R. Relja, T. Popović, T. Gutović ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTS AND PROCESS OF SCHOOL... ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTS AND PROCESS OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ PROFESSIONALIZATION IN CROATIA* Renata Relja** Toni Popović*** Tea Gutović**** Received: 22. 6. 2018 Preliminary communication Accepted: 4. 3. 2019 UDC 37.07(497.5) DOI https://doi.org/10.30924/mjcmi.24.si.4 Abstract. By combining the attributive-taxo- (attractiveness) as a result of the state of previ- nomic and process approaches to the profession, ous elements. Given the contextual specificity, resulting from different sociological traditions, the discussion presents incentives, obstacles and the professional elements and the professionaliza- recommendations for further professionalization tion of school principals in Croatia are analysed. of school principals in Croatia. The importance The research was conducted by survey method in of professional education is emphasized, whose 2017. The sample was convenient and included design and implementation should involve rep- 73 principals who participated in the research resentatives of principals’ professional associa- activities of the Centre of Scientific Excellence tions, as well as decentralization of education for School Effectiveness and Management. Our system so that theoretical expertise can be devel- results suggest that the job of school principals oped through the practice. As the trained prac- in Croatia cannot be considered a profession yet. titioners focused on a benefit of the educational There are no fundamental elements that differen- system stakeholders (altruism), the principals tiate the profession from an ordinary occupation. should set the conditions of the profession to More specifically, there is a lack of expertise in make it more attractive for the best candidates. the area of educational management and leader- ship (authority), cooperation with professional Keywords: profession, professionalization, associations in defining the professional sociali- school principals, education, Croatia zation (autonomy), as well as high social status * This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Republic of Croatia through Scientific of Excellence Centres and is a part of activities of Croatian Centre for School Effectiveness and Management re-search. ** Renata Relja, PhD, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatian Center of Scientific Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management, Department of Sociology, Poljička cesta 35, 21000 Split, E-mail: [email protected] *** Toni Popović, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Poljička cesta 35, 21000 Split, E-mail: [email protected] **** Tea Gutović, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Cvite Fiskovića 5, 21000 Split (adjunct assistant), E-mail: [email protected] 55 Journal of Contemporary Management Issues 1. INTRODUCTION sociology and organizational studies (Saks, 2012; Carvalho, 2017). In a daily sense, doing something pro- fessionally means doing it well and know- Over the past three decades, school prin- ingly, whether it is a paid work or not cipals have often been involved with the ne- (Smerić, 2005; Reis Monteiro, 2015). On cessity of their professional development. the other hand, the scientific approach to Knowledge is a resource of today’s world, the profession is more specific and im- but also a resource for the future. Schools plies a certain way of organizing one's should be successful in educating students, job. According to the International Labour who will acquire the key competences and Organization (ILO), the professions differ get ready to participate in lifelong learning. from other jobs by means of the skill level In this way, schools contribute to the socio- required to perform them. The expertise ac- economic development and to reducing the quired through the specific university edu- risk of social exclusion (Flecha, 2015). cation is necessary. Science, education and schooling are some of the fields, among A principal plays an important role others, in which different professions are as the cohesive element in realization of developed (e.g. health, ICT, business) (ILO, school potentials. Effective principal knows 2012; Reis Monteiro, 2015). Muzio et al. how to motivate teachers and other staff to (2011) emphasize that profession is a job develop and achieve school goals. Higher that is neither fully market-oriented nor expectations of students, along with their conditioned by state decisions. It retains a positive assessment of school operations, certain autonomy, based on high competen- lead to the more committed participation cies and serving the public good. As Šporer in school activities and higher academic (1990) summarizes, the authority of exper- achievements (Mulford, 2003; Popović et tise and the assumed altruism of profession- al., 2010). als maintain a relative autonomy in defining professional standards. In most countries of the world, princi- pals cannot be considered a profession yet. The emergence of professions is a part Even if there is a formal and compulsory of the wider process of democratization, education, its quality is often questioned greater division of labour and scientific and (e.g. most EU member states, the US). In technological development. Their growth some countries, an apprenticeship model is occurs in the 20th century, especially after used, with future principals practising with the Second World War, due to the growing mentors, and advancing in leadership posi- public sector and the focus on service and tions in schools (Australia, Canada, African knowledge economy (Santrić, 1990; Reis countries etc.). In others, they learn through Monteiro, 2015). Many authors point to the the work experience after appointment importance of professions today. Giddens (Popović et al., 2019). However, these mod- believes that we increasingly depend on els show insufficient preparation of candi- decisions of experts and their knowledge dates. Along with the growing complexity (Zlatar, 2008). According to Beck (2001), of educational management and leadership, professions are creative, reflexive and pro- and a widespread opinion on inappropriate gressive intelligence that protects us in a so- principals’ reputation, poor educational op- ciety that is burdened with numerous risks. portunities are the main reason for the glob- The scientific interest in professions is very ally reduced interest of teachers in a princi- obvious, particularly within management, pal position (Stoll & Temperley, 2009). 56 Management, Vol. 24, 2019, Special Issue, pp. 55-72 R. Relja, T. Popović, T. Gutović: ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTS AND PROCESS OF SCHOOL... The example of a country that puts im- In this paper, principals’ profession- portance in principals’ professionalization alization is analysed by combining two is England. It went to the forefront in this sociological approaches to the profession. process, developing professional standards, The first is attributive-taxonomic, which numerous education programs and princi- initially explores the existence of key ele- pals’ professional associations over the last ments that form the profession generally. thirty years. Education is decentralized to In this respect, it is possible to argue about the extent that successful schools have con- principals as occupation, semi-profession or siderable freedom in curricula, can hire staff profession (Santrić, 1990; Smerić, 2005). according to their own criteria and teach This approach has been established within others their practices. On the other hand, the functionalist paradigm, attempting to unsuccessful principals could be penalized, explain what makes the professions social- and their schools closed or restructured ly prestigious (Reis Monteiro, 2015). The (Day & Amstrong, 2016). However, there second is the process approach, originally is no reduction in the candidate’s interest in created as a critique of functionalism. Its this job, and principals are very self-confi- various forms (interactionist, neo-Weberian dent considering their obligations (Huber et etc.) emphasize that the attributive-taxo- al., 2008). nomic approach represents an ideology of professionalism – the timeless idealized The school principals’ professionaliza- image of the profession (Carvalho, 2017). tion in Croatia has begun since the begin- Issues such as misuse of power, corporate ning of this millennium. Education and li- interests and conflicts as a result of profes- censure programs were designed in 2005, sional closure are underlined, among oth- but there was no political support in ena- ers (Kuhlmann, 2013). This approach starts bling their sustainability. At this moment, with the assumption that it is more impor- a new attempt is the ESF project School tant to explore what makes a profession in principal: profession and qualification, not particular society than to follow pre-deter- function, which is headed by the University mined elements of professionalism. It pro- of Zadar. Within the project activities, vides considerable opportunities to analyse the professional standards for principals, strategic orientations and power among their qualifications and the postgraduate the actors (Davies, 1996; Faulconbridge & (specialist) study were developed (Vican Muzio, 2011). et al., 2016). This project is a part of the broader efforts of the Croatian education The combination of taxonomic and system’ modernization, introduced within process analysis has been selected, accord- the Strategy
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