February 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H279 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT our attention in this country. So what Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield A message in writing from the Presi- will it take? myself such time as I may consume. dent of the United States was commu- We need daring dreams that strain Mr. Speaker, I rise to join the distin- the bonds of conventional wisdom. We nicated to the House by Ms. Wanda guished majority leader in introducing need to begin journeys that are capable Evans, one of his secretaries. the House Resolution honoring the of challenging innately American crew of Space Shuttle Columbia. I wish f qualities of ingenuity and determina- to express my condolences to the dis- EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES OF tion, curiosity and courage. tinguished majority leader and our col- THE HOUSE TO THE FAMILIES An American always seeks to climb league, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. OF THE CREW OF THE SPACE the next hill, to cross the next river, LAMPSON), in whose district the John- SHUTTLE ‘‘COLUMBIA’’ and to reach the next valley. We are son Space Center is domiciled; and to born with an insatiable hunger to look all of our colleagues from Texas, to Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a over the horizon. It is a quality that resolution (H. Res. 51) expressing the them and to their constituents we offer runs through the special clay from our deepest, deepest sympathy. condolences of the House of Represent- which our maker formed us, and it atives to the families of the crew of the The astronauts trained and lived in holds true for Americans wherever Houston, traveled 6 million miles Space Shuttle Columbia, and for other they are born, because the magic of our purposes, and ask unanimous consent away; and as President Bush said so principles exerts a magnetic pull upon eloquently yesterday, ‘‘We lost them so for its immediate consideration pursu- people who are destined to be Ameri- ant to the following order: close to home.’’ cans. They are drawn home to us, just Yesterday I had the privilege of join- Debate on the resolution shall be as Colonel Ramon, a man of deter- ing many of my colleagues in traveling limited to 2 hours equally divided and mined actions and courageous curi- to Houston for a memorial service hon- controlled by the majority leader and osity, was drawn to Texas to share oring the seven heroic astronauts who the minority leader or their designees; life’s dream with our six intrepid were lost on Saturday morning when and the previous question shall be con- Americans. the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded sidered as ordered on the resolution to We are special. The people of this just minutes before its scheduled land- final adoption without intervening mo- country will reject shallow goals. We ing. tion. need a space program that aspires to These brave men and women made The Clerk read the title of the resolu- meet our lofty expectation. Ronald the ultimate sacrifice so that we might tion. Reagan liked to quote the poet Carl enhance our understanding of the uni- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Sandburg who wrote, ‘‘The Republic is verse. They have the eternal gratitude objection to the request of the gen- a dream. Nothing happens unless first a of an entire Nation and, indeed, the en- tleman from Texas? dream.’’ tire world. There was no objection. We know what we have done, but Mr. Speaker, I would also like to ac- GENERAL LEAVE only in our dreams do we learn what knowledge and pay my respects to Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- we can do. Space exploration is des- Sean O’Keefe, the administrator of tined to remain the highest expression imous consent that all Members may NASA, and the people who work at of our national dreams. have 5 legislative days within which to NASA, for their dedication, for their President Theodore Roosevelt prop- revise and extend their remarks on H. courage and to acknowledge the suf- Res. 51. erly summed up the spirits that have driven so many of our fellow citizens to fering they are going through having The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there lost their friends. objection to the request of the gen- cross countless boundaries. ‘‘Far better it is,’’ said Roosevelt, The world mourns the deaths of Air tleman from Texas? ‘‘to dare mighty things, to win glorious Force Colonel Rick Husband, the shut- There was no objection. triumphs, even though checkered by tle’s commander; Navy Commander The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- failure than to take rank with those Willie McCool, the mission’s pilot; Air tleman from Texas (Mr. DELAY) and poor spirits who neither enjoy much Force Lieutenant Colonel Michael An- the gentlewoman from California (Ms. nor suffer much because they live in a derson, the payload commander in PELOSI) each will control 1 hour. gray twilight that knows not victory charge of the science equipment; Dr. The Chair recognizes the gentleman nor defeat.’’ Kalpana Chawla, an aerospace engi- from Texas (Mr. DELAY). For 4 decades, Americans have neer, an exceptional young woman; Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- known that human space flight is the Navy doctors Captain David Brown and self such time as I may consume. most dangerous and daring endeavor Commander Laurel Salton Clark; and Mr. Speaker, I begin by observing human beings have ever attempted. Colonel Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli in that Members of this House share a The seven men and women of Columbia space. special reverence and appreciation for risked their lives to dare bold dreams I want to extend my condolences to Americans who risk their lives in the and advance the boundaries of human Prime Minister Sharon and the people service of freedom. So on their behalf, knowledge. This courage is the work of of Israel on the loss that they and we let me extend our deepest gratitude our creator. have suffered in losing Colonel Ilan and condolences to all the people who As we lost sight of our heroes Ramon. We are all blessed to have had have entrusted the United States with through flames in the forehead of the such outstanding men and women serv- their loved ones aboard Columbia. morning sky, we can take great solace ing in our space program. Let us also offer the same spirit of in knowing that they are now beyond For more than 4 decades, the space solace to the men and women of Israel. pain. All of them have now been safely program has been a bold expression of We hope that, through faith, God’s returned to the folds of our master’s American optimism. Who can forget healing comfort will lift our friends cloak. the burst of national pride when our with heavy hearts to the ‘‘place of For comfort and for consolation, let former congressional colleague John broad rivers and streams’’ with their us turn to the Psalmist: ‘‘The highest Glenn first orbited the Earth in 1962, grief receding upon the far shores. heavens belong to the Lord, but the and again 7 years later when Neil Arm- Space is an American mission. And Earth he has given to man. It is not the strong took that one small step for our accomplishments in space have led dead who praise the Lord, those who go man, that one giant leap for mankind? to some of our proudest hours as a down to silence; it is we who extol the Perhaps that spirit was best ex- country. During wartime, it is even Lord, both now and for evermore. pressed by the philosopher Socrates, more important to pursue goals that Praise the Lord.’’ who lived thousands of years before are more capable of rallying all of us. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of space travel began. He said, ‘‘Humanity Americans will not be motivated by my time. must rise above the Earth, to the top petty goals or timid objectives. Ap- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- of the atmosphere and beyond, for only peals of this sort fall on deaf ears. Only tlewoman from California (Ms. PELOSI) then will we fully understand the world bold ideas and audacious goals seize is recognized for 1 hour. in which we live.’’ VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:24 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05FE7.001 H05PT1 H280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 5, 2003 Space travel has been driven by more hazardous. We made improvements. We Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am than a sense of adventure and curi- learned when seven astronauts were pleased to yield 3 minutes to the dis- osity. Our forays into space have been killed in January of 1986 when the tinguished gentleman from Texas (Mr. about advancing the human conditions Challenger broke apart during launch LAMPSON). The Johnson Space Center in science and discovery. NASA and the that there were design flaws with the is domiciled in his district. He prob- space program have helped put the O-ring system in the booster rockets. ably had more constituents affected by United States on the technological cut- We made improvements. this tragedy than any other Member, ting edge, strengthening our economy Whatever we learn from last Satur- and in yielding him the 3 minutes I and fortifying our national defense. day’s tragedy will push our space pro- also yield him the privilege of man- Space exploration has led to life-sav- gram further than it has been before aging the rest of the time on this im- ing medical research, high-performance and make it safer than it has been be- portant resolution.
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