September 26, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H8191 would probably refer to as a standard UNITED STATES MINT NUMIS- obvious that this makes no sense at all silver dollar, modeled after the old buf- MATIC COIN CLARIFICATION ACT to make a silver version of a coin that falo nickel which was designed by OF 2000 is gold in color. But language left over James Earle Fraser and minted from Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- from the time when the silver-colored 1913 through 1938. er, I move to suspend the rules and Susan B. Anthony dollar coins were The proceeds of the sale of this coin pass the bill (H.R. 5273) to clarify the made would require the all-silver proof version. will go towards funding the opening of intention of the Congress with regard Not having this clarification has held the museum and will supplement the to the authority of the United States museums endowment and educational up the mint's production of proof sets Mint to produce numismatic coins, and for collectors, and it is illegal to outreach funds. Because the mint will for other purposes. produce coins in a year other than in be reimbursed the cost of minting the The Clerk read as follows: which they are issued. Failure to pass coin before the funds are given to the H.R. 5273 this bill would result either in a non- museum, this bill will have no net cost Be it enacted by the Senate and House of sensical proof set or no proof set for to the American taxpayer. Representatives of the United States of America collectors at all this year. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that H.R. in Congress assembled, Also contained in the bill is a clari- 4259 has reached the floor today. Again, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. fying section inserting the word ``plat- I would like to thank my colleagues This Act may be cited as the ``United inum'' inadvertently dropped when that have already shown their support States Mint Numismatic Coin Clarification Congress authorized production of plat- for H.R. 4259, and I urge the remainder Act of 2000''. inum and platinum bullion coins a few of my colleagues to support this bill as SEC. 2. CLARIFICATION OF MINT'S AUTHORITY. years ago and a section calling for in- well. (a) SILVER PROOF COINS.ÐSection creased reporting requirements for the 5132(a)(2)(B)(i) of title 31, United States Code, Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- mint's cost of producing, distributing, is amended by striking ``paragraphs (1)'' and and marketing circulating coins. self such time as I may consume. inserting ``paragraphs (2)''. This is a small bill, but important to Mr. Speaker, I would simply like to (b) PLATINUM COINS.ÐSection 5112(k) of the mint and important to coin collec- thank, again, the gentleman from title 31, United States Code, is amended by tors. It has no cost implications what- Oklahoma (Mr. LUCAS) for his leader- striking ``bullion'' and inserting ``platinum soever. I urge its immediate passage. ship on this issue. bullion coins''. SEC. 3. ADDITIONAL REPORT REQUIREMENT. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. LaFALCE. Mr. Speaker, will the Section 5134(e)(2) of title 31, United States my time. gentleman yield for a question, please? Code, is amendedÐ Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. LEACH. Yes, of course I yield to (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph myself such time as I may consume. the gentleman from New York. (A), by striking ``reflect'' and inserting ``con- (Mr. LAFALCE asked and was given tain''; permission to revise and extend his re- Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, the gen- (2) by striking ``and'' at the end of subpara- marks.) tleman from Iowa (Mr. LEACH) made graph (C); Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in reference, I believe, to President Theo- (3) by striking the period at the end of sub- support of the bill. dore Roosevelt, correct? paragraph (D) and inserting ``; and''; and Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the United Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I certainly (4) by adding at the end the following new States Mint Numismatic Coin Clarification Act did. subparagraph: of 2000. The Act operates to introduce a ``(E) a supplemental schedule detailingÐ Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, I think ``(i) the costs and expenses for the produc- ``technical correction'' into the language of the the gentleman from Iowa said he was tion, for the marketing, and for the distribu- Dollar Coin Act of 1997. The Act that we con- the one who thought that the design of tion of each denomination of circulating sider today, will permit us to achieve the pur- the buffalo should be on that the nick- coins produced by the Mint during the fiscal poses of the Dollar Coin Act by removing the el; is that correct? year and the per-unit cost of producing, of requirement that newly minted dollar coins be Mr. LEACH. He is the one who in- marketing, and of distributing each denomi- composed of 90% silver and 10% copper. In- nation of such coins; and spired the design, yes, Mr. Speaker. stead, the silver/copper content requirement ``(ii) the gross revenue derived from the will apply only to half-dollar, quarter-dollar and Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. Speaker, I point sales of each such denomination of coins.''. dime coins. A dollar coin, minted in gold color- out to the gentleman from Iowa that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing with manganese-brass content will be in- President Theodore Roosevelt was ant to the rule, the gentleman from cluded with the proof sets. sworn into office as President of the Oklahoma (Mr. LUCAS) and the gen- The Act also grants the Secretary of the United States in Buffalo, New York. tleman from New York (Mr. LAFALCE) Treasury the discretionary authority that he or Mr. LEACH. That is newsworthy and each will control 20 minutes. she may exercise from time to time to mint an anecdote I did not know. The Chair recognizes the gentleman and issue platinum bullion coins. If the gentleman from New York from Oklahoma (Mr. LUCAS). In addition, Mr. Speaker, the United States could help me, what political party was GENERAL LEAVE Mint Numismatic Coin Clarification Act of Mr. Roosevelt associated with? Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- 2000, instructs the Secretary of the Treasury to provide periodic reports to Congress that Mr. LAFALCE. The progressive party er, I ask unanimous consent that all will set forth the general and per-unit costs of as I recall, Mr. Speaker. Members may have 5 legislative days production, marketing, and distribution of each Mr. LEACH. Yes, of course. We are within which to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous ma- denomination of circulating coins. certainly in line that the President was I would add for the record that the maximum terial on H.R. 5273. a great American. mintage of 1 million (1,000,000) silver proof The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, I have sets contemplated by the Act is eagerly antici- objection to the request of the gen- no further requests for time, and I pated by the numismatic community and will tleman from Oklahoma? yield back the balance of my time. be produced at the U.S. Mint in San Fran- There was no objection. cisco. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- SHIMKUS). The question is on the mo- Due to the need for the correction in the er, I yield myself such time as I may legislative language that would be enacted by tion offered by the gentleman from consume. Iowa (Mr. LEACH) that the House sus- passage of the United States Mint Numismatic Mr. Speaker, the bill before the Coin Clarification Act of 2000, I urge my col- pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. House today, introduced by and at the 4259. leagues to support this measure as well. request of the Treasury Department, is Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, the bill before The question was taken; and (two- a simple technical corrections bill and the House today, introduced by request of the thirds having voted in favor thereof) does just three things. Most impor- Treasury Department, is a simple technical the rules were suspended and the bill tantly, the mint has sought language corrections bill, and does just three things. was passed. that would excuse it from the law that Most importantly, the Mint has sought lan- A motion to reconsider was laid on requires it to make a silver proof guage that would excuse it from law that re- the table. version of the new golden $1 coin. It is quires it to make a silver ``proof'' version of the H8192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 26, 2000 new golden one-dollar coin. It's obvious that it tleman from American Samoa (Mr. uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Flor- makes no sense at all to make a silver version FALEOMAVAEGA) is recognized for 5 ida (Mr. MICA) is recognized for half the of a coin that is golden in color, but language minutes. time until midnight as the designee of left over from the time when silver-colored (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA addressed the the majority leader. Susan B. Anthony dollar coins were being House. His remarks will appear here- Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased made would require the all-silver ``proof'' after in the Extensions of Remarks.) to come before the House of Represent- version. Not having this clarification has held f atives on another Tuesday night to up the Mint's production of ``proof'' sets for The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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