Submitted to National Assessment and Accreditation Council Bangalore, 560 072. KARNATAKA, INDIA (2016-2017) 1. To empower the women folk of the society through a globally relevant and qualitatively enriched education. 2. To enable her to be a vital force to explore her potential to expedite the changes required to keep pace with advancing scenario while living a life of dignity. 3. To provide a learning environment to the women of rural as well as urban areas capacitating her to exemplify the rich heritage of Indian culture besides productively contributing vocationally and professionally to the cause of social uplift and nation building as an asset shedding all fears, apprehensions and age old superstitions. 1. To provide need based higher education to the young girls of the city and adjoining villages through multi-natured academic programmes through UG and PG degree courses and diplomas. 2. To capacitate them through professional degree courses so that they get equipped with skill, knowledge and practical acumen helping them to be employable or fit for self-employment to lead a life of economic independence. 3. To inculcate moral values among the students to emerge as ethical, tolerant and responsible citizens. 4. To expose them to different competitions, contests, debates and deliberations individually and collaboratively through extra & co- curricular activities for a holistic personality development. 5. Women empowerment, a process of acquiring knowledge and awareness enabling them to move towards life with greater dignity and self-confidence. 6. To provide women education in all areas of learning to eliminate gender inequality and to ensure equality before law and to prepare them for a life of challenges ahead. Realizing the fact that empowered educated women are nation's strength and a blessing for family, all efforts, endeavors, projects and policies of the Managing Committee are focused on translating the vision, goals and objectives into reality so that after getting graduated or post-graduated, the young girls should enter the life as confident and strong contributors to all-round activities of the system and the society with a moral approach. The emblem, depicting a lotus flower is associated with purity, spiritual awakening and enlightenment.Asalotusisabletoemergefrommuddy&murkywaters-unspoiltandpure,it is considered to represent wisdom and a spiritual enlightenment in a person. It is a representative of those people who carry out their tasks with little concern for any rewards andwith afullliberationfromthefilthoftheworld.Theyareelevatedaboveallmurk. The 'diya' or lamp incorporated in the logo also has a deep intellectual and spiritual significance. Primarily, “Deepak” signifies knowledge. All our activities should be governed by the light of knowledge, especially the knowledge of dharma. By this knowledge, ignorance or darkness isdispelled. We bow our heads before knowledge which isthe greatest wealth we can amass. Theflame is fedon the oil of clear devotion and enlivened by the breeze ofintense love and contemplation ofthe Divine. Witha single diya, we can light many more lights, but stilltheoriginallampdoesnotloseitsowninherentlightwhilehelpingtolightothers. The words “Tamso ma Jyotirgamya” meaning, “Oh Almighty lead us from darkness to light, from the unreal (falsity) to the real (truth)”, speak volumes for our vision. This prayer, in the formofcollegelogo,reflectstheIndianphilosophyanditenvisagesthemindtobeopentolearn and seek continuously, to expand and merge with the supreme power. The word “Om” incorporated in the logo is also suggestive of the prevalence of singularity of God. It means that there is one God, who is universally prevalent and whose presence is permeated in the entireuniverse. Thusthislogowhichisenrichedwithsymbolicsignificance,isasourceofgreatmotivationand inspirationforourcollegestudents. Sr. No. Contents Page No. Volume - I 1. Preface 2. Acknowledgement 3. Executive Summary 1 4. The SWOC Analysis of the Institution 4 5. Profile of the Institution 7 6. Criterion Wise Inputs I. Curricular Aspects 15 II. Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 43 III. Research, Consultancy and Extension 91 IV. Infrastructure and Learning Resources 150 V. Student Support and Progression 176 VI. Governance, Leadership and Management 227 VII. Innovation and Best Practices 269 Volume - II 7. Evaluative Reports of the Departments 1. Department of Physical Education 286 2. Department of Philosophy 294 3. Department of Fine Arts 301 4. Department of Computer Science and Information 307 Technology 5. Department of Commerce and Management 319 6. Department of Economics 336 7. Department of Hindi 345 8. Department of Punjabi 358 9. Department of English 375 10. Department of Mathematics 387 11. Department of Fashion Designing 394 12. Department of Home Science 402 13. Department of History 410 14. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication 422 15. Department of Music 430 16. Department of Political Science 439 17. Department of Public Administration 447 18. Department of Sociology 454 8. Post Accreditation Initiatives 461 9. Comments by dignitaries I 10. Alumnae Say… IV 11. College Activities – through Camera IX 12. Annexures I. NAAC Peer Team Report II. NAAC Certification of Accreditation III. UGC recognition Certificate IV. Master Plan of College V. Declaration VI. Compliance Certificate PREFACE It gives me immense pleasure and privilege to submit the Self Study Report of Hindu Kanya College Kapurthala for the second cycle of accreditation by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. As we present ourselves for reaccreditation and reassessment, every effort has been made to strengthen our claim for a better education. We have tried hard to maintain the standards of curricular and co- curricular activities for the betterment of all stakeholders. Ever since the college was accredited in 2007, the efforts have been incorporated to institutionalise all the suggestions put forward by the NAAC team to upgrade the institution and to identify the shortcomings and remove them. This report has been prepared following the guidelines of NAAC. The report explains the academic and administrative functions and activities happening during the past years in the College focusing on curricular aspects, teaching-learning and evaluation, research, consultancy and extension, infrastructure and learning resources, student support and progression, governance, leadership and management, innovations and best practices and departmental exercises. The process of preparing a self-study report is a rigorous exercise that encourages us to examine our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities offered in higher education and prepare for the challenges in future. Though the report has been finalised by a committee comprising of five faculty members but it's an outcome of strenuous endeavour of group discussions and regular interactions with fraternity of the college who have meticulously collected, analysed, documented and articulated all our records and activities listed in the seven criterions for the last five years. We have had several meetings with the staff, as the drafts of the report were being prepared, so that everyone would be familiar with the report and offer suggestions and indicate areas we had overlooked. Our present SSR is a culmination of our efforts towards this end and we look forward to a rewarding interaction with the NAAC peer Team to re-accredit our institution. Dr. Archna Garg Principal Hindu Kanya college Kapurthala ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my proud privilege to express a sense of deep gratitude to the Managing Committee and the Principal of my college for their co- operation and expert guidance for the successful completion of this Self Study Report (SSR). I am indebted to the members of the Steering Committee, for making strenuous efforts and leaving no stone unturned for the preparation of this SSR. This gigantic work has been possible because of the sincere and dedicated efforts of the members of IQAC, my colleagues, and the administrative staff. The collection of data, the compilation & editing was a tedious job, made easy by collective efforts of all. This SSR report is the outcome of a team effort and I am thankful to all the teaching and non-teaching staff members for their co-operation in giving it, its present shape. Once again, I am thankful to one and all Vijay Pathania Coordinator Steering Committee Place: Kapurthala Date: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala (Punjab) was started by some elites and philanthropists of the city in June 1969 to facilitate the women section of the society to get empowered through quality higher education in a safe, secure and a disciplined environment, away from the distractions of a co-educational college. In the beginning, a few subjects in Humanities were offered to learners due to constraints of space and finance. But soon it started spreading its wings by adding the subjects like Home Science, Mathematics, Physical Education and then adding other streams like Commerce & Management, Computer Science & IT and Environmental Sciences to meet the increasing expectations of the students, parents and the community to be served with its lofty Goals, Vision and Mission. This college is affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Punjab) and is covered under Grant-in-Aid 95% deficit scheme of the Punjab Government. The College Emblem depicting ‘Om’, a lit ‘Diya’, a lotus flower and words ‘Tamso Ma Jyotirgamay’ reflects the noble vision of the
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