Cambridge University Press 0521021006 - The Origins of the English Gentry Peter Coss Index More information Index Aaron of Lincoln, Jew 84 legal system 45–51 Abberbury family 73 polity 12 Richard de 221 Anglo-Norman literature 162 abbey or priory 63 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 32 abbots 32, 64, 114, 191, 217 Anglo-Saxon state, the late 11 Abels, Richard 20, 31 Ansty, north of Coventry 196 Abingdon, abbot and communities of 32 approver 117, 118 Acheson, E. 7 Aquitaine 175 Acle, Robert de 50 arbitration 8 Addington, Northamptonshire 56 archbishoprics 211 administrators 17, 188, 245, 246, 248 archbishops 32, 64, 114 professional 67, 131, 135 Archer family, of Tanworth in Arden 233, 234, administrators/men of law 199, 200, 244, 247 236; pedigree 233 advowsons 80, 103 John le (several) 233, 234 Ælfgyth, wife of Azur Swart 27 Nicholas le 233 Æthelred, King 33 Robert the archer 233 Æthelred’s laws 33 William, his son 233, 234 affinity 47, 134, 140, 170, 208 Brother Thomas le, prior of the hospital of magnate 17, 41, 42 St John of Jerusalem 233–4, 236 Agillun, Hugh de 150 Thomas le 236, 237 Agnes, daughter of Geoffrey de Charlecote 85 archers 226 aids 99, 120 d’Arcy of 1235–6 41 Norman 81 collection of, in Northamptonshire 57 Sir Philip 81, 82, 83, 85 collection of, in Warwickshire 60 d’Arcy, Roger 137 Alcester, Warwickshire 179 Arden, Forest of 97 Allesley, manor of, Warwickshire 93 Arden Alneto, Henry de (of Maidford) 48 Hugh de 67 Alneto, Henry de (of Cornwall) 48 Robert de 192 Alspath, Gerard de 65 Thomas de 171 Alstoe Hundred, Rutland 224 Ardens, of Radbourne 77 Amundevill Ardens, of Ratley 77 Richard de (several) 60, 61, 153, 171 aristocracy 7–8, 9, 29, 103, 108; service 29 Robert de 61 Armenters Andrew the Chaplain, French writer on love 37 Geoffrey de 55, 56, 57, 61 Angevin Henry de 48 legal processes 39, 45–51, 91, 92, 94–5 armies, of Edward III 242–3 legal reforms 12, 22, 38, 39, 42, 109, 110, armigers (armigeri) 217–29, 236, 242 135, 202 arms, armour 81, 104, 219, 226 307 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521021006 - The Origins of the English Gentry Peter Coss Index More information 308 Index arms, coats of 6, 138–46, 168–71, 195, 243 Balliol, Gilbert de 36 bogus 6 Banbury, Oxfordshire 154 commissions of 6 Bankwell, Roger de 193 kings of 6 bannerets 139, 143, 144, 145, 169, 170, 172, rolls of 69, 138–9; see also Boroughbridge, 220, 241–2 Dering, Dunstable Falkirk, Glover’s, Bannockburn, battle of (1314) 205, 240 Laton, Local, Occasional, Barby, Northamptonshire 48 Parliamentary Barcheston, Warwickshire 196 Arundel, John de, clerk 157 Barcheston Ashby, Northamptonshire 56 Richard de 196, 201 Ashill, Robert de 193 Simon de 196 assarts 115 Barnwell Priory, canon of 210 assarting 76, 83, 102 baronage 5, 158, 210 assemblies, national 21, 124; see also baronets 2 parliaments barons 5, 39, 40, 50, 63, 81, 90, 96, 114, 119, Assize of Arms 64, 97 121, 135, 137, 144, 163, 219, 222, 241 Assize of Arms (1242) 61 honorial 36, 39 assize of bread and ale 160 minor 133, 134, 135, 160, 172, 214 association, ties of 9 northern 115 horizontal 8, 23, 31, 32, 38, 40, 42, 43, 68 barony 240 vertical 9, 10, 30, 31, 42, 43, 67, 159, 227, Barratt, Nick 100 252 Barre, Ralf 50 associations, network of 252 Bascote, in Long Itchington 196 Astley, Warwickshire 205 Baskerville Astley family, of north Warwickshire and Burga de 141 Leicestershire 145 Richard de 192 Giles de 145 Basset, Margery 249 Sir Nicholas de 188, 205 Basset, Sir Richard, of Weldon 205 Thomas de 177, 188 Basset family, of Drayton Basset 169 Atherton, Nicholas 231 Ralf 169–70, 173, 176, 177, 188, 224, 227 Atlebergh, Reginald de 150 Ralf (another) 133 attorneys 191, 245, 246, 247 Roger 169–70 in court of common pleas 193 Basset family (another) 77 nomination of 91 Bassingbourne family 145 professional 245 Nicholas de 58 receiving of names of 45, 50 bastard feudalism 22 Attoxhall, near Coventry 247 Batchworth, Sir Roger de 123 d’Aubigny, Philip 80 Bath, bishop of 111 d’Aubigny family, of Great Wishford 76 Bath, Henry de 85 Audley family 141 The Battle of Maldon 30 James de 193 Baud, Robert le 154, 155, 157 Audri family 75 Bearley, Warwickshire 198 Aundely, Maurice de 55, 56, 57, 58 Beauchamp, Walter de 220 authority Beauchamp family 179 central 10, 12, 22, 59 Guy de, earl of Warwick 193 judicial 16 Guy de (another) 179 public 10, 11, 21 Thomas de, earl of Warwick (d. 1369) 188 royal 16, 39 Thomas de, earl of Warwick (d. 1401) 231 Aylesbury, Roger de 173, 177, 188, 197, 198, Beaud, Simon le 50 201 Beaufeu, John de 154 Ayton, Andrew 242–3 Beaumond, Robert de 219 Becket, J.V. 2 Bacon, Alexander 67 bed-sickness see essoin de malo lecti Bagot, William 153, 156 Bedford 154 bailiffs 65, 202, 245 Bedfordshire 31, 46, 90, 92, 94, 96, 206, 212, royal 155; and serjeants, royal 114 249 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521021006 - The Origins of the English Gentry Peter Coss Index More information Index 309 Bedsworth, Warwickshire 234 Botiler, John le 178 Belers, Roger 193 Botiler, Peter le 222 bell-tower 27 Botriaux, William 173 Bending, Peter 75 bouche a` court 220, 227, 228, 231 Bentley, Warwickshire 196 Boughton family 75 Bereford Boydin, Thomas, of Stretton on Dunsmore Sir Baldwin de 231 193–4 Edmund de 177, 188 Boyvill, Henry de 56 Robert de 200 Bracebridge, Sir Ralf de 85–6 Berkeley, Sir Thomas, lord 220, 227 ‘Bracton’ Berkshire 221, 223 treatise on the laws and customs of England Berkswell, Warwickshire 171 once attributed to Henry de Bracton 58, Bernack, Richard de 57 162 Besevill, Richard de 50 Bracy, William, of Warmington, esquire 238 Bibbesworth, Walter de 123 Bradden, Northamptonshire 48, 117 Biddick, Kathleen 84 Bradefeld, Robert de 219 Bigod, Hugh, baronial justiciar 67 Braibroc Birdingbury, Warwickshire 174, 195 Henry de 57 Birmingham 200 Robert de 58 Birmingham family 145 Brailes, Warwickshire 171 Henry de 145 Brampton Ash, Northamptonshire 54 Richard de 145 Brand, Paul 147, 246 Sir Thomas de 145 Braunsford, Wolstan de, bishop of Worcester Sir William de 145, 173, 177, 188 190 bishoprics 211 Bray bishops 32, 40, 64, 114, 121 Ralf de 117–18 bishops’ accounts 111 Roger de, of Coventry 200 Bishopton Thomas de 153, 156 Sir John de 169, 176, 177, 188, 189, 197, Bray 198 Alice 204 Thomas de 229 Henry de 204–5 Walter de 152 estate books of 204–5, 211; list of obits in William de 58, 60, 67 204–5, 208 Black Death, the 186, 252 Mabel 204 Blair, John 8, 20, 21, 31, 32 Braybrooke shrieval family 75, 76, 101 Blakesley, Northamptonshire 48 Br´eaut´e,Falkes de 56, 118 Blancfront Bret, Roger 102 Thomas 197 Breton, Guy le 196, 201 William 197 Breton, William, of Teeton 205 Black Prince, the 231 Brewer, William 119 Blatherwycke, Northamptonshire 53, 54, 117 bribes 65 Bler, Thomas de 150 Brittany campaign (1230) 79, 80 Blount Broke, Lawrence de, king’s serjeant 73, 86 Thomas le 170, 178 Brookhampton, Warwickshire 199 William le 170–1 brotherhood-in-arms 142 Blount, Thomas le (another) 171 Bruce, Robert 144 Bluet, Sir John 225 Brun, William le 48 Blukevill, Roger de 49 Bryene, Dame Alice de Bohun, Humphrey de, earl of Hereford 231 household books (1411–13) 106 Boketon family, of Boughton and Pitsford Bryhtferth, of Ramsay 204 ‘Life of Oswald’ 21 Bolton, J.L. 101 Bryhtnoth, Ealdorman 25 bookland (land held by charter) 26, 28 Bubbenhall, Warwickshire 195 Boroughbridge, battle of (1322) 138, 197, Buckinghamshire 78–9, 90, 95, 96, 116, 170 226 Burdet, Robert 152, 177, 197, 201 Boroughbridge Roll of Arms 138, 171 burgess 199, 222 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521021006 - The Origins of the English Gentry Peter Coss Index More information 310 Index Burgh, lady Elizabeth de, household of 231 cavalry 166 Burgh, Hubert de, justiciar 110, 111, 112, 118 non-knightly 224 Burton Abbey 25 sub-knightly 217, 218, 242 Burton chronicler 132 Cawynton, John de 219–20 Burton Hastings, Warwickshire 170, 179 Cazel, Fred 111 Butler, John le 178 ceorl 26 Butler, Maurice le 58, 60, 61 Cerne, Master Henry de 115 Butler, Ralf le 60 Chadsunt, Warwickshire 192 Butler, Ralf le (another) 173 Chalcombe, Northamptonshire 54 Butler (Botiler), William le, of Warrington chancellor 129, 191 174, 178 Chancery records 214 Butler (Botiler), William le, of Wem 174, 178 Close Rolls 122 Butler family, of Oversley 77 Patent Rolls 53, 58, 60, 61, 188 Buttevilain, William 50 chantry 229 Buxhill chapel 233 Alan 206 Charlecote Thomas 206 Thomas de, alias Thomas de Haseley 152, buzones 58, 130, 158 153, 156, 157 bynames 36–7 Walter de 59 Charnels Calais, siege of (1346–7) 242 George de 169 Caldecote, Warwickshire 179 John de 169 Calvin, Robert 219 John, esquire (another) 238 Cambridge, Richard earl of 4 Nicholas de 152, 198 Cambridge Castle 210 Charter of the Forests 110, 114, 115, 116, 117 Cambridgeshire 80, 196 charters 14 Campbell, James 20, 21, 30 witness lists of 69, 93, 97 Cantelupe, John de 188 Chastell see Castello Canterbury, archbishop of 119 Chaucer Cantilupe, Walter de 60 Franklin 105, 237 Careswell Wife of Bath’s Tale 3 William de 153 Chaworth, Thomas de 189 William de (another) 188 Chenduit Carlaverock, battle of 142 Sir Ralf 83 Carlisle 144, 218 Stephen 83 Carolingian Cheshire 92 Empire 22 Chester, county of 111 style of government 23 Chester, earl of 76, 119, 247; see also type of society 24 Ranulf III type of state 22 ministers of earl of 93 Carpenter, Christine 4, 203, 210, 212, 252 Chester, Norman lordship of 143 Carpenter, David 41, 71–5, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, Chesterton, Bardolf de 58 84, 87, 88, 111, 116,
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