'CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOL. 22, NO. 40. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1927. 8 PAGES NEW COMMISSIONER OF CHARLIE SAYS IT MIGHT AGRICULTURE IS SELECTED HAVE BEEN WORSE Governor Fred W. Green vir- While fishing at Caseville last week AT A IJAL MN OF tually completed his official fami- in deep water, Char. A. McCaslin, ly when on February 3 he announced driving a Ford pick-up on the gla~ing CASiS DECIDEDtN the appointment of H. E. Powell of ice, shddenly noticed the ice had BIE FArM BUREAUIonia as Commissioner of Agriculture parted, leaving a break 1% feet in to succeed L. Whitney Watkins of width. There was no alternative, at TWO DAYSIN [OURT Manchester. This appointment ended the speed he was driving, but to at- Delegates Enthusiastically O. K. a great deal of speculation as to who tempt to leap the fissure. "Well, 1 Judge Boomhower Gave Two would head the rural department in made it all right," says CharleS. "The McNary-Haugen Bill, War the new administration. Several farm only damage was, it threw all of my One Year Sentences at on Chicken Thieves. leaders had been considered and the tackle out of the car. Guess it might Ionia Reformatory. delay on the part of the Governor i~a have been worse." reaching- a decision emphasized the NOON IS NEW PRESIDENT importance -which he attaches to this FOUR PLACED ON PRO- OF STATE BUREAU. position. WAYNE SECOND BATION FOR A YEAR The appointment of Mr. Powell met IN MILE RUN with an enthusiastic reception on the part of the large Farmers' Week M. L. Noon of Jackson was elected Burton Wayne, son of Mrs. Maude Sixteen criminal cases were taken crowds assembled in the Capital City president of the Michigan State Farm Wayne of Cars City and a student at from the circuit court calendar of at the time of the announcement. It Bureau by the new Board Of Direc- the Western State Normal at Kala- Tuscola county in the two-day session was evident that his selection was a tors selected by the delegates to the mazoo, won second place in the mile conducted by Judge X. A. Boomhow- popular one and that he will assume Ninth Annual Meeting of the Michi- run at the~Normal Inter-class meet on er of the Huron-Sanilac circuit on his new and important duties with gan State Farm Bureau held at East Jan. 29. Tuesday and Wednesday. Court ad- the well wishes of the great majori- Lansing, Feb. 3 and 4. journed on Wednesday until next The Farm Bureau's annual conven- ty of Michigan farmers and rural or- Monday when Judge Smith of Glad- ganizations. tion was declared by the delegates to win wilt preside. The jury has been be the best in the history of the or- notified to appear Monday noon. ganization. Large crowds attended [INITEl [OMMIji ITY Frank Genecz, arrested on the '~all the business sessions and about charge of shooting Mike Castilla on a eight hundred jammed the ball room FiNE i E Oi D; iN farm a mile north of Cars City late and dining halls of the Union Build- % CANDO WOtDEtS in November following an argument ing at the college to capacity Thurs- over a card game, was sentenced by day evening for the annual banquet Judge Boomhower to the Michigan and old-time dance. Community Club Speaker Tells Reformatory at Ionia under the pro- The report of the past year's busi- vision of the indeterminate sentence ness presented by the Farm Bureau J. C. Keinath Wins High Herd 0 of "The Value of a Human law, with the maximum sentence of officials, as well as the harmony and in Butterfat in Tuscola LI COL S Being°" i0 years and the minimum sentence of enthusiasm of delegates, showed the one year and with the recommenda- organization to be in a very healthy Number Two. tion of one year. The charge against condition. One hundred twenty-three enjoyed Genecz was assault with intent to do Outstanding among the many reso- (Copyright. W. N. U.) the banquet serve d by the ladies of The Tuscola No. 2 Cow Testing As- great bodily harm. The case against lutions adopted by the delegates was the Presbyterian ~ehurch at the Feb- sociation finished its second year re- Genecz for carrying concealed complete endorsement of the McNa- ruary meeting of the Cars City Com- weapons was dismissed. I cently, with some records that will ry-Haugen bill now pending in Con- Mozart, Margaret !Landon. munity Club. Following the business ~stand for some time in Tuscola coun- Alojyz Joe Policht pleaded guilty to gress. The action of the delegates in session, the program was placed in ty. French ~ ' the charge of larceny and was given approving this farm relief measure TBCOLA FARlYlEIS Black "Butterflies by Massenet, BUSYWEll( AHEAD charge of Herbezt Maharg, vice pres- a sentence similar to that given to J. C. Keinath of Millington wins followed an address on this subject Margaret Jondro. ident of the club, who haEctled it Frank Genecz at Ionia. high herd with twenty cows averag- by Hon. Charles Brand, Congressman skillfully. Rudolph Huffman, Julius Thorn, and mg 11,830 lbs. milk and 423.8 lbs. of English from Ohio. He illustrated ....how all The opening number was a vocal Joe Sigelko all pleaded guilty to vio- butte~Tat. This is a wonderful record Rural Wedding by Mason, Harriet other groups in American life have selection, "The Bells of Saint Mary," lation of the prohibition law and were as Mr. Keinath's herd was the second Tindale. received the benefit of special legisla- beautifully rendered by the placed by the judge on probation for largest herd in the association. Tuscola Exhibitors Did Very Irish tive enactments and explained in de- C. C. H. S. Boys Journeyed to high school girls' sextette. They re- one year. They are required to re- Carl Keinath of Reese has high cow Badinage by Victor Herbert, Vir- tail how the McNary-Haugen bill Well Considering the Strong sponded with an encore. Community port monthly to the probation officer with 18,306 lbs. of milk and 608.2 lbs. Elkton Friday and Annexed would operate as applied to various • ginia Day. singing was conducted by the song or as often as he may require and of fat. This cow lead in both milk Competition. Another Victory. commodities. Russian leader, F. A. Bigelow. pay probation fees of $1.00 a month. and fat. Other resolutions on national af- Music Box by Liadoff, Pauline Sand- Roy. N. A. McCune, pastor of the. James Haney pleaded guilty to re- fairs adopted by the delegates urged The top records were very close to- ham. Farmers' Week at the Michigan Cars City high school boys' basket- Community church caK East Lansing,.i ceiving stolen property and was also prompt action in connection with the gether in both high herds and high State College this year was perhaps Scandinavian ball team added another victory to its was the speaker of the evening. Mr. 'placed on probation for a year. St. Lawrence water, ray project, the I cows. J. C. Keinath and Carl Keinath the largest attended of any such Great Grandmother's Bridal Valse credit when Elkton high school was McCune's subject was the "Value of a The cases of Pete Burko and Adam enactment of a truth-in-fabric bill, herds finished with only one-tenth of week in the history of the college. A by Olson, Janette Allured. defeated at Elkton, 13-4, in Friday's Human Being." Commencing his ad-iKrlck, both charged with violation of the utilization of Muscle Shoals for i a pound of butterfat difference. great many T~scola county farmers game. The game was hard fought all dress with the statement that a boy i the prohibition law, were di~issed fertilizer manufacture, tariff protec- The three high cows owned by Carl Spahish availed themselves of the opportunity Tango by Albeniz, Fern Benkel- the way through, and as usual it was of 18 in the average American home I because of faulty search warrants. tion for agriculture equal to that af- Keinath, Ludwig Bernreuter and to visit the Agricultural college and man.. ~ . in the last quarter that Cars City has cost his parents $7,238.00~ he'~ The cases off'Adam Pecure, Tom forded to other industry, adequate George W. Foster were 608.2, 603.7, see what they were doing. Several Indmn'Mus~c, M~ss Van El&ck. drew away from their opponents. stated that the properties of a physi-i Howski, Geo. Stanley, ..... Julius Thorn, Federal agricultural appropriations 603.0 Ibs. of fat respectively. exhibits were prepared by the farm- Superior team work and head work ~and Lewis Nagy, all charged with including increased aid for extension Fourteen of the seventeen members American ~ suchCalbOdYamountWhen separatedtolittle, andbutsOlda man laS i prohibition law violation, were dis- ors of this county who, considering were responsible for the victory. The service, and national standard con- had one or more cows qualifying for The Giants by Rogers, David Car- the strong competition, did very well. Cars City boys had an off-night in value, considered mentally, "from the lmissed by the court. Similar action tainer bill and reform in the farm !the reco~'d of performance and thir- go. A few samples of potatoes were ta- shooting, for so-called easy shots ears up," is hard to estimate. He cited j was taken in the case of Wallace "loan system. teen herds averaged over 300 Ibs.
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