ORDER ONLINE AT • WWW.SHEPHERDSCALL.COM • 1 Hello Dear Friend, 2012 was an amazing year of ad- vancement. We did not accomplish all our goals, but by God’s grace, we released our new music seminar, the Distraction Dilemma, designed and launched our new website, and re- designed all four of our music CDs into new eco-friendly packaging. Most importantly, I ministered directly to God’s people domestically and internationally while logging over 100 days of travel. Praise God! We prayed that 2013 will be a year of direct soul winning! The Lord answered our prayers! I will travel more than 180 days this year min- istering in eight countries. We will also launch our new “Highways & Byways” ministry travel vlog documenting the Lord’s work on video for you. Furthermore, we will complete my new hymns CD and be- gin shooting our messages on DVD. Please continue to pray for me, our staff, and all other gospel work- ers out in the highways and byways seeking to save lost souls. In HIS Glorious Service, THIS JUST IN! We just signed a contract with Amazing Facts TV to broadcast the Distraction Dilemma. The Christian Berdahl broadcasts started on Decem- PRESIDENT ber 17! God is so good. Shepherd’s Call Ministry is an evangelistic ministry dedicated to spreading the beautiful message of Salvation to the world through the spoken word, inspiring music and Christian media-production. Founded in 1999 by Christian and Coby Berdahl, Shepherd’s Call has grown into a dynamic, thriving, faith–based ministry with an international impact. SCM is a non-profi t 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization and a member of ASI. 2 TESTIMONIES 4 HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS 6 SPEAKING/SINGING SCHEDULE 7 CLEARING AWAY THE RUBBISH 8 PRODUCTS 11 MINISTRY PROJECTS 14 PLACE AN ORDER 15 OFFICE HOURS CONTACT Monday-Thursday PO Box 339 9:00am-6:00pm MST Edgewood, NM 87015 505-286-5522 • offi [email protected] • ShepherdsCall.com TESTIMONIES CHRISTIANITY’S FOUR C’S “Dear Brother Christian, I was there the day you presented your sermon “The Four C’s of Christi- anity,” it’s been a huge inspiration to me. I got the CD so I could listen to it over and over. It also helped to bring my 26 year-old son to the Lord that I’d had a 15 year estrangement with. I’m hap- py to say that he is now a baptized member of the church as well. ALL THE WAY FROM Thank you for your work. God AUSTRALIA Bless you and your ministry.” “Dear Christian, Coby and family — thank TODD D. you for the 15 CD’s of the month you mailed to me recently. I have just fi nished listening to “God Doesn’t Waste our Pain TRUTH FROM A — part 2” and think it is my favorite … YOUTH so far! I am not Adventist, but do enjoy “I just wanted to say that I appre- your messages and your singing (have also ciated the messages you spoke just ordered your Consecration CD from on about music and wanted to your website), and the ‘talk after the talk’ share my testimony. I have been and really enjoy your discussions and shar- to several music workshops in ing. I have also just made a $50 donation my life yet I have struggled with to help with your ministry. I think I signed music since I was 13 years old up to receive your CD of the month, but (I am now 19). There have been if I didn’t, would you please add me to the so many times in my life where mailing list. I am very encouraged by your I would give up the devil’s music messages and will be sharing them with and then fall back into it. It’s just others as I am able. I really appreciate you like a deep, dark slippery hole. :-( sending them to me all the way to Aus- I never fully understood why it tralia and I pray the Lord will continue to was the devil’s music. This semi- bless you as a family and in your ministry. nar helped me totally understand God bless you!” what this music is doing. I decided LYNDA K. to delete all of my worldly music and even some “Christian” music that fell into the inappropriate 4 BEFORE AFTER DISTRACTION DILEMMA DISTRACTION DILEMMA category. I was quite hesitant and dis- mind. Scary thoughts and weird vibes couraged doing it because I was afraid were fl ashing through my mind, yet I’d go back into the same cycle, delete, I knew that God was stronger. So I and then fi nd myself listening to the sang some scripture songs, prayed to same stuff months later! So that God, and told the devil to “get thee night, I told myself that I would NOT hence” out of that place. I kept talk- go to sleep living on Satan’s ground, ing to God, then fell asleep. Praise the neither “on the fence”, but I wanted Lord. to be totally on God’s ground. So, I I just wanted to thank you for called a couple friends and told them these seminars. They really helped what was going on and they prayed me realize the true reason why cer- with me. I then read Psalm 51 aloud tain types of music can contradict the and we prayed aloud too. After that I life of a Christian. I want to be on continued to claim God’s forgiveness God’s side and let Him continue this and promises that I’m a new creature work in me until He comes. You all and all the bad is behind and forgot- are doing a good work and don’t let ten. Immediately after my friends left, the devil discourage you from sharing I started to sense feelings of fear and this stuff because we (us youth espe- this strange satanic presence. I could cially) need to know this stuff. If only feel that Satan was angry with me for more knew what we’re feeding our making the right choice. I know that minds, yet they listen to this stuff and the devil trembles with fear and anger think it’s helping them and they won- when we become GOD’s children, der why they’re depressed. We all gain new light and apply it to our need to feed our minds with the right lives. I could totally sense two pow- things. Thank you for reading this.” ers fi ghting against each other in my JADE 5 proved to be an amazing year 2012of ministerial opportunities. Guam was beautiful, tropical, hot, and humid! I gave a week of prayer to the employees at the local clinic/hospital each morning speaking on the eight laws of health. Then the Island-wide Camp Meeting began where I had the opportunity to share the complete Distraction Dilemma music seminar. Each day, several seminars were conducted by various speakers. I was placed in the largest seminar room and it was fi lled to standing room only. I was then moved to the main meeting hall where each successive seminar grew in size until nearly all in attendance at the camp were at the music seminar. The most moving moment was when a pastor’s daughter approached me with tears streaming down her cheeks. She confessed that she had been in rebellion against her parents and the church. She wanted her music her way and was sick and tired of people telling her what to do in her 18-year-old life. She shared that she really did not want to come to my meetings. However, she sensed that the Lord wanted her to attend them. She came and her heart and ears were opened. She nearly fell apart as she relayed her experience of rebelling and breaking her parents’ hearts. She confessed that she now understood that the seed of rebellion had been planted by the music she loved. “My life is changed WATCH forever! I gave my heart back to Jesus last night and Watch Christian’s NEW I have such freedom today! I apologized to my par- video travel blog, “High- ents and deleted all my bad music and I am taking ways & Byways” docu- your 90-day challenge.” She then fell on my shoulder menting his ministry trav- crying and praising God. She kept saying, “Thank you els around the world! God for sending Christian.” In Washington a Latino man began to tell me a wonderful story. His two daughters had watched the full music seminar and fell under deep conviction to make serious changes in their lives and approach the wor- ship team and music committee at the largest Spanish-speaking church in Washington where they sang and played each Sabbath. The sisters told the worship team they could no longer minister with them because of the music used in the worship service. They all decided to watch the seminar together and, as a result, the music was entirely changed! This thankful father also said, with tears in his eyes, the church is now embrac- ing the Spirit of Prophecy again! 6 CALL 505-286-5522 OR ORDER ONLINE! COLTON, CA LODI, CA January 4 & 5 June 13-15 LOS ANGELES, CA CADILLAC, MI February 1-3 July 13 TAIWAN INCHELIUM, WA February 21-March 4 July 21-28 CALHOUN, TN ORLANDO, FL March 15-17 August 7-10 GERMANY DAYTON, TN March 20-25 September 8-15 AUSTRAILIA CASTLE ROCK, WA April 4-22 September 27-29 AUBURN, CA FRESNO, CA May 3 & 4 October 10-13 UKRAINE PHILIPPINES May 11-19 Oct.
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