Anglican Cycle of Prayer Monday 01-Jan-2018 Psalm: 96: 1,11-end Isa. 52: 7-10 Aba - (Niger Delta, Nigeria) The Most Revd Ugochukwu Ezuoke Aba Ngwa North - (Niger Delta, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Nathan Kanu Tuesday 02-Jan-2018 Psalm: 97: 1,8-end Isa. 53 Abakaliki - (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Monday Nkwoagu Wednesday 03-Jan-2018 Psalm: 100 Isa. 60: 15-22 Aberdeen & Orkney - (Scotland) The Revd Canon Anne Dyer Thursday 04-Jan-2018 Psalm: 149: 1-5 Phil. 3:1-16 Accra - (Ghana, West Africa) The Rt Revd Daniel Sylvanus Mensah Torto Friday 05-Jan-2018 Psalm: 9:1-11 Isa 61:8-11 Adelaide - (South Australia, Australia) The Most Revd Geoffrey Martyn Smith Assistant Bishop of Adelaide & National Aboriginal Bishop - (South Australia, Australia) The Rt Revd Christopher McLeod Bishop for Mission and Evangelism - (Australia) The Rt Revd Tim Harris Saturday 06-Jan-2018 Epiphany Psalm: 72: 1-8 Eph. 3: 1-6 O God, who revealed your only Son to the Gentiles by the leading of a star, mercifully grant theat we, who know you now by faith, may after this life enjoy the splendour of your gracious Godhead, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Sunday 07-Jan-2018 Epiphany 1 Psalm: 111: 1-6 Gal. 1: 11-24 PRAY for The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia The Most Revd Winston Halapua Bishop of Polynesia and Primate and Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Bishop of Taranaki - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Most Revd Philip Richardson Monday 08-Jan-2018 Psalm: 117 Gal. 2: 1-10 Afikpo - (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Paul Uduogu Tuesday 09-Jan-2018 Psalm: 111: 4-10 Gal. 2: 11-21 Agra - (North India) The Rt Revd Prem Prakash Habil Wednesday 10-Jan-2018 Psalm: 105: 1-7 Gal. 3: 1-14 Aguata - (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Samuel Ezeofor Ahoada - (Niger Delta, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Clement Ekpeye Thursday 11-Jan-2018 Psalm: 113 Isa. 46 Aipo Rongo - (Papua New Guinea) The Rt Revd Nathan Ingen Friday 12-Jan-2018 Psalm: 119: 41-48 Isa. 47: 1-9 Ajayi Crowther - (Ibadan, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Olugbenga Oduntan Saturday 13-Jan-2018 Psalm: 139: 1-10 Gal. 3: 15-22 Akoko - (Ondo, Nigeria) The Most Revd Gabriel Akinbiyi Akoko Edo - (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jolly Oyekpen Sunday 14-Jan-2018 Epiphany 2 Psalm: 1 Gal.. 3: 23-29 PRAY for The Anglican Church of Australia The Most Revd Philip Leslie Freier Archbishop of Melbourne & Primate of Australia Monday 15-Jan-2018 Psalm: 33: 1-6,12 Gal. 4: 1-11 Akot - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Isaac Dhieu Ater Tuesday 16-Jan-2018 Psalm: 8 Gal. 4: 12-20 Akure - (Ondo, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Simeon Borokini Wednesday 17-Jan-2018 Psalm: 100 Gal. 4: 21-5:1 Alabama - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd John Sloan Albany - (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd William Love Thursday 18-Jan-2018 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Psalm: 85: 7-end Gal. 5: 2-12 Alaska - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Mark Lattime Friday 19-Jan-2018 Psalm: 24: 1-6 Gal. 5: 13-25 Algoma - (Ontario, Canada) The Rt Revd Anne Germond Saturday 20-Jan-2018 Psalm: 98: 1-4 Gal. 6: 1-10 Amazon - (Brazil) The Rt Revd Marinez Santos Bassotto Sunday 21-Jan-2018 Epiphany 3 Psalm: 34: 4-10 Gal. 6: 11-18 PRAY for The Church of Bangladesh The Most Revd Paul Shishir Sarker Moderator, Church of Bangladesh & Bishop of Dhaka Monday 22-Jan-2018 Psalm: 34: 11-18 Col. 1: 1-14 Amichi - (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Ephraim Ikeakor Tuesday 23-Jan-2018 Psalm: 33: 12-14,19-end Col. 1: 15-29 Amritsar - (North India) The Rt Revd Pradeep Samantaroy Andaman & Car Nicobar Islands - (North India) The Rt Revd Christopher Paul Wednesday 24-Jan-2018 Psalm: 145: 10-17 Col. 2: 1-15 The Most Revd Jackson Ole Sapit Primate and Archbishop of All Kenya All Saints Cathedral Diocese - Garissa Missionary Area - (Kenya) The Rt Revd David Mutisya Suffragan Bishop All Saints Cathedral Diocese - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Cleti Ogeto Thursday 25-Jan-2018 Psalm: 62 Col. 2: 16-3:11 Territory of the People - (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada) The Rt Revd Barbara Jean Andrews Friday 26-Jan-2018 Psalm: 37: 3-8 Col. 3: 12-25 Angola (Missionary Diocese) - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Andre Soares Saturday 27-Jan-2018 Psalm: 145: 17-end Col. 4 Ankole - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Sheldon Mwesigwa Northwest Ankole - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Amos Magezi Sunday 28-Jan-2018 Epiphany 4 Psalm: 93 Wis. 1: 1-5 PRAY for Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil South Western Brazil - (Brazil) The Rt Revd Francisco De Assis Da Silva Monday 29-Jan-2018 Psalm: 1 Wis. 1: 6-11 Antananarivo - (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Samoela Jaona Ranarivelo Tuesday 30-Jan-2018 Psalm: 103: 13-18 Wis. 1: 12-2:1 Antsiranana - (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Theophile Botomazava Wednesday 31-Jan-2018 Psalm: 32: 1-8 Wis. 2: 2-11 Aotearoa - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Most Revd Don Tamihere Thursday 01-Feb-2018 Psalm: 50: 1-6 Wis. 2: 12-24 Argyll & The Isles - (Scotland) The Rt Revd Kevin Pearson Friday 02-Feb-2018 The Presentation of our Lord: Candlemas Psalm: 29: 8-11 Wis. 3:1-9 Arizona - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Kirk Smith Arkansas - (VII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Larry Benfield Saturday 03-Feb-2018 Psalm: 37: 3-6,27,28 Wis. 4: 7-17 Armidale - (New South Wales, Australia) The Rt Revd Richard Lewers Sunday 04-Feb-2018 Epiphany 5 Psalm: 19: 7-end Wis. 6: 1-11 PRAY for The Anglican Church of Burundi The Most Revd Martin Nyaboho Archbishop of Burundi & Bishop of Makamba Monday 05-Feb-2018 Psalm: 34: 1-6 Wis. 6: 12-21 Arochukwu/Ohafia - (Aba, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Johnson Onuoha Tuesday 06-Feb-2018 Psalm: 82 Wis. 7: 15-8:1 Aru - (Congo) The Rt Revd Georges Titre Ande Wednesday 07-Feb-2018 Psalm: 19: 1-4 Wis. 9: 1-8 Asaba - (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Justus Mogekwu Thursday 08-Feb-2018 Psalm: 105: 1-5 Wis. 9: 9-18 Asante-Mampong - (Ghana, West Africa) The Rt Revd Cyril Ben-Smith Friday 09-Feb-2018 Psalm: 90: 1-6 Wis. 10: 15-end Athabasca - (Rupert's Land, Canada) The Rt Revd Fraser Lawton Saturday 10-Feb-2018 Psalm: 139: 13-18 Wis. 11: 1-14 Atlanta - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Robert C Wright Sunday 11-Feb-2018 Epiphany 6 Psalm: 144: 1-4 Wis. 11: 21-26 PRAY for The Anglican Church of Canada The Most Revd Frederick Hiltz Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Monday 12-Feb-2018 Psalm: 149: 1-5 Wis. 12: 12-18 Attooch - (Upper Nile, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Moses Anur Tuesday 13-Feb-2018 Psalm: 33: 1-9 Prov. 23: 15-25 Auckland - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd Ross Bay Assistant Bishop of Auckland - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd James White Wednesday 14-Feb-2018 Ash Wednesday Psalm: 19 Ro. 9:1-13 Aweil - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Abraham Yel Nhial Assistant Bishop Aweil - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Joseph Mamer Assistant Bishop Aweil - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Revd Peter Akuei Garang Awerial - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Revd David Akau Kuol Thursday 15-Feb-2018 Psalm: 17:1-11 Job 22:1-14 Awgu / Aninri - (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Emmaunuel Ugwu Friday 16-Feb-2018 Psalm: 88:11-18 Job 22:15-30 Awka - (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Alexander Ibezim Awori - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd J Akin Atere Saturday 17-Feb-2018 Psalm: 62:1-8 Job 23:1-7 Badagry - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Joseph Adeyemi Sunday 18-Feb-2018 Lent 1 Psalm: 88:1-6 Ro. 9:14-29 PRAY for The Church of the Province of Central Africa The Most Revd Albert Chama Archbishop of Central Africa & Bishop of Northern Zambia Monday 19-Feb-2018 Psalm: 88:7-12 Job 23:8-17 Ballarat - (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Revd Garry Weatherill Tuesday 20-Feb-2018 Psalm: 34:1-7 Ro. 9:30-10:4 Bangor - (Wales) The Rt Revd Andrew John Wednesday 21-Feb-2018 Psalm: 27:7-14 Job 24:1-12 Banks & Torres - (Melanesia) The Rt Revd Alfred Patterson Worek Thursday 22-Feb-2018 Psalm: 4 Job 24: 13-25 Bari - (Kaduna, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Idris Zubairu Friday 23-Feb-2018 Psalm: 13 Job 25 Barisal - (Bangladesh) The Rt Revd Shourabh Pholia Saturday 24-Feb-2018 Psalm: 15 Job 26 Barrackpore - (North India) The Rt Revd Brojen Malakar Sunday 25-Feb-2018 Lent 2 Psalm: 32:1-7 Ro. 10:5-13 PRAY for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America Nicaragua - (Central America) The Rt Revd Sturdie Downs Monday 26-Feb-2018 Psalm: 112 Ro. 10:14-21 Bath & Wells - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Peter Hancock Bath & Wells - Taunton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Ruth Worsley Tuesday 27-Feb-2018 Psalm: 12:1-6 Job 27:1-12 Bathurst - (New South Wales, Australia) The Rt Revd Ian Palmer Wednesday 28-Feb-2018 Psalm: 19:7-end Ro. 11:1-12 Bauchi - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Musa Tula Thursday 01-Mar-2018 St David of Wales Psalm: 143:1-6 Job 27:13-23 Belize - (West Indies) The Rt Revd Philip Wright Friday 02-Mar-2018 Psalm: 143:7-11 Job 28:1-11 Bendigo - (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Revd Matt Brain Saturday 03-Mar-2018 Psalm: 123 Job 28:12-19 Benin - (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Peter Imasuen Sunday 04-Mar-2018 Lent 3 Psalm: 94:14-19 Ro.
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