Bibliography A History of Zen Buddhism, by Heinrich Dumoulin, S. J., English translation by Paul Peachey, Pantheon Books, New York, 1963. Bodhidharma’sLüeh-pien Ta-cheng Ju-tao Ssu-hsing 菩提达摩略辨大乘入道四行 (Bodaidaruma Ryakuben Daijō Nyudō Shigyō), by Tan-lin 昙琳. Bukkyō Dainen Hyō 佛教大年表,byMōgetsu Shinkyō 望月信亨, 1st ed. 1909; 2nd ed. 1930; 3rd ed. 1937; 4th ed. 1955. Ch’an-chi Kai-shih Lu of Abbot Lai Ko 来果禅师禅七开示录 “(Zenshichi Kaiji Roku of Raika Zenji)”, recorded by Tao-chen 道真 (Dōshin), 1954. Ch’an-tsung Chi-cheng 禅宗集成 (Zenshū Shūsei), Selections from Manji Zoku Zōkyō 卍续藏经. Ch’an-tsung Shih-chen Chi 禅宗师承记 (Zenshū Shijō Ki), by Y. H. Ku, Chen Shan Mei Publishing Co., Taipei, 1976. Cheng-fa-yen-tsang (Shōbōgenzō), by Dōgen Kigen (1200–1253), recorded by Koun Ejō 孤云怀奘. Cheng-fa-yen-tsang 正法眼藏 (Shōbōgenzō), by Ta-hui Tsung-kao (Daie Sōkō, 1089–1163). Cheng-yuan Liao-chi 正源略集 (Shōgen Ryakushū), compiled by Pao-lun Tsi-yuan 宝轮际源 (Hōrin Saigen) and Chao-yueh Liao-chen 昭月了贞 (Shōgetsu Ryōtei, 1729–1785), supple- ment by Pao-lin Ta-chen 宝林达珍 (Hōrin Tatsuchin). Chia-tai Pu-teng Lu 嘉泰普灯录 (Katai Futō Roku), compiled by Lei-an Cheng-shou 雷庵正受 (Raian Shōju, 1146–1208). Chien-chung Ching-kuo Hsü-teng Lu 建中靖国续灯录 (Kenchū Seikoku Zokutō Roku), also known as Hsü Teng Lu (Zokutō Roku), compiled by Fu-kuo Wei-po 佛国惟白 (Bukkoku Ibyaku). Ching-te Chuan-teng Lu 景德传灯录 (Keitoku Dentō Roku), compiled in 1004 A.D. by Taoyuan 道原 (Dōgen). Chuan-fa Cheng-tsung Chi 传法正宗记 (Denhō Shōsō Ki), compiled by Chi-sung 契嵩 (Kaisū, 1007–1072). Chung-ko Ku-tsun-su Yu-lu 重刻古尊宿语录 (Jukoku Kosonshuku Goroku), compiled in1267 by Chueh-hsin (Kakushin) 觉心. Chung-kuo Ch’an-tsung Shih 中国禅宗史 (Chūkoku Zenshū Shi), by Reverend Yin-shun 印顺, Taipei, 1975. Chung-kuo Fo-chiao Shih 中国佛教史 (Chūkoku Bukkyō Shi), by Chiang Wei-chiao 蒋维乔, Shanghai, 1928. Denkō Roku 传光录 (Transmission of the Light), by Keizan Shōkin 莹山绍瑾 (1268–1325). Dharma Records of Abbot Hsu Yun 虚云和尚法汇, edited by Tsen Hsueh-lu 岑学吕, HongKong, 1953. Essays in Zen Buddhism, by Daisets Teitarō Suzuki 铃木大拙贞太郎, Grove Press, New York (First Series, 1949, 1961). History of Chinese Zen Buddhism 中国禅宗史 (in Chinese), by Reverend Yin-shun 印顺, Taipei, 1975. © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing Co., Ltd 175 and Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 Y.H. Ku, History of Zen, China Academic Library, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-1130-6 176 Bibliography Hsü Chuan-teng-lu 续传灯录 (Zoku Dentō Roku), compiled by Yuan-chi Chu-ting 圆极居顶 (Enki Kochō, d. 1404). Hsü Tsang Ching 续藏经 (Zoku Zōkyō) (in Chinese), Hong Kong. Hsū-kai Ku-tsun-su Yü-yao 续开古尊宿语要 (Zokukai Kosonshuku Goyō), compiled by Huishih Shih-ming 晦室师明 (Kaishitsu Shimei). Jih-pen Ch’an-seng Nieh-pan Chi 日本禅僧涅槃记 (in Chinese), by Tseng Pu-hsin 曾普信. Jih-pen Ch’an-seng Shih-chen Chi 日本禅僧师承记 (in Chinese), by Y. H. Ku, Chen Shan Mei Publishing Co., Taipei, 1977. Kao Seng Chuan (Kōsō Den), Vol. I, compiled by Hui-chiao 慧皎 (Ekyō). Kao Seng Chuan (Kōsō Den), Vol. II, or Hsü Kao Seng Chuan 续高僧传 (Zoku Kōsō Den), compiled by Tao-hsuan 道宣 (Dōsen, 596–667). Kao Seng Chuan (Kōsō Den), Vol. III, compiled by Tsan-ning 赞宁 (Sannei). Kinse Zenrin Sōhō Den 近世禅林僧宝传 (in Chinese), Vol. I, by Doku’en Jōju 独园承珠,1890, 1973; Vols. II and III by Shōhata Buntei 小畠文鼎, 1938, 1973. Ku-tsun-su Yü-yao 古尊宿语要 (Kosonshuku Goyō), compiled by Seng-ting Shou-tse 僧挺守赜 (Sōtei Shusaku) and published in 1144. Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching 老子道德经 (translation), translated by John C. H. Wu 吴经熊, St.John’s University Press, Jamaica, N.Y., 1961. Lieh-dai Fa-pao Chi 列代法宝记 (Rekidai Hōbō Ki), reprinted in Daishō Shinshū Daizōkyō, Vol. 51. Lin-chi Ch’an-shih Yü-lu 临济禅师语录 (Rinzai Zenji Goroku), compiled by San-sheng Huijan 三圣慧然 (Sanshō Enen). Living by Zen, by D. T. Suzuki 铃木大拙, with Foreword by Christmas Humphreys, published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York, 2008. Meibatsu Chūkoku Bukkyō Kenkyū 明末中国佛教研究 (in Japanese), by Chang Sheng-yen 张圣严, Tokyo, 1975. Nippon Bukke Jinmyō Jisho 日本佛家人名辞书 (in Japanese), compiled by Jubi Jun 鹫尾顺, Tokyo Fine Arts Edition. Original Teachings of Ch’an Buddhism: Selected from the Transmission of the Lamp, English translation by Chang Chung-yuan 张钟元, Pantheon Books, New York, 1969. Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, by D. T. Suzuki, Schoken Books Inc., 1963. Pao-ching San-mei 宝镜三昧 (Hōkyō Zammai, The Jeweled Mirror Samadhi), by Tung-shan Liang-chieh 洞山良价 (Tōzan Ryōkai, 807–869). Pi-yen-lu 碧岩录 (Hekigan-roku, The Blue Cliff Record), English translation by Thomas and J. C. Cleary, Sambhala Publications, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, 1977. Platform Scriptures 六祖坛经, English translation by Wing-tsit Chan 陈荣捷, St. John’s University Press, Jamaica, N.Y., 1963. Rekidai Hōbō Ki 列代法宝记 (in Chinese), reprinted in Daishō Shinshū Daizōkyō, Vol. 51. Shen-hui Ho-shan I-chi 神会和尚遗集, compiled by Hu Shih 胡适, Academia Sinica, Tai pei, 1970. Shih-shih I-nien Lu 释氏疑年录 (Shaku-shi Ginen Roku), by Chen Yuan 陈垣, Fu-jen University, Peking. Shōbōgenzō 正法眼藏 (True Dharma Eye), by Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, 1231–1253. Shōyō Roku 从容录, compiled by Manshō Kōshū 万松行秀 (1166–1246), based on Juko Hyaku Soku 颂古百则 by Wanshi Shōkaku 宏智正觉 (1091–1157). Sōtō-shū Zenshō 曹洞宗全书, published by Sōtō-shū Office, Tokyo, new edition 1976. Star-Lamp Records 星灯集, by Hsu Yun 虚云, reprinted in Dharma Records of Abbot Hsu Yun, Hong Kong, 1953. Ta-cheng Hsin-hsiu Ta-tsang Ching 大正新修大藏经 (Daishō Shinshū Daizōkyō), 1924–1934. The Development of Chinese Zen After the Sixth Patriarch in the Light of Mumonkan, English translation by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, The First Zen Institute of America, Inc., New York, 1953. The Golden Age of Zen, by John C. H. Wu, Hwa Kang Bookstore, Taipei, 1975. Bibliography 177 The Practice of Zen, by Garma C. C. Chang 张澄基, Perennial Library, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1970. The Sound of the One Hand (translation with a Commentary), by Yoel Hoffman, Basic Books Inc., New York, 1975. The Three Pillars of Zen, by Philip Kapleau, Beacon Press, 1967. The Way of Zen, by Alan W. Watts, Pantheon Books, 1957. The World of Zen, by Nancy Wilson Ross, Vintage Book, 1960. Tien-sheng Kuang-teng Lu 天圣广灯录 (Tenshō Kōtō Roku), compiled by Li Tsun-hsu 李遵勖 (Ri Junkyoku, d. 1038). Tsan-tung-chi 参同契 (Sandōkai), by Shih-tou Hsi-chien (Sekitō Kisen 石头希迁, 700–790). Tun-wu Ju-tao Yao-men Lun 顿悟入道要门论 (Tongo Nyūdō Yōmon Ron), by Ta-chu Hui-hai 大珠慧海 (Daishu Ekai), edited by Miao-hsieh 妙叶 (Myōkyō) and first published in 1374. Wu-chia Yü-lu 五家语录 (Goke Goroku), also known as Wu-tsung Lu 五宗录 (Goshū Roku), compiled by Yü-feng Yuan-hsin 语风圆信 (Gofū Enshin) and Kuo Ning-chih 郭凝之(Kaku Gyōshi). Wu-teng Yen-tung 五灯严统 (Gotō Gontō), compiled by Fei-yin Tung-yung 费隐通容 (Hi’in Tsūyō, 1593-1661) and Po-chih Yuan-kung 百痴愿公 (Hyakuchi Gankō). Zen and Japanese Culture, by D. T. Suzuki, Princeton University Press. Zen and Zen Classics, Selections from R. H. Blyth, compiled and with drawings by Frederick Franck, Vintage Books, 1978. Zen and Zen Classics, Vols. I to V, by R. H. Blyth, The Hokuseido Press, Tokyo, 1960–1974. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis, by Erich Fromm, D. T. Suzuki, and Richard De Martino, Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1960. Zen Buddhism, Selected Writings of D. T. Suzuki, edited by William Barrett, Doubleday Anchor Books, 1956. Zen Culture, by Thomas Hoover, Vintage Books, 1977. Zen Dust 禅尘, by Isshu Miura 三浦一舟and Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., New York, 1966. Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, compiled by Paul Reps, Doubleday Anchor Book, 1960. Zen is Eternal Life, by Jiyu Kennett, Dharma Publishing, Emeryville, California, 1976. Zen Keys, by Thich Nhat Hanh, with an Introduction by Philip Kapleau, translated from the French into English by Albert and Jean Low, Doubleday Anchor Book, Garden City, N.Y., 1974. Zen-shū Shi 禅宗史 (in Japanese), by Reverend Keidō (Kōhō) Chisan 孤峰智灿, 2nd ed. 1974. Zen: Poems, Prayers, Sermons, Anecdotes, Interviews, edited and translated by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto, Doubleday Anchor Book, Garden City, N.Y., 1965. Zoku Tō Sonkō 续灯存稿, compiled by Shi Hai 施沛, reprinted in Zoku Zōkyō 续藏经, Vol. 145. Additional References A Dictionary of Buddhism, by T. O. Ling, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1972. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, compiled by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Truber & Co., Ltd., London, 1937. A History of the Interflow of China-Japan Buddhist Culture 中日佛教交通史, by Ven. Tungtsu, Taipei, 1970. A History of the Interflow of Sino-India Buddhist Culture 中印佛教交通史, by Ven. Tungtsu 释东初, Taipei, 1968, 1972. A Man of Zen: The Recorded Sayings of Layman P’ang, English translation by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Yoshitaka Iriya, and Dana R. Fraser. Published by John Weatherhill, Inc., New York, 1971. A Modern History of Buddhism in China (2 Vols.) 中国佛教近代史 (上下二册), by Ven. Tungtsu, Taipei, 1974. 178 Additional References A Primer of Sōtō Zen, a translation of Dōgen’sShōbōgenzō Zuimonki by Reihō Masunaga. University of Hawaii Press, 1975. Manual of Zen Buddhism, by D. T. Suzuki, Grove Press, New York, 1960. On Zen Practice, I and II, edited by Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi and Bernard Tetsugen Glassman. Published by Zen Center of Los Angeles, 1976, 1977. Pure Land & Ch’an Dharma Talks, by Reverend Hsuan Hua 宣化, Sino-American Buddhist Association, Inc., San Francisco, California, 1974. Published by the Sino-American Buddhist Association, Inc., San Francisco, California, 1974.
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