© o NILES HERALD-SPECTATORI --- . S1.50 Thursday, May 12, 2016 n ikshera Id spectauw.com Shouldering the burden GO Municipalities, districts told they owe state due to taxrevenue error. Page 6 PIXAR/AP Big movies ofsummer History-based dramas join blockbusters, remakes and sequels on the big screen. Page 23 SPORTS BRIAN O'MAHONEY/PIONEER PRESS Sticking the landing ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Area boys gymnasts compete at sectional The seal of the state of Illinois on a door at the IllInois State Capitol building Feb.17 in Springfield. meet Pages 43-45 VEHICLE LOAN RATES AS LOW AS A little goes a long way with these rates. 1.99%APR* Our low rates mean lower monthly payments. New, used or refinançed (from another financial institution). Call or stop by today M. and start driving your new baby soon. _w t Web: nwccu.com Tel: 847.647.10308930 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove, IL 60053 2 I i Summer is coming soon. Start imagining the possibilities in your own backyard. 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My future Jim Rotche, General Manager coin School to Franklin, in School in Park Ridge will have agrandchildren will attend schoolterms of schoolwide activities, Phil Junk, Suburban Editor new principal. Claire Kowalczyk,in Park Ridge, so I have a vestedevents or programs? John Puterbaugh, Pioneer Press Editor: a Park Ridge native, was recentlyinterest in building on the founda- A: My first priority will be to get 312-222-2337; jputerbaughtribpub.com hired by School District tion of academic excel-to know the staff, students and Georgia Garvey, Managing Editor 64 to replace Dan Walsh, lence in District 64. parents at Franklin and under- who is stepping down on Q: What specialty isstand the culture and needs of the Matt Bute, Vice President of Advertising June 30, according to the your doctorate in? building.I would like to take [email protected] district A: I earned a doctor-opportunities to meet with differ- Local News Editor MAILING ADDRESS Kowalczyk iscur- ate in educational lead-ent stakeholders to learn about the I. Richard Ray, 312-222-3339 435N.Michigan Ave. rently principal of Lin-' ership from Rooseveltstrengths of Franidin school and [email protected] Chicago,IL 60611 coin Elementary School University. My disserta-future goals to create a new path Local Sports Editor: PUBLICATION INFORMATION: in Highland Park. tion focused on methodsfor continued success together. Ryan Nilsson, 312-222-2396 Nues Herald-Spectator is published rniIssonpioneerlocaI.com Q: What made you of instruction for Span- Q: What would you like to say 52 issues per year by Chicago Tribune zyk Media Group, 435 N. Michigan Ave., interested in the posi- Kowaic ish-speaking students. to Franklin parents? ADVERTISING IL 60611.Single copy: $1.50. atFranklin Q: What was your A: I am honored to be chosen as Display:312-283-7056 Chicago, tion One-year subscription: $52.00. In- Classified:866-399-0537 School? favorite subject to teach whenthe principal of Franidin Elemen- cludes Sunday Chicago Tribune. Email:[email protected] A: I believe my philosophy ofyou were teaching? tal-y School. I look forward to In-county only. New subscriber starts Legals:[email protected] require email address. If for some education aligns perfectly with A: My favorite subject to teachmeeting the students, staff and Obituaries:866-399-0537 District 64's mission to "inspire was language arts. Instilling a love parents and am excited to help or [email protected] reason you choose to cancel, please note that a refund processing fee may every child to discover, learn,of reading in young children hasinspire students in their personal SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS apply. achieve and care." I grew up in always been a priority of mine. growth and success. Phone:847-696-6040 Vol. 68,No.15 Email:[email protected] Park Ridge, and my daughter and Q: Is there anything you Customer Service Hours son-in-law recently moved to Parkwould like to bring from Lin- JennferJohnson, PioneerPress Mon.-Fri.: 6a.m.-5 p.m. Sat-Sun: 7a.m,-12 p.m. ADVERTISING TERNSAND COIDITIONS: Acceptance ot ads by Publisher is expressly conditioned on and subject to the following terms. Publishermeans this publication. its parent(s). subsidiaries and affiliates. Advertiser CORRECTION agrees that Publishers liability in relation to any act. omission, failure tu publish, nr error in the publiohing of any ad will not euceed the amount paid for such ad. Under no circumstances will Publisher euer be liable ton any The wrongphoto appeared on some covers ofMay 5 editions ofPioneer Press with a teaser for a story indirect, consequential or special damages, nr any other costs arising nut or related to any act, omission, failure to publish, or error in the publishing of an ad. lt is the sole responsibility ofthe Advertiser to check the correct about sisters Mary Iliopoulos and Ana Iliopoulos, who play on Maine East's softball team. Instead of a ness of each insertion, Publisher reserves the right to limit the amount of advertising, to edit, or reject any copy. and to cancel any advertising at its sole discretion without notice. Advertiser agrees to indemnity and hold photo ofAna Iliopoulos, a photo ofTrinity's Anyssa Iliopoulos was used. Pioneer Press regrets the error. Publisher harmless from and against any liability, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising from any claims resulting from publication by Publisher of the Advertiser's ads. Is it time for your colonoscopy? Call us regarding our Direct Access program - you may be able to bypass the consult, saving you time and money. To learn more, visit our website www.glenendo.com or call us at (847) 686-3784. s JOFFRE COLBERT PRESENTS I .GlenEndo.com lie Cien [udoscony Center .?fftflP 3% DOWN 30 YEAR 2551 Compass Road, Suite i i 5 TIIrfu. H Glenview, IL 60026 I FIXEDMORTGAGE* Meet our Physicians: TilE FtnhRAI. SAVINGS BANK Douglas R. Adler, M.D. Nina Merel, M.D. 50 EAST SIXTEENTH Ronald Bloom, M.D. John Park, M.D. Kenneth D. 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Golf Rd., Niles meijer STORE HOURS: 6AM-9PM This location no longer honors any advertised pricing for food or general merchandise items other than the pricing shown in this ad. *Storewide Discounts Exclude Alcohol, Tobacco, Bottle Deposit, Prescriptions, Park & Entertainment Tickets, Lottery, Postage, Prepaid Phone, Giftand Entertainment Cards, License & Taxes, One Hour Photo, Photo Finishing Services, Prepaid Debit Cards & Reload Packs, SIMPLR1m Protection Plans, In-Store Businesses, Customer Service Desk Services, and Previous Purchases. 6 NEWS Impact of taxrevenue errorvaries Municipalities, districts facing payments of up to $500,000 BY LEE V. GAINES the districts to establish a Pioneer Press plan to recapture the funds over an extended period of A slew oftaxingbodies intime' according to a memo Niles, Morton Grove and from District 64 staff to the Lincoinwood receiveddistrict's Board of Educa- word last month they owe tion.District staff wrote the Illinois Department ofthat they had not yet re- Revenue between tens ofceived word on how the thousands to more thanmoney will be repaid. At $500,000 in tax revenuepress time, the board was wrongly distributed to thescheduled to discuss the agencies over the last two issue May 9. years. Niles Township High The errors are part of aSchool District 219 Assist- misallocation of $168 mil-ant Superintendent for lion worth of tax revenueBusiness Eric Timberger dispersed by the state tosaid the district has not yet local governments sincereceived an officialnoti- 2014. About 6,500 taxing fication on the issue. district throughIllinois "According to the Illinois were affected by the errorDepartment of Revenue and Chicago taxing districts website, recoupment of were hithardest. Whileoverpaid funds will be.n Chicago Public Schools is no earlier than January on the hook for about $23.5 2017," Timberger said in an million worth of overpaid email.
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