July 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 10 13495 the divide, and there have been subtle ex- senger cars and light trucks. These purchases do more to encourage Turkey to support the changes and partnerships between the two totaled $12 billion last year, with $5.5 billion in process and the reunification of the island. We communities since 2003. Residents now have parts coming from suppliers in Ohio. The Ac- should use our influence with Turkey to urge the ability to travel freely between Cyprus and cord has achieved considerable success in the it to actively support the reunification of the is- the occupied North. United States, where it has remained a top-5 land and to withdraw its troops from the is- Even with these positive developments, overall seller for the past twenty years. Nu- land. We must provide support and assistance some aspects of the division remain intrac- merous tests, past and present, rate the Ac- to the process and those working to move it table. The number of Turkish troops in the cord as one of the world’s safest and most re- forward. North is the same as thirty-six years ago. liable automobiles. As a Greek American and as a member of Greek religious sights in the North continue to Honda has provided key investments in our the Hellenic Caucus, I could not feel more suffer from neglect. Communities may be free community. Central Ohioans have dem- strongly about the reunification of Cyprus. Cy- to travel, but the island is still divided into eth- onstrated their skills and work ethic and have prus is a nation that has endured occupation nic enclaves. made the Marysville Auto Plant a leader in the long enough. For us, the issue is straight- I am optimistic that President Obama has region and world. I am proud to recognize this forward and clear: we must do all we can to identified bringing the Greek and Turkish com- accomplishment as they produce the ten mil- aid our ally, the Republic of Cyprus, in righting munities together in a bi-zonal, bi-communal lionth Honda Accord in the United States, and the wrongs of the past 36 years and in so federation as a priority, along with the EU. I invite my colleagues to join me in congratu- doing, to promote peace and security in the Most importantly, this is also the goal of the lating Honda and the Marysville Auto Plant on Mediterranean. Cypriot people. On the thirty-sixth anniversary this achievement. f of the division of Cyprus, I encourage Cypriot f President Demetrius Christofias and Turkish HONORING THE STATLER CENTER Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat to strengthen THE 36TH COMMEMORATION OF their efforts to remove Turkish troops, free THE TURKISH INVASION OF CY- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS movement between the Greek and Turkish PRUS OF NEW YORK communities, and end the division of Cyprus. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is time for us in Congress, with President HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Obama’s commitment, to move Cyprus to a OF OHIO Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today future of peace and prosperity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to commend the Statler Center, a program of Madam Speaker, I am proud to join with my Tuesday, July 20, 2010 the Olmsted Center for Sight, on its tenth an- colleagues in standing against Turkish oppres- niversary of service and commitment to blind, sion in Cyprus. Thirty-six years is a long time Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker, 36 years ago visually impaired and disabled individuals to wait, but it is my sincerest hope that our ac- today, Turkish forces invaded the sovereign across the nation to achieve their highest level tions will persuade Turkey to end its unlawful nation of Cyprus, killing 5,000 Greek Cypriots of independence. occupation of Cyprus. and displacing nearly 200,000. This blatant The Elizabeth Pierce Olmsted, M.D. Center f violation of international law and lack of re- for the Visually Impaired was founded in 1907 spect for a country’s right to self-determination RECOGNITION OF HONDA’S MARYS- to serve the needs of blind and visually im- is made worse by the fact that Turkish occu- VILLE PLANT AS IT PRODUCES paired individuals of all ages who reside in the pation of the northern area of Cyprus con- THE 10-MILLIONTH ACCORD eight counties of Western New York. It re- tinues to this day. mains the only agency within its region specifi- This is a dark anniversary to mark, one that cally mandated to provide comprehensive HON. MARY JO KILROY represents an entire generation of Cypriots ex- blind rehabilitation, health-related and human OF OHIO pelled from their homes—their property con- services to this highly specialized population. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fiscated, family members missing and religious Consistent with the agency’s mission to as- Tuesday, July 20, 2010 artifacts vandalized and destroyed. This occu- sist blind and otherwise disabled individuals Ms. KILROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today pation desecrates the basic freedoms and achieve their highest levels of independence to recognize a significant milestone for central rights of the Cypriot people. Nearly 37 percent in their homes, communities and places of Ohio auto manufacturers. On the morning of of the island of Cyprus remains under Turkish work, the Olmsted Center founded the Statler July 20, 2010, the ten millionth domestically- military control insistent on an illegitimate sov- Center program in response to a critical need produced Honda Accord was manufactured at ereignty that is unrecognized by any nation to create meaningful career opportunities for Honda’s Marysville Auto Plant. The production but Turkey. This is completely unacceptable. blind and physically challenged working age center, located near Marysville, Ohio, has cre- In the past 36 years, there have been more adults who are capable and motivated to live ated thousands of jobs and brought billions of than 75 resolutions adopted by the U.N. Secu- productive self-sufficient lives. dollars in capital investments to central Ohio rity Council—a council of which Turkey is a Now in its tenth year of operation, the Stat- and the country as a whole. member. These resolutions call for the return ler Center remains the first and only program In its 28th year of production, the Marysville of refugees to their homes and withdrawal of of its kind in the nation, annually drawing stu- automobile plant has undergone expansion troops from Cyprus. President Demetris dents from throughout the United States and along with continuous innovation and im- Christofias has followed through on his elec- world. It offers an intensive ten-week cur- proved efficiency. It is one of the most flexible tion promise to make the solution of this prob- riculum that includes classroom instruction, and efficient plants in North America, achiev- lem his top priority and has had several full- technology training, job readiness skills and ing top quality performance. In fact, the fledged negotiations with the leader of the comprehensive and continuous placement and Marysville plant ranked among the top five in Turkish Cypriot community. Yet, the negotia- career advancement services upon completion North America in the 2010 Initial Quality Sur- tions’ success has been consistently thwarted of the program. vey conducted by J.D. Power and Associates. by Ankara, which has not given great freedom While the national unemployment rate for The factory has evolved from its completion to the Turkish Cypriot leaders to negotiate people without disabilities is upwards of 9%, of 967 Accords in its first year of business to within the agreed-upon framework. physically or visually impaired individuals suf- its current production capacity of 1,800 vehi- The legitimate, internationally recognized fer at a strikingly higher rate of 70%. The Stat- cles per day. Nearly all Accords sold in North Republic of Cyprus stands firmly for peaceful ler Center is instrumental in combating this America are now manufactured at the resolution of the conflict. This path to a resolu- disparity as their job placement rate is cur- Marysville plant. The success of this plant rep- tion calls for a single citizenship, a single sov- rently 82% with a starting salary that is well resents the achievements of the hard-working ereignty, and two politically equal commu- above minimum wage. In addition, the staff Ohioans who run its daily operations as well nities. The solution to proceed with a bi-zonal, works intensively with Statler students and as our country’s continued strength as a major bi-communal federation is, most importantly, graduates throughout the entire application, global manufacturer. Cypriot in design. job search and employment orientation proc- Honda partners with 530 suppliers in the Cyprus must be the author of its own path ess. Its active and extensive network of cor- U.S. and 160 in Ohio in the production of pas- forward. Yet, the United States can and must porate partners in both the public and private VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:54 Jul 29, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JY0.000 E20JY0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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