SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA REFRAMING THE FUTURE! 2017-2022 A strategic plan for enhanced collaboration and growth within the Australian softball community FRAMING THE FUTURE! 2017-2022 Our Plan We believe in the power of softball to have a positive impact on all Australians, through their engagement in our sport (e.g. as a player, coach, official, volunteer, supporter / spectator, parent / caregiver, etc.). This Plan is intended to be relevant to everyone within the Australian softball community (i.e. Clubs, Local Associations, Member States, Softball Australia, commercial partners and all supporters of our great sport). In 2014, the eight Member States and Softball Australia worked together to develop the first ever “Whole of Sport” Strategic Plan 2014-2017 , designed to help guide the positive collaboration and effectiveness of all elements of the sport throughout the country. Exciting and inspiring work has occurred within the Australian softball community between 2014 and 2017, as result of the plan and the willingness of all elements of softball to work together for the betterment of the sport is evident. However, we know there is still much more work to be done if our great sport is to flourish in what are rapidly changing times! We see 2017-2022 as the most exciting period of our sport’s long history in Australia. We are confident of the role SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! will play in maximising the success of all elements of our sport during this period. Together, we will provide meaningful and positive experiences for our members and others who engage in softball, as well as introducing more people to our great sport. Each element of the Plan is important. Each is connected. Combined, they will fuel growth. As we work unselfishly together to deliver this Plan, we will see softball returned to its rightful place as a sport of cultural significance throughout Australia. John Hollingsworth Chair, Softball Australia Ltd 1 Developed by the Australian softball community for the Australian softball community What is SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA – REFRAMING THE FUTURE? SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! has been developed to: Provide vision and Guide the future growth Ensure the relevance direction to all elements and capacity of the of softball within the of the Australian softball Australian softball Australian sporting sector community. community. and broader community. Excite the Australian softball community Encourage coordination, cooperation enough to work together to ensure the and collaboration amongst the Australian successful and sustainable future of softball community. softball throughout the country, in what are rapidly changing times. SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! outlines what the Australian softball community plans to achieve collectively and how it plans to do so over the 2017-2022 period. Individual entities within the Australian softball community (e.g. Member States, Regional / District Associations and Clubs), may have individual strategic focus areas, which are not included in this Plan, however our "whole of sport" planning approach will help embed formalised cross-organisational collaboration and alignment in areas of joint strategic need, 2whilst also allowing each entity to focus on priorities specifically relevant to them, as required. REFRAMING THE FUTURE! 2017-2022 Developed by the Australian softball community for the Australian softball community Creating the right plan to move the sport of softball forward nationally has taken careful thought and consideration. It has also taken time and contributions from stakeholders across all elements of the Australian softball community. A summary of the work done in the lead up to developing SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! is presented below. 1. Comprehensive document and data review 2. 742 e-Surveys completed 3. Various discussions with Softball Australia Chair and CEO 4. Preliminary Findings and Opportunities Paper 5. Softball in Australia 2017-2022 Strategic Planning Forum, attended by over 30 delegates representing each state and territory and all elements of the Australian softball community 6. Draft Softball in Australia 2017-2022 Strategic Plan 7. Stakeholder feedback 8.SOFTB ALL IN AUSTRALIA 2017-2022 - REFRAMING THE FUTURE! A Necessary Shift in Focus Due to various sport and recreation megatrends, as well as recent social, political and financial influences impacting on Australians, the sustained success of softball in Australia is far from assured. Based on this awareness, the Australian softball community has identified the need for some fundamental changes in the way we work together to ensure we embrace broad collaboration and inclusion to achieve our future collective potential. The entire Australian softball community is committed to working openly and collaboratively together to ensure we maximise the future relevance and effectiveness of all aspects of our sport throughout Australia, in these rapidly changing times. 3 SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA How SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA 2017-2022 – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! sits within the sport planning framework SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA 2017-2022 – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! is part of a broad national and international sport planning framework. As such, all elements of the following sport planning framework have been used as reference points in the design of REFRAMING THE FUTURE, to ensure optimal alignment. Club and Association and Plans Member State Plans REFRAMING THE FUTURE 2017-2022! Australian Sports Commission National Sports Plan World Baseball Softball Confederation Plan Softball in Australia - Our Way! Our Common Our Common Vision Purpose “To have more people positively connecting with softball, in more places, For the Australian softball community more often!” to work together to enable all Australians to engage with softball in meaningful and positive ways; and to address barriers to this occurring. We will provide the right participation opportunities for more people, in more places and show a new generation how to get involved and 4stay involved with our great sport. REFRAMING THE FUTURE! 2017-2022 Our Behavioural Framework How SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA 2017- Our Behavioural Framework will drive everything we do – individually and collectively – to achieve our common vision. We will reflect a positive, collaborative and 2020 – REFRAMING THE FUTURE! respectful approach to working effectively and transparently with all within the Australian softball community. We will live a “what’s possible” mindset, underpinned by all people within the Australian softball community, “owning” the positive role sits within the sport planning they play in enhancing softball in Australia. When we do this, our potential is limitless! • User Experience – Everything we do stems from us being framework ‘End-User Focused’. We are committed to accurately identifying the specific motivators of individual softball consumer groups (e.g. clubs, associations, players, coaches, umpires, volunteers, parents, supporters, sponsors, etc.); and to developing / delivering systems, programs and products designed specifically to meet these motivators. • Collaboratগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগগive – গগগAll elements of the Australian softball movement will plan, deliver, monitor and review our core business together, in an honest, respectful and ‘open system’ approach to our work, for the benefit of the sport as a whole. We will always communicate openly and work together, to be better tomorrow than we are today. • Creative and brave – We will be open to new ideas and different ways of thinking; we are prepared to be challenged; we are committed to sharing ideas and information; and to displaying collective determination and drive for the benefit of all elements of softball in Australia. • Fun – We are all involved in softball because we love it and we want to enjoy every aspect of this involvement. Softball should always be fun and we need to always remember this. • Inclusive – We welcome and embrace all members of the Australian community into our sport. We are a single sporting community, from all walks of life, inclusive of all backgrounds and ability levels and are representative of contemporary Australian society. 5 SOFTBALL IN AUSTRALIA Our Strategic Priorities and Proof Points To achieve OUR COMMON VISION we will prioritise: 1. One Softball We will work collaboratively, through aligned behaviours, systems, policies, procedures and programs, to build a sustainable sports business. Contemporary digital / Contemporary good practice governance structures technology systems are in place and systems are in place at all layers of the sport at all layers of the sport Commercial revenue will be 20% of Softball Standardised policies and procedures are Australia revenue by 2022 in place at all layers of the sport The softball brand is a united, relevant and purposeful brand, widely recognised throughout the Australian Sport and Active Recreation Sector and the broader Australian community A contemporary, collaborative approach to organisational planning and management is in place between Softball Australia and Member States, to ensure our collective sustainability 2. Participation We will make softball more accessible, relevant and rewarding for all Australians. More recreational / social participants More junior, youth, open and masters players More school-based participants An evidence-based “whole of sport” national development framework in place, which guides the optimal support of all
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