amy Bianco, Blanca Osasio, Pat Shannon Joseph Dimataris, Sheila Weise, Orlagh Cassidy, Isabella Matthew 12 Noon Maria Stampone Laraine & Mike Payne, Patricia Valentino Sean & Thomas Kivlehan, Matthew 3 Asfendis Second Sunday of Advent Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church December 9, 2018 Christmas Pageant : Friday, December 14 , 7 PM Monthly Teaching Masses: This weekend Dec. 8-9 The Religious Education Office, in the Parish Offices, is open daily M-F, 9 AM—2PM. After hours, you can call and leave a message on 365-2141 or email [email protected] and we will respond to your message ASAP. Consider a new tradition for Advent! Aging religious need your help!!! The parishioners of Our Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests min- istered for years for little pay.
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