September 5, 1969 Th e Retri ever Page .3 Former U.MBC Prof Named Fine Arts Shifts Education .Division To To Summer School Post Emphasis To College Park, Maryland, Aug­ Lab 'Experience' Prepare New Teachers ust 15- Dr. Paul p. Traver, pro­ In an effort to increase the fessor of music at the Univer­ artistic receptiveness of its stu­ One of the major developments sity of Maryland, has been named dents, the Humanities department on the UMBC campus this year the Summer School's assistant has announced a shift in its style is the formation of an entirely director for cultural and recre­ of teaching. new division, The Division of ational programs, effective Sep­ This semester, the fine arts Education. The division's basic tember 1. disciplines have changed from concern will be not only the In his new post, Dr. Traver the classroom "history of" cour­ betterment of the university' s wlll work closely with Summer ses to a "lab experience" pro­ teacher training program, but School Director, Dr. Clodus R. gram. The students will now have the improvement of the local Smith, coordinating and admin­ a better chance to express them­ school systems as well. istering cultural and recreation­ selves artistically rather than In preparing students for tea­ al programs offered to students, absorbing development and his­ faculty and staff during summer ching in the public school sys­ tory in classrooms. tem, the division will provide sessions. An example of this new em­ In addition to his faculty post, courses in teaching methOdo­ phasis on studio work in the art logy, teaching psychology and Dr. Traver, who has been at field is the new introductory the university since 1957, also student teaching. Field exper­ Dr. Paul Traver course being offered, entitled ience in the inner city will also directs the University Chorus, wood (Massachusetts) and the Visual Communication. It is an the Chamber Chorus and the be a part of the curriculum. Eastman (Rochester, N. YJ actual studio course, involving Glee Clubs. He has served as schools of music. Through the division of Edu­ organist and choir director at Continued On Page 4 the Walter Reed Army Medical He received his doctoral de­ cation, UMBC will administer Center since 1955. gree in music from Stanford Physical ,Plant courses in two "staff Develop­ A graduate of Catholic Uni­ University, California, in 1968 ment Centers" in Baltimore City. City teachers will be able to versi~, where he earned bache­ and has also studies conducting lor and master degrees in music, with Howard Mitchell of the Nat­ Starts Shuille take desired courses with the Dr. Richard Neville, Chair­ city sharing the cost of tuition. Dr. Traver attended the Tangle- ional Symphony Orchestra. To Transit. Stop Four faculty memberx from man of newly formed Divi­ UMBC will partiCipate in the sion of BducatioPe Mixer Planned Tonight, At the request of Dr. Kuhn, program. size the relationship of the di­ the Physical Plant Department vision of Education to the other will operate a shuttle bus ser- Dr. Richard Neville who has divisions at UMBC." He intends Con'certs, 'Da'nce Ahead Vice (white van) Mondays thru served in an administrative posi­ to work closely with local pub­ Fridays in accordance with the tion at College Park for the lic school systems and to di­ The Social Committee has (MGM Recording Artists) and schedule below, from the Bal­ come up with some treats for past five years, will head the rect "a good part of the divi­ "The Fallen Angels." The ad­ timore Transit Company Route 3 new division. Dr. Neville stated the UMBC students during this mission will be $1.50 for UMBC sion's energies" toward urban stop at Shelbourne and Linden that he wiil strive to c, empha- education. fall semester. During their Aug­ students and $3.00 for outsiders. Avenue in Arbutus to and from ust 19 meeting, the committee There will be two shows each of the parking lot loop near the_ headed by chairman Gary Green- . which will last four hours: Library. berg announced plans for their The rest of the social calen­ A two- week trial' period will AFTERNOON -- PICK UP STU­ upcoming dances. The first event dar includes: be the basis for adjustment or DENTS AT LOADING ZONE IN will be an outdoor mixer featur­ Sun, Oct. ' 19 - Concert abandonment of the schedule. A PARKING LOT LOOP NEAREST /Pop ing "Frankie and the Spindells" HC hicago (Transit Authority}11 record of passengers on each LffiRARY TRANSPORT TO BUS and Ames Oaks on Friday, Sep­ (Columbia Recording Artists) trip will be m~intained. STOP IN TIME TO CATCH BUS­ tember 5, from 9-1. The ad­ Sat. Nov. 1- Mixer - "Tommy SES AS FOLLOWS MORNING -- WILL MEET mission will be $1 for UMBC Van and The ProfessionalsH Leave Loop at To catch the ROUTE 3 BUSSES AT LINDEN Viewpoint students and $1.50 at the door. Wed, Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving 3: 10 p.m. 3: 20 p. m. bus by Robert Goald Refreshments will be served. Dance - "Collections and The AND SHELBOURNE, AND BRING 3:30 p.m. 3:40 p.m. bus CivicsH STUDENTS TO CAMPUS This summer has seen a On Saturday, September 20, 3:50 p.m. 4:00 p.m. bus 7:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m. plethora of new albums. Of those there will be a concert featur­ Sat, Dec. 20 - Christmas Dance 4:10 p.m. 4:20 p.m. bus 8:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m. I've heard (which was a sizeable ing "The Velvet Underground" "Lighthouse" (RCA Recording 4:30 p.m. 4:40 p.m. bus Artists) 8:20 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 4:50 p.m. 5:00 p.m. bus amount) the best- "TOMMY" by Off-CaMpus landlords 8:40 a.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:20 p.m. bus the WHO needs no explanation. It's simply a Townshend master­ Students Rated 'Highly Favorable' work (Townshend has reduced the SGA Plans Moratorium selection of rock chords to an As pa,rt of the current them live in my home. I look art). campaign to solicit additional forward to continued Continued From Page 1 but "we would like an indica­ At Woodstock (White Lake) off-campus living asSociations with college to contact local civic groups tion no matter how small which Leslie West's MOUNTAIN (play­ accommodations for students, students as residents, n · said Mrs. such as Kiwanis, Knights of Col­ signifies a dissatisfaction with ed out a powerful set. Theirfirst the Office of Student Life at Mears. umbus, and others to plead the our present efforts to end thG album on Windfall records fea­ UMBC surveyed Arbutus-­ case for the moratorium. war in Vietnam." Catonsville residents who have tures Felix Pappalardi (producer Mat"ias Schedules Secretary Woodward does not All students interested in as­ of Cream and Kensington Market) rented to university students in expect the local businessmen to the past. sisting should contact Mike on bass, N.D. Smart II (?) on shut down for an entire day, The results indicated a Local Radio Talles Woodward in the SGA office. drums and Leslie West on guitar "highly favorable" attitude on Senator Charles McC. Mathias and vocals. West projects a gusty the part of participating (R., Md.) will initiate a weekly soulful voice which at times tends landlords. radio report to his constituents to overreach xut grows on you to Mrs. Naomi McBee, of 5139 on September 7. The five- minute a point · where you dig it. The Westland Blvd. in Arbutus, . broadcast, called Capitol Com­ material is good and the group stated: "I have found it a sound is a forceful mixture of pleasure to have a young ment, will be carried on 42 sta­ student in my home, for 1 am tions in the State. rock and blues. My only com­ alone and enjoy her company "The reports will contain my plaint is the lack of opening (a!l very much. 1 have another room thoughts on the decisions made cuts under 4 minutes) for West's in my home available and am guitar. interested in renting to another Those of you who prefer the student. 1 have been· fortunate folk and folk rock style will in having three fine .. students probably dig an album by a rela­ occupy rooms in my home, for tively unknown British group 1 had never rented to anyone called FAffiPORT CONVENTION else and was not sure of what to (A&M 4185). The album (whose expect. The girls 1 have rented production is tight) features to have been just great. Since songs which vary in intensity dormitories have not opened yet at UMBC, 1 hope other from a reflective soft ballad people will open their doors to (Fotheringay) to raucous rockers students who need a place to (N 0 Mans Land). The group fea .. live." tures a chick singer named Al­ Mrs. Betty Mears, of South exandra Denny (composer of Rolling Road in Catonsville, "Who Knows Where The Time has beim renting a variety. o.f Goes". Denny' s arrangement of living accommo-dations to Dylan's "I'll Keep It With Mine" college students from UMBC is masterful and doesn't imitate and CCC for the past three years, and terms her but reinterpret. This album is experiences as "a very by and facing the Senate," Sena­ so good you might even want a satisfactory situation." In tor Mathias stated. "W ashing­ copy yourself. addition to renting single rooms ton can seem very far away The worst album I've heard to several students, Mrs.
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