IICYCUNG ClNIU HOffIC 01 eM NftfJI IOnllS on4 'ANI ,................. --- ......,.,.... ta ......~ _, CANs : ... c..".III~ - ....._ e- M a.-. " IoeIioIa. !Co-UNE 17'.1333 M J I "." 10 ...... I _. rosse Pointe ews Complete Ne.." Coverage of AU the Pointe. Vol. 35-No, 3. lie'" e.., GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1974 fl." Ptr Year 26 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADLINES Dedicated Coach Receives Honor Woods Citizens SEMTA Is ... • Concerned Unhappy with Over Decree Ordinance Provides for :ng n AMual Inspection, Pav... Pla Licensing, of Buses ft.1In4Iay, A.... 15 Opereted in City R Fb°rdR R ._PRESIDENTb Many Question Necessity end Overall Benefit of Bv D-er A, W.1.. Ic a ~Jl!IIi. NlAOD. was su • PEt H If J --a _ poeDaed today to appear ill Proposed' Improvement to Ive IS I The Woods Council at the Water.gate cover.yp trial of Sunningdale Plrk Via Specil' the refUlar meeting Mon- wasnext fUedmonth.in TbeU.S. subpoenaDistrict , Assessment Method day. 1August ed19, unanl.rdl Court on behalf of John D. By Roger A, Waha mous y pus an 0 • Ebrlichman, former domes. Over a dozen residents attended the regular nance to provide for the tic counsel to Mr. Nixon. meeting of The Woods Council Monday, August 19, annual ,inspection and H. The subpoena was addressed . d' I d ri bllc h cens1ng of all buaes op- to Mr. Nixon at the "Presl. to express their ISp easure, u ng a pu. c. .ear. erated within the city. dential compoWId, San Cleo ing, with the proposed special assessment dlstnci. for City Attomey George Cat. mente. Calif." where the paving the east half of Sunningdale Park, . lin bad earlier told the NEWS former president moved after As a result, the councU that the measure, wbich be- resigninl his office last Fri. tabled action on this matter H. h S d com .. effeetlve 20 days after day. ,Mr. Ebrltcbman is one and an effort will be made 19 pee, the date of its enactmellt, Is of six defendants scheduled to find out if the .butting "an effort ot the elly to in- to go on trial Monday, 8ep. property owners want to va. Chase Ends sure that ~Ue tralUlporta • .ember 9, on charles of 01>- .. cate the l~nd. If so, the spe. 'tion . operatInr witbin the structing justice by attempt- clal assessment district could communitymeeta c e r t a in ing to thwart the investiga- go by the board. A final de. In Ca'r Crash minimum standaids'" He tion of the Water,gate break-l clslon on which direction to added "We hope lor volUil' in in 1972. take will be made at the tary eompUance 01 aU 1Jl. • ., • Monday, S e p tern be r 9. Woods and Harper volved ".l:le .. " Friday, Aa,alt II sesslon. Woods Police Vehicles ThemOllt prominent In. THE CYPRUS GOVERN. The council unanimously Collide after Pursu- volved aaenc)' is SDlTA, )lENT fled Nicosia today al! approved a resolution at the (Southeastern Michilan Turkish troops strengthened . Photo bk8al:bara :lruno regular meeting Mnnday. ing Motorcyclistj Transportation Autbority), their hold on the northem . The city of Grosse Pointe Park 'and The Park MATTHEW C. PATTERSON. Mr. ennary, the August 5, declaring the Deees- Officeri Reeeive which has expreued CODCerD third of the Island. A cease- swim -leambave honored Coach TIM KEN NARY. head coach of the swim team, led the swimmers sity to pave the east half, (the Minor In',uries over the ordinance. As a re- fire at 6 p.m, by bot~!Prioldt (far right,) for his "outstanding efforts in making to the championship this season. Park personnel :::t t~:~ :: ee:~~e:a~~)~ sult, It', PCliulcl-slbtethat a le1thal and Turkifsh forced~ """"f'ht~O The Park the City of Champions." Presenting the said they came up with the idea of presenting a special aasessment method. A Woods pubilc safet,f batUe ~ enllule over e CypnLSexcept orPresidentspara IC IgGlafcosmg. 'award, (from left NEto right,)S isare Cityf P Managerks d tlaque h toh Mr. d'Kennary because. th oft all fthe s!lcri.t But citizens cited various 01>- officer and two Ha-r"r- meanre.I"'a~vLea_ _ ~~sr'..., Clerides and his ministers ROBERT A. SLO , uperv or 0 ar an ices e as ma e In preparmg e eam or mee s. jections to the proposed im. Woods officers received WbeIl a~ If he foresaw fled so burriedly the doors Recreation WILLIAM STARR and Park Mayor The presentation was made Saturday, August 17. provement at the hearing. minor injuries after their a poIslbi.& eoW.lon eGUrw of the presidential offices QuestiGIlI Neeelllt,. scout ears colUd~ during with the All\horily on • 1epl were reported to have been YS'D C lis 'R imb ' P G P W d Some questioned the neees- the high speed chase of a balla over the ordinance, Ilr. banglnl in the wind. There a. e ursement act •• 00 S sity for such an Improvement motorcyclist early Friday CaUIn said, "ldoft't know. was no evidence that any • S with the proposed pavillg. morning August 18 I hope the,. "ffOUld eomplJ t t h d been d to C D R hed b B S S - t they felt, not benefiUng all The ,,~_ -"-t • ..... with U. measure. I "m be . :.:m:......:;.;.,... ase rop eac y on ecours, emors e :::::i.~~.'""'Iud"'~;:,&~~lt ~ ..~'.~"= -;"~bl,'l"~'~lIemarkable~,MieJHga.~lue.:Gr()88 - ----:~.~.BusY}~senda~~r:;:;ul~~r.',:~I:'w~ ~111eer~JI.::u::;,:"~ ...: ..readz 1 charigecflill mJDd, at le~ J', .,..'-'.-, i. ts Sh' Twelve Montft Agreement Means Hospital Will ,Meetinf'l Dates Scheduled ~~~~~~::dJs~,:':e:: ~~. ::l~';: 'me~r'wlg:u:~. ~m:e~a:~ temporarily, in his decisIOn U y "",mp,"n ow .d ' I C .. .oil b f ':III t h b ttin SIP ul Tur W~~:ac~..... OUt to gi".e former President Deerease of 27 in ProvI e Service,s to B ue ross lVlem ers or For Rest of Year and wo ouses a u g 011 un. pora a . r _ • this matter, read I Jetter to .. A I N d A t rt nlngdale Park. He felt the cer Jeflrey Manor were an the council from the Author- NixOll his White House tape Comparison to June' nnua egot,ate moun: Eff 0 Foe:uses Activitie:> Planned:' paving wouldn't be beneficial rushed to Saint John Hoapj. fly' •. Jepl eOl1Dlel wblch ~~cC:e~~' ~tetaro:s:r~u~~ Many Types of ' Upon Containing or Reducing Hospital Commission Has to his property and urged the tal wbere they were treated strelled levual concerns on today ' pending a review by Inci d ents Fa II Costs Three New cOuncil't tof reconsiderh j t thed for laceraUon, and ~ased. SEMT'.f.~ '. part over' the ordi. necessl y 0 t e pro ec an Officer Hunke also received nance, special . prosecutor Leon . Blue Cross of Michigan announced on Tuesday. Members the creatl/)n of the speeial seven atltches fn bls leltMr. Clements said he pre- Sawors.Jti. He ~ay want them • rpte Youth ServIce Dl- August 13 that it has negotiated a "prospective assessment district. knee. sumed the ordinance's pur- ecv~~:,_~~::Ia~o~ :~~:; V lS l0n, (Y~Dts)' .proJcelssed reimburser:.ent" agreement with Bon Secours Hos- By Roger A. Waha .Other comments from resi. Be...... lIit pose wu to insure the salety, ~C:te S S p I a criminal charges are brougbt cth°m ahl!'h Itnh UYYS'D pital, which volunteer<;!d to join the nationally-dis. Activity continues to 1Ients cited a concern about While on patrol, the officer health and welfare of Wood. against Mr. Nixon. Mr. mton d '!! IC k bel" b cussed prospective reimbursement pilot project, first accelerate on The Woods "hurrying traffic" If both the spotted a Farms patrolman citizen •. "You eanbe allured Ford's lawyers do not deny erme remar a. e. ~- announced last fall by Blue Cross. senior citizen front as the eas~ and dwest s:s. were issuing a speedln, violaUon that the Southeutern 'MJcbi. the tapes are the .personal cause of a. drop In lOCI. The other ho&pl'tals, chosen ---------.- city's Senior Citizens pav d" an t the alm ethss,to a cyclist on Maa avenue. gan Transportation Authority b t d ts This f Prllperty.,of Mr.. Nlxon u en. was a .d...e. carefully to provl'de a var;"'ty I'S designed to d'eterml'ne I'f Com miSSIon,., WI'th th ree aaccors Ing t 0 (some, 0 'de DoliAec, .. baven't -nf'-med'.... u if Is also C!Oftcem,ed abou,t the Is yesterday s d~~ I~n dkee.ps ~rease 0 f 27. comp Its."jlO ofgeograpbic. size and spon- the incentives built into pros. new a p pOl. n tee s from theysses shouldmen s.beoneovermana widersal onethis whoeydistwas ispursuedactuallyby thethe 01safety,WoodslIealthresidentsand welfare""as well the~. out of ,san s m. 10 comparIson to une sl>rship characleril!tics, in. pcctive reimbursement offer Mayor Benjamin W. Pin- base). officers. as all the people of the State defmltely. and and 10 less than the clude Providence in South. a positive method to contain kos, has solidified a twice Under the proposal 18 d ill do U tb t 't • • • total handled last July. field; Wheelock in Goodrich; or reduce hospital costs. a month meeting schedule lamilles wouid be a~ssed Alter pu.lllng Into public an w a, a lean Suaday. Augast 18 To date the overall total TolfreeMemorial in West Has Been Extolled for the rest of the year. $626.66, while two others safety beadquarters, Offleer within lbe Umlt.
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