HANDBOOK FOR GROUPS HALL-WATTENS REGION 2020/2021 HALL-WATTENS REGIONAL TOURIST OFFICE, Unterer Stadtplatz 19, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria T: +43(0)5223/45544-23, F: +43(0)5223/45544-20, [email protected], www.hall-wattens.at/en PANORAMA OF THE REGION HALL-WATTENS 2.677 m 2.246 m Brenner 30 km www.glungezerbahn.at www.kugelwald.at Voldertal Tulfes Hall in Tirol 574 m Volders Wattental Wattenberg 2.334 m 2.726 m Zürich 300 km Thaur Absam ➜ Mils Gnadenwald Baumkirchen Wattens Fritzens Wien 470 km München 160 km WELCOME TO THE HALL-WATTENS REGION! umerous treasures await guests culture, tradition and modernity, pro- Your point of contact here: such as famous Swarovski vides exciting contrasts and an optimal for group enquiries and N Crystal Worlds, the ancient town setting for a one-of-a-kind stay. bookings, program tips, of Hall with the biggest historical quar- We would be more than happy to cus- information and ter in western Austria, wild and untamed tom-tailor holiday programs appropria- all other questions: Halltal valley in the Karwendel moun- te to your individual travel needs, as well Department for groups: tains, the pilgrimage basilica in Absam, as to assist you in learning more, selec- Your contact Anne Welling Hall Mint, and so much more. In additi- ting and reserving the various program Hall-Wattens Regional Tourist Office on, the Hall-Wattens region profits from elements. We look forward to hearing A-6060 Hall in Tirol an ideal location in the heart of Tyrol. from you. T: +43(0)5223/45544-0 The combination of perfect accessibility F: +43(0)5223/45544-20 and transportation connections, urban [email protected] flair and rural tranquility, nature and www.hall-wattens.at/en Gnadenwald München Salzburg CZ FRITZENS BAUMKIRCHEN ABSAM PASSAU THAUR WATTENS A22 A7 D A8 ST.PÖLTEN SK HALL IN Oberösterreich A1 WIEN INNSBRUCK MÜNCHEN LINZ A21 RUM TIROL VOLDERS A1 Nieder- A4 A3 SALZBURG österreich A12 WATTENBERG BREGENZ A2 EISENSTADT A14 INNSBRUCK A9 HALL A12 Salzburg IN TIROL Burgenland AMPASS Vorarlberg A10 Steiermark Bregenz TULFES Tirol A13 ALDRANS RINN LIENZ A2 GRAZ CH Kärnten H A9 IT KLAGENFURT A11 Brenner LANS Sterzing SLO TOURISM ATTRACTIONS IN THE HALL-WATTENS REGION TOURISM ATTRACTIONS IN THE HALL-WATTENS REGION 1 Group size for a guided tour: Since July 2019 an audio guide in ten lan- HALL MINT & MINT max. 35 people. guages summarizes all stories of the Giant Flat group rate up to 1,5 hours: for visitors. TOWER – AND EUR 80.00 The crowning piece of the new garden is Contact & Bookings: the Crystal Cloud, created by Andy Cao EVEN STAMP OUT Hall Mint Museum & Mint Tower and Xavier Perrot. This monumental ins- Tel. +43(0)5223/5855-520 tallation drifts above the black Mirror Pool, YOUR OWN COIN Fax. +43(0)5223/5855-820 inviting visitors to pause for moment and [email protected] be inspired. Visitors can reach the Swarovs- Here you can trace a path back through his- www.muenze-hall.at ki Kristallwelten Store after a stroll through tory to a time when wealth was measured in the Chambers of Wonder. cold, hard cash, money still had a magical Swarovski Crystal Worlds does not just gleam to it, and the currency was as solid as nourish the mind and spirit but also makes the material from which it was made. From 2 it possible to experience culinary pleasures: the Mint Tower, visitors are treated to an un- THE OLD TOWN The Beletage offers a uniquely attractive forgettable view of Hall’s medieval Old Town, setting for up to 180 guests, with a fabu- the Inntal valley and the mighty backdrop of OF HALL IN TIROL lous view over the garden of the Giant and the Karwendel range. And as the crowning the surrounding Tyrolean mountain land- conclusion to any tour, visitors can turn the On a guided town or themed tour held by scape. spindle themselves and press out their own the Hall-Wattens Tourist Board you will personal coin as a small souvenir of their time find out about the rich history of Hall in Opening hours: spent at the cradle of the thaler and dollar. Tirol and will be shown the most important daily from 08.30 am to 07.30 pm, last sights. entrance 06.30 pm July and August open Hours: You find more information about guided daily from 08.30 am to 09.00 pm, last from April to October: Tue to Sun 10 am tours on page 8 ff. entrance 08.00 pm – 5 pm; from November to March: Tue Group (of 10 persons and more): to Sat 10 am to 5 pm EUR 17.00 Doors close at 4 pm Unit prices: Closed: 3 EUR 19.00 01.01., 01.11., 24.–26.12. and SWAROVSKI group price for tour operators: 31.12.2020–01.01.2021. From the 3rd on request week of January until the 2nd week CRYSTAL WORLDS, Contact information of March, only open to groups by and reservations: appointment. WATTENS Swarovski Kristallwelten Discounted group price (15 or more Kristallweltenstraße 1 people) per person: Swarovski Kristallwelten (Swarovski Crys- 6112 Wattens, Austria EUR 6.00 admission to the Coin tal Worlds) in Wattens turns Swarovski T. +43 5224/51080 Museum/EUR 4.50 admission to the crystal into a living experience that is cons- F. +43 5224/51080-3831 Mint Tower/or EUR 8.00 for the Mint tantly changing and being reimagined for [email protected] Museum and Mint Tower combo ticket. its visitors: in the Chambers of Wonder and www.swarovski.com/kristallwelten Unit prices: the expansive garden, internationally and EUR 8.00 Hall Mint/ EUR 4.50 Mint nationally recognized artists, designers, tower/ EUR 11.50 Combination Ticket and architects have interpreted crystal in Price to stamp out a personal coin: their own unique ways. Spread out over 7.5 EUR 2.50 per copper blank. hectares, the fantastical realm of the ico- nic Giant offers a one-of-a-kind blend of The tour is conducted by means of modern contemporary art, past centuries, captiva- audio guides in seven languages. Upon re- ting nature, and a year-round program of quest, a personal tour is also possible. events for all ages. 1 2 3 TOURISM ATTRACTIONS IN THE HALL-WATTENS REGION 4 5 No charge for admission. ABSAM ABSAM MUSEUM Visits (without guided tour) are free to the public with advance notice. PILGRIMAGE WITH THE Contact & Bookings: Hall-Wattens Regional Tourist Office BASILICA ORIGINAL JAKOB Hall in Tirol Information Office T: +43(0)5223/45544-0 Since 18-year-old Rosina Bucher first caught STAINER VIOLIN F: +43(0)5223/45544-20 sight of a woman’s image in a windowpane [email protected] back in 1797, one which could never be re- Absam is not just a significant pilgrima- www.hall-wattens.at/en moved, this place has drawn pilgrims from ge destination, it is also the birthplace of www.absammuseum.at near and far. At this significant spot, we famous violin maker Jakob Stainer (1617– recommend visiting the famous Absam pil- 1683), who both lived and worked here. He grimage church, elevated to a basilica in the is one of the most important artists that Ty- year 2000, the spiritual centre of the most rol has ever produced. Musicians and muse- 6 famous pilgrimage site in all of Tyrol asso- ums around the world prize the instruments MATSCHGERER- ciated with the Virgin Mary. made by the master. Absam Museum is de- dicated to his life and his immense crafts- MUSEUM ABSAM No price for admission. manship. A very special exhibition piece is Visits and tours are possible at any time, a violin which was made by Jakob Stainer The museum has on display a collection of though by appointment only. himself. The museum also regularly hosts interesting pieces relating to the region’s Contact & Bookings: interesting special exhibitions. Carnival festivities, with its numerous tradi- Hall-Wattens Regional Tourist Office tions and folk customs. Visitors are treated Hall in Tirol Information Office Hours: to around 200 wooden masks (the oldest of T: +43(0)5223/45544-0 Friday 6 to 8 pm, Saturday and which are some 200 years old), Matschgerer F: +43(0)5223/45544-20 Sunday 2 to 6 pm. Special tours are costumes, photos, embroidered belts, pictu- [email protected] also available to groups upon request, res and much more related to the Carnival www.hall-wattens.at/en though only by appointment. theme. 4 5 6 TOURISM ATTRACTIONS IN THE HALL-WATTENS REGION Hours: terrelates local biographies and establishes a cold buffets are possible on request. Sunday 10 am–12 am, 14 pm–17 pm; sense of identity. Unexpected vantage points Contact & Bookings: From April to June and September to lay the foundations for shared new visions. Tuxerbauer, Distillery & Farm Shop December; Special tours for groups. Welcome to the Museum Wattens, welcome Hoppichler Family, No charge for admission. to the Wattens heartland. Schmalzgasse 6 Visits (without guided tour) are free to The Museum Wattens presents itself in Ger- 6075 Tulfes, Austria the public with advance notice. man. A printed visitor’s guide is available in T: +43(0)5223/78307 Contact & Bookings: English. On request we offer guided tours in [email protected] Hall-Wattens Regional Tourist Office English or other languages. Hall in Tirol Information Office T: +43(0)5223/45544-0 Hours: F: +43(0)5223/45544-20 Thuesday – Sunday, 10.00 am to 5 pm 10 [email protected] Admission: WEBERHOF, MILS www.hall-wattens.at/en EUR 6.00 Price of mining tour for guests of the region Hall-Wattens EUR 4.50 The Weberhof is located in Mils and is fa- Guided tours are also available to mily-managed.
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