fINAL FIGURES OF TOTAL POPULATION SCHEDULED CASTE POPULATION AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION FOREWORD The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of the 1981 Census in respect of Maha­ rashtra State and its sub-divisions is now ready for publi~ation in final form. It will be released as Part IJ-B in the regular series of 1981 Census reports. However, since this publication will still take some time to come out, and since the State Government and other official organisations are urgently in need of certain important population statistics, viz. (1) total population, (2) scheduled caste population, and (3) scheduled tribe population, in respect of each territorial unit for various administrative purposes, it is decided to bring out a paper to present the above limited information down to the level of tahsil and town. This paper presents the above information for Maharashtra State, by districts, tahsils and towns. It is clarified that towns include, besides places having municipal bodies, those rural units which have been treated as census towns on the basis of the following criteria anticipated for the 1981 census : (i) a minimum population of 5,000; (ii) at least 75 % of the male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; (iii) a density of population of at least 400 persons per km 2 (1000 persons per sq. mile). In respect of the Greater Bombay Municipal Corporation area, breakdown of the information has been presented by administrative wards, as also by Health Registration Sections, in two tables which have been designated as Annexures 1 and 2 respectively. It may also be noted that the territorial units for which the data are presented in this paper conform to the position that existed on the reference date of the census, i.e., 1st March 1981, and subsequent territorial changes have not been taken into account. P. P. MAHANA, Director of Census Operations, Maharashtra, Bombay. Bombay: Nag Panchami, 25 July 1982. Ya 4475-1a H , 12 22' , ]0 A I~ I I ARABIAN I SEA HAHARA~HTRA ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 STATE BOUNDARIES DISTRICT BOUNDARIES TAHSil SOUNDAR:ES STATE HEADQJMTERS DISTRICT HEADQUAHERS * 10 40 60 eo , o , o 74 76 Em or GreenWICh 78 80 Based upon SUNeyof IndIa map with the pe'mi5slon of the Surve.yor G!!neral of Illdia. Government of India Coprrlght 1910. The territorial waters of Ind,a e~tend Into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles mea.ured from the appropriate base line. o o o ,. 76 71 80' 22' I ,.. ._:.~-.,.. \ 'or'" i M A D 'l' ~.)' i. ._.'\.. ~. '.. ,..'1. ) . ,J' ~ '\ TALO~. -." ...., ' • \ ••1'./1 0,1'" . .... ._'" "\. \".-'-,--. 'SHAHAOE \ f r·.,j r &;t"~:.o-'~ r..... ~."" .r··~ ,r·,.,.·I"'NANOURBAR \..~. • • ,,,' ....I·"·!:-1,0~.,..,, ... KH~~A TlRO~ •• 'e • ,." ...... \...- ..... "', r Chllold~O \.\.• .J"'.... NA~K~ED f ....CHCHOLI .. ~~MTEK' A , _, • SHIRPUR ~~ RAVER, t' MORSHI WARUD .- !nQ- ~'l~\?"\~ TUMSAR GOND""I' ._. • I,,,",, . • "OH".: ".,e _. ~ ~, ~._.", NAWAPUR. DONOAICHA CHOPDA YAWA. .... ~... \ • ..,.~ •• ACHANDURS(Z.l.RKATOL ,~~~l.~WARTHJ~ MOH..-D/ r .,).~ D'HARANGAON ••SAIIDA' ) \f...... O~ AKOT ACHALPUR K~l\iHHW!\R itBHANDARA ~.III' IV?" I, ". AMALNER' ~" I LIii'~~~':N'GA(iN' AI' A' ANJANGAON AMRAVATI KAMPTEE 0 '''FlEE "'TT • <: v ! • BHU~ALaMALKAPVR TElH'''' .0AoN::4ERAI 'ARVI 0"1".,, NAGPUR l I \ • JALGAON ., SHEGAQN CHANDUP. • ..." ~ • PAROLA OARYAPUR BANOSA & & PULGAON. & PAUNI " '\ (. J DHULE ERANDOL NANOURA i, • . •• e SINO! • \ 1..., (. • • • I MURTA1APUR r • UMRED j ) DADRA & '( ,-, ,.) • PACHORA KHAMGAON AKOLA DATTAPU~ DHAHANGAON .&. WARDHA .... AGAR HAVELI • - SATANA &11 MALEGAON • OALAPUR e.OESAIGANI ( • BULDANA .. DtOU .""1 DAMAN-}~N /! """'ON • CHALISGAON • "ru, • KARANJA HINGANGHAT • (G D &D 1;('" .r." \ • 'H'''''O " . .• CHIKHU DARWH, e ( I ,J,I , , • aNANDGAON .. HANGRULPIR'&' A. YAVATMAL , r ) ("'~ (';.., , • .\ MAN MAD .I(ANN~D 'BHOK~RDAN IWAROOA".J , r,:::.J., .., .. \\1 • l"'AlGAON • MEHKAR • WASHIM • OIGRAS A GH"'NII O""i'" s- 0 10 ~~"M"N"""; V"d··O~" OZAR • YEVLA .'HIJU)"'" 'D'UlGAON "I' A WANI' I ..... ) A 1 ?'" 'jMH" 'rRI"'" ""H''', •VAIJAPUR IAUItANGABAD D' "NOH""OOA I A CHANDRAPUR '" I • & WAR! N 11 I PUSAO .It GHUGUS .. BALLARPUR c:l ~ lPALGHAR • SINNAR. AURANGABAD CANTT JALNA HINGOLI ~ 'v"'~ I. ShlrgaD~ 'V/J)), IGATPURI KOPAR.GAON AGM"GAPUP. , AKAL"MNUkl ,) ''-\., S.uT1 RA.JUP.A ~'~ ~ VlRAR • A ,""0 A"'!u' 'JINTUR : "Nw"A' l.", .... J Nl'IUR • SHRIRAMPUR • UMERKHEO \ i f\'\, .... '" '.., SDpora NDOI! SHN1A/IJR SANGAMNER PAITHAN • SAILU HAOGAON ,f ..., ..... i. ;.,.,(\1' i.. '-.\ VASAl "~BHIWANDI IRAHURI " ...." , ."NAGAON OW",~,d, aMANWATH ,BASMATH ",. i c.; ~HAYA.~e~" MNAJ<PQB.l.U[9 & IUN,,' & G'O'" "" IN.O¥JiflJ l\. .... /.) . I>JJ\\I u'M A a AHMAD NAGAR CANTT -. I • .. J AI..... " )' "}"r GR.KOl$HET PANVEL II • ,.THor • I r .,. BOMBAY ~ ••••,," MANJLEGAON PAR NI PffiNI"RI. i ,. ' 'SON1£1II PURNA • I P R ~ ~. 'N"SOI • 0O'::~, AHMADNAGAR • & G'NGAKH'D HANDED ri ~ D ) I{£G~ON_ ~DscrD~~ KHOPOLI BJD - A DHARMAB~D' ~ t t L,i UR,l..N PEN' TA.LEGAON OABHADE • SHIRUR • ASHT! "OHARUk 'PARLI ~:~~~A.Dlr) <) y. -<t (._. ~(.I • ~ • MANDl • AMBEJOGAI & 'HHAD,"' & .lOIl (' <I- _ ' •• ALl8 .... G LONAVAL.I, ... ~KAL1IS • -MUKMEO I , ~ REI'OANDA .. ~.!VADG'ONSHHI ...:D,I,UND .. _.. KALAI18 OEGLUR ...,'• • ,. """i.. '0 HA II SHTAnl S~NG"'I HAVEL! _"OAUND (N M) _SHUM I~ & "SVAO" A"'HAlA. eUDGIR l'!t MURUO _ ... P~R~NDA ! lArUR .-. ttl ~ Ij",', • • ' ,J .~ ""-., \' GOREGAON • BARAMATI ~US" i '-."'. S ~ A& H.HAD A ,HO' ... """'''' • OSMANABAO & NI,'NG' ,.' ( ~\ A BARSHI • S"'RIYARCHAN- PAN.Cl4N.1 "H'''''''IN'''.I KALAMB KURDUWAOI .A. TUll"'UR ,r ... · o ~- ~, 18 , /otAHA8)J.ESHWAR.. .. SATARA ROAD _ '"'" ""' - NI~"'IGA & "."" i)APO~1 C~p~ • .. KI-ED.... PANDHARPUR ~. ..~~ I - I (."'NOl SATARA A"HI"'''' A "HAS"O • SOLAPUR AKKALKOT r,?I.. '; ~ 'CH~~o~UN AMANGAl'lEDHf , ,.J' HAHARA~HTRA I 'b"".,1 A "N'C,' f' "'INDARGll ~ ~ .KARAD \ ..1'.1' DUDHINI iii '" • VITA 't 1. .II'~;JlJ!') URBAN CENTRES 1981 ~ URAN ISlAMPUR ASHTA KIRLOSKARWADI i v t I TASGAON . AATNAGIRI '<O'!q~Oo\' • " "ADHAV'IAG'R ~ ~ !r;::.::::::;;;;;::::======::::;-[ ! o 'r, '<, ,& SANGLI • ~ ItJ PUNE UA. ",Ib,,, &~(/ ...~ rAIM'RA!"",. '~''''.'''~' ARABIA~ \ ,,,,,1,0 ~ .",,, SIZE CLASS OF URBAN CENTRES ~ GANDHINAGARft ,IS JAYSJNGPUR" ..... yo-, SEA l '~AjAK.IR ~ KUR,UND'I"O I DEHU ROAD CANTT. CLASS I 100 O~O AND ABOVE NASIK ~ KOLHAPUR '''Al A • ·~~fLKARANJI ". PIMPRI CHINCH WAD I \ .I<IIG"'I ~." . ~ AlOH'''ON t I ,,,, ..,, KIRKEE CANTT, GADHINGl"J CLASS II 500~0 _ 99m KARAD o L,., •~ PUNE l~~LWAN ""I jw . i' PUNE CANTT. I r;.J o It I , HADAPSAR • o 16 CLASS III 10000 _ 49999 HADAPSAR :.~ '" SAWANTWADI ' 1(}I".DAK"ASLA • 'IfNGURLA I " " / [i] THANE U.A • '\)\ {I".' KALYAN CLASS IV 10000 - 19999 S"l~UP. GOA-\-> ......t. 1'10HONE A (G D.&D.) • A CHI"NGN" o DOMBIV~I 7,4 East of Greenwich IMAJIVADE CHOLE I ~ULHASNAGAR .AMBARNATH CLASS V 5000 - 9999 THANE., AYAAI KULGAON • KALWA A GAJABANOHAH '''ntMll KATEMANIVAU o CLASS VI BCOW 5000 40 0 ~o 80 fiiL'm, SATPU' NASIK bp:!R ~ A I '''hlel 10 0 2) 40 SO • NASIK RD DEOLALI Urban centre! of N<!.\lk. T~anl!. Ulhasnagar a.,d Pune Urbln Agglomerat'o:1! are shown in the Insets, • DEOLALI CANTT. Ch,kanghar, Kulgaorl, Galabarldh~,.pat,arll,Afare ard (I\Ole, shOWrl together With Ulhmlgar 10 20Kms, BOUNDARY STATE A&HAGU~ UrbJrl .a.tglomeratlOn ,ire rlot [he ter'lltltL.ert 'Jnitl of Urbln Agglomeratiorn Mlltl "'i1~~~Of!S;;;;!$IOr" o BII Bued upon Survey of Inril. map with the perm inion of the Sumyor Gerwa.1 of India, @GoY~rnrnent ollndll Copyright \98D, Tnt' territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of tWl!lve nutical mlle~ measur.ed from the approPriate base line TOTAL POPULATION AND SCHEDULED CASTE/TRIBE POPULATION (1) Names of towns treated as such for the first time in 1971 which continue as towns in 1981 have been marked with an asterisk (*) on the left. (2) Names of toWns treated as such for the first time in 1981 have beon shown in italics. (3) 'M' stands for Municipal Council and • M. Corp. ' fOf Municipal Corporation. --.~~-~-~ Total Total Scheduled Scheduled Serial State/District/TahSiIjCity!U.A./Towo Rural Caste Tribe No. Urban Population Population Population 2 3 4 5 6 -~~~~.-~------------- ~---- ._---_._- MAHARASHTRA STATE T 62,784,171 4,479,763 5,772,038 R 40,790,577 3,065,938 5,170,096 U 21,993,594 1,413,825 601, 942 1 Greater Bombay District T 8,243,405 399,076 84,013 R , ... U 8,243,405 399,076 84,013 Greater Bombay City (M. Corp.) U 8,243405 399,076 84,073 2. Thane District T 3,351,562 83,825 729,424 R 1,865,342 29,539 692,722 U 1,486,220 54,286 36,702 Thane Tahsil T 638,651 21,388 75.9'11 R 173,276 4,541 14,024 U 465,375 16,847 11,907 Thane Urban Agglomeration U 389,801 14,494 9,771 (a) Thane City (M) U 309,897 11,213 6,462 (b) *Majivade .. U 49,400 2,155 1,968 (c) Kalwa U 30,504 1,126 1,341 Bhayandar U 25,646 312 337 Mwnbra U 22,657 377 913 Balkum U 9,019 431 79 Kolshet U 10,190 685 702 Ghansoli U 8,062 548 105 2 Vasai Tahsil T 278,631 3,960 53,486 R 198,593 2,702 48,577 U 80,038 1,258 4,909 Vasai Urban Agglomeration U 52,398 1,041 3,622 (a) Vasai (M) U 34,940 369 2,231 (b) *Manikpur U 9,531 657 223 (c) Sandor U 7,927 15 1,168 Virar .. U 23,303 164 1,267 Sopara U 4,337 53 20 3 Palghar Tahsil T 264,065 5,058 95,710 R 247,968 4,515 93,027 U 16,091 543 2,683 Shirgaon U 3,616 154 691 Pal ghar U 12,481 389 1,992 4 Dahanu Tahsil T 222,241 3,477 145,984 R 206,575 3,317 143,547 U 15,666 160 2,437 Da,hanu Urban Agglomeration U 15,666 160 2,437 (a) Malyan U 8,322 96 1,348 (b) Dahanu U 7,344 64 1,089 Ya 4475-2 2 Total Scheduled SCheduled Scri~.l Total State/District/Tahsil/City/U.A./ToWD Rural Population Caste Tribe No.
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