SPECIAL /SSG ** eç ) N y' + i o > N 5. N J -' - N h > l h & e e B ê T H E K E N YA G A Z E T T : Published by Authority of the Republic ()f Kenya (Registcrt!d as a Newspaper at thc G .P.().) .... .. ( . J'éE . .... Vol. C lV - No. 88 N A IRO BI, 11th Decem ber, 2002 Priee Sh. 40 GAZE'I'TE NOTICENO. 8023 Lt.-Col f Rtt6.) Benry M utbec Katlmrimp. DCP Cyrtls M , Gacharill. D.S.M . ' AW ARDS Ol7 ORDERS, DECORATIONS AND M EDALS IJCP Gi Ibert Mudllune tllllolldi . ().G . u, .' DCP Stcphen M btlgua M biyu. D.S.M .. , JAMHURI DAY. 12TH DECEMBFR, 2002 Ag. DCP Zebedeo Otwori Onguti. D.C.O.. II.S.M . IN RECOGNITION oî the outstanding or distinguisbetl serviits Ag. DCP M ary M tskami M waogalgi- I7.S.M . rendered to the nation in various capacitics and responsibilities, 1. Ag. DCP Pcter Elaini Eregaè. O .G.W . Danicl Toroitich arap M oi, President and Commander-in-chicf of the Ag. DCP Stephcn Kilnent-htl- IA.S.M .. S.S. Armed Ferces f)f the Republic of Kenyas confer awards and honours to Ag. DCP Nixon Boit Sigowa. S.S. the following pcrsons: Ag. DCP Esther Achieng' Oticno, D.S.M .. S.S. Ag. IICP Alik;e M ary W . Kktgulldq! 1,) .S.M : S.S. The Order f?Jl/Ic Golden Heart (?f Kenya: S/ACP Ltlcy M ugure M ungai. The Third Class- M oran of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya S/ACP Nfllson 0. Majiwa. D.S.M . (M .G.H.) Fredrick N. Onyalzgo ( Prof. ). Asbok Kumar Kanii Shab. t î3'f . ). Joseph Maina Mungai (Prof.). E.B.S. Daniel Kamuren Tuittpek. ( 1)1*. ). The Order /?J/he Burning Spear: Alnb. B oaz K. Mbaya. Am b. Richard 0. Okwaro. The First Class-chief of the Order of the Burning Spear (C,B.S.): Hyslop P. Ipu. Maj. Gen. Augustino Stephen Karano Njoroge, M.B.S. Elias Mwakamba Mjolnba. H.S.P. Maj. Gcn. Jones M utuku M utwii, M .B.S. Shce M wadzanîro M bwana. Maj. Gen. Paul Joseph Oganga Opiyo, E.B.S. Rttuben Ndegwa Samson. Maj. Gen. Antony Maritim Rob, E.B.S. Dhanii Patcl Ramji. S,S. ,.' Julius Samson Meme (Prof.), E.B.S. M ilan Kumar Shah. ' '. t -' Hosea M undui Kiplagat, E.B,S., S.S. Henry Kiptitlny Kiplagat, O.G.W . ' ' ' Sajjad M. R. Rashid. E.B.S. Surcsh Bhagwanii Itaia Shah. The Second Class- Elder of the Order of tht Burning Spear (E.B.S.): J aswaat Singh Rai . Big. M oses Chesondio Yatoç, M .B.S. Ihe D l'.î'//'?l.j'l,//.U?ct./ Serb'it'e A'/'t?tr/f.// f 1.4. .î-, 5I. ): Brig. Julius M utunga M ulili, M .B.S. Brig. M ichael M wololo Fundi, M .B.S. Cp1 . Bcrnard Ochieng' . Ex. W arder Paul J. Kalnanza. f Posthulnous). f' Brig. Philip Kipkoech Chebbet. O.G.W . ; . .' . Brig. Joseph Kasaon. M .B.S. Ex . W ardcr Christic Kanlanda. ( Posthunlouj), S/DCP'. 11 David M wole Kimaiyoa M -B.S.s D.S.M .h H.S.C. Maulice Slapak (Dr.). C.B.E. Ihe Ordcr f?/' the Grand l'Wzrr/fyr qfhkttbxl ftl). C. $t ): ' David M orton Silverstein (Dr.). S.S, Lt.-Col. Joram Ngethc. Ephraiin M wangi M aina (Eng.), M .B.S., H.S.C. Julius K Kandie. M .B.S. Ag. S/ACP Josepll M unuhc W amae. Joseph K. Kinytla. Ag. S/ACP Joseph Ntumbili Maragwi. L.C.B. Sassoon. O .G .W . ACP Richard 0. Ombima. Gideon Kibet Toroitich, M .B.S. ACP Stephen S. Chemonges. ACP Joseph Daudi Kyalo. The Tllird Class- Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (M .B.S.): Ag. ACP Appolo Naaman Jakair. Col. D avid Kam btm i M w angaagi. A g. ACP Jazrccl M washigadi. Col. Simon Kipm gut Koskei. Ag. ACP Donald Mbogo Mugo. Col. Chlistopher Arrum (Dr.). Ag. A CP M oses Nyakwam a Om bati Col. Kepher Odhiambo M akanyengo (Dr.). SSP Zephania M wangi Kamatl (Dr.) Lt.-Co1. Balongo Adongo Atanas Lubandi. SSP Anthony M ugo Kibuchi. (3043 31)44 THE KEN YA G A ZETTE 1 1th D ecem ber, 2002 %SP John Njuc Njagi. Sgt. Tom Patrick Etyang. SSP W allace N. Gachania. H.S.C. Sgt.M ose Onchoke. Ag. SSP llam isi Salim M assa ( I)r.). SSP Japhcth Koomc Nchebere (Eng.). Ag. SSP Gedion Ngulni Gachago (Dr.). Ag. SSP David Rono Bunei. Ag. SSP Luisah Nthuki M nthiani. SP Georgc Albttft Ambuga. IP Godfrey K. Im anene. Fcstus M asolo W asilwa (Eng.). Ag. IP John Otieno Onditi (Rev.). Ilavid Ndubi Stower (Eng.). Cpl. David Kipkorir Kirui. Kipkirui arap Lang*al (Dr.). S/Re. Statlley lngosi Shivachi. Paul K. Konuchc (Dr.)a H.S.C. S/Re. Boniface Katuva Kiilu. M usikiti M akokha Kusimba. S/pte. Simon Chepkilot Kiplangat. M oses Kipchirchir Tcnai. PC Pettr Kimanzi M wangangi. Joscph Barthfomew' (?dhiafllhtl. PC Fredrick Kitungu M bingu. lohn Luyali lnyangala. Salim Sadru Salim. I7an K. Ameyo. Civilian Divisitm : Sakwa Kasqitn Shitiabai. Peter W gitqlv. .. SP Douglas Karanja. Hcllen Jeps-bctth 'C7. heramboss (Mrst). SP Davis Grey M awinyi. CIP Charles Chepkonga Yano. Snr. Ch. ie. f. 'titj . )n mah. .u el Ng.eywa. IP M oses Koskei Koech. Babu M ehta. IP Abdullahi Kunow Adan. .' Basil Tangai Ngonla. Sgt. Ibrahim Abajila Wacho. Paul Kipkorir Ngeticb. Cpl. Julius M . M uketha. B . ( ). K -tll!1tldho. APC Yamin Iyaite Olamuran. Grace N . W anyollyi ( M s. ). APC Joseph Asiago M oseti. Raylntmd 1à. V. M aliba. ' APC Rodgers Rop. ' Charlcs Jànlt!s M utci. S.S. APC David Kiprono Lelei. Snr. W ardtm M ichael Limo Kipkeu. Robert (luk' o. W arden 11 Samuel Tokorc. Jtxt Kadenge. Kaplcxb Shah. Wardress Vertmica Nyambura Njonjo. Jflscph H. M :lerl' ()ytll1t. Hussein K. A. M olu. Elizatketh F. W'afula ( M rx. ). Elija luma Wasidia. Vonnod Datlni. I'lte St>tw/ t#'.ç/t??t' 's (-f??ll?l?t??ldt?lifzll I H.S.C. ): Patrick John Kamau. Geoffrcy M aiyo Bittok. ts////ktlrl. I.llj-i.b'l'tttt : Francis Busera M ulinya. James Abilla, h/l lti. Tlltlllla s ?q itlrtà értl ?Q lra n Lt* a. frpt. Paul Kipsilgich Koech. Lolma Nakhumicba Maithya (M rs.). W .(). I Bensoll M icbeni. Martba Orinda Upon (Mrs.). %' .(). l Jalnes Ndonga Nyaga. Pamela M usani (Mrs.). Fredrick Tungwony Sowt. h'.(). 1 Johnst3n Kariuki Kinyua. Bjhiana M aikuma W alela (Mrs.). W'.( ) l Philip Kipkorir salal. (' Hanbipgton Shikumo Muchclule. W-.(). I Abdi Farah . 'k-rimotiy Ogucba Omato. WF.(). 1 Stephen M wanzia. ' c Kipkorir Baliat. W .(). l Francis M bilhi. J n Komolkat M wok. W .(). I Paul M idenga. Lydia Karungari Muiru (Mrs.). W .(.). à .1(+11 Gibili Chacha. Lojomon Kipsang Biwott. B/.(). l Zacllaria M wita. Simeon Collins M anyawanda Ochieng' . W .(), 11 lslnael Hassan. M alik A. W . Khaem ba. %' .f ). l I Janles Kibet Chelnwolo, Laurentia J. Kibiego (Ms.). S/sgt . llix.(1n Junla Boiyo. Stanlcy Chepwarwa. S/Sg1. Fauslin Ivara Kitbaka. Billy Koskei. S/Sg(. Eliiftll Kilntltai Koros, Sam my Kipketer. S/sgt. Ilickson Kering Kirwa. Grace Wanjiru Mutura (Mrs.). S/Sgl. Richartl M wangi M ukenyt!. Wilbedbrce Kapkeny Tylel. S/Sg( . Benson M uragc Njiru . Francis Orangi Nyatome. S/sgl. Pbilip Nyakweba Kerilldty, Aurtlian Mwalqkumbi M liwa (Likobe). S/Ng1. Naftali Sangara slakobi. Davis Mwabili Hezron (Mwala). S/sgt. M oses Kibc! Kîptarus- S/sgt. Charles W ekesa. Dated the 1 I th December, 2* 2. S/sgt. Donald (lnklhiri Sgt. Naslloni Chacha Rioba. Sgt . Noah Kipront' Keyo. Sgt . Nlw illyi Shtlnga Kinlw illyi. D. T. ARAP M Ol, Sgt. Bernard Oguta. Presidenl. l'lt lN'l'I:'I) ANIA !3l 1BI.I5l1lïl) l1Y 'l'lllf (;OVISRNSIEN'I' PRIN'I'ER, NAIROBI a- -4 h . (1 x z /&x , . xs.j j .. j N > l A # . : B e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.RO.) Vol. CIV- NO. 89 NAIROBI, 13th Decem ber, 2002 Price Sh. 40 CONTENTS , y GAZETTE NOTICES GAzm'rc N('= Es--(c4#/d.) PAGE PAGE n e Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority 'l'he Trade Unions Act- Registration . .. .. .. .. .. 3086 Act Appointment of Chairman .. .. .. .. .. .. 3046 . Thtcompanies Act- W inding-up, etc 3086-3087 The New Partnership for African Development (lîlEPAD> Ap' 1) (lilltlllllllt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3046 'rhe National Assembly and Presidential Elections Act- Polling Areas (Civic Wards) and Polling Stations- The Hotds and Restaurants Act Appointment of (124)1171 1It)l1(11l> ()t(). .. .. .. .. .. .. .J .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 () 1*3 3046 Closure of Private Roads and Footpaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3087 n e Toun'st ln'dustry Liccnsing Act Revocation of 3046 n e I mnd Control Act App'ointment of Land Conlol SUPPLEMENT N@. 117 13 ()1trd lstitllllltlrs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 3046 Legislative Supplement I7lzl)l 1 () 1-1()1 ill It)p ;! ()():! .. .. .. .- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 3046 LEGAL NO-PICE NO. PAGE The Magistrates' Couzts Act Increase of Limit of 197- The Land Control Act- Exemption .. .. .. .. 1489 Jun' sdi ction 3047 'I'he Registration of Titles Act Issue of Provisional 198- The Estate Agents (Remuneration) (Amend- (E2()1t' (iII ltt ()S ,tlt() . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ,.. 3047 Iïltrlli) Ittlle s, :! (1():! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 zl il 6/ n e Registered Land Act Issue of New Land Title 3047-3051 SUPPLEMENT No. 119 I'l-tllllttr Itlltl kpktl 111' Iliiitlrlti () 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 3051-3071 In islative Supplement *I%l1t) 'Frade IS4ItFICS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3072-3085 LEGAL NOTICE NO. PAGE The Kenya Communications Act Applications for 373- The W estern University College of Science Licences to Operate a National Commercial VSAT and Technology Order, 2002 .
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