RulesforAdmissiontoFirstyearofDegree CoursesinEngineering/Technology inGovernment,Govt.AidedandUnaidedEngineering institutesinMaharashtraState AcademicYear 2014 2015 Ǧ DirectorateofTechnicalEducation,MaharashtraState, 3,MahapalikaMarg,DhobiTalao,MumbaiǦ400001 STDCode:022,Tel:22620601/22690602/22641150/22641151 HelpLineNo:(022)22626853/22626854 (022)30233444/5/6 Fax:022Ǧ22692102/22690007 Website:http://www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/fe2014 Index Rule Description of Rules Page No No 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Abbreviations used in the brochure 1 1.2 Definitions 2 1.3 Abbreviations used in the brochure 3 1.3.1 Representative of Competent Authority 4 1.4 Seats available for admission through Competent Authority 4 1.4.1 Seats available for admission through Centralized Admission 4 Process (CAP) 1.4.2 Additional Seats available for admission through CAP under the 5 seats against Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme 1.4.3 Seats available for J & K Migrant Candidates 6 1.4.4 Seats available for Government of India (GoI) Nominees 7 1.5 Jurisdiction of Universities 7 1.6 Allocation of Seats 8 1.6.1 Types of Seats under CAP 8 1.6.2 Allocation and Reservation of seats 8 1.7 Admissions to Autonomous Institutes 10 1.8 Sanctioned intake for various Courses in s Institutes for year 10 2014-15 2.0 Eligibility Criteria 10 2.1 Eligibility criteria for Maharashtra State Candidate and Outside 10 Maharashtra State Candidate 2.2 Eligibility Criteria for All India Candidates 11 2.3 Eligibility Criteria for Foreign Nationl/PIO/Children of Indian 11 workers in the Gulf countries/Children of NRI 2.4 Eligibility criteria for GoI Nominees 11 2.5 Eligibility criteria for J & K Migrant candidates 12 2.6 Eligibility criteria for MKB candidates 12 2.7 Eligibility criteria for Candidates who are sons/daughters of 13 Defence Service personnel 2.8 Eligibility criteria for Candidates who are Persons with Disability 13 2.9 Other eligibility criteria for specialized branches of 13 Engineering/Technology 2.10 Eligibility criteria of Candidates who have passed Diploma in 14 Engineering/Technology and seeking admission to First Year of Engineering/Technology in Unaided Institutes 2.11 Rounding off of percentage of marks for deciding eligibility for 14 admission 3.0 Type of Candidature 15 3.1 Types of Maharashtra State Candidates and Home Universities 15 3.2 Outside Maharashtra State Candidate 16 4.0 Reservations 16 4.1 Reservation for Backward Class category Candidates 17 4.2 Reservation for sons/daughters of Defence service personnel 18 4.3 Reservation for Persons with Disability Candidates 18 4.4 Reservation for Female candidates 19 4.5 Reservation of seats for the candidates belonging to the 19 Maharashtra- Karnataka Border (disputed area) MS Type-E candidates 5.0 Assignment of Merit Number 19 5.1 Merit Number for Maharashtra Candidates 19 5.1.1 Relative Merit in Case of a Tie 19 5.2 Merit Number for All India Candidates 20 5.3 Merit Number for J&K Migrant Candidates 20 5.4 Change of Marks due to verification 20 6.0 Admissions of Foreign Nationals/ Persons of Indian Origin 20 /Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries / Child or Ward of NRI 6.1 Admissions of Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin 20 /Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries/ Child or Ward of NRI in Government /Government – Aided including Autonomous Institutes 6.2 Admissions of Foreign Nationals/ Persons of Indian Origin 21 /Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries in Unaided Institutes including Autonomous Institutes 6.3 Admissions of Children of NRI Candidates in Unaided Private 21 Institutes 7.0 Rules of Admission through Centralized Admission Process 22 (CAP) 7.1 CAP Rounds I/II/III by Allotment and Round-IV by Centralized 24 Counseling for Maharashtra State candidates (Type A,B,C,D,E) 7.1.1 CAP Rounds I/II/III: Direct Allotment 24 7.1.2 CAP Round IV - Admission by Centralized Counseling 24 7.1.3 Logic for Allotment 25 7.2 Direct Allotment-CAP Rounds I, II & III for the All India seats 27 7.3 Counseling Round – Centralised Round for J&K Migrant seats 27 7.4 Reporting of Candidates of CAP Rounds, J & K Migrant 28 Candidate 7.5 Additional Round(s): Counseling Round at Government, 29 Government Aided including Autonomous Institutes, ICT Mumbai, University Managed and University Departments only: For all the Maharashtra State candidates 7.6 Admissions to the Seats remaining vacant in Unaided Private 30 institutions including Autonomous Institutes after CAP Round- IV: (For eligible Maharashtra State candidates and Outside Maharashtra State candidates) 8.0 Fees and Concessions in Government, Government Aided 30 including Autonomous institutes, University Managed Engineering Colleges, University Departments and Fees Prescribed in Unaided Engineering Colleges 8.1 Fees Prescribed for Govt and Govt. Aided including Autonomous 30 Institutes 8.2 Fees prescribed in Unaided Engineering Colleges including 30 Autonomous Institutes 8.3 Fees for J&K Migrant Candidates and GoI nominees 31 8.4 University fees 31 8.5 Caution Money Deposits 31 8.6 Concession in Tuition and Other Fees 31 8.6.1 E.B.C. Concession 31 8.6.2 Concession for sons and daughters of teaching and Non-teaching 31 staff of Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools 8.6.3 Concession in Fees for Backward Class Category Candidates 32 (belonging to Maharashtra State only) in Unaided Private Institutes 8.7 Cancellation of Admission 32 8.8 Issue of College Leaving Certificate 32 8.9 Refund of Tuition, Development and Other fees after 33 cancellation of admission secured through CAP rounds-I/II/III, in Institute level Round(s) and Vacancy Round(s) of admissions in Government, Aided, Autonomous Institutes, University Departments, etc. and Unaided Institutes 8.10 Refund Cases after cancellation of admission 33 9.0 Actions to be taken in case of excess admissions and late 33 uploading of admitted candidates 9.1 Excess admissions 33 9.2 Late uploading of Admitted candidates on DTE web site 34 10.0 Miscellaneous 35 11.0 Hostel accommodation in Government/Government Aided 36 including Autonomous Institutes and University Departments etc. and in Unaided Institutes including Autonomous Institutes 12.0 Conduct and Discipline 36 13.0 Change of Course after successfully completing the first year 37 within institute 14.0 Transfer after one year for Course/Institute 37 15.0 Transfer after Second or Third Year in Non Autonomous 39 Institutes only 16.0 Change of Course after successfully completing the first year in 39 Autonomous Institutes Pro forma A, B, C, D, E, F, F-1, G-1, G-2, J, K, L, O 40 to 47 Annexure-I Procedure of Centralized Admission Process (CAP) for the 48 to 54 Academic Annexure-II Guidelines for the Admission Process to be carried out by 55 to 57 Unaided Colleges Annexure-III Documents to be attached along with “Application Form for 58 to 62 Centralized Admission to Engineering/Technology" Annexure-IV List of Application Form Receipt Center(ARC) 63 to 69 Annexure-V Institute Information 70 to 254 Ȁ GOVERNMENTOFMAHARASHTRA RULESFORADMISSIONTOFIRSTYEAROFFOURYEARFULLTIMEDEGREECOURSES INENGINEERING/TECHNOLOGYANDINSTITUTEINFORMATION FORTHEACADEMICYEAR2014Ǧ2015 ǦʹͲͳͶȀǤǤͷͻȀǤǤǦͶ ʹʹ ʹͲͳͶ ǡǡǦͶͲͲͲ͵ʹ 1 Introduction Ȁ Ǥ ȋȌ ǤǤ ǡ ǡ ǡǡ ǤǢ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ȁ ǡ Ǥ ȋ Ȍǡ ( ) ȋȌǤ ȋAnnexureǦIIȌǡ Ǥ 1.1 Abbreviationsusedinthebrochure: Ǥ ǡǤ ǤǡǤ ǡǤ ȋͳͲΪʹȌ ǡ ǡ1 ʹͲͳͶ Ȁ ȋȌ ȋȌ ʹͲͳͶǦͳͷ ȋͳͲȌ ǡ 1.2 Definitions: ͳǤ ’ApplicationForm‘ ʹǤ ‘Autonomous Institute’ Ƭ Ǥ ͵Ǥ ‘Candidate’ Ȁ ʹͲͳͶǦʹͲͳͷǤ ͶǤ ǮCAP Seatsǯ Ȁ ͷǤ ’CompetentAuthority‘ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ’Composite Score’ ͷͲΨ ȋȌʹͲͳͶ ȋ ͳȌ ͷͲΨ ȋ Ȍ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǮCollege’ or ‘Institution’ Ȁ Ǥ ͺǤ “Defence” ͳͻͷͲȀ ͳͻͷͲȀ ͳͻͷǤ ͻǤ ‘Director’ ǡǤ ͳͲǤ ‘ForeignNationals’ ǡ Ǥ ͳͳǤ ‘GovernmentEngineeringCollege’ Ǥ ͳʹǤ ‘Government Aided Engineering College’ Ǥ ǡ2 ʹͲͳͶ Ȁ ͳ͵Ǥ ‘Intersemerit’Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ Ƭ Ǥ ͳͶǤ ‘NonAutonomousInstitute’ Ǯ ǯǤ ͳͷǤ ǮNRIǯǣ ͳͻͳǤ ͳǤ ǮNRI Candidate’ Ȁ Ǯ ǯ Ǥ ͳǤ ‘OMScandidate’ Ǥ ͳͺǤ DzPersonsofIndianOrigin(PIO)dzǣ ȋ Ȍ Dz dz ǡ ǡ ȀǡȀ ȀȀȀȀȋȌȀ ȋ Ȍ ȋȌ Ǥ ʹȋȌ ǡͳͻͷͷȋ ǤͷͳͻͷͷȌǤ ͳͻǤ ‘Representative of the Competent Authority’ Ǥ ʹͲǤ ’Qualifying examination‘ ǤǤ ȋͳʹȌ ʹͳǤ ‘SanctionedIntake’ Ǥ ʹʹǤ ‘StateGovernment’ Ǥ ʹ͵Ǥ ‘UniversityManagedEngineeringCollege’ Ǥ ʹͶǤ ‘UniversityDepartment’ Ȁ Ǥ ʹͷǤ ‘UnǦAidedEngineeringCollege’ Ǥ ʹǤ WebsiteǤǤǤ 1.3 RoleofCompetentAuthorityintheprocessofAdmissiontoFirstYearofEngineering. Ȍ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ȍ ǡ ǡ ǡǡ ǡƬ Ǥ Ȍ ǡ Ǥ Ȍ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ3 ʹͲͳͶ Ȁ Ȍ Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ȍ Ȁ ǡ Ǥ 1.3.1 RepresentativeofCompetentAuthority: Ǥ Sr. Universityarea RepresentativeofCompetentAuthority ͳǤ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducation, ǡ ǡǡǡ ʹǤ Ǥ ȂͶ͵ͳͲͲͷǤ ǡ ͵Ǥ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducation, Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ͶͻǦǡ ǡ ȋȌǡ Ǧ ͶͲͲͲͷͳ ͶǤ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducation, ǡǦͶͳʹǡǡ ͷǤ ǡ ǡȂͶͳͳͲͳǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducation, ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǤǤǤʹͳͻǡǡǡ ǦͶʹʹͳͲͳ Ǥ ǡ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducation, ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǤǤǤǡȂͶͶͶͲ͵Ǥ ͺ TheJointDirectorofTechnicalEducationǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡǡǡȂ ͶͶͲͲͲͳǤ 1.4 SeatsavailableforadmissionthroughCompetentAuthority 1.4.1 SeatsavailableforadmissionthroughCentralizedAdmissionProcess(CAP):
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