Germany, Japan reject Eurodollar bailout plan Moro trial confirms LaRouche's anti-terror method Interview: Argentine atomic energy chief The future of Argentina: a first-hand report EIR The special reports listed below, prepared by the EIR staff, are now available. 1. Prospects for Instability in the Arabian Gulf gence input, stemming from Qaddafi's training at A comprehensive review of the danger of instabil­ Sandhurst and his ties to the Senussi (Muslim) ity in Saudi Arabia in the coming period. Includes Brotherhood. Heavy emphasis is placed on con­ analysis of the Saudi military forces, and the in­ trol over Qaddafi exercised by elements of the fluence of left-wing forces, and pro-Khomeini net­ Italian "P-2" Masonic Lodge, which coordinates works in the counry. $250. capital flight, drug-running and terrorism in Italy. Also explored in depth are "Billygate," the role of Armand Hammer, and Qaddafi's ties to fugitive 2. Energy and Economy: Mexico in the Year 2000 A development program for Mexico compiled financier Robert Vesco. 85 pages. $250. jOintly by Mexican and American scientists. Con­ cludes Mexico can grow at 12 percent annually for 6. What is the Tr ilateral Commission? the next decade, creating a $100 billion capital­ The most complete analysis of the background, goods export market for the United States. De­ origins, and goals of this much-talked-about tailed analysis of key economic sectors; ideal for organization. Demonstrates the role of the com­ planning and marketing purposes. $250. mission in the Carter administration's Global 2000 report on mass population reduction; in the P-2 scandal that collapsed the Italian government 3. Who Controls Environmentalism? this year; and in the Federal Reserve's high A history and detailed grid of the environmen­ interest-rate policy. Includes complete member­ talist movement in the United States. Analyzes ship list. $100. sources of funding, political command structure, and future plans. $50. 7. The Global 2000 Report: Blueprint for Extinction A complete scientific and political refutation of 4. Prospects for Instability in Nigeria the Carter Administration's Global 2000 Report. A full analysis of Nigeria's economic develop­ Includes a review of the report's contents, demon­ ment program from a political standpoint. In­ �trating that upwards of 2 billion people will die if cludes review of federal-state regulations, analy­ its recommendations are followed; adetailed pre­ sis of major regional power blocs, and the envi­ sentation of the organizations and individuals ronment for foreign investors. $250. responsible for authorship of the report; analysis of how the report's "population control" policies 5. The Real Story of Libya's Muammar Qaddafi caused the Vietnam war and the destruction of A comprehensive review of the forces that placed Cambodia, EI Salvador, and Africa; analysis of en­ Qaddafi in power and continue to control him to vironmentalist effort to "re-interpret" the BitJle in this day. Includes discussion of British intelli- line with the report. 100 pages. $100. r--------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW I would like to receive these EIR Special Reports: Name_____ __ ________ _ Order Number(s),_____ ________ Title________________ - Bill me for _____ o $ 0 Enclosed is $, Company_ ______________ Please charge to my 0 VISA o Master Charge Address_______________ _ Card No.__ _______ _______ Signature,_________ Exp.Date__ City_____ State___ Zip____ _ Telephone ( �-a rn-ac-oo�e �----------- Make checks payable to: Executive Intelligence Review, Dept. MC·1, 304 West 58th Street, 5th floor, New York, NY. 10019 (212) 247-8820, �--------------------------------------------------- Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editor: Susan Johnson Features Editor: Christina Nelson Huth Art Director: Martha Zoller Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart, Nancy Spannaus, Christopher White Fromthe Managing Editor Special Services: Peter Ennis INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Susan Brady Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics: David Goldman European Economics: Laurent Murawiec Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus Middle East: Robert Dreyfuss Military Strategy: Steven Bardwell Science and Technology: Marsha Freeman Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: ur Special Report this week is a byproduct of recent visits to Rachel Douglas O United States: Graham Lowry Argentina, Venezuela, and Brazil by one of our Ibero-America Edi­ tors, Dennis Small. This exclusive assessment is shaped by his appre­ INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza ciation of the common roots of North and South American accom­ Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel plishments in the Hamilton-Lincoln tradition which specified that Chicago: Paul Greenberg Copenhagen: Vincent Robson "mechanical improvements," not "natural resources," are the ful­ Houston: Harley Schlanger, crum of industrial development-in turn the prerequisite for the Nicholas F. Benton expansion and the moral and intellectual development of populations. Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas Mexico City: Josefina Menendez Mr. Small was interviewed by, among many other media outlets, Stefania Sacchi, Marco Fanini Milan: the Argentine monthly journal an intelligence review for Monterrey: M. Luisa de Castro Bu.squeda, New Delhi: Paul Zykofsky the country's pro-industrial factions. Alongside the lengthy interview, Paris: Katherine Kanter, the July issue of Busqueda carried a report on the Club of Life, an Sophie Tanapura Rome: Leonardo Servadio institution which is in the process of being formed internationally by Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairman of the European Labor Party and United Nations: Nancy Coker Washington D.C.: Richard Cohen, wife of EIR founder Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. The Club of Life, Laura Chasen, Susan Kokinda BUsqueda emphasized, is intended to act as a counterpole to the Club Wiesbaden: Philip Golub, Mary Lalevee, Thierry Lalevee, BarbaraSpahn of Rome, which continues to coordinate the effort to eliminate billions Executi ve Intel Jigence Review of people from the earth over the coming two decades. (ISSN0273-6314) is published weekly!50 issues) except for the second Mr. Small and Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche are in Mexico, and we week of July andfirst week of January by expect some journalistic fruits of their visit. We also plan extensive NewSolidarity InternationalPres .• Service 304 W.58IhStreel.New York,N.Y.IOOI9. coverage this month of Spain and Colombia. EIR's European Editor, I" Ellrope: Executive Intelligence Review, Nachrichten Agentur GmbH, Vivian Zoakos, and Paris Bureau Chief Katherine Kanter amassed Postfach 2308. D. 6200 Wiesbaden Tel: 30-70-35 Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich. exclusive interviews-and judgments-during their recent visit to Michael Liebig Spain. Colombia has been the subject of a LaRouche-Riemann econ­ /" Mexico: EIR. Francisco Diaz Covarrubias 54 A-3 ometric model study, generating programmatic recommendations for Colonia San Rafael, Mexico OF. Tel: 592-0424. JIl""nslIbscription sllles: economic advancement. O.T.O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Bldg., 1- 34-12 Takatanobaba. Shinjuku-Ku. Tokyo 160, And, from what we have already heard about Special Services Tel: (03) 208-7821 Copyright c 1982 New Solidarity Director Peter Ennis's current trip to Japan, we anticipate not-to-be­ I nternational Press Service missed political and economic reportage by that veteran of our Asia All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. desk. Second-class postage paid at New York, New York and at additional mailing offices. Subscription by mail for the U.S.: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225. I year-$396, Single issue-$I 0 Academic library rate: $245 per year TIillContents Departments Economics 16 Energy Insider 4 Central-bank bailout Nuclear power in the plan in tatters as Comecon. crash nears Japan and West Germany 26 Interview are refusing to go Admiral Carlos Castro along with London's Madero, chief of manipulations ofthe Argentina's Atomic Energy Euromarket crisis. Commission. Documentation: Interviews with bankers in London 42 Interview and Geneva. Dr. Philip Hemily, NATO's Assistant Secretary General 9 Currency Rates for Scientificand Environmental Affairs. 10 Compromise sought on the sanctions and the 45 Book Review problem of Polish debt Mountbatten and the New trade deals with the Partition of India. by U.S.S.R., and credit Dominique Lapierre and to Poland, from Larry Collins. West Germany. 48 China Watch 12 Penn Square: the folly Peking looks fo r a of Volcker's strategy "Third Way." He thinks he can let smaller banks go and paper over the 49 Inside Canada big ones' difficulties. "Feed Pepin to the Crow." 13 The IMF scurries to 50 Middle East Report fillpolicy vacuum IMF's man axed in Turkey. In South America and Mexico. 51 Dateline Mexico 14 Foreign Exchange European-style separatism in the works. The dollar and the banking crisis. 64 Editorial 15 Agriculture A diplomatic turning point? A statistical hoax. 17 Trade Review 18 Business Briefs Hi Volume 9 Number 29 August 3, 1982 Special Report International National 32 Will the Middle East 54 Congress punts on the be thrown into flames? Volcker bailout issue Or will the U.S. When the Fed Chairman administration finally crack testified on the Hill down on
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