0 w r r w ' r v m F o p i d T I M C r - *“ ■“ **‘CAR-RT LUT“ C”-009~ T0 P$ OVU I I I M l CHELSEA DISTRICT LIBRARY 7/1 INSIDE FOR Girl See v Youth D ance Theatre 221 S MAIN ST . \ - . 1 GOLD & SILVER g u o w e ' CHELSEA Ml 48118-1267 to state‘Sw an Lake’ - PPwTwiul Sell Your Unwonted/ 443 P a g e 8 - A ^ r o i u r i >ANT0fnR»t Broken Jewelry Here •ATIUST! WE BUY ALL (OIHS l CURRENCY j k CL h e l o c a C helseaStandardilpcc>m * l\arL CLniuo 1170S. MAIN STREET • CHELSEA r (734)433-9900 1-800-666-0348 Minutes from Ann Arbor h m 1-94 Exit J 59 Heritage V o l . 1 3 9 , N o . 1 6 T hu r sd a y, A pril 1 9 , 2 0 1 2 W eave the Web: Make sure tq. click Blaze kills more than 300 animals on www.heritage;cbm around the clock for the most in-depth coverage ’ In afterm ath, support rallied of the county; Our moat viewed story this week fo r Lim a Tow nship 4-H fam ily is “Letter to the EDITOR: What is done By Ben Baird cannot be undone in Heritage Media Sylvan Township." ' / . Support from the community has softened the blow MS t o after m ore than 300 anim als died in a b a rn fire April 11 im at the Welshans’ centennial farm at Scio Church and f t tiifi Parker roads in Lima Township. Robin Welshans*, who owns the far m w ith Tier husband, Douglas, said so far the outpounng of support has been C h e c k o u t am azing M o w in g the tragedy o u r v id e o : Chelsea Area Fire Authority Chief James Payeur said ■ 2ForU there was extensive damage from the fire and the barn was a complete loss. “ All the animals kept in the barn died. There were Heritage Media about 200 show rabbits, about 50 egg-laying hens, about 50 baby chicks, 17 baby ducks, a steer and a horse named m o n s t e r . Tina. '■ .... ":- “It has been very hard,” Robin Welshans said. Click on the “Jobs” tab “They’re our pets you know?” on the home page of our Five cows and a calf survived the fire/because they vV'ViiV*? website or go directly to were outside in a pasture when the fire occurred. The http://Jobs.heritage.com.. fire quickly swept through a consumed the barn and i damaged other buildings on the property. The cause of i m m : . - . - the fire is still unknow n. Join us on TWitter. Become a Chelsea . The entire family worked to care for the animals, PbqtO'Courtesy of Molfy Walters^ - Standard follower. Click More than 300 animals died In a bam fire at about 11 am. March 11 at ScIo Church on the Twitter tab on PLEASE SEE FIRE/t 1 -A and Parker roads. the home page of our website or go directly to http://twltter.com/ ChelseaDexter. Join us on F a c e b o o k : By Krista Gjeslland “Everyone’s pretty disgruntled November, voters turned down, school millages as well as. electric­ Click on the Facebook Heritage Media ' with Sylvan Township,” he said. a 20-year 4,75 miflage that would ity tab on tife home page of j our website or search for The sentiment caused Chelsea havepaid off that debt as well dsa One of the biggest changes for us on Facebook. Chelsea City Council members Springs representatives to email ”$1.25 million debt to the Washtenaw Chelsea Springs would be with the sat down with residents from . Chelsea City Manager John.. County treasurer. The township’s city’s general fund millage, which Chelsea Springs to discuss the pos- - Hanifan in December. board has requested that millage is at 11 mils. In Sylvan Township, sibility of. annexation into the city _ Water and tax rates make liv­ option be placed on the Aug. 7 bal­ residents pay less than 1 mil . Tb receive bracking during a special meeting April 10. ing in Sylvan Township costly lot for a second chance. The first toward the general fund. news alerts, text Chelsea Springs, a subdivision for Chelsea Springs residents, millage vote was defeated 475-328. There is also the possibility - HERNews to 22700. located in Sylvan Township, has homeowners’ association president The township is also facing an that the debt accrued will follow • reached out to the city administra­ Deneil Harney said. undetermined tax increase later the residents into Chelsea as the tion of Chelsea regarding annexa­ “We do believe that there is an this year because it will be unable "subdivision was a part of Sylyan tion after increasing dissatisfaction opportunity to pay less to live in to meet a May. bond payment of Township at the date of the bond’s with township officials. the city of Chelsea, ” she said. $175,000 for the water and sew er. issuance. The city’s lawyers are Homeowners’ association board Sylvan Township is currently systems. currently looking into the matter. • The M arketplace: member Tim Dark said the senti­ under a $13.2 million financial Chelsea Springs residents Councilmember Cheri Albertson Local ads are lust a ment is reflected throughout the.51 strain due to county debts from already pay for some Chelsea hop away at the Mlcentral. PLEASE SEE SPRINGS/3-A com marketplace. While residents. its sewer and. water systems. In services, such as library, fire and you are there, you can ■j- check out all the special' supplements of Journal Register Co. newspapers In Michigan. -ft -Click on “marketplace" on the home page of our Nationally-krlown poets website or go directly to . '****», and writers will read The Line-up www.marketplace.mlcentral. their work at venues up conVROP/Categories.aspx. and down M ain Street aind • Jerry Dennis and Jeff Kass atlhe River Gallery at 11 a.m. ■■■■• ■■ - A#!mSi. greet fans in person at the * 'j ■ fourth annual Midwest • David MacGregor,-ML Liebler and Robert Jones at , INDEX Literary Walk on April 21. Chelsea Center for the Arts at noon. *■■■■■■.■■ ; ~ Some of them will even • Lolita Hernandez and Onna Solomon at Chelsea District Editorial Page 6-A listen to you read your Library, at 2 p.m., N ; own work a t the Open , •Open rrilc at Chelsea District Library at 3 p.m. Calendar Page 4-C Mic. ■ “ • Thomas Lux at River Gallery at 4 p.m, ^ This year’s all-star cast Death Notices Page 14-A features poet Thomas from the Guggenheim T reading at the open-mic Lux, performance poet Foundation, Mellon. ■ can sign up the day of the Jeff Kass, "Gravity” and Foundation and National event; readers will be lim­ Sports Page "Consider the Oyster" Endowm ent for the A rts, ited to three m inutes per playwright David will read from his latest reading. „ w - News Tip Hotline: 475-1371 M acGregor and m any work at walk. Last year’s Literary more. Lux’s poetry com pi­ Walk drew m ore than ML Liebler, poet and lations include, “God 250 people to Chelsea. w inner of the 2010 Barnes > Particles” and the “Street ' Building on that suc­ & Noble Writers for . / of Clocks.” cess, the Chelsea District Writers Award, will emcee . Jerry Dennis, one of Library, Chelsea Center the 11 aim. to 5 p.m. event. America’s most celebrated for the A rts and River < All readings are free and Photo by Erica McClain writers about nature and Gallery, with support from a ! opentothepublic. the G reat Lakes) will also Nicola’s-Books are again Author Jeff Kass sharesa poemi at the Chelsea River Lux, who has received read at the walk. teaming up to present this, Printed on Those interested ih year’s walk. ■ . ” recycled paper Ju st 15 M inutes from C helsea • L ocated right o ff 1-94 • N o entrance fee ^ L C b y e C Alzheimer’s Center GANTON P erson-centered care RETIREMENT gant6nretlrem erTt.com CENTERS, INC. 5 1 7 - 7 6 4 - 2 0 0 0 illlt I ‘, Ml ) " >'K7 > > V ♦♦ ^ v v PAGE 2-A ★ www.heritage.com THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 Taskforce aims to raise awareness By Ben Baird State Police is the coordina­ taskforce is part of a Heritage Media * tor of the taskforce. Its mis­ nationwide partnership of sion is to protect children law enforcement agencies. April is being recognized online and hold offenders Recently the state as National Child Abuse accountable. taskforce has arrested a Prevention Month and the Although the near­ suspect for using a family’s Michigan Internet Crimes. est taskforce station to wireless access point to v Against Children taskforce : Washtenaw County is at a exploit children, assisted is trying to raise aware­ state police post in Livonia, in the conviction of a for­ ness about child abuse and he said there is a lot of mer school bus driver by neglect. activity in the county when providing a digital forensic The taskforce is particu­ it comes to providing edu­ examination, and helped larly focused on increasing cation and assisting local secure a guilty plea from awareness of online sexual agencies with incidents of a youth minister charged. ; exploitation of children'. .child abuse. with using an instant m e s-.. Detective Sgt. Jay A great number of saging program online for Poupard with the Michigan requests to provide educa­ sexum communications tion are received in the with minors.
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