the Cord Weekly Civic issues key to NDP's Kersell by Aubrey Ferguson riding supports the NDP strongly Because the Conservatives have Unlike Conservative candidate because of the work ofits Federal frozen the tuition fees for only one Bob Gramlow, Jack Kersell, the MP, Max Saltsman. year, he expects to see the fees gc New Democratic Party's standard Speaking on the issue of Reg- up if Davis is returned. government, bearer thinks there are two very ional Kersell has been The NDP has campaigned for important local ex- quoted as saying only a issues—urban that few of open accessibility to edu- pansion and the regional his regional more the reform of constituents feel that cation system for all. Kersell has government. government any advantage. is said that the forms the gov- "Over last I if NDP the several weeks The fact that two tier govern- ernment, fees will stay constant increasingly have become aware ment has become too far removed and subjectto policy, maygo down that local residents are worried from the people is another problem in the future. about the expansion of this area that should be faced. This isolation and the damage it is doing to farm- He also feels that two other im- leads to frustration and anger as portant issues are the lack of day land." At the present rate of ex- ' 'peopleare shuttled back and forth pansion, Kitchener-Waterloo will care centres and the lack ofhous- between two levels of govern- ing. double in size in fifteen years. ment." Kersell feels that the NDP can The latter is especially important A to problem halt this process with their land use solution the would to the student community because and economic policies that would be to establish municipal and reg- ofthe diminishingnumber ofplaces government at province-wide in scope. ional the local level open to students and the escalating be so The forty-five year old political that they are readily accessible costs that are province wide. community. science professor from the Univer- to the natural Kersell NDP said this would The would establish a sys- sity ofWaterloo has met with much measure not neces- tem rent Jack Kersell and leader Stephen Lewis sarily be expensive because only of controls where re- support during his extensive can- a quested by municipalities to pro- small office in each would vassing of the riding. area be tect tenants against arbitrary and Quality of life Much of the support he feels is required. excessive rent increases. the result ofthe work that is being Considering the plight of the stu- If we don't win the election, we done by his office staff which has dents, he cautions them that there will keep harping in the legislature the experience of four major elec- are many priorities, but that the until the government does some- PC Platform tions together. He alsofeels that his NDP has a plan for them as well. thing about housing he said. by Aubrey Ferguson areas under regional control. The Conservative candidate for Despite having been outspoken Waterloo-North is Bob Gramlow, on mattersrelated to regional gov- mayor of Wellesley Township and ernment jGramlow disagrees with Good an a seeks third term employee of local insurance the other candidates that dissatis- company. faction withregional government is After two terms as Waterloo's "I enjoy thelegislature work, the As with most conservatives a major issue locally. representative at Queen's Park, Ed debates and acting as critic. I also Gramlow believes that the"quality "I hope people remember that Good is standing onhis past record enjoy the constituency work. Some of life" is the major election issue. regional council is made up oflocal for re-election. members get carried away in legis- He thinks crime prevention educa- councillors. If they want to control "In the time I have been a lature workbutthat'snot where the tion should be stepped up provin- regional government the authority member, I have been very active in votes are. You have to work or cially. is there. They justhave to exercise the legislature. I have tried to do a people get to know about it," he "Crime is a real problem today. it." good job. No one can accuse me of said. What we can doto prevent and con- During the interview, Mr. Gram- going down there and not doingmy Good says the main reason he is tain it is a worthwhile venture," he low maintained that although he is bestto represent myconstituents," involved in politics is Robert said. The investigation of violence in complete agreement with the he said. Nixon. in the media conducted by Judy La Conservative platform he would, if "I've dealt with thousands of "I admire his integrity. He is re- Marsh and the proposed gun regu- the need arose, speak out against constituency problems in the years ally the main reason why I'm in lations he feels goes a long way to the conservative government. I've been down there. I've solved politics ... I have great confidence protect our way oflife. However the tone of his platforms some ofthemand others I've had to in the man." He would also like to see atighter and ofhis campaigning would sug- tell people "that's the law". Basi- He thinks the main electionissue bail reform act, and expansion of gest Mr. Gramlow has decided to cally youcan do alot to help people is integrity in government. the Ontario Censors Board. go along with provincial headquar- by knowing where to go in govern- "In the pastfive years there have "The Conservative govern- ters and put aside any matters of ment." been more poor administrative de- ment's new liquor legislation that contention he would have with the , Good says he enjoys the debates cisions made than in 29 years of did not extend the hours ofserving government such as regional gov- in the legislature when he appears Conservative rule." He blames is also a good step in the right direc- ernment. as a government critic. these decisions on Bill Davis and tion." says "Bill Davis has to go this Ed Good As for students Gramlow time." ional government to consider realizes that housing is a major Good charges the Conservatives boundary adjustments and sizes of problem for them. Housing starts have financially mismanaged the regional governments. were down in Ontario last year yet economy. "They have trebled the "One ofthe major problems with Ontario built almost half of the provincial debt. This year we have regional government is that when it houses in Canada last year. How- a bigger debt than the federal gov- went throughthere was no study on ever, Gramlow does not feel the ernment." the financial implications of it. priority lies with the student. "One The Fidenham scandal and the With additional money from the of the things we have to work on is Moog hydro scandal have under- province, we could have found out housing. We need more of it espe- mined the integrity of the provin- what the startup costs would be cially for senior citizens." cial government says Good. The Economic Council of Canada... Gramlow who has beeninformed "The Conservatives have let said one of the weaknesses of es- that his chances of winning which contracts to companies that contri- tablishing regional government was were once thirty percent are now bute toThe Conservative party that there was no cost study made improved and he feels he has a without tenders." to see what it would cost the tax- chance. However he does not seem He also accuses the Conserva- payers." to feel that there are any important tives of spending government Good said problems with reg- local issues. The election will be money on election propaganda. ional government will probably decided on a provincial basis and There was $405,000 given to the work themselves out "if people Gramlow is counting on the fact Conservative caucus for research. keep on paying high taxes and get that most people believe the Con- We got $165,000 and accounted for used to inaccessibility. However it servatives will be returned. There- every cent ofit. When we tried to shouldn't have to work itself out." fore he feels that the constituents find out how they spent it they said He admits it would be impossible may well wish to support him so it was none of our business to go back to a one tier form of that they will have a stronger voice They don't use it for research but... government now but "senior plan- at Queen's Park. for propaganda." ners inthe region have told me ifwe Gramlow feels it is a very impor- He agrees with the NDP candi- could just go back to square one" tant part of his platform to remind date, Jack Kersell, that regional and start over on a less elaborate voters of his outspoken nature and government is a local issue. scale, we would be better off." his ability to take a hard stand on "Regional government is an Good was born and raised in the issues. issue, no doubt about it. People Twin Cities. He is the owner ofthe Mr. Gramlow has spoken out find regional government remote Edward R. Good Funeral Home several times against regional and inaccessible. People are saying and has three sons, Paul, David, policies from his office of mayor of why are we not getting more ser- and John. Wellesley. Recently he criticized vices for more money. Reprinted from the Waterloo the region's environmentally sensi- Good says a Liberal government Chronicle, Wednesday August 27, tive policy that would put wildlife Bob Gramlow will establish a task force on reg- 1975.
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