r'^-SA*.. — V •;' :..-..% C-V.-',: < .THE CRANFORD AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. MAT scout, moved Ultra step clan, and Ronald became-a-chief Two Lf>caTInditMrt«~ ford [of tbe by completing re- Win Safety Certificates For, Annual Luncheon I quirements star scout~rank. GARWOOD — Two local indus- GARWOOO-Ronald Neighbo _ Commissioner Afcftfiei have been awarded certifi- and Mrs. J.I I thur Biddle presented Ross Row-cates of merit for achieving a per- annuat~tuncbeon 'land With a miniature Jlrst classr 1 fect safety/record among employes Teachers' Association badge, whfcb-he In turn presented during the. first quarter of 1953. v Ladies' Auxiliary of Bay Leaf Post and John R, '•*«§•«» I to his mother. at the organization'« monthly meet- The certificates were awarded ing bvLincota School last Wednes- of the bride |^;^e*Ma«naii7and to So^oco Products Company of than Dayton RegionaJ Kgb Scaoal. Cammie .^JQgden were presented, North avenue, and Wadel Equipr day. Mrs. Katherine WaRhef Ts Springfield, it CEREBRAL wJtithh hitl d* l chairman of the committee in «nUw ! *WSI* «ordrf for selling the mtjnf Company-of> 119North av.e= meetint g of itbe. auxiliary In Bay l'mosmostj (Tickets,: tirWetft . fj>f«tr- ih« «~«.» *-> nue-aLt i th.».e- firs,••t^ annual• ,'^J tttnnef'ow,--T»'rf! charge of arrangements for the!>af -Memorial Home, Ztl Sooth WW* -tnCtlJnion 'CoUnty Safety* Council 'affair."' , • ••; '••.-.. - -ivenue. -• v. ^,.^'" / SHwwJ, Springfteld. [v'ei Lemper" _ in Elizabeth, T?y CJ^e$r*efl6rtlger.JZiMrs. JELvelyn -- First and second places . senterf by Mr. Ogden, to Explorer deputy, director t)f the Bureau of chairman of a nominating commit Richard Wi)son and John Albert Lawson and Scout John [•Engineering and "Safety, New Jer-fee" to~ "prepare'a ~slat Mrs. Castaldo Elerte.l town and is » Pethick as best Troop 80 e, p y o «"ter. Major hieh- camp- sey Department •oT'Labor'and^Inj for the coming "year. Berkeley Heights. NEW JERSEY, THUr^DAY, lUKlFl 4 ers.L. while^ JFack Allen. David Mrs. Dorothy Tears*, president, sssays was "DemocracSubjecy t of the coascrosa the Beach, George Jones.X Jeff Mar- 1 Another similarity is th conducted the" meeting—Refresh- We Make If Medals shall and Carnmic6gd«h received ments were served by Mr#. Mar- «—*-^ tajttrinigs historl awards presentedi7& as ,a trostee. She i* bronze camper medals: ' " i • Explorer Scouts Plan garet cAr,'Mrs. Marjotie Nobbs Winners at fh Ohe-year scoutmaster medals and Mr*.. Esther Tonjes., • Vy'^U- ber of the Ladies Auxiliar as back many morel Trip ta Stokes Forest ^ Judges in tbe<4contest we^e theLeaf Fust «M7. i erven - Crane's Ford. ' for attendance advancement, r dfntral Kalbxlad''8tatloii camping'and scout spirit were pre- GARWOODi^aiuts of J&cplorer 3ev. Charles BfcTagpe of St, 'Uttfie afuropean version 8 Anne's Churchy the Rev. Walter C _. home town"-^wa» first sented to ^couts Ball, Beach, Con- Me* I* Service Vgypr, McC$rd. McGrath, Rittweger,S^rSe^d ^ %S '44 aas>-R«»nipn Pugh, St. Paul's Evangelical __J by the Slendenhing faro- there until June 18," il! was an- Scheduled fOr June 5 ..Reformed Church, and tbe KENILWORTH - Army Pft Seven- Persons Appointed Directors; |V. , Which visited the borough last Lsc'he*. Weydeineyer andXWhft- nounced this week. Plans for the ' •• • JJ, ' • — .' ;La«rence J. Motan. son of Mr. i ' nVeyer. Receiving the medai\for Eric S. Toogher, Presbyterian s nd Warner Plasa (Northside of SUUont -^—. Miss Phyllis Glendenning, THE C&ANFORD CHtTKCH trivs-ip^ .vv^rweri %:e IIIUUmadeC taoilas t Wednesdavvcruiiarauaj'y I ^•SPRINGFIEL T —^^- D• — The• class-(Of' .^ [M«. Dennis A. Nolan of 12 North I our New Courses Authorized lor School; the second year, were Scouts Al- Church. Mrs. Catherine Gribble - of Mr. and Mrs/ E. B. night at a meeting at the home of 1944'of Jonathan Dayton Regional ^__ ^ beert getting, •CIO] versary edition of The^Citiien and I mejBbers. Refreshments len, Arnold, Jones^Lawson, Mar- Herbert Werthweini,;^^adviser,..5,; r,.S.1 SLHigg h School will hold Itsft frinth Withhold J^ecisron on Secohd Seitiester ng off 60S Orchard street, ~* v- ^-«-«»«»*ii ys IIII^VIVUVII till'I were ttrst ^ hand '^coaabat training -jn Stores Offering •.-' "• ^-. Watont Avenue ' - visit thth e towaragaitin this shall, Ogdep, Petlflck, Robey and Locust avenue.., j'- _" "annual reunion June 5 at" the v^ Chronicle published in 1943 in ceit- served following the Business ses- Zesch. Don McCord " received a atnmir warfare at Camp Desert' - The Cranfprd Aijult School has decided to ihkrpprate, Mrs.; 2:0ft- 4:00p. ml^-Johnson & Johnson Plant:oneii for bration of its SOth>ear of publica- si on. t John Maniscalco is chairman of Washington House. ^S "~~Alcoa 25-Year Clab Her-, proving ground of the bargaini s and..d P^ovam / ^^ • inspecUon. WB »or n Day three-year : medal -. and \Larry 1 chnrlcs Redden, director, aQnouhCedr The) leaders of Se sch«SI~mef tion along with a recent issue were the committee .making arrange- Among those serving qn the ^ Memorial Field (Myrtle Avenue) -~ Pethick a four-year medah \ Has Annujd l%hnnr : bomb. WoJanis * driver in ' 'ay evening with th^Tadvisorj^comrriitt^ to consider th^ 'proposal. during Weekend Sal Vo-Chaititl 'Tjseht to, the Middlesex Chronicle. ments for'thtetrip. He is assisted committee are Mrs. Harold Need Company D of the Zfeth Regimen- e 3:30-5:30 p.m-rSupervised games for il age arouns-^ by Robert DushaneK and Bruce GARWOOD— Sixiy-eiglr Seven persons were sctectecTalrtHrecWs' of the schooL-JThey a Additional information will be sent and MissyDbris T. Colwejl, botH tal Combat Team from Camp are ; - Prizes- Booths on display groups— Hayde'n. ^ Thomas Casale presided bers o* the Twenty-Bve-Tear Club Mrs. Redden, Mrs.-w. T. dolling ^wOror^hanning R«dd (ted: TJbe bor in the near future. Olympic Park Grctw ^ of Garwood. Fred Roessle of Scotch .* Y. Before enterinfi the arc: Ucipating in .the-Cranford —^_ 6:30-7:30 p.m.—Mock Baseball Game -=-poiW> '-' r Furtheirther points of interest Wilwill Q^ . *" ' • WW 11 [at- the meeting. < • Plains is class president. ' - of the Aluminum Gerhard V.Kellner, Dr. Hn»»«nit V . ^<:. ; , Department vs. Fire Department ,.,_:'• her a.copy of M Ama attend y W52. he was Days sales event today, tomorrow V 7:30-8:00 p.mAThrec Boys* Boxing MatchS - also b e ffortKcomingforthcoming,. because Miss tjCOUtS£ MMOiU Featuring Jungle Act . America attended the seventh ain annlaml byv the Twin Citriu,y Nurs<N.,S- gest", superintendent of ^schools,' and Saturday under auspices p/thc Guide, pictures of theGlendenning has consented to write- —» nual dinner at * " George Ward, referee. - louse.- the 'Cranford, George Keller's collection of €ute and Parents ety. JBoseDe Park. .jlrfc—G- -Hohnes •WiHiamsrT-and Ccanford- Business Association l\ an articlarticl e forf , ThThe CitizeCiti n -and I lionsl, tigers, leopards' and.; pan- Men In Service Plainfield . -V.— was announced last nighO&lslja: <Ni 8;00-11:00 p. m^Regular and Bquare Dancing. ' the Village Cage (or] |-JampfFrkervick.7The"aanifrindi- ch Chronicle when'she returns this thers „will be. the; free circus at- Visit GARWOOD — Pvt. Joseph of the! nmmAH «M$man ofthe retail id articles con- i£ HonorCourt Die Casting a^cRAjox»p summermer. She sailsas aboard the traction for the Memorial Day. GARWOOD—Parents and mem-Meur, son of John Le Meur of tne viduals .w^re-abo named-trustees. promotion committee -of _the asio- which appeared guest^apeaker^ i_JSB!P«W|WTH-rTwo. Cranford , jteuiiyers' Association "Mauretenin" om for a Leadership Scout Troop week-end at-Olympja-ParR,! bers of Cub Pack .ja^yisited-• the Garwood^recently_arrived ui Ko- JBfen wereion^iia^irsp^eding: lifrs/Retraen ;repqrted that clatfoin. ^v •/1 • '/"' ' two-month tour lof ^England. Ire- rea and Has been assigned.to the During foe business . T fleflda Service sagaalncj The articles, written by 80_was^-passcd-fron0 i Cameron SL ingtort-Maplewood. Theiclimax j)f WalKeivGoFdon FaVms in Plains AI-|Monday evening to: Municipal cos will, beyolected later thts C^i>eratin>vwlth/the Cranford land."Spain, Holland and France. Ogden to the new scoutmaster, this jungle act is trddJtion«tf — bdro on Sunday and also" held a 25th. Infantry :/Oivls|pn.'.Pvt._Le fred W. Glynn of Kenilwortb by Magatf^Uj William Bru- Day program tomorrow, the Bus- A. C Marshall, are very well' Miss. Glendenning'will be a gticst nwnth'.in the^meanwhile, Mr. Ker- C Holds done and give a vivid description Fred Ball, as the troop held its fin- Keller puts his head In a lion's .family picnic. There were'about Meur,, who' entered Jihe Army in elected president and He*-.. _^ Jman iness Assodatio _ the'English town \vhen she re-al Indian ceremony Court-of Hon- mouth. - .._-...... 75 in attendance. Cubmaster Fred- Is a membej of Werme of/ Cranf**** was; chosen viijt was -authorized to ' ot the town and its background. turns_ejirjy_jn-july.—*>~-—^— ™" ** " " " very proud - • —Patriotic concerts by Joseph "Bar erick McCar/ick was in charge of the 89th Tank Battalion's Com- vice president* ) tne po- Drode of 4U Wahiat avenue necessary legal- steps to incorporate e sition waas ping cenfer.vPaper bags will be. the Ctanford Church, whicb^ is byteriatr-Chu'rch "y sile's band, with Bubbles Ricardo pany Ai In" dviliBtCrOfe, he was John fc Inc school. placed over4he parking meters. H-.—... • • ••*•• -i- L Charles P. Acker o} Plainfieia IU«wi ii. ii-. one thousand years Creative The retiring 'scoutmaster told • was announced that Anthony employey d by'thy e Thatcher Fur- a9CBHB OK X9 . The decision The GJft "Days "event, as th* zalohe itt mb hd i nn ; B.uf iheTuwer~of the ''he-had*enjuyeil WUTIUUK wltlr Cnn p y namc linplics.
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