Oadame~adi IAT'S TIDM WATER CONDITION IGH U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Charlie V 2:53 a.a. 9:47 &.a. STORAGE ASEHRE 5:47 p. -- 14.2 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Gas Leaks, Malaria Threat Follow Hurricane GULPORT, Miss. (AP/IVRTS)-- Leaking gas and Police, Troops Patrol Prague the threat of malaria added new problems yes- terday on the Mississippi Gilf coast where * To Stifle A nti-Soviet Protest weary rescue teams were still searching for bodies in the trail of destruction left by PRAGUE (AP/IPRTS)-- Ri6t pblite and fteopp Hurricane Camille. patrolled Prague yesterday, ready to crack The death count from the monster storm was down on anything that looked like a demonstra - reported at 170 but Mississippi Deputy Civil tion in the first anniversary of the Soviet- Defense Director Prentiss Baughman said he ex- led invasion of Czechsolvakia. pected the coast death count to reach 230 Pbout 500 riot police clubbed and tear gas- eventually as the more remote areas report in. ed crowdeto clear Wenceslas Square three times "They have confirmed reports that between Tuesday night, but after each attack allowed 180 and 185 dead have been found on the 24is- the throngs to return. Twen- Isisbjippi *GU0f -e&St," the ty persons were arrested and Britail Moves To Black state s Ciil Defense head- three were injured. quarters in Jackson said yes- No such demonstrations were I.N. Actiue as N. Irelaid terday. observed Monday stigh , when UNITED NXIONS, N.Y. (,AP/- C.P. Wimberly, administrator people stood silent and sul- FRTs) - Brit&in claimed at the Gulfport Memrial Hos- len, refusing to heed police enough votes yest erday to pre- pital, said, "There is malaria at orders to move on. When the vent the Republic of Ireland in the'regular city water police did use force, they from betting on t he agenda of this time. wa- * were tahted Vith whistles the Security Coun'cil with its The scarcity of drinking and cries of "Gestapo! Ges- request for a U.N . peacekeep- ter was reported to be a ser- tapo!" ing force in Nort hern Ireland. ious problem throughout the The show of force apparent- Britain maintain ns the relig- three-state area of hurticane ly was intended -to eaghasiae ious riots care an internal damage. into warnings against demonabatons. matter. Ireland wants a U.?N. Water tanks were sebt to from New In side streets leading force to go into Northern Ire- the stricken coast the square were scenes remi- land to keep peace e between the Orleans, Baton Rouge, La., and Or-. niscent of the debates last Protestant majorilty and the other points nearby. New 13,000 gallons in CONT'$ ON PME 2 Catholic minority leans sent tankcars while Baton Rouge shipped 15,000 gallons. But Korean Commission to Discuss Dawoed I licopter, this was hardly enough for re- fugees and evacuees estimated The Kore- nas not said whet they are ier SEOUL (AP/MRTS)-- by some sources at 200,000 and an kmistice Commission will dead or alive. imt it down- all seeking some sort of aid meet today to discuss the North Korea cla after the The possibility of typhoid States Army helicopter ed the helicopte r United impure water ?was raised, in North Korea Sunday. craft intruded "deep into from downed and flies, mosquitos and rt The U.U. Command has asked North Korean ter ritory." The e helicopter are thickening. toips broke the North Koreans to make a U.S. Army says t] flight and pafrom thhor outrng p- report at the meeting on the was on a training accidentally sitions in the G efpoht har- of the chopper's may have flown condition hterritory.ContD ON P 2 three crewmen. North Korea Over North Korea Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, August 21, 1969 CONT'D FROM PAGE 1 CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP/AFRTS)-- U.S. Dist. bor slammed into. a catfood factory, spilling- Court Judge Frank WilIson ordered the FI to its stores and attracting a growing rat popu- produce fr6m its' so-called "June File" of bug- lation. ged'corverstaions all 1,317 transcripts relat- The coast remained under the limited martial ing to a fpvmer Detroit Teamsters Union offic- law order,.imposed by Gov. John Bell Williams ial convicted of jury tampering here five who said Tuedday that "some people estimate years ago. the death rate could go up to above 500 and The order was issued in the second day of a possibly reach 1,000." hearing at which Teamsters President James Emergency telephone and power repair crews Hoffa and three others sought to overturn collected from nearby states struggled to re- their jury tampering convictions on grounds store communications along the coastal strip. they were. tainted with illegal wiretap evi- Army generators were ordered airlifted in to dence. provide temporary power for Gulfport's water Morris Shenker, Hoffa's chief counsel, de- pumping plant. manded that the entire 'file relating to Larry Along the strip's beaches and bayous the Campbell of Detroit be turned over to defense stench was heavy. Camille threw thousands of lawyers. Over -government objections, the fish ashore with her rushing tides-- 20 feet judge said he would study the file to determine above normal in areas of maximum storm force. if it contains information the defense should have. 0ONT'D FROM PAGE 1 year, when young Czechs asked Soviet tank NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--Captain John Stevenson W crews why they had come and why'kthey didn't go of the Australian carrier Melbourbe appeared home. before a court-martial,board of five Austral- This time young Czechs accused their own ian Navy officers in . ydney. And he pleaded people, the police, of making trouble and told innocent to two charges arising from the Mel-t them to go home. bourne's collision with the United States des- A new underground leaflet appeared yesterday troyer Frank Evans last June, accusing the police and hard-line Communists There were 74 Americans killed in the col- of planning to incite the people into a revolt. lision during a SEATO exercise in the South The leaflet warned against provocateurs and China Sea, urged the people to limit themselves to pas- Stevenson is charged with failing to trans- sive demonstrations on the invasion anniver- md t a positive direction to the destroyer to sary. correct a collision course when he was officer Officials in Vienna say Czech tourists are in tactical command. He also is charged'with streaming into Austria in large numbers, some failing to put the Melbourne's engines astern of them saying that they want to be out of when he determined a cllision course Could Czechoslovakia during the invasion anniversary. not be avoided. The court sat for 39 minutes Wednesday and SAIGON (AP/AFRTS)-- Two companies of U.S. then adjourned until Saturday to allow defense infantrymen weee attempting yesterday to fight and prosecuting counsel to confer on expert their way to the wreckage of a helicapter shot navigational evidence. down near Da Nang with eight Americans aboard. The infantrymen clashed with an enemy force SAN FRANCISCO (AP/AFRTS)--The National Chair- when they moved into the rugged area where the nan of the Black Panthers,32-98areold. Bdbby chopper crashed Tuesday. Several hour' later Seale, faces arraignment in San Frabcisco on a the infantrymen had advanced only one-half charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution mile and still had a half a mile to go tto in New Haven,, Conn. the wreckage. The eight men abord the helicopter are list- ed as missing. They include Associated Press photographer Oliver Noonan. One U.S. infan- Guantanamo Gazette tryfpan was reported killed and 14 were wounded by enemy troops south of Da Nang, and U.S. Mar- ines suffered light casualties in two enemy area Tuesday night. CoENavase RAdm J.1. Hildreth shellings in the same Public Affaira Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach American forces have reported killing 148 of the enemy in the area since Sunday. Thursday, August 21, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Local Kindergarten Class Rosters Announced GUANTANAMO BA&--The following is a list of Mikell, Carol Miller, Ralph Miller, Kelli children who will attend Kindergarten in Guan- Moros, Kelly Motherwell, Wilfred Mullins, Leah tanamo Bay -- school year 1969-70. Nicholls, Lauren Norris, Lisa Owen, Steven All children listed for the afternoon ses- Partridge, Yvonne Peffly, Debra Reese, James sion of Kindergarten will come to school for Reve, Eddie Rodriguez, Liza Rogers, Lucille the first time on Monday, Aug. 25 from 12:15 Roupe, Charlene Shatto, Mayra Siaca, Duane 3:15 p.m. All children listed for the morning Tenney, Mitzi Thomas, Linda Tindall, Donna session will come to school for the first time Vincent, Lucy Wilson, Maira Wilson, Thomas Tuesday, Aug. 26 from 8:45 to 11:15 a.m. Woods, Floyd Temple. Starting Wednesday regular morning and after- noon sessions of Kindergarten will be held. All Kindergarten and first-grade children should wear name tags the first week of school COMMAND NOTICE showing the following: Full name, grade, bus number and quarters. The result of the Base-wide drive to MORNING SESSION aid the Cuban refugees in Jamaica was most Cheryl Acosta, William Adams, Ceasar Aldama, successful. The items needed were con- Osvaldo Aldama, Dene Anderson, John Bircher, tributed in much larger numbers than had Oscar Blabagno, Karen Bl&nkenship, James been anticipated. They asked for mere Branch, Deborah Briggs, Pelham Carmichael, essentials .that we so often take for grant- Frank Chase, Mark Clarkston, Karen Combs, Ken- ted: sheets, pillows, pillow cases, spoons, dall Clawson, Christi Cook, Christy Cox, Diana forcs, knives and bowls.
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