City of New Rochelle Dcparl!nent of Development TO: 1HRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ain Stn:et:. forma Camegie ubwy, u a Local Backgtowad: A request wu received by the Historical and Lo.odmarks Review Board (HLRB) from alocol resident in ]tml2(}' 2016 to nominate 662 Main Street, the former Camegie Library, u a locallandnwk. The request is attached for your reference. The libraty is a Nco-O.ssicol Rmval inotitutiosul building designed by Albett Randolph Rosa and built by prominent New Rocb~ muter buildet Mic;had Barnett. The building aerved as New Rocbclle'slibnty &omits opening in 1914 until1979 andu one of just three Camegic library buildings otilletanding in Westchester County. The building is ama1dy owned by Hagerdom Communications The HLRB held a public hearing on Much 9, 2015 and voted wtanimously in fiavor of the request. A copy of tbdt tesolution is attached for your refe%ellce. RccommettdatioD: It is t=>IDD>ellded that the Council designate tbia site a landmuk after holding a public meding; however it is also l'eCOtllnldlded that the City should not proceed with further landmatking until a city wide hi.otoric plan bas been completed to identify structun:s and sites of historic sigoilicance. Such a plan will p.rovide valuable info=ation and protection of important sttuctures, and msure future landmark applications can be ...essed u part of the City's ovc:nll fabric, not as single otand-olone cites. In accordance with the City code provisions, tbia proposal must be ref=ed to the Planning Baud for ito recotn~JV.fldation u to the proposed landmW:'s compatibility with the City's comptthenoive plan. Nomination of 661 MaiD Street, New Rochelle as a Local Landmark DATE: January, 2016 PROPERTY: FollDer New RocheUe Public Library, also known 1111 "Hagerdom Building" 662 Mmn Street New Rochelle, NY 10801 Parcel No. 2-460-0046 PROPERTY OWNER: Christopher Hagcrdom, Hagadorn Communications 662 Main Street New Rochelle, NY 10801 (914) 636-7400 SUBMISSION BY: Tom Lang 81 Pintard A venue New Rochelle, NY 1080S PROPERTY'S CURRENT DESIGNATION: Blig!'ble for Listing oo the Naticmal Register of Historic Place SHPO USN#11942.001479 Description of the ardaltecturalltyle, period, IIDd hJstorie slpificanee of the bulldhag The property is ofp81111l1ount importance to the educational and architectural signifiCIDCe of the c:ommunity, and lw na1ional significance as one ofthe remaining structures funded by Andrew Camegie to be a public library. Following a series of temporary homes, beginning in 1894 in the with Trinity Place School and ending with the rcotal of two floors in the Masonic Tmnple, the New Rochelle Public Library finally acllieved a dedicated building in 1914. In 1910 Alderman Edwani Davidson urged MII!I)' Harry E. Colwell to seck financial support from Andre Camegie, who cvartually granted $60,000. The comcrstonewas laid on June 13, 1913 and the new building opened on May 11, 1914. It sfl!Vfld the communityuntill979, when it was closed and aold at auction in 1980.lt was one of2,5091ibruies funded by Carnegie, and is one of the tlnc: Carnegie h'bnry buildings still rtanding in Westchester County. The architect of the building was Albert Randolph Ross, who worlc:ed in Davenport, Iowa and in Buffalo, New York, bef<m:1 joining the fum ofMcKim , Mead and White for seven years, l 890- 1897. He became an important dflligner of libraries and waa responsible fur public libreries in Columbus, Ohio, Taunton and Needham, Massachusetts, Pittsfield and Old Town, Maine, Washington, D.C., and Denver, Colorado. The structuJe has additional significance as the worlc ofprominent New Rochelle master builder Michael Barnett. It is a handaome Nco-CI!IISical Revival institutional building that includes Corinthian columns and classical motifS such as Greek key molding and dentils. An addition was msde to the building in I 928. The current owner converted most of the fonner front lawn into parldng and sdded trees between the parking and slrcct. Nomlaatloa of 662 MaiD Str-et (Fonner Nm Rocholle PabUt Library) u a Local LIDdmark Page2 A TIACHMENT: Building Inventory Form for NYS Department of Parks, ReCTeation and Historic Ptes~ation (SHPO), completed by Taylor and Taylor Associates for the 1997 Reconnaissance Level Survey, funded by a CLG grant to New Rochelle Department of Development (through Historical and Landmurlcs Review Board) PHOTOGRAPHS AND SITE MAP 2008 --r--:.:.::=::- City of New Rochelle Department of Development MEMORANDUM lO: HONORABLE MA AND CITY COUNCIL THRU: Ill, CITY MANAGte/ FROM: MISSIONER Of :tELOPMENT DATE: SUBJECT: RFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGAAM (LWRP); DRAFT CONSISTENCY lA S; EAF PARTS 2 AND 3; NEGATIVE DEClARATION; DOS 60 DAY REFE AAL Introduction: The City of New Rochelle is in the process of prepartnc a Local Waterfront Revitalization Prosram (LWRP) in response to both local facto!$ and rqlonal connections between the City and surrounding communities. New RocheUe has nine mlles of waterfront along the shore of long Island Sound and the LWRP will provide a framework for future projects. The program will also Include an updated harbor management plan, and address environmental factors lncludins resilience to the Impacts of climate chanse. The lWRP has eight sections includlnc the LWRP Boundary; Inventory and Analysis; Coastal Manasement Policies; Proposed Projects; Techniques for local Implementation; State and Federal Actions Ufcely to Affect Implementation; Consultation with Affected Agencies; and Local Commttnnent. The Clty of New Rochelle declared Its intent to be lead asency for the LWRP at Its March s"', 2016 meetins. Backp'oLmd: The following text Is taken from the NYS Department of State and outlines the purpose and benefits of an approved LWRP. The Waterfront Revitalization of Coaml Areas and Inland Waterways Act offers local sovemments the opportunity to participate In the State's Coastal Management Program (CMP) (pdfl on a voluntary basis by preparing and adoptins a l.o<al Waterfront Revitalization Program (lWRP). When the State approves an LWRP State agency actions are required to be consistent with the approved LWRP to the maximum extent practicable. When the federal sovernment concu~ with ~ lnGorpoflltion of an LWRP Into the CMP, federal agency actions must be consistent with the approved addition to the CMP. In addition, State permitting. funding. and direct actions must be consistent, to the maximum extent practicable, with in approved LWRP. Within the federally defined coastal area, federal agency activities are also required to be consistent with :~n .-pproved LWRP. This •consistency" provision is a strong tool that helps ensure aU aovernment levels work In unison to budd a stronger economy and a healthier environment. An approved LWRP reflects community consensus and provides a clear direction for appropriate future development. It establishes a long-term partnership among local covemment, community-based oraanlzatlons, and the State. Aecommenatloft: It Is recommeoded that the Oty Council adopt an EAF neptlve declaration and schedule a public heartnc for its June 14" meettnc. NEW I\OCHEU.E LOCAL WATERFRONT 1\EVITAUZATION PROGRAM UPDATE CITY OF NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK WESTCHESTER COUNn' FULl £AF- PAlm 2 AND 3 AND SUPPLEMENT TO PART3 ladAcencr- Oty of New Rodlelle Oty Council 515 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801 Contact: Charles B. Strome, Ill, Cty Manaser (914)654-2140 Prepared by: IIFJ Planning US Rfth Avenue New Y~ NY 10003 Contact: Sanh Yacbl, AICP, Principal (212)353-7375 April26, 2016 TABLE OF CONT!N15 Paae Full EAF P•rt 3,,................................................................................................. 11 F11n EAF Part 3 suptllement. ................................................................................13 ,,..,!1- Full Elfllironrrtetlllll Asiii!SSJifetll Fon~t P11rt 2 -ltltlftljiCIItiim ofPotentull Projut Impacts 3, Port l is ta be completed by tbo l ..d •80110)1· Port 2 io drsigned to help the lead "80110Y invcmloJy all potential rc~~auroes that could bo affected by a prnpoaed project or action. We rococoJ.., that tbclead agmcy'• review<r(s) will not n.......nly be onvironmcntal profcoaonals. So, the questions aro desicnod to walk a reviewer tlu<Ngh the USCNIIIcnt process by providinc uerioa of qucoti0111 thot con bo 0111Wcml11sibl the in!onnation found in Port I. Tb liu1hcr udst the lead qency in cunpletinJ Part 2, the fOrm idcntillca the moat releYint questions in Port I lhlt will provide the infonnlllion noedtd to - tbc Port 2 qvootlon. When Port 2 is completed, the leo.d qcncy will have identified the rel.....,t mvironmcntol oreu that moy bo impocted by the propO&ed activity. lftbc\Cld qmcy ia a lltoiA: qcncy oad the action is in any Ccuta1 Area, compleu tbe C....,l ABclsment Fonn before proceodina with tbll oae!IOIMIIt. npo for complellac Part l: • Review .U oftbe infonnlllion provided in Part I. • Review any application, map.s, suppOttiq materials and the FullllAF Workbook. Answer ClCb of the 18qucstioos in Part l. J!you-"Veo" to • numbered queation, P'-complete aD tbcqutstioM that follow in tha!JCCrion. Ifyou onswer "No" to a numbor..t quc&tioo, movt~ on to the next numbered queslion. Check appropriate column to indicate the onticipated siu ofthe impocL ·• Proposed projects that would CICeed a oumcric threahold contained io a qucstionlhould ....,.It in tho m<iewing agency ebeokin&lhc box "Moderotc to larp impact may occur." The rcvicwet is11Qt QPected to bo m cspcrt in enw..unental ..Wysio. Ifyou aro not sure or uudeclded about tbollbz ofm impod, it may bdp to rt:vicw the~· for the gmcraJ qUCIII:ion ood consult the wos1<boclt. • When IIMWCring a quootion ODDBider all components oftbc prnposed activity, that is, tbo "whale action". Consider the poosilriUty for long-tenD ond CW!IIIlalive impocts as well N eli=! impoclo. Allswer tlu! aucotioo ina reuo1111ble......., COII5iderin• 1M acale ond context oftlu! nmloct • I. Impact oD Louul Proposed oction may involve construction OD, or physico.l a!tentioa of, (lJNO DYEs tbe land lllllface oftbe pi1JJlOI(:d site.
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