Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Shipping in the Baltic Author(s): Gunnar Alexandersson Reviewed work(s): Source: Ambio, Vol. 9, No. 3/4, The Baltic: A Special Issue (1980), pp. 158-162 Published by: Springer on behalf of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4312562 . Accessed: 03/03/2012 00:04 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Springer and Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ambio. http://www.jstor.org Shlippingin the Balti BY GUNNAR ALEXANDERSSON Shippingin the Baltic is not as importantas it was duringthe days of the Vikingsor the Hanseatic League,but the tonnage accounted for by shipping has increasedgreatly since the mid-1 9th century. On an average day, about 700 ships plus an equal numberof fishing vessels are at sea in the Baltic. The authorconcludes that internationalagreements to control pollution from ship- ping should be easier to enforce as vessels become larger,fewer and techni- cally more sophisticated,but he warnsabout the continuingproblem of pollu- tion from legions of small pleasure craft. Shippingin the Baltic holds a less prom- inent position in world trade today than it did in the days of the Vikings or the HanseaticLeague, or when the Dutch and the British ruled the waves and their navies and merchant marines were sup- plied with hemp, flax, naval stores, bar iron and guns from the Baltic lands. The IndustrialRevolution led to a rapid in- crease in tonnage shipped over the Baltic, with wood products,Russian grain (4) and Swedish iron ore going out and British coal coming in. It also meant a decline in relative importancefor the Baltic Sea, as the raw materials of the transocean countries became accessible to the in- dustrial core of northwestern Europe through the revolution in transports. Technical changes in sea transportwere rapid in the hundred years before 1950, but they have followed an even steeper curve since. STRUCTURALCHANGES The volume in tons and the work in ton- kilometersaccounted for by shippinghave The Neptune Shipyards in Rostock, German Democratic Republic(GDR). increased greatly since the mid-19th Photo: Pressens Bild. century. Ships have increased in size and speed, and have become more specialized, but they have been declining in number.These general trends in world shippingare difficult to quantify for the 237 000 were accounted for by six ferry initiallya ship duty, but later a load tariff Baltic Sea. An indication:the tonnage of ports in the southernmost province of was added and the ships then had to be the Swedish merchant marine, primarily Skane: Helsingborg, Malmo, Limhamn, checked for their cargo. engaged in deep-sea cross-trading, was Landskrona,Trelleborg and Ystad. In English the generic word Sound is seven times largerin 1975than at the turn Shipping through the Baltic Straits is used for this waterway, an indicationof its of the century but it engaged only one- better documented than similar traffic importancein former centuries (the Ro- fifthas many vessels. The numberof ves- elsewhere in the world because of the mans had a similar word for the Strait of sels (excluding ferries) in domestic and Sound Dues collected by Denmark be- Messina). However, the Sound is very foreign traffic calling at Swedish ports tween 1429and 1857(Figure 1). Most traf- shallow south of a line from Copenhagen reacheda maximumin the late 1930s.The fic by far moved the shortestway from the to Malmo and as the size of ships has 437000 vessels entered and cleared in North Sea to the Baltic through the increased the Great Belt has become the Swedish ports in 1975 were somewhat Oresund, where dues were collected at leading passage for through traffic. The fewer than in 1939, but no less than KronborgCastle near Helsing0r.This was narrow and winding Little Belt has a 158 AMBIO VOL 9 NO. 3-4 e= ~~~- r.-1 E _ _ _ _ _ _kk ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-w 4' ;___.~* t -r FIgure1. Old map showing the narrow straight separating Helsinger (Denmark)with Helsingborg (Sweden). KronborgCastle can be seen in the center. Between 1429 and 1857 the Danes collected sound Dues from all ships passing through the Sound. thresholddepth of 13 m. However, cur- Klint and near the Fehmarn Belt. Sea- ships plus as many fishing vessels are at rents are strongand a bridgecompleted in sonal or temporary patrol vessels check sea in the Baltic on an average day. Over 1935limits traffic to vessels with less than trafficat the Skaw and at the Baltic end of 100 ships per day pass on either side of 33 m clearance. The 17 meters transit- the Kiel Canal. Gotland (Figure 2). Some 95 vessels per routefrom Skagento Gedser, NE through On an average day 150commercial ves- day enter the Sound from the northand 80 the Great Belt established by the Danish sels enter or leave the Baltic throughthe from the south. The Kiel Canal clears 150 Government,Route T, has its depth re- Straits and the Kiel Canal. About one- vessels a day, the Great Belt 55 and the striction between Darss in the GDR and third fly a Comecon flag. Around 700 Little Belt 25. The 100 km-long Kiel Falsterin Denmark,the Darsser Schwelle (the Darss Threshold) through which leads the Kadet Channel. The Inter-Gov- ernmentalMaritime Consultative Organi- *zation(IMCO) has issued recommenda- Figure2. Cars prepare to board the ferry at Nynashamn (Sweden) bound for the island of Gotland. Photo: Tiofoto/Bjorn Nordien. tions on navigationfor vessels over 40 000 dwt or a draughtof 13 m or more. Traffic is separatedat Sprog0 and in the Kadet Channel(6). The approaches to the Baltic-the Straitsand the Kiel Canal-are now open to shippingwithout dues, but because of I, .y.. , the strategicimportance of the area traffic W ^ .. << ' !|.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e ;:g....................... :i is closely watched by radar stations of .......... NATO, the Warsaw Pact and neutral _I_ Sweden. In a way, we are back to the _~~~~~~~T . ... .. ship-countinginstituted by King Erik of ,* S P ... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-j ..............~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... Pomerania in 1429, but we have no breakdown of cargo categories. Perma- nent patrol vessels are kept by the WP countries south of Falsterbo, off M0ns AMBIO, 1980 closer to the Baltic. Most of the tradewith the other Comecon countries, eg oil, naturalgas and iron ore from the USSR, moves across Poland's land borders. The Polish population and manufacturingin- dustry is concentrated far inland in an equilateral triangle with its base in the south and its apex at Warsaw. The port cities are attracting heavy industry and creating new trade flows, but still only a little more than 40 percent of Poland's foreign trade by tonnage is seaborne. Im- portant bulk flows received through the ports are grain, iron ore, phosphates and apatite, and oil, each with quantities be- tween two and six million tons. The new oil refinery at Gdan'skis served by six 150000 ton tankers that bring crude from the Gulf. They are the largest ships that enter the Baltic, the largest that can pass the thresholdat Darss. Gdynia is building 3m. Helsinkiharbor. Photo: FIgure Theinniet leaving Tiofuto/NilsJohan Norenlind. the largestcontainer terminal in Poland. The seaborne Soviet oil exports are shipped primarily via terminals in the Black Sea. In the Baltic, Ventspils in Canal, originally built for strategic the Scandinavian railroad network with Latvia dominates with 18 mt. It has a purposes accomodates vessels of 10000 that of Western Europe, have frequent branch line to the large "Friendship grt and 8 m draught, shortening the dis- ferry service. The ports of the GDR and Pipeline" that carries Soviet oil into Po- tance between the Baltic and the English Poland are less frequented by Nordic land and East Germany. Sizeable Channelby 300 nautical miles. Some 50 trucks and cars because of the generally quantities (7 mt) also move through milliontons of cargopass throughthe Kiel poorer roads and more cumbersomebor- Klaipeda in Lithuania. For other Soviet Canal and an estimated 125-150 million der control in these countries. ports, dry cargo is most important. tons throughthe straits (6). Ferries are not limited to short water Leningradis a large generalcargo port, as Shippingservices in the Baltic have be- passages with frequent service. Helsinki, well as the second-largest metropolitan come automated.All Swedish lighthouses Goteborg and Oslo have ferries to the region and the leading machine man- will soon be controlledfrom a room at the Lubeck-Kielarea. The largeferry Finnjet, ufacturingcenter in the country. Among National Board of Shipping and Naviga- powered by gas turbines, has reduced the new developments is the "land-bridge" tion at Norrkopingand will no longer be travellingtime between Helsinki (Helsing- for containersto the Far East by way of manned. The number of pilot stations is fors) and Lubeck to 22 hours (Figure 3). the TranssiberianRailway. Some contain- decreasing continuously. From the man- The principles applied to ferries are ers from the West are first shippedby sea, ned stations, pilots move by car or by fast rapidly being introduced in deep sea lin- throughLeningrad, others by rail directly pilot boats to other ports for pilotage. ers, even on the longest hauls. Roll-on- to Moscow. An improvementof the north- They are no longer called by flag but by roll-off (roro) ships are being used for the south highway through the Baltic re- radio.
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